What would the plotline of your very own FPS be?


New member
Aug 17, 2010
lets say Activision come to you to write the next BIG FPS title
what would the plotline be?

I would have it in the modern day and on an international man hunt trying to find some funny looking leader of some fun nation who starts off as a ghost then you chase him for abit etc but in the final boss fight he commanderes a jet pack and a balistics sheild from DARPA or some lab like that and theres the boss fight


New member
Jun 8, 2010
1840, the Yucatan. Under contract with the Yucatecan revolutionary government, the Texas Navy deploys (along with your ship) to the southern Gulf of Mexico to fend off invasion from the central Mexican Dictatorship (all of the above actually happened). As a Texas Marine armed with the latest in small arms innovation (the Colt Revolving Rifle...real thing, and the Texas Marines really were armed with it), you become separated from your small landing party and begin an adventure in the ancient Mayan jungles, replete with supernatural powers, doomsday prophesies, and human sacrifice.


New member
May 6, 2009
I don't really care what plot it has as long as it's epic and longer than 8 hours. I ust enjoy shooting things dead... that's why I play FPSs and the story shouldn't take away from the gameplay.


New member
Aug 14, 2010
See 'Expendables'

Tool comes to me with a list, i pick , i do, i pwn. Rinse and repeat as long as every single destination had 1) a completely unique envirnment 2) Enemies that brought different tactics in each location 3) Vehicle sections , id be happy with a total of 9 or 10, 1 hour long missions and with shit blowing up. Other than that all i can say is Deus Ex has already been made.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
I wouldn't work for avtivison..BUT..if i did i would make a terrorist cell...no not middle eastern terrorist..there low grade to these guys..im talking setting up shop in russia and getting access to a cold war ICBM and you launch it starting a cataclysmic event everywhere...after all how many games let YOU destroy the world.


Certified Deviant
Jul 17, 2008
It's 1939 in Poland, your kidnapped by the SS when your 2 years old and they try to make you into a supersolider, you escape their compound in Northern Germany in 1948 (the war's still going on) and link up with resistance forces, they gladly recruit you, but your no ordinary solider, your a goddamn super bear.

I'll be waiting for the royalties to flow in...


Legendary Table User
Jul 17, 2009
You see those guys we don;t like them so make them dead, and that guy he's one of their leaders take this wrist watch and murder him in the most violent way you can imagine.

Yeah I think making it over the top and satirical would probably be best.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Buzz McKillingson is an ensign in the USA Space Marines. Oppressive aliens threaten Earth from a distance with colonization and all-out take-over. The only other super power even close to interplanetary war is Russia, but they've yet to manage any sort of weapon that is capable of being accurate or effective in space.

It's a good thing that in Yellowstone National Park, a mine of a new metal has been discovered called "American Steel." It always fires true and strong, capable of piercing any other material known to man.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
Here's a bunch of different kinds of guns. On the other side of this door is the world. They're all trying to kill you...Actually, most of them aren't, but, you have to kill them anyways. Have fun.
Jun 7, 2010
I did once ponder this question. if i were to make the next call of duty it would be in the wild west with the 141 newly founded and you would stop some...guys from overthrowing the government.

at one moment early in the game, captain prices ancestor would take out a box of cigars about to have a victory smoke but says there are none left but there is clearly one left, when a teammate points this out he says "that's for a special occasion". then later in the game he is held at gunpoint by the enemy on the verge of their victory and his final wish is that cigar. he takes the match to it and it explodes, taking the enemy forces elite members with him.


New member
Aug 16, 2010
Okay there is this armored space marine...

(I'm not a Halo hater, I enjoy it very much I just get tired of all of the bad remakes because businesses are just copying what has worked well in the past)


New member
Feb 20, 2009
Here are some bad guys. The have machine guns, you have your fists. Kill them in 30 seconds or I'll release the hounds.

Well, something like that.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
No matter how hard I would try, if I ever made an FPS it would end up just being Half Life 2 with a different setting and maybe some different characters.



And a jet pack.

Chicago Ted

New member
Jan 13, 2009
I'd rather have Ubisoft working for me so I could fix the flaws in Far Cry 2 so it could be a truely spectacular game.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
In that sort of far-but-near future setting, like Minority Report, where we have some amazing technology like awesome computers and cars that drive themselves, but life really isn't that different, there's a mad scientist who mucks about with time travel. You, as a Time Agent or maybe just the Special Division of the FBI, whatever, have to travel through time, and stop his creations. Also, while a badass, you don't have the typical tough guy macho attitude, but are more suave. I'm thinking you're kinda like George Clooney in Ocean's 11, only with rocket launchers and lasers. Also, there will be a gun that shoots other guns, as in you can plant a gun like a turret in a far wall. The turrets will have different types, flame throwers, lasers, shoots chainsaws, depending on what you want it to do.

Along the way, you fight ninjas, dinosaurs, zombies, robots, ninja-robot cyborgs, zombie-ninjas, dinosaur-robot cyborgs (all combinations of those four things, including a zombie-dinosaur-ninja-cyborg). Gameplay would be mostly cover-based shooter, with a "linear" story. I say that, because there will be time-travel involved, it'll just be linear relative to the player. Cool bits will involve early in the game, coming across a field of dead dinosaurs, only to later in the game mow down the dinosaurs when you travel back to that time to protect yourself. Also missions where you are watching yourself run and fight through areas with a sniper rifle picking off threats that were unknown to you the first time through. Lots of cool reveals will be done using the travel back in time to see what happened in the moments before you arrived the first time, etc.

The final level will be a big boss fight on a space station where you defeat the boss by crashing the station into a volcano. It ends with you riding a motorcycle through the rapidly disintegrating hull and jumping over the volcano and into the future, which is the time where the game began.

I think I'll call it TimeSpark. And it'll have like 6 awesome taglines. Ranging from "Make Einstein your *****" to "When Time Flees, Gun It Down."

The sequel, TimeSpark 2: Tempus Tempest involves you gaining mental control over time and how those weird gargoyle monsters from that episode of Doctor Who where Rose saved her father and therefore made a rift in time try to kill you.


New member
Feb 15, 2010
Me versus the clown apocalypse - clowns have taken over the world like zombies and I must destroy all of them.

/shudder at clowns. When will a game allow me to kill them wantonly with extreme prejudice?!


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Non existant... because If i made a FPS.. i would want it to be sucessful, and plot gets in the way of multiplayer.