What One Gaming Moment Made You S*** Your Pants


New member
Feb 2, 2009
1mike1000 said:
I know replying to my own post is really lame, but I just wanted to say that whenever I open a door or go up stairs in the original Resident Evil I always feel really creeped out.
That part in Code Veronica where you suddenly fall through the rickety wooden flooring. Or in the 2002 remake of't original when a zombie bursts through a door and the music goes *REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!*. Man... I love those games.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Well, i recently did a replay of Mass Effect 2 and the husks in that game are like super advanced from the first one. They like full on run at you and smack you around. Nothing quite like feeling helpless.

The main metroid tune from super metroid still gives me the willies.

The Hell level in Doom 3 was INSANE.

But what really takes the cake in terms of scaring me to the point of defecation: First time I played resident evil 4. Get into the first village:

"well, sure are a lot of angry villagers. Maybe I should run and find some-OH CHRIST! REEEEEAAAAAAAAAWWR" Decapitation. Holy &@%$ing shit. Heart was pounding.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
wadark said:
Closest I've come to that was in the Department Store of Condemned 1. You go down this little hallway with a display of mannequins off to the left. You move down the hall and have one of Ethan(?)'s little flashes then turn around and suddenly the mannequins are right behind you, and as you move down the hall, they move with you, following.

It was one of the few moments in games that actually SCARED me because at first, I didn't realize that they had changed position and moved closer to me, and then the realization hit me and I just yelled out, "Holy DAMN!" Didn't help that the lights in my house were all off at the time either.
OH MY GOD! I totally forgot about that. ugh. freaky.


Professional Amateur
Jul 20, 2010
One of the spore carriers scared the hell out of me in New Vegas.

Recently, I was checking out an overgrown vault outside New Vegas. I was sent there to try to find some data for an NCR egghead scientist in Camp McCarran, something about renewable vegetation research. I read the sign on the way in, "Welcome to Vault 22!", but all I ran into was a couple of overgrown mantises, nothing a .308 down my long-barrel can't deal with.

I pushed past the foliage and through the door, intending to make my way further into the vault as quickly as possible. My haste was premature, however; and I realized this expedition would take longer than I had hoped as I took my first breath. The air was thick with a red mist, most likely spores from some long-dormant plant that my movements had distured, and required me donning a suit of NCR armor that protected my nose and mouth against inhaling this possible threat. Once finished I continued to survey my surroundings. The area looked like what appeared to be a hold-out area, with a makeshift mattress, some supplies in a duffel bag, and a working computer terminal. Someone named 'Keely' was here before me, probably another mercenary sent by the Doc. I wasn't sure if they were coming back, and didn't feel like waiting, but I figured if these supplies were still here on my way back out, I'd salvage what I could.

Down the stairs I went, down to what the signs indicated was the central oxygen recycling area of the vault. The floor squelched underfoot, the mossy overgrowth attempting to stick to my boots with each step. The air seemed a bit clearer, but I couldn't be sure if that was true or just wishful thinking, since I was already beginning to feel slightly claustrophobic. I was adjusting my facewrap when I glanced down at my Pipboy to check the radiation levels and saw a small orange mark, indicating something alive in my vicinity.

Quietly unstrapping my rifle, I hunkered down and crept forward, my eyes alternating between the corridor ahead and the orange mark. According to the scan, whatever was ahead of me was a bit ahead and just around a corner, just past a large dirt mound overgrown with vegetation. I slowly crawled to the mound, silently pushing my barrel through the leafy terrain as I edge around the corner. Another mantis, I pulled the rifle up and looked down the scope, bringing the big bug inline. That's the moment that something big and green suddenly appeared in the center my scope, screeching at me and flailing wildly at me, knocking my rifle harmlessly aside.

Caught by surprise, crouched down with a sniper rifle, being beaten on by some mutated green moss person-thing. Panic set in as I tried to regain my footing on the moss-covered knoll, the creature slashing huge lacerations in my armor as my Pipboy screamed at me. In desperation I managed to get a shot off as I scrambled onto my feet and back toward the staircase. I must've hit the thing because it let out a screeching wail that managed to drown out the raspy fluttering of the mantis's wings on it's way toward me. Struggling to remain standing on what until recently was a servicable leg, I stumbled my way back to the door, threw it open and toppled inside, the green monster and radiation-crazed bug safely locked on the other side.

Fuck scientists, I'm out of here. For good measure, I'll spraypaint a warning on the welcome sign out front.


New member
Jun 5, 2008
Firetaffer said:
Buchholz101 said:
Playing the Suicide Mission on Mass Effect 2 for the first time.


I had just collapsed the Human Reaper into the dank chasm beneath us, and after a lengthy argument with the Illusive Man, watching that heavily pissed-off reaper claw his way back up the platform.

Pants were s***ed.
Keenarnor said:
The part at the end of Mass Effect 2 where you have to fight the Human-Reaper
Huh, I did not find any part of either Mass Effects scary, apart from maybe the side-mission in Mass Effect 1 where you enter a husk filled room. It was hard, which was what made it terrifying :O.

How do you guys fare in other, what people call 'standard' horror games, such as Amnesia and Dead Space?

Also, for me Thief: Deadly Shadow's, The Cradle mission.
That's the thing, watching that Reaper pop up made me panic, but I played through Dead Space 1 and 2 with a straight face.


New member
Nov 10, 2008
There's a part in the apartment complex in Silent Hill 2 where Pyramid Head is stood behind bars. You have to go around them by entering a room and going through a hole in the wall. In the second room, the game plays a loud music track that's reminiscent of a noisy clock. I've finished that game 23 times, and I know for sure that nothing happens in the clock room, but the music gets to mw every time, moreso than anything else in the game. Except maybe the horses in the prison courtyard.


New member
Feb 24, 2009
In Fallout 3, my character Rowan was moving through a series of streets and whatnot (killing some Muties along the way) when I found a back alley type area that looked rather intact, with a playground and everything. So I make my way down, and I hear "click", followed by "BLAM", "BLOOM", "FWOOOOOOOM", and was treated to very bright lights and the sight of my characters' body flying backwards through the air. Oh boy oh boy, it scared the shit out of me to see those explosions coming towards me.


Him Diamond
Mar 9, 2010
Nieroshai said:
In Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines when the cabbie you've been bossing around all game turns out to be Caine. My jaw dropped.
It's funny too, because as a Malkavian you basically spend the whole cab ride freaking out about the fact you're stuck in a car with the dark father.

Glad I was really nice to him.

OT: Other than all of Amnesia and System Shock 2, there was one SPECIFIC moment when I was playing SS2, I was creeping down the hallways with my baton (or some kind of melee weapon, or maybe it was the psychic ball) where lots of Hybrids and such were known to hang out. I'd been playing a couple hours, it was the middle of the night and I had headphones on. I was playing cat and mouse with one of the hybrids when my cat rubbed against my leg, while simultaneously my friend who had been calling a few minutes landed his hand on my shoulder.

I literally flipped out, flew off my chair onto the ground, my headphones dragging my whole computer tower and monitor off the desk with me. (possibly because I kicked it really hard too)

Thankfully no damage was done, computer didn't even shut off. But literally, I have never been so terrified in my life.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
The opening scene of System Shock 2. After you've completed your training and chosen your characters specialty. When you wake up from cryo. Dear god the audio... I was playing with headphones at the time. I think I survived 5 minutes. I turned the game off and to this day I STILL have not played it again.

I'm an absolute chicken.


New member
Nov 19, 2010
Good 'ol Ravenholm from Half-Life 2.

There's one part where you need to climb a ladder out of a water tank and onto a roof. Suspended next to the water tank is a corpse hanging off a chain. Many bricks were shit that day, as well as most of my shotgun shells.


New member
Jul 9, 2010
I presume you mean metaphorically rather than literally shit your pants. mine would probably be the ending to portal 2. it's unpredictable, however this is a game where you need a lot of sound to truly enjoy (good sound system set really loud) other game's I have enjoyed almost as much are mass effect 2 ending, halo reach jetpacks (jetpacks are awesome... you know it's true). and the first time I played mirrors edge wich had a certain feeling to it that no other game does (unfortunately it got bad reviews because all the reviewers sucked at playing it)


New member
Mar 14, 2011
The fourth wall breakage in Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I won't spoil it with examples, just go play it!


New member
Feb 5, 2011
All of System Shock 2 as mentioned before, as well as Eternal Darkness' bathroom scene(you know what I'm talking about)


New member
Dec 31, 2009
Fear 3's bathroom scene with Harlan Wade(in the big house).

I really didn't expect that and my heart skipped a bit after I "experienced" that scare.


New member
Jun 14, 2011

This well the first 20seconds of the clip.

On my 1st run through i was closer to the window then the player in the clip, with my headphones at max. I remember falling back off my chair....good times!


New member
Feb 18, 2010
The giant, rabies-infested bear in Condemned 2.

That one sequence made the game. Seeing that thing climbing up wooden stairs while destroying them was both humorous and terrifying. If you really want a good laugh, watch 4 Player Podcast tackle that part of the game. They are genuinely terrified.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
The first time I saw a regiment of Swadian cavalry running against me in Mount and Blade: Warband. And what a glorious battle that was- My character ended covered in blood... Most of it wasn't his.

Dr. Feelgood

New member
Jul 13, 2010
Ninjat_126 said:
Good 'ol Ravenholm from Half-Life 2.

There's one part where you need to climb a ladder out of a water tank and onto a roof. Suspended next to the water tank is a corpse hanging off a chain. Many bricks were shit that day, as well as most of my shotgun shells.
Why did you eat your shotgun shells?

In the Scary Thread on the Escapist, fuckin' bastard with his tiny print picture with a devil face that pops out.