What Makes You Rage Uncontrollably?


New member
Jul 28, 2010
There are a lot but the biggest one is when people put apostrophes in the wrong spot.

It's a such a simple freaking concept! How can so many people get it wrong?!


Ace Defective
May 1, 2009
If you've played Street Fighter IV, you know what I mean.

If you don't... Well, he's a boss character. And it may just be because I suck, but to me he's the most stupidly annoying, unsubtlest cheatingest boss that a fighting game's ever had. Note; Fighting game. Games known for annoying bosses. That's how bad he is.

Yeah, I rage so much at him I make up words like "cheatingest".


New member
Apr 12, 2009
The thing that makes me rage is something that has been happening a lot recently here on the Escapist, Dragon Age 2 rant threads, i though Dragon Age Origins was pretty good, it kept me pretty amused for a good while, now i understand why some of them are ranting, the controls for 2 are slightly different, as is the game-play but its still ultimately the same game, its kind of like Resident Evil 4 all over again.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
Stupid people
Idiotic facebook posts(see failbook but I find the stupidity pretty funny)
People who are complete mongols yet breed like rabbits!(see shows like Jeremy Kyle/Jerry Springer)
Stupid people
People who drive like asshats! (why are you doing 50mph on a 70mph motorway? Why are you in the middle of 2 lanes so people can't overtake? Why are you overtaking at the same speed as the person you are overtaking? Why are you putting makeup on while driving? Why are you in the outside lane while not overtaking and no-one is in the left hand lane!?! If I undertake you I get in shit because you are a douche!)
People who expect you to be psychic and know what you mean/want when they give you little to no information!
People who own pets but are incapable of looking after them(see not lifting dog poop! It's just fucking irresponsible pet ownership!)
People who believe everything the media tells them(see nuclear warnings in Japan and how it's going to turn into chernobyl 2: rise of the crab people)
Governments!(How about instead of taking half my fucking wage you sacrifice say £50k of yours and you can still live in that massive house, be driven in that car and eat for free all of which I'm paying for! Also stop promising this that and the other to get votes then not following through!
People who argue very valid points about decent debatable topics but can never accept a view of someone/something else despite clear proof that it's right!
Stupid people!

That will do for now.....

I'm going to go punch someone/something repeatedly


New member
Sep 21, 2010
Those complete and utter fuckwits who end up on Jeremy Kyle.

I'm paying taxes so these illiterate lazy morons can reproduce several times and spend all their benefits on Drugs and Tramps Beer?

I'd quite happily use my taxes to send these burberry clad retards to Basra to go sweeping up in a Minefield or to be used as Human Shields on the Frontline.