What is your Favourite Naruto Character and why?

Lord Beautiful

New member
Aug 13, 2008
Pervert Hermit. I'm unaware of his actual name, but Pervert Hermit is the best. Then again, I can't help but find the "perverted old man" archetype endlessly amusing. It is for this same reason that I think Master Roshi is one of the pimpingest people of all time, fictional or otherwise. However, that is a different anime for a different discussion.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
-Zen- said:
Pervert Hermit. I'm unaware of his actual name, but Pervert Hermit is the best. Then again, I can't help but find the "perverted old man" archetype endlessly amusing. It is for this same reason that I think Master Roshi is one of the pimpingest people of all time, fictional or otherwise. However, that is a different anime for a different discussion.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
Griever18 said:
Crash486 said:
They killed off my favorite character. :(

Asuma was the man.
Yeah he was. That bummed me out. But what was worse was when....
Jiraiya got killed.
Yeah I heard about that.

Sadly I stopped caring about Naruto awhile ago. I just couldn't keep up with it anymore. I sat through 150 weeks of filler to get to Shippuden.

And then... like 40 episodes into shippuden (if even that long) it turned into filler again. I couldn't believe that crap. I wasn't going to sit through another 200 episodes of filler and never ending story archs.


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Jan 14, 2009
slevin8989 said:
I'm probably the only one but naruto is my favorite since these new chapters have come out he's really just become a whole lot better and is it me or all the female ninjas usually really weak except for hinata
Of course, he's a badass now.

He took out all of Pain's bodies.

Lord Beautiful

New member
Aug 13, 2008
Griever18 said:
-Zen- said:
Pervert Hermit. I'm unaware of his actual name, but Pervert Hermit is the best. Then again, I can't help but find the "perverted old man" archetype endlessly amusing. It is for this same reason that I think Master Roshi is one of the pimpingest people of all time, fictional or otherwise. However, that is a different anime for a different discussion.

Wait a minute, they killed him off? That's not cool.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Crash486 said:
Ino had better boobs than hinata.
That's just 'cuz she calls attention to them. Some of us prefer the modest look (it's pretty rare, after all).

Griever18 said:
Arcane Azmadi said:
Hinata, because she has nice boobs

Yes she does.

............Hey, screw you I'm 17 she's 15 I can still look.
Why would you be insecure at age 17? I'm early twenties, and she's still hot.


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Jan 28, 2009
My favorite character is that guy. That ninja guy. Y'know - the one with all the ninja powers.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
MsDevin92 said:
Even though I've been scared into disavowing ever having interest in the series by the sheer amount of hate for it on the 'net...

...I still love Shikamaru.
Lazy geniuses are awesome.
Are you sure there's a lot of hatred for it on the net? It's pretty much hte most popular is my understanding. And if it does, hatred by the weak is a compliment, remember that.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
SeleneRose said:
Why are there two naruto threads?
Naruto sucks :I
Because it doesn't have anyone who likes it or anything. I like how you're saying this after 52 people have been having a nice discussion about it.


Welcome to the League of Piccolo
Apr 29, 2009
Shikamaru because he is me with an iq 50 points higher. Followed by Gaara because he is what i want to be.


New member
Mar 30, 2009
Lonan said:
SeleneRose said:
Why are there two naruto threads?
Naruto sucks :I
Because it doesn't have anyone who likes it or anything. I like how you're saying this after 52 people have been having a nice discussion about it.
Because I'm a terrible person and I'm allowed to express my viewpoint
Damn me using that valid inalienable right


New member
Dec 27, 2008
SeleneRose said:
Lonan said:
SeleneRose said:
Why are there two naruto threads?
Naruto sucks :I
Because it doesn't have anyone who likes it or anything. I like how you're saying this after 52 people have been having a nice discussion about it.
Because I'm a terrible person and I'm allowed to express my viewpoint
Damn me using that valid inalienable right
You have the right to insult people's mothers, you have the right to spit at the Dalai Lama's feet, and you have the right to fart at other and shake your ass at them, and if you did those things, then yes, damn you for doing such an impolite thing.

What the hell goes through your head when you decide to stand behind your rights in order to justify insulting others or what's important to them? I would never insult anything other?s enjoying because it would needlessly offend them. When it comes to your rights, you could also take your shirt off in front of an old lady's house and paint rude things on your chest and tell her to lick your genitals. It certainly is within your rights, you aren't harming her.

There were people called the Aryan Guard protesting in my city recently shouting "white power" and the police were forced to protect them from the bloodlust of everyone in the area, because legally they are allowed to express their opinions, even if they think that the skin pigment they have makes them superior to people whose ancestors lived closer to the equator.

Yes, when it comes to your rights, you certainly don't need to have the slightest tack or respect for others, you just need to not attack someone. As long as you don't do that, your rights encompass pretty much anything, and you can legally express whatever the hell you want, even if it's a tactless, thing like "that sucks." No one's going to stop you, because the laws aren't in place to do it, so I'll do whatever I want, thank you very much. And if society eventually breaks down into a loss of law and order because everyone was rude and disrespectful to everyone else, and they were only held in by the police, so be it. There's nothing wrong with a bunch of people who only look to the law for morality, when the law disappears. (I'm just saying, if it did for a little, people will wish they hadn't pissed other people off so much.)

Now, let's continue this privately so that we don't have to further pollute what was a nice happy thread before you showed up.