What type of gamer annoys you most?


New member
Aug 14, 2012
SpectacularWebHead said:
Sexist gamers. They're never as good as they think they are and they spend the entire time whinging about how much girls suck, and then go to all the guys "Amiright?" and it just decends into an internet fight and, ugh, I hate those guys.

Actually come to think of it, a good 40% of people with mics are asscracks.
I would actually say 75%.

A lot of time I don't feel like using my mic, so either people won't play with me or talk shit to me, then I usually spend most of my game time filing bad reviews and complaints. I don't want to talk, I just want to play.

Azkar Almsivi

New member
Sep 3, 2012
People who game for attention, or rather, the poser gamer.
White knights, attention whores, hipsters, etc.

Mediocre skills, copy pasted/googled opinions, obsessed with opposite sex, annoying communications and only plays nostalgia games and/or mainstream titles. Never shuts up about the game they usually play online.


Elite Member
Mar 27, 2012
Trippy Turtle said:
COD sells perfectly fine, Minecraft sold over 7 million copies. I doubt you will find many people who bought them for the story. People still care about gameplay. What plausible reason is there to buy a game with bad gameplay when you could get book or movie for the story without horrible gameplay getting in the way?
This so much. There are plenty of games that have stories I enjoy, but if the gameplay is poor, what's the point? If the story is linear you can just as easily enjoy it on Youtube and if not, well, sorry, I'm still not going through horrid gameplay for the story. It's not worth it. I enjoyed what I played of Alpha Protocol's story, but I just found the gameplay so frustrating and unplayable that I never got through it.

Games can be a good medium for storytelling, but they are NOT primarily a storytelling medium. I miss the days when not every game had a plot. There are far too many games with fantastic gameplay that keep interrupting it with poorly written none-interactive sequences that I don't care about and it ruins the game (looking at YOU, Max Payne 3). Most games need, at most, a short bit of exposition between missions that lets you know why the robot nazis need to die.

As for my personal pet peeve, look at that "so what's the advantage of consoles" thread. Those people. Both the console gamers and PC gamers, once they've let themselves get mad and indignant, turn into these arrogant, pissy little elitists who spout off utter bullshit about why the other format sucks and why theirs is OSSUM. Live and let live for God's sake!


New member
Jun 11, 2012
Vault101 said:
a bit late to the party buuuuuut

I play only AAA games

can;t stand retro

can't stand "indie"

I like cutscenes and set peices

hahahaha.....I bet I annoy plenty of people
Only Yahtzee. But don't worry, everyone annoys Yahtzee.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
I'm gonna change mine to the diehard elitist with a stat obsession.

I don't even care about stats. So why should i listen to the crud that comes out of some elitist's mouth about not having as fake stats as the player?


Elite Member
Mar 27, 2012
Jay444111 said:
You are EXACTLY what the problem is with the modern retro gamer. The exact problem. Story has gotten more important dude. Get over it. It is for the better of the medium and with video games with great stories practically releasing each month you are not only proven wrong. But when reviewers even write higher scores on average for well written video games.

Gameplay simply doesn't matter much anymore. Heresy yes. But when you can play the same damn game in a million other games. It really doesn't. Look at the FPS or even the RPG. They are all the same! All of them! The only difference is the story! It has gotten more important due to there sheer evolution. Those who deny it shouldn't have a SINGLE say in what they want in the industry anymore when it has been nothing but a great thing.
Retro gamer? What? I play a lot of old games, yeah, but I love new ones, too. I'm just a "gamer" dude, I have no preference for anything, except "good games."

OK, so I looked at my current generation (using console terms because it's easier) FPS collection.

Yep, I can't see any real similarity between Serious Sam 3 or Crysis, one is a fast paced, gory run 'n' gun and the other is semi-open world, somewhat tactical, stealthy and altogether much slower.

Left 4 Dead and Bulletstorm play pretty differently, too. They're both fast-paced and gory but, even if you play Bulletsotrm in co-op (thus making them both teamwork-based co-op games) they're so mechanically different it seems redundant to even mention them together.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is the only truly story focused game on this little list (yes, the others HAVE plots, but they aren't what sold the games). Deus Ex is, however, sold equally by it's fantastic espionage gameplay. One of the main things that frustrates me about your post is that you seem to imply that gameplay styles are interchangeable as long as the plot is good; this only goes for BAD story based games. DE:HR would not work if it did not play the way it did, it needs it's gameplay to tell it's story properly. Oh, and it's nothing like Killing Floor which is an intense survival against an onslaught of monsters with surprisingly realistic feeling weapons and hilarious banter.

But no, really, are you seriously going to tell me that DE:HR is just like CoD or Serious Sam or Left 4 Dead but with a bigger plot focus? There is a HUGE variety in FPS gameplay, possibly bigger than there has EVER been. All of these games are well reviewed, too.

Gameplay is why we play games; a story can be good but if the gameplay isn't up to scratch it may as well be a film, or a book, or a comic. Hell, if the gameplay and story are unrelated it may as well be a film or a book or a comic. What's the point in the gameplay if the story is the main draw and the gameplay has nothing to do with the story? You will literally get the same experience by watching someone else play.

Now let's look at my current generation RPG collection! To keep things fair, I'm going to separate my WRPGs and my JRPGs.

So, for my WRPGs I have The Witcher vs. Alpha Protocol. Do I even need to tell you that they're nothing alike? The only similarity is that your actions can change the plot a little and even the way THAT'S done is pretty different.

Skyrim and Dragon Age have absolutely nothing in common except for both being in a medieval fantasy setting. If you can point out any other similarities I'd love to hear them.

Oh, and no-one plays Elder Scrolls for the story, either; they play it for the role playing. Torchlight and Legend of Grimrock are good, modern RPGs without a heavy plot focus, too. All well reviewed. All fairly popular.

Now, I don't own many modern JRPGs... since the DS came out the same year as the 360 (at least in the UK), are we counting it as the same generation? Handhelds normally arrive before the home consoles of their generation, anyway, so...

Anyway, Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey and Final Fantasy XIII have absolutely no similarities. They're both turn based, yes, but the battle systems are completely different, progression through the game is completely different, interaction with your party members is completely different (in that Strange Journey lets you control them, but FFXIII makes them characters).

Nier and Xenoblade Chronicles are- look, just look up the gameplay, how on Earth can you say they're even remotely the same game outside of their story?

And, OK, MOST RPGs are sold on the strength of their stories... but the presentation of that story, including the gameplay, is also incredibly important. This is why The Witcher sold well and got great reviews while Alpha Protocol utterly bombed. And, hey, didn't FF XIII get so much shit because of it's GAMEPLAY flaws? Yeah, some people hated the plot but most people bitched about how little the game actually let you -play-. It took control out of your hands all the time and people did not like that.

Gameplay variety is wider now than it's ever been and video game writing is still widely criticized with good stories coming out about as often as they did back when hardly any games even HAD stories. You know why a lot of retro gamers say games used to have better stories? You and I both know that's bullshit, but it genuinely seemed like they did because so few games had stories at all; if a game had nothing interesting to say, narratively, it said nothing. Now, if a game has nothing interesting to say, it forces a piss-poor B-movie plot on you that has nothing to do with the gameplay and could be swapped out for any other B-movie plot and not lose a single fan. The biggest selling games in the world have plots, yeah... but that's because nearly every game has a plot. Do most people buy them for their plots? Games like Mass Effect are the exception, rather than the rule.

Hardly anyone buys CoD for it's riveting storytelling; some people like it, most people just like shooting shit.

Nobody liked Battlefield 3's story mode. Still sold millions. Still well reviewed. Still well received, publicly.

Minecraft has no plot at all unless you RP... then it's you writing the story just like a lot of us did with plotless games as a kid.

Counter-Strike is still played by millions every day. No story.

Same goes for Team Fortress 2, if we're strictly talking about what's in the game.

Left 4 Dead has context, but not really any story as such.

Story is growing in importance, yes, but gameplay is, and always will be, the most important part of a game because it's about the only thing stopping them from being lo-fi CG movies. Game stories still aren't important to MANY people because games as a storytelling medium are still immature.

There are far too many games where the story and gameplay are two separate entities; they could easily be two separate products. Until story based games can make it the rule, rather than the exception, that game and story are inextricably linked then all they are is a poor man's film. This doesn't even mean the plot has to be none-linear, it just means that the gameplay needs to be an important part of the narrative, rather than a vague "stuff happened here" event that slows down the plot.

And this is coming from someone whose favourite games ARE all story-focused. But they all do what I just suggested, where most games do not. If I want a film-like story then I'll go and watch a God-damn film.

I'd also like to say that I think over-focusing on story is bad because it ignores the other potential applications of gaming as an art form; there's much more to art than narrative.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Mine are when I play halo and I go like 30-8 and someone on my team goes 3-25, there is 0 excuse for that... I don't even play with a Mic just so I don't get banned for bitching people out. I also love when someone thinks I "stole" their kill and tries to betray me but ends up getting us both killed. Same goes for weapon pick ups. I love it when someone without a cloak picks up a sniper and gets insta killed, then I pick it up and get a killing spree... Tactics people!

I hate my buddy when he's like HALO SUCKS! THE ONLY GOOD SHOOTER IS CS: SOURCE!!!! VALVE IS BETRAYING US WITH THE NEW CS!!! DERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRP. He also thinks it's the only game worth playing.

The biggest by far is the people who STILL demand a better ending for ME3! I have not seen any other game company actually change their ending because of fan demand, and do it for FREE! Sure there's a cop out or two but here are the differences: Much more expanded explanation of reaper origins, it changes it so the Mass Relays are not destroyed and shit gets rebuilt. SO basically, fuck you. There is no form of media in history that has pleased everyone. Get over yourself, at least they TRIED.


New member
May 22, 2010
Jay444111 said:
Trippy Turtle said:
Jay444111 said:
Trippy Turtle said:
Jay444111 said:
Trippy Turtle said:
Ones that don't think the actual gameplay is important compared to story and things. Read a book or watch a movie if you want story. Games need passable gameplay with very few exceptions.
The thing is that Story has become more important than gameplay due to the sheer evolution of games as a whole. It basically needs them at this point... I love this fact above all else as well! Video games with great stories are far, and I do mean, far greater than ones without.

Also, people who say what you say about story in video games should not even bother playing video games anymore. Considering video games are now a major storytelling medium. This medium isn't about the high scores anymore mr retro.
Of course a good story is good for a game to have. But I would choose Minecraft over a game that has horrible gameplay but a good story anyday.
Deadly Premonition not only disagrees with that notion. But also kills it in its sleep. A game with bad gameplay and amazing story can in fact become a classic and often quite loves. However, a game with great gameplay and no story, not only rare these days, but most people really don't care about gameplay much... if at all. I know that sounds like heresy. But consider the fact that people are willing to pay 60 bucks a year for another madden or 60 a year when it comes to first person shooters. People just down care about newer gameplay mechanics. They mainly care about story more so. If the story is crap than the game is crap. Just look at Mass Effect 3 controversy if you want to know why story is so damn important in video games.
COD sells perfectly fine, Minecraft sold over 7 million copies. I doubt you will find many people who bought them for the story. People still care about gameplay. What plausible reason is there to buy a game with bad gameplay when you could get book or movie for the story without horrible gameplay getting in the way?
The only reason minecraft is famous is because it is legos in a open world. This is something everyone has asked for and it finally happened. While COD sells because people are practically brainwashed by it's franchise. Games with stories are more IMPORTANT and honestly are the only ones worth anything. This is why Shiguro Miyamoto is not as powerful anymore, he is in the mindset that gameplay is more important and he is losing fans and stuff thanks to that mindset along with many others at Nintendo. Story is just as or is even more so as important as gameplay. Saying otherwise is practically denying all of stories in video games worth and is full of sheer ignorance.

ScrabbitRabbit said:
Trippy Turtle said:
COD sells perfectly fine, Minecraft sold over 7 million copies. I doubt you will find many people who bought them for the story. People still care about gameplay. What plausible reason is there to buy a game with bad gameplay when you could get book or movie for the story without horrible gameplay getting in the way?
This so much. There are plenty of games that have stories I enjoy, but if the gameplay is poor, what's the point? If the story is linear you can just as easily enjoy it on Youtube and if not, well, sorry, I'm still not going through horrid gameplay for the story. It's not worth it. I enjoyed what I played of Alpha Protocol's story, but I just found the gameplay so frustrating and unplayable that I never got through it.

Games can be a good medium for storytelling, but they are NOT primarily a storytelling medium. I miss the days when not every game had a plot. There are far too many games with fantastic gameplay that keep interrupting it with poorly written none-interactive sequences that I don't care about and it ruins the game (looking at YOU, Max Payne 3). Most games need, at most, a short bit of exposition between missions that lets you know why the robot nazis need to die.

As for my personal pet peeve, look at that "so what's the advantage of consoles" thread. Those people. Both the console gamers and PC gamers, once they've let themselves get mad and indignant, turn into these arrogant, pissy little elitists who spout off utter bullshit about why the other format sucks and why theirs is OSSUM. Live and let live for God's sake!
You are EXACTLY what the problem is with the modern retro gamer. The exact problem. Story has gotten more important dude. Get over it. It is for the better of the medium and with video games with great stories practically releasing each month you are not only proven wrong. But when reviewers even write higher scores on average for well written video games.

Gameplay simply doesn't matter much anymore. Heresy yes. But when you can play the same damn game in a million other games. It really doesn't. Look at the FPS or even the RPG. They are all the same! All of them! The only difference is the story! It has gotten more important due to there sheer evolution. Those who deny it shouldn't have a SINGLE say in what they want in the industry anymore when it has been nothing but a great thing.
Dude, no. Miyamoto has become less important because he's resting on his laurels, not because story is somehow more important than gameplay. The problem is that Miyamoto's last major jump in game design was Mario 64. He used to be famous as an innovator, now he's mainly putting out retreads of the same old stuff. As for your other point: you're crazy. Skyrim plays nothing like Mass Effect which plays nothing like Final Fantasy XIII. CoD plays nothing like TF2 which plays nothing like Halo. I think you're the one who has given up all say in what you want in the industry, because you can't recognize gameplay differences on the most basic level.


Elite Member
Mar 27, 2012
Jay444111 said:
Yet all those games are practically the same except for one change in the usual formula which is then copied by all other designers out there.
Are- are you even reading what you're typing? One change in the usual formula? I'm sorry but, aside from perspective and the fact that they both involve shooting, PLEASE tell me what Left 4 Dead and Deus Ex have in common. And, aside from both of them containing swords, please tell me what Nier and Xenoblade Chronicles have in common that makes them "the same game with one change to the formula." From this I can accurately gauge that it is YOU who are ignorant about games as a medium.

There has not been a original video game since the 80's. That is a fact. The industry is DETERMINED to literally steal as much as possible from each other when it comes to design.
They steal shit from each other when it comes to plots, too. They've been doing THAT since the '80s as well.

And nothing original? Really? Even if you're solely considering entirely new genres to be "something original" (which is a fallacy) you're wrong. All I need to point at is polygonal graphics, which introduced games, the likes of which were not possible before.

Why even bother with gameplay only when it is just copied either earlier or later on in a better way?
Why even bother with gameplay? Because, otherwise, it is not a game.

Story IS more IMPORTANT (Use reading comprehension. Please.)
WHY is it more important? You haven't given any reason for this. Maybe it helps for YOU to enjoy games more, but neither the general public nor many other gamers really care all that much as long as the game is good.

When story is done well it can easily make up for bad gameplay. Deadly Premonition is one of the best games of the year it came out in just for that fact. It was so good that it made up for everything else and even became a great game because of it.
I've heard that the gameplay is actually pretty decent; being a unique take on both open world and survival horror gameplay. A lot of criticism aimed at it by people who don't like it is aimed at the plot just as much as the gameplay. I haven't played it, so I can't judge it, but the plot is often cited as "so bad it's good" by people who DO like it.

People who deny such games, I will honestly say are NOT gamers. Mainly because as a video gamer, you must respect video games. You do not. At all. In fact you want them to die out with such chaotic mindset
Erm, what mindset? That there's more to art than story? That games can tell great stories but not every game needs to? What?

Story has become more important and when video game companies themselves are saying this. You are in the wrong. Complete wrong.
Which is why emergent gameplay and multiplayer are so popular, right?

Also, for you using the words. (Which should honestly be ban worthy IMO.) "If I want a good story I will read a book/watch a movie." You have given up rights to ever talk about video games again for how arrogant and ignorant such a statement is. It is so damn stupid that I think I honestly lose braincells from such stupidity. It is infectious levels of stupid.
1. Calling people stupid is against the forum guidelines. If you can't debate intelligently, rationally and maturely don't even bother with it.
2. I never said that. I said that if I wanted a FILM-LIKE plot I would watch a film. Most games try to have cinematic plots. And fail, because they are not cinema. There are plenty that do not, that I love and are, in fact, usually amongst my favourite games. You are talking to someone who likes game stories and would like to see them grow as a storytelling and artistic medium. You, however, seem to be almost fanatical about it.

You know, I thought the escapist would be a better site where actual smart people lived. However, it is somewhat worse than most others judging by the ignorance in this topic about how important story is.
Nobody lives on The Escapist. Well, OK, some people do, but I just visit. I like how you have to jump to insulting an entire message board just because a few people offered dissenting opinions on the importance of storytelling in a medium best known for it's interactivity, though.

Owyn_Merrilin said:
I think you're the one who has given up all say in what you want in the industry, because you can't recognize gameplay differences on the most basic level.

Like it or not, gameplay is what separates games from other kinds of media, especially films. The few games that do, truly, put story above all else do so by making the story a gameplay mechanic. Games like Home or Lone Survivor are a great example of this (Home is a great rebuttal to your earlier argument, too, show me an '80s game like that). I will, at no point, say that story is not important, but to place it above gameplay in order of importance is to be ignorant of what a video game even is. However, though I agree that story can be important (it's the main reason I love Planescape: Torment so much, after all) I will never back down on the point that not every game needs a real story. Some games, like Team Fortress 2, are just fun time wasters that I can just throw on and enjoy myself with for a few hours. Why would I want to get rid of that if I, and millions of others, love it so much?

Games with little focus on story needn't even be "shallow", instantly gratifying fun either. Games like Journey (again show me a game from the '80s like this), NiGHTS Into Dreams (again show me a game from the '80s like this) hell, even Ico and Shadow of the Collosus, don't really have a true narrative in the purest sense of the word. There's little or no dialogue and the characters are represented purely visually. You are given context... and gameplay. And the gameplay to ALL of these games is, in a word, beautiful. They all feel special, elegant, moving, simply in how the gameplay is presented and how the mechanics feel. Throwing in a traditional story would ruin the special feeling of these games, I think. I like a good story, but I'm not willing to throw out the other artistic possibilities of the medium.


New member
Nov 8, 2011
For me it is the "Superior PC gamer", you know, the guy/girl who is so much better than any console gamer solely because they play on a computer. The people like this are what turn some people off of PC gaming and it is friggin' ridiculous.

Trippy Turtle

Elite Member
May 10, 2010
Jay444111 said:
You keep restating that story is important with only one game to back it up. YES games with good stories get better reviews but games with shitty gameplay and good stories mostly don't. Are you going to claim everyone who buys GTA, Halo, Mortal Kombat and a bunch of other gameplay focused franchises are all brainwashed too?


Elite Member
Mar 27, 2012
RickyRich said:
For me it is the "Superior PC gamer", you know, the guy/girl who is so much better than any console gamer solely because they play on a computer. The people like this are what turn some people off of PC gaming and it is friggin' ridiculous.
To be fair, just look in that "what's the advantage of consoles?" thread. Consoles gamers are just as bad but, luckily, it's a vocal minority for both.

[small]Even if a PC Gamer started it.[/small]

But, yeah, that vocal minority tend to be even MORE vocal in PC fandom. Rest assured that even other PC gamers hate those pricks.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Elitists in anything but mostly PC and RPG gamers. Especially when its the type of rpg elitist who thinks that unless it's stat based it requires no thought and you're and idiot for playing it. Possibly because I?m a PC gamer who play a lot of rpgs so come across these people a lot.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
ScrabbitRabbit said:
Story IS more IMPORTANT (Use reading comprehension. Please.)
WHY is it more important? You haven't given any reason for this. Maybe it helps for YOU to enjoy games more, but neither the general public nor many other gamers really care all that much as long as the game is good.
what?....since when do you speak for everyone in this regard?

this is another point I'd like to make...peopel who say "games should be this or that"

there is no "one size fits all aproach" I like Mass Effect apraoch...unlike other games I don't feel the cutecenes ever get in the way..I like them and the games aproach to storytellying..I couldnt imagine mass effect using the "half life" aproach..and vice versa

Dawns Gate

New member
May 2, 2011
MLG - hardcore - gamebattles jerk-offs. I can hardly play certain games now because every other lobby has some whiney kid that when I kill or cut with the lancer (it's pretty bad in gears of war) bitches about how it's "against the rules" and invites me to a private match where I win every time because I'm "cheating" by shooting him with a certain weapon so he can add it to his wins. A few guys claimed they could find where I lived and come and kill me. I started accepting the challenges and had my address as my motto for a while, I'm still waiting.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
DementedSheep said:
Elitists in anything but mostly PC and RPG gamers. Especially when its the type of rpg elitist who thinks that unless it's stat based it requires no thought and you're and idiot for playing it. Possibly because I?m a PC gamer who play a lot of rpgs so come across these people a lot.
Well sure, I mean, there are all sorts of games and it takes a world of different sorts of gamer to perfect them all. I mean, console gamers are all God's creatures, same as we are.

But really, I ask you, would you want one of those things laying it's eggs in your daughter?


New member
Aug 30, 2011
1. I hate being on a team with people who specialise in setting up a spawn-killing or other incredibly cheap scenario. This happened particularly in BFBC2, where occasionally I would get a team who, once winning, would obliterate their way to the enemy base, surround it with all the collective tanks and helicopters, and not let anyone on the opposite team take a step. In BFBC2 it was especially cheap because players searching for a game would automatically be placed in it, the entire team having left.

2. More petty on my end, but I don't like it when I'm in an MMORPG-type situation (I say this because I mean Dragon's Dogma) and other people have ridiculous characters with stupid names and deliberately stupid appearances. Like in said Dragon's Dogma, where I saw a pawn for hire with purple hair and bright yellow beard named Mvfkr. Something unique and different is refreshing, but something deliberately stupid is immersion-breaking.

3. People who will accuse you of being cheap when you are not being cheap, and similarly, people who accuse you of using cheap tactics when you are doing the logical thing to do (e.g. using a health point advantage to force the enemy to come into a closed space rather than engaging them in the open, because you are CQC and that is what you are meant to do).


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
Competitive fighting gamers.

WHAT? You enjoyed the storyline of Mortal Kombat? You're missing the point of a fighting game. You liked Scenario mode in Tekken? You're missing the point of a fighting game.

To these people. YOU'RE missing the point of a game. GAMES are supposed to be enjoyed.