What should Mass Effect 4 Be?


New member
Apr 13, 2009
I have no idea what a hypothetical ME4 would look like; I'm a bit too busy hoping they fix ME3. Honestly, if we actually get a decent ending that ties up the story we've got, I don't think a fourth Mass Effect game is even necessary: just because they can continue milking the universe for sequels doesn't necessarily mean that they should. I love Mass Effect, but after five years, I don't mind Bioware moving on to something new.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
"What should Mass Effect 4 be?" you ask? Aborted. The entire universe has been controlled from the start by an advanced race of downs-syndrome synthetic gods who have been trying to "SAVE US FROM OURSELVES" by murderating the shit out of every advanced civilization to.... Prevent us from being murdered by... synthetics.

Oh yea. That makes sense.

No, I have no desire to play in this world any more. I will tell you what came out this whole debacle though.

I went to my living room, sat down, stared at my PS3 holding my until-now-cast-aside copy of Final Fantasy XIII and went, "Y'know... I'm gonna finish this, I mean hell, I can't be nearly as bad as ME3."

And it wasn't.


New member
Jun 1, 2011
wintercoat said:
There's not really much to the First Contact War though. It basically boils down to "Turian patrol destroys Human exploratory vessels. Humans return and destroy Turian patrol. Turians respond by making Shanxi it's *****. Human Second Fleet arrives and fucks Turian shit up. Council steps in with a "dudes, chill". A 3 month battle where the Turians spent most of the time chucking debris at cities while the humans ran around hoping not to get crushed doesn't sound particularly interesting. And the only event worth doing was already done in a prequel book.
Which is why I hope they come up with something more interesting.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Pearwood said:
Ironman126 said:
An RTS. Please, please, please an RTS. How I have longed for a sequel to Homeworld 2. A Mass Effect RTS could have to potential to be that spiritual sequel.
That'd be a weird one, interesting though. And possibly awful, not sure Bioware have ever made RTS before.
I'm like 60% sure that some sect of Bioware is working on the new Command and Conquer game.

I'd investigate further, but I'm lazy.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
An immaterial concept that got quickly forgotten when they explained what actually happened in the end of ME3.

Cyrus Hanley

New member
Oct 13, 2010
ThePS1Fan said:
Let's assume for a moment that Bioware does fix the ME3 ending fiasco and manages to regain some PR, how should they continue this franchise?
By ending it, which they did with Mass Effect 3.

What should Mass Effect 4 be? Non-existent.


New member
Oct 7, 2011
It should be non-existent. I LOVE Mass-effect but Bioware has shown they obviously can't handle it or dragon age's awesomeness and put it down. If it is made it should be about a man named James Adams who's parents were marines and trained him in the arts of the infiltrator and now he is about to enlist and then he gets kidnapped and is inducted into a secret organization that is like the specters and Cerberus . They used to be part of the Alliance until one of their Agents dun goofed up and now they work off the money through various contacts throughout the galaxy and now James has gotten ensnared inside a terrorist plot to do something(haven't thought about that yet). HE also becomes friends with a vanguard with the nickname cannon ball. Yes this was my fan fiction idea but I suck at writing even though I read A LOT.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Personally I want one where you play as Garrus during his time on Omega as Archangel. There is so much potential there while still being able to stay at least somewhat familiar to the Mass Effect formula that's worked so well with the other 3 games. Start right after the first Normandy is destroyed and end with Shepard recruiting him for ME2.

Hell, there are PLENTY of side stories they could do for the 2 year period between the Normandy destruction and Shepard's revival, so following the stories of any of the ME1 crew during those 2 years would be cool. Although I personally think Garrus, Tali, and Liara would be the only ones worthy of their own games. I think Liara's was already made into a comic though...


New member
Dec 22, 2011
Radeonx said:
Pearwood said:
Ironman126 said:
An RTS. Please, please, please an RTS. How I have longed for a sequel to Homeworld 2. A Mass Effect RTS could have to potential to be that spiritual sequel.
That'd be a weird one, interesting though. And possibly awful, not sure Bioware have ever made RTS before.
I'm like 60% sure that some sect of Bioware is working on the new Command and Conquer game.

I'd investigate further, but I'm lazy.
I remember seeing that on the 2011 VGAs and according to Wikipedia the studio is called BioWare Victory and is basically just the new name for Victory Games.


Regular Member
Feb 12, 2012
Quite simple

You play as a new Spectre,

and instead of just being a Human you can choose what Race you want to be, Allow people to play as a Krogan or a Turian

The Pinray

New member
Jul 21, 2011
A Blasto spin-off game...

If not then I really don't know. I highly doubt they're done with this series. It does have a lot of potential and is one of my favorite sci-fi universes.

I don't want a prequel, that'd feel like a step in the wrong direction. I think a game set in the future where you'll have to life (at least tangentially-- Like in Dragon Age II) with the Commander's decisions would be cool. Be a Spectre or an average Joe that becomes something better. Eh, we'll see.

blizzaradragon said:
Personally I want one where you play as Garrus during his time on Omega as Archangel. There is so much potential there while still being able to stay at least somewhat familiar to the Mass Effect formula that's worked so well with the other 3 games. Start right after the first Normandy is destroyed and end with Shepard recruiting him for ME2.
Or THAT. I mean, Garrus was vigilante-ing it up for two entire years. There's bound to be some material there.

EDIT: I'll add this video. :) [youtube=IhLfbWdJ-UQ


New member
Jul 3, 2011
I kind of got the impression that the main reason they even
Destroyed the mass relays

Was to ensure that the series ended before it became a CoD-esque cash cow.

Honestly, I kind of respect that, I just wish they had done it better.


Regular Member
Feb 12, 2012
Lagao said:
I'd like something like Dragon Age Origins where you can choose your race/class and certain ones are restricted from races.

and they have a VO for each race.

And depending on your actions from 3, certain outcomes can happen.

EX Krogans if you cure, No krogans if you don't.

i for one would play as a Krogan spectre


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
BelmontWolf said:
what should mass effect 4 be?

never released. or if released never purchased till EA and Bioware learn a very harsh lesson about dicking with the gaming community.
What's there to learn? The gaming community is one of the simultaneously most fickle, most fanboyish, and most easily enraged communities in existence short of some religious extremists. They release the product, and everyone buys it, and no amount of rage has changed that.

If anything, the gaming community needs some harsh lessons in coordination, level-headedness and anti-fanboyism. It's a complete wreck as is.