What is your favorite Final Fantasy game?


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Personally my favorites are Final Fantasy 9 and Final Fantasy X-2

I love 9 for its amazing characters and story, FF9 defined my childhood

as for Final Fantasy X-2, I loved the combat and the free roaming, Yuna as a rebellious Gun wielder makes sense, Rikku is always fun and Paine is just plain awesome. I love the Dress Sphere system its a brilliant change of pace

Safe in the Dark

What is a man?
Jun 5, 2010
Pois'nally my favorite is VIII, it's one of my favorite games of all time, I enjoyed a portion of the characters, the story was great, and I liked Squall as a protagonist.

Either that or II/IV/confusing numbering, Cecil was a great character, Kain was an interesting character and his betrayals were fresh and interesting for their time, Rydia became one of my favorite characters of all time, and Motherfukken Golbez, he was great.


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
XII, sue me. I liked the combat system, the leveling system, the story, the music and the setting. Put over 1000 hours in it.


Wanna have a bad time?
Dec 15, 2010
Final Fantasy 9. Without a doubt. I praise that game and I praise it well. People hate how it has cartoony art. But that is the mask the extremely dark plot. The majority of the game deals with Death, Mortality, and Genocide. But the game masks it well. Seriously if I was able to pick up on these extremely dark undertones when i was 10 I would have been scared for life. But I still love the game. It is wonderful, funny, deep, fun to play, wonderful soundtrack, and just brings me joy.

Plus Vivi is the best character in the history of ever.


Wanna have a bad time?
Dec 15, 2010
GundamSentinel said:
XII, sue me. I liked the combat system, the leveling system, the story, the music and the setting. Put over 1000 hours in it.
Nothing wrong with that. I loved all that stuff as well. I just couldn't stand the characters.

Really I hated everyone in it.

I only loved 2 characters. Balthier and Reddas. And they kill off one of them.


New member
Oct 20, 2011
My favorite Final Fantasy games are: FF 4, 5, 6, FF tactics advanced 2, and FF Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
I'll throw my hat into the Final Fantasy IX ring as well. Love that game.

Although I will say VII does take second in my favorites in the series. Being the game that introduced me to the series. (Unless you count the Kingdom Hearts games as being part of the series. Since I played those first.)


New member
Jun 13, 2011
GundamSentinel said:
XII, sue me. I liked the combat system, the leveling system, the story, the music and the setting. Put over 1000 hours in it.
Im taking it you have finished it a fair few times then? think my clock was at about 126 hours by the time I had maxed everyone out got all summons beaten Yiazmat, defeated omega weapon and the final boss. The only reason I remember is because it is the second longest I have spent on a single playthrough of a FF game (after X)

Yeah anyway my favourites are VII,VI,X and IV in that order after that I dont really have so much preference VII is the only one I have been able to play multiple times and still enjoy though it wasnt my first one but was the first I finished.

Mr. In-between

New member
Apr 7, 2010
Probably 4 or Tactics. 4 was the second Final Fantasy game I played, Tactics was just incredible from a music an plot standpoint. The gameplay was fresh too.


New member
Jan 24, 2012
Final Fantasy V. Thereafter Final Fantasy X. These two have amazing battle systems


New member
Oct 24, 2011
I absolutely adored FFX. Most people hate linear games, but I loved this one. As long as the story is good enough, I don't mind linearity. Loved a lot of the characters in this one too.

My other favourite is FFXIII. Again, the linearity, sure, but also again the story and the characters.

FFX-2 was good too, though I have to admit that I played it a long time after it had come out and already knew what type of sequel this was going to be. If I'd played FFX through first and waited 2 years for this to be released, I'd probably hate it with a passion because of what it did to the atmosphere of FFX. Still, I liked the happy-go-lucky atmosphere and the sphere system made for some swift combat.


New member
Aug 3, 2010
Final Fantasy Tactics, on the PS1 (although, the remake was better, i still love the original for sentimental value) In the main series, Either 8 or 9 - Its switches beteween the two every now and then.


New member
Jan 13, 2010
My absolute favourite was IX. Everything about it was just right.

I liked IV, but the game not letting me choose party members, and killing off characters and ridiculously reviving them just to fit your team dragged the whole thing down for me. It also had a very linear levelling system that you had no control over. Of all the FF games I've played, this one felt the second most like it was on rails, only XIII has trumped it in that regard.

In V the story fails to grab me. The only one (apart from XIII) that I've played that I've never completed. I really like the job system though. It's a grinding freak's dream.

In VI I thought the whole World of Ruin was a tad disappointing. It didn't feel like a brave new post-apocalyptic world. All the towns, even the opera house, were still there. Fantastic game, great story! But after all the hype, the whole bit after the floating continent failed to impress me.

VII was my first, and I was completely obsessed by it back then. I still love it, but it's not the best. Feels a bit dated and clunky now, and grinding Materia takes for-fuckin'-ever! But it holds a special place in my heart.

I loved VIII, it was entrancing. I can see however why so many people dislike it. Because of the GF system, all your characters are completely interchangeable in combat (a problem shared with VII). The story was too convoluted and full of holes. But the music was some of the best in the series; the plot, though flawed, was fun to (try to) follow; and I loved the card game, it was a great way to get spells and items without drawing and grinding. It's the weird but charming little brother in the FF family. It gets less love than it deserves.

I hadn't been paying attention to gaming when completely unexpected I saw a commercial on TV for FFIX. I sold some games because I didn't have cash at hand, bought the new game, skipped school (and got away with it) and was blown away. It had everything that made any FF game good, and none of the bullshit. Everything felt right: the characters, the rpg system, the music, the world, the colours, the atmosphere, the story pacing, the characters. It was perfect. It was made with the intention to revisit the series' roots. I wish SE would try something like that again.

I didn't have PS2 so I missed X, X-2, XII (MMO's don't fucking count), or the countless spin-offs. I did pick up XIII on the cheap, and it's an FF game in name only. I respect (though wishing otherwise) the intention to go in a different direction. I respect the opinion of people who enjoy this game. But I hated it. Hated it with a passion. Idiotic battle system, retarded characters, linear and especially uninvolving as fuck. It's not just that I hate the game. No, the game clearly hates me too and therefore forbids me from playing it. It's clear that whoever produced this wants to make movies. I wanted to punch the game and everything and everyone in it. Truly one of the worst games in my possession.

TL;DR: FFIX fo' life.