What Makes You Rage Uncontrollably?


norwegian cat
Jun 6, 2009
Bigots, stupidity and flaunted lack of knowledge. you can imagine the good times I have on the internet.

Also gender issues, conservatism and any threat to my friends.

I sound like an angry teen with my 21 years.


norwegian cat
Jun 6, 2009
CleverCover said:
Gaming: Um, when I die/can't contine in games because of shitty controls or a game breaking bug. The last one made me swear off Oblivion and Bethesda for good after the tenth time it forced me to re-do a save file. FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

Non-Gaming: Politics. I can't...it just takes a happy moment and makes everything seem like shit when I hear the news and latest between what goes on between the political parties and the influential people who head them.
People who take the Bible literally. Please just go die. Now. Get out of the damn gene pool.
The people at my Grandmother's Church that sponsored a "Cure the Gay" Rally. It made me so angry when my mother mentioned it, I fell down to my knees, screamed, started crying, and ranted about what horrible bastards these people are and why could my loving grandma support this and my Uncle had better had not been there or he would have been dead to me and how I'm glad my Mom stopped going there.
Bigoted people. When your opinion of other people based on certain aspects of their life they can't control makes them a bad person, I realize soon I'm going to stop talking to you in order to keep my composure and not punch your teeth out.
The almost rapist I was friends with. When he tried to take advantage of my friend, it took all of my strength not to beat his face in. Now that I look back on it, I wish I had.

Hmm...the list is longer than I thought it would be.
Madam, I salute your composure. I hope I never come into this position, because I think a friend would need me then to be there, and not having me face assault charges for making the (almost)rapist regret the day I was born.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
"I disapprove of what you say, but I'll defend you to the death with your right to say it." - Or something to that effect.

Firstly, you won't.
Secondly, it's such a pious argument.
Thirdly, only if it doesn't upset your way of life.
Lastly, I despite catch-all arguments.
Mar 9, 2010
People I deem to be idiots saying something I deem to be idiotic. There are a lot of idiots where I live so I rage a lot. I usually only end up shouting at them and then calling them an idiot, then I'll finish it off by telling them how they're an idiot.

Also dying on multiplayer games because of lag.

Angry Camel

New member
Mar 21, 2011
Two things:
One: Spastic drivers. You don't own the roads and everyone else has shit to do as well.
Two: People who chew gum like brain-damaged sheep. I don't know why, but I hate it with a passion.

(Oh don't forget Justin Beiber and Twilight.)

Asuka Soryu

New member
Jun 11, 2010
When all of a sudden, the game has this random spike of difficulty that comes out of nowhere, doesn't ease you into it and is mostly difficult based on cheapness.



New member
Nov 13, 2009
The way the majority of the internet is filled with posts in subjects that have no value to any subject or anything, the whole thing about FIRST, GET, CHECK EM, THUMBS UP FOR THIS, 47 people dont like X because of Y. There is no cleverness or pride behind any of it, its like taking an extra breath when its not even required, but unlike that extra breath, it doesnt dissipate, it stays... forever......


New member
Nov 17, 2010
Le_Lisra said:
Madam, I salute your composure. I hope I never come into this position, because I think a friend would need me then to be there, and not having me face assault charges for making the (almost)rapist regret the day I was born.
Thank you. Remembering that he could have sued me for damaging his ugly face makes regret a bit less that I didn't bash his head on with my fist, shoryuken his chin, chop off his balls and feed them to a shredder. In that order.

Sorry. Rage levels rising. Must go find chocolate and play a hack an' slash.

Who says videogames make you violent? :D


You matter in this world. Smile!
Feb 22, 2009
Bad science. Not so much common misconceptions (there's a reason they're common misconceptions after all) but things that outright don't make sense.
In fact, it's how I measure whether a game/film is good or not - if I'm willing to suspend my disbelief and not scream "THAT'S NOT HOW GRAVITY/RELATIVITY/BIOLOGY/whatever WORKS" at the screen, then we have a winner.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
tthor said:

and you know that childhood pet of yours that you loved so much, and you were so sad when it died? Yeah, i was what killed him.
you killed Miss Sunshine? nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

OT, it take's a whole lot for me to rage, can't remember the last time I did


New member
May 26, 2010
Nothing really fumes me up lately, even good ol' Jack Thompson can't get me knickers off. Umm.... Maybe family, if they did something rage worthy but growing up mentally surprisingly does help with anger management.

That said though, I weep for the future of mankind.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
People who drive without their headlights on during the night time or during stormy weather.

People who must stop and slowly drive through a crash accident creating that maddeningly retarded bottleneck on roads and such.

People who drive through red lights at breakneck speeds because they were trying to beat the yellow light.

People who tailgate me and then honk the horn when I hit my brakes because of things that happen in front of me.


Volcano Girl
Feb 5, 2009
Gaming/Anime Related: Rolo from Code Gaass,though the figurine I have of him kinda soothes that rage by being so damn cute.

Wild Arms 4: It knows what it did

Bat from DDS,Backstabbing bastard who could have been killed off early but nooooo Argilia has to have morals and let him live to have more annoying fights with the party.

IRL: Book Burning: I don't mean jokingly saying I'm going to burn my stupid text book,I mean serious book burning.That to me that is one of the worst things someone can do.

Grimlock Fett

New member
Apr 14, 2010
Spawn killed= Rage
My computer breaking= Rage
Red ring o death= Rage
People lying to your face= Rage
People who start fights for the sake of fighting= Rage
People who know me but still touch my food knowing I hate it= Rage
People who cant control their emotions= Rage
People= Rage
Rage= Rage



New member
Apr 6, 2009
the cancellation of firefly (killed my happiness)
the girl i sit next to at college (i will stab her in the eye)
people who say me and said girl make a cute couple (they shall be shot)

edit: i don't really rage but keep it bottled up and the world shall know my name when the murders begin


New member
Jan 7, 2010
Obviously cheating AI.
Poor latency handling in online games.
My own inability to not spew bile and profanity at the above...

SomeUnregPunk said:
People who drive without their headlights on during the night time or during stormy weather.

People who must stop and slowly drive through a crash accident creating that maddeningly retarded bottleneck on roads and such.

People who drive through red lights at breakneck speeds because they were trying to beat the yellow light.

People who tailgate me and then honk the horn when I hit my brakes because of things that happen in front of me.
Also, yes.

People who tailgate me and then lay on their horn when they pass me. Speed limits are upper limits. You cannot be mad at me for obeying the law.

People who don't know what their turn signal is for or how to operate their turn signal.

People who change lanes in the middle of an intersection.

People who tailgate me, angrily pass me and then make me hit the brakes because once they're in front of me they want to go slower than me.


New member
Sep 11, 2007
gmaverick019 said:
Murais said:
Juggalos. They are the only thing/concept/people that I really cannot tolerate, even when exerting self-control. I hate them, and I hate them shamelessly. I have refused to associate with people because of this simple detail. Cannot and will not tolerate their presence or attitude.

I could elaborate, but I'd rather not risk the ban or the 8 or so pages of text I'd be filling this space with.

EDIT: If I can give you a frame of reference, as a man who studies debate, and also studies the field of psychology, I can tolerate a lot of people. I can tolerate religious bigots, racial bigots, the pig-headed, the stubborn, the uneducated, the politically correct, the politically incorrect, politics, the homophobic, ultra-liberals, ultra-conservatives, stoners, jocks, melvins, preps, over-achievers, pseudophilosophers, pseudointellectuals, Karl Marx, and the French. I. Cannot. Stand. Juggalos. That is all.
wow gotta say up until urban dictionary'ing the term, i had never heard of a juggalo before. but i guess i'll just associate them with hardcore faggots who need to get taken down a few pegs.

OT: lately..multiplayer games. i have been getting so frustrated, especially with tf2, i might just delete that game from my computer its pissing me off.
This is why I hate them, if I can enlighten you a bit further;