What series needs a revival?


New member
Oct 1, 2012
bafrali said:
Xcell935 said:
I was making a joke about fan discontinuity but I guess I should have worded it better.

And I believe I have a good reason to deny the existence of DMC4. The dice. I could take the miserable excuse of a plot, half-baked playable characters and even the shamless backtracking. But whoever put the dice game in there needs to be punched in the stomach with a wrecking ball. Not even gonna mention the reboot because it hurts enough as it is.
You know, now that I read back your old post, I get it... hehe.
But why deny the existence of DMC4 though? It had the best gameplay in the series and was no where near the disaster that was DMC2.
Plus I can't believe I'm saying this... but the dice was justified... (going to hell I know)
Capcom rushed DMC4's production, the guys behind it had no choice but to add dumb padding and theres A LOT of evidence that DMC4 was going to be a huge game. I guess you can say Capcom was starting to go into its teenage angst phase of ludicrous decisions and still is. And thus we got DmC, which I hope Tam Tam got nightmares from knowing that game did soooooooo well.

So to wrap things up...
DMC2 was bad because of the dev team not Capcom.
DMC4 was ok because of Crapcom not the dev team.

Pick your poison, but I recommend the cherry flavored one.

James Rednok

New member
Apr 16, 2009
Well, not exactly a series I suppose, but Holy Shit more Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magck Obscura plz! When's the last time we had a good steampunk game? Fucking never? I would love to see what happened if Bethesda took the IP and ... Betesda-ized(?) it, since it's basically just steampunk Fallout but better and not utterly disturbingly unsettling. I wouldn't even mind playing the exact same story just from the first and third person perspectives. Hmm... Maybe I could just mod it into Oblivion...


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Aug 17, 2011
There was this quaint little rpgish game for the ps2/wii called Dokapon Kingdom. It was kinda like a mix between Dragon's quest and monopoly, with a nice dallop of Munchkin added for good measure and goood god was it a blast to play with friends. nothing like watching your brother battle a dragon to the death just to sneak in, backstab him, and change his name to Senor Douchebag. Good times, I tell you, good times

I'd also like to see a new custom robo, a new oddworld, medievil, Steambot Chronicles... my list goes on for quite a ways


New member
Jan 26, 2012
Fatal Frame/Project Zero/Whatever you call it.

In North America, at least. Between Fatal Frame IV not getting an export at all, the wiimake of 2 not coming to America, and the 3DS spinoff that came and went in the blink of an eye, the series is basically dead in my region. Now if only we can get either an HD collection or a new game on next gen consoles (all of them, not just WiiU), then it might pick up steam again. That's only likely to happen if Tecmo drops its Wii/Nintendo obsession, though. At least the original three are on PSN, now.

In 2-3 years I've no doubt I'll be saying much the same thing about Silent Hill, since Konami's horrible marketing basically killed whatever chances Downpour had of succeeding. (Shut up, I liked that game).
Mar 8, 2012
phoenixlink said:
Vampire the Masqurade . bloodlines despite its flaws was an amazing game and id love a new one with a modern engine and properly done
The franchise actually got quite a boost with White Wolf's kickstarter about three years ago for the 20th anniversary of the RPG. They followed up with matching kickstarters for Werewolf: The Apocalypse and Mage: The Awakening on their years as well.


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Apr 22, 2011
Skies of Arcadia
Someone here has to know this game. Very fun upbeat RPG back on the Dreamcast(who failed so it got ported to the Gamecube with added features). It was about Sky Pirates, SKY PIRATES. That right there is basically your main selling point but it also had ship battles that were pretty interesting from a gameplay mechanic side(Actual battles were very easy once you go later into the game.) Sure the random battles could have been toned down and the party combat fleshed out better(Just spam X, Y, Z and win). But it's a pretty good gem of a game.

Final Fantasy Tactics
And I mean the real one, not the more colorful cute follow ups. The game was dark, grim, but with some upbeat moments here and there. Combat was hard(easy if you power leveled but then the random battles just beat the tar out of you), and the combos you could make with the job/skill system was interesting. We could use another entry in the series.

Legend of Dragoon
All of my yes, please! Interesting combat system, decent story and characters. Why this game died at just one title when it was basically on of the marketing games for the PS1(seriously dunno why but every store back in the day that had a PS1 stand for people to play had this game or a demo disk that had this on it), I'll never know.

I'd also say Breath of Fire but that has been mentioned so many times already.


New member
Mar 6, 2012
Xcell935 said:
But the problem goes beyond the simple crime of padding. They added a dice minigame that is completely based on luck and It not only prevents you from going further but also spawns enemies and even bosses in the meantime. All of this in a game that gives you a score based on your completion time?

That is not even including the style score which will inevitably go down after the third subsequent boss fight in the same level. I would even accept a third run around the entire game over this...........thing. How can this possibly be justified really? It feels like a torture device designed exclusively for the completionist, rather than an innocent attempt at padding. So I would say that devs are just as guilty

And you have to do this stupid sh*t at least 6 F******* TIMES and most of it takes place during the boss gauntlet that doesn't even have the courtesy to include the best boss in the entire game.

TlDr: I will take the harakiri, thank you very much. Just keep that cherry flavored travesty away from my grave.


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Oct 22, 2008
Neronium said:
floppylobster said:
Wind Waker Link on a Console
Do you mean an HD remake of Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks? If so then I say do it Nintendo, and while you're at it, make Majora's Mask HD. XD
No, no remakes. I've played those games already. An entirely new one, but made for consoles.

Zakarath said:
floppylobster said:
There was that Crimson Dragon game released about a month ago
That's a good start but it needs to be set in the Panzer Dragoon universe. The closest thing to Nausicaa we have in games (not counting Ni no Kuni).

And while I'm here, why not a sequel to Shadow of the Colossus? It's kind of sort of a sequel to Ico.


New member
Jan 5, 2012
Here's another vote for:
Breath of Fire
Jak and Dakster
Unreal Tournament - With no dramatic story, please. It's a sport, not a soap opera.
Arcanum - I'm playing it again after getting it from GOG. The world is ready for more of this.
Grandia - If any game could benefit from a remake and truly deserves it, it's Grandia.
Whatever, you're all right. I haven't disagreed with anything yet.

But I came here to say...Rollcage, Jade Cocoon and Drakan.
Oh yeah, Dark Cloud, Rogue Galaxy, Star Ocean, Croc: Legend of the Gobos, and way more stuff.
Oh yeah, Capcom should let Frictional make a new first-person Clock Tower. Think about that and shudder.


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Feb 21, 2011
Colony Wars, Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, and Medievil all need sequels. Dark Alliance II ended on a cliffhanger, and the official Colony Wars website is still up and has a lot of content hinting at what was going to be in Colony Wars 4. There was going to be a Medievil game for the PS2, but of course it got axed.

Another Jade Empire would be grand, but Bioware is still milking Dragon Age and Mass Effect, and doesn't seem to have the inclination to pursue working on another game in their most unique setting.

Another Breath of Fire should be interesting, unfortunately a new one has been announced after such a long wait and it isn't-it is some kind of mobile/social game unlikely even to get out of Japan, and it looks awful.

Any number of Star Trek games-seriously, what happened to the dearth of Trek games out there? Still waiting on a Trek rpg...

Jedi Knight/Jedi Academy.


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Apr 4, 2011
Legacy of Kain. The setting/characters are just too good to lay fallow forever; the gameplay of Blood Omen 1/Soul Reaver 1 offered some intense survival gameplay and Soul Reaver 1 had killer environmental puzzles.

Prince of Persia. I actually liked the 2008 reboot, though I understand why I'm in the minority on that one. Assassin's Creed was the spiritual successor, which I was fine with for a while, but now that Assassin's Creed has gotten far enough away from its roots, I'd really like to see some more Prince of Persia.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
phoenixlink said:
Vampire the Masqurade . bloodlines despite its flaws was an amazing game and id love a new one with a modern engine and properly done
Ooo, I second this. The shear quality of the story and RP elements more than made up for the teeth-grinding, keyboard-smashing terrible gameplay. The fact that I can say that sentence without any irony just shows how much incredible potential this game had.


New member
Mar 7, 2012
I know I sound like broken record, but
Why Activision? Why?
Why there is no Battlezone3?

Although knowing Activision they would turn it into CoD in space
So maybe lack of BZ3 is a good thing :/


New member
Mar 7, 2012
cdemares said:
Here's another vote for:
Arcanum - I'm playing it again after getting it from GOG. The world is ready for more of this.
Who holds rights to Arcanum?
Why there is no Arcanum2?


Regular Member
Feb 8, 2010
Aren't they still making those god awful Crash and Spyro games (like Twinsanity and... whatever the Spyre games were called) or did they stop with them too? Oh well, I don't think anything can hold up to their first 3 (well 2 in Spyro's case, the first one was pretty bad... and 4 in Crash's 'cause Crash Team Racing) games so I'd rather just let it be.

What I would like to see is Gex the Gecko. I mean come on, what is there not to like? Above average 3D platforming, cool gameplay, awesomely themed stages ranging from ancient Egypt to fairy tale mash-ups to futuristic asian ninja robots and the 2nd world war. Different costumes for every stage (few costumes even have their own tricks to them) and a ton of pop culture references! Think of all the possibilities the creators would have with the references in the current age of the internet! Too bad Crystal Dynamics is too busy making tomb raider and hitman games (they're the ones doing that too, right?) now.

Intro [http://cdnl.complex.com/assets/CHANNEL_IMAGES/POP_CULTURE/2013/11/content/1383855851_golkoje.gif] for those who don't know what I'm talking about.


New member
Sep 25, 2013
my top picks would be:

Legacy of Kain series (in LoK directly or via the Soul Reaver branch-off).
Secret of Mana - one of my favorite rpgs from the SNES era.
Dungeon Keeper - the first game was amazing and the second much less so, this could do great things with a good continuation.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
Roofstone said:
We also need more Crash Bandicoot as made by Naughty Dog. God those games are awesome.
The Naughty Dog that created (and developed) those games are gone. Andy Gavin, lead programmer, who created a unique engine and created work-arounds that enabled such a high-quality game to run on the PS1's hardware no longer works there. Jason Rubin, who actually didn't even do most of the character art for the game oddly enough as he was lead artist (and later failed president of THQ) is obviously also gone. Crash Bandicoot was the brainchild of these two back when they programmed games out of their garage in high school by the name of Jam Software. Since then, the development team has seen many members of the original studio leave, as any game studio would. Thus, they are not the same entity, and as such, would produce results that would differ in soul from the original four.

OT: FIREFLY. Okay, video games...I think something cool could be done with the Star Wars: Starfighter series, what with the advanced hardware we have now. A flight combat simulator could have a lot more enemies on screen, and you could even have co-op partners as part of a squad.

Antendo said:
What I would like to see is Gex the Gecko. I mean come on, what is there not to like? Above average 3D platforming, cool gameplay, awesomely themed stages ranging from ancient Egypt to fairy tale mash-ups to futuristic asian ninja robots and the 2nd world war. Different costumes for every stage (few costumes even have their own tricks to them) and a ton of pop culture references! Think of all the possibilities the creators would have with the references in the current age of the internet! Too bad Crystal Dynamics is too busy making tomb raider and hitman games (they're the ones doing that too, right?) now.
Oh, I forgot about him! I always thought the controls were a bit slippery, but yeah, we need to bring him back. Just, not make him like Family Guy. I still need the second game, I can't find an NTSC version for the PS1.


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2013

I remember playing "Pitfall 3D" on PS1 (Still have the game too) and that was a blast... The main character is awesome, the idea is good, and beating the crap out of things with a pickaxe...

I do know they made a few other Pitfalls but hadn't seen any of them nor heard of any coming out during the PS3/360 era.