What video game character are you?

Veldt Falsetto

New member
Dec 26, 2009
I'd say I was like my avatar-mate :) Yuri Lowell has a lot of my personality traits tbf, it's probably why I liked him so much


Lvl 20 Hedgehog Wizard
Jan 25, 2010
I probably act the most like Edgeworth from Phoenix Wright; constantly striving for perfection (I've always been described as a perfectionist), a good public speaker, having a certain chivalrous personality that can be confused with arrogance (despite myself not having any self-esteem at all), digging for the truth in an argument, and being very sure of my own beliefs. Also, like him, I tend to separate myself from my friends for some reason or another. Though I think I don't really physically resemble anyone from any video games, again to pull a Phoenix Wright example, I would probably look like Detective Gumshoe if he was blond. I have no idea if that's a good or bad thing. Though in my younger, thinner days, if I had pointy ears I could have passed for Link.

EDIT: Also, for further support of my Edgeworth-ness, it has been suggested to me several times that I would make a really good lawyer.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I think I'm like Desmond from the Assassin's Creed games. I'm pretty whimpy in real life but, when I'm sleeping I am pretty bad ass. Last night for example I had this dream where Pepper Pots and Tony Stark broke into a 7-11 and were stealing drinks and snacks [don't ask]

Anyway, Pepper gets shot and I was consumed with horrible, Viking rage. The guy tried quick-drawing on my but I broke his hand, took his gun and, beat him in the head with it until his skull cracked and bled.

I am Desmond


New member
Dec 28, 2009
Suggest a character whose main talent is running away really fast for I am them. I'm most like my characters I create in RPG's because their personality is based of my choices although technically they're not proper game characters when I create them. In all seriousness I am most like Clank. I'm the sidekick who you know you need because I'm usefull and It wouldn't be the same without me although you'd rather I wasn't there.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
I thought long and hard about this, and I would definitely say Taokaka from BlazBlue
Jun 26, 2009
Avatar Roku said:
I agree, Prototype will be cool, and I haven't heard much about it. btw, how can you be like a character none of us yet know anything about?
maybye cus its SHIT! sured you do all that shapeshifting stuff but it just doesn't feel fun.
OT:ummm i gues my shep of ME1 cus you could be neeutral i was sorta Lawful nutral.