What would the plotline of your very own FPS be?


New member
Jan 19, 2010
The year is 3792. Humanity has been oppressed for one thousand years by an enigmatic alien race known only as the Pharys. You are simply a human (choose your gender!) who has had enough of the brutal alien regime,whilst they slowly drain the Earth of all natural resources,and enslave humanity. You,and your fellow field operatives of the resistance movement "Cerulean Dawn" are tasked to strike key targets that will destabilize the area (which is northern Nunavut. Don't worry,it's fairly warm due to the aliens messing with the Earth) and to weaken their grip on the region.
You start the campaign as an infiltrator/assassin working for Cerulean,in the alien's center of authority on Earth itself,a massive structure,a thousand stories tall. Your target is the corrupt representative of human kind,and he invited you to a private audience with him in his office. Then,you walk through a hidden metal detector,and because you have dozens of knives and fifteen kilograms of plastique hidden on your person,you trip it. Your first mission is to kill your mark,and escape without being tracked. Between missions,you're at base,and you can interact with other members of the Cerulean Dawn,learning them,and finding out what they want done,and maybe what they'll reward you with.
Missions are divided into three types:Stealth,Demolition,or Assault/Raid. Each are self explanitory,and in Demolition and Assault/Raid missions,you gain a squad which you have complete control over,and each squad member has their own unique skills,so they all can do something different,and creative on some cases,to assist you on the mission. Stealth missions are either assassinations,or intel gathering,in which you go in alone with some explosives,knives,and suppressed handguns.
All Cerulean Agents are given a wrist mounted device called an A-PUT,or All Purpose Utility Thingy,which has short range motion sensors (ten meters),can upling with some devices,like rangefinders,cameras,or other similar devices,has a short-wave radio for communication with HQ or Tactial Command,and a T-DAS,or Tactical Diagnostic Assessment System,which assesses the current situation and gives you likely options as solutions.
The rest is in the air. Whaddya think?


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
Mine would be that murder simulator Jack Thompson always whines about. Grand Theft Auto on the Source engine.

Paksenarrion said:
It starts out like Harvest Moon: you're a farmer, you pick a partner, you woo that partner with baked goods, then you give them a feather to symbolize your love...

...then murder happens.
"...then murder happens" has some real potential as a catchphrase.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
A Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Street survial horror FPS...Basically your part of a group of hapless teens trapped somewhere and you need to figure out whats going on and how to get out while avoiding traps and the like and occasionally you have to run like hell from the villian and if he catches you your dead. I think the 1st person perspective would add a level of clostraphobia and would also help with emersssion.

now if you meant an actuall shooter...i don't know...space marines...i really don't care...I like my slasher game idea better.


New member
Feb 5, 2007
TingaWinga said:
lets say Activision come to you to write the next BIG FPS title
what would the plotline be?

I would have it in the modern day and on an international man hunt trying to find some funny looking leader of some fun nation who starts off as a ghost then you chase him for abit etc but in the final boss fight he commanderes a jet pack and a balistics sheild from DARPA or some lab like that and theres the boss fight
Id write a game where Russia Invades the U.S.A and only a group of special soldiers - either a taskforce of some degree or some outcast criminal soldiers - would be the only hope of victory! Would also work for an RTS where the cold war escalates and Russia invades the U.S.A and you have to use limited forces to fight to save the USA with a dramatic nuke killing a man heroic defending his homeland!

Oh the Russia invading the USA thing has been done 30 times now?
Damn guess I'll go with the futuristic setting where a guy in powered battle armour fights of an army of aliens on distant planets, SHUT UP IT HASNT BEEN DONE LIKE 50 TIMES!

ok try this!
Mercenary organisation turns rogue, tries to... what? Your kidding me even the merc angle has been over worked?

Jesus has the FPS genré got ANY hope of something originaL


Oh ok I'll just focus all my time and effort into J-rpg genré - Now how about this:

Angsty, girlish looking teenage boys ... wait, what are you doing with that rope and ducktape!
I Swear my ideas are original!!!

On a serious note:

If I had to put together a serious shooter Id go for the 3rd person perspective and script it something like this:

2015, After tensions between religious and political groups almost erupts into all out global fighting a gobal pact is agreed upon to begin proceedings to unify the various nations of the planet. Naturally the Middle East, Korea and Africa say get bent. the USA, Europe, China, Australia and S. America agree.

2026, a unified republic occurs between the above nations. Due to sactions and pressure from the new Republic of Allied Nations (who have all the medicine, weapons and anything worth owning or using) the others give in one at a time.

2031, The whole planet is now under a single democratic order. Increases in migration and over population begin to cause significant crime issues.

2035, the crime issue has gotten out of hand and finally a global Guild for Bounty Hunters is established with the directives of bring in Government issued marks alive or dead.

Game would consist of a South African born bounty hunter by the name of "Allen Gardener" working to find and recover the kidnapped daughter of a very wealthy business man. She becomes Bounty ID: 108,766 or 66 for short which would be the title.

While its a few years into the future it would be more dystopian, a lot of dirty alleys and bad 'hoods. Gameplay would include Parkour style moves in the style of running up short distances on walls to vault over fences, landing in a forward roll to tap the fire button resulting in your character ramming a gun into a badguys chest and firing it pointblank.

Combat would be shooting heavy with agility based moves being done combo style or QTE style but QTE's you iniate "IE - You tap A to sprint, you reach a wall and hit A again to make him run up it and over the wall, tap RT as he finishes the roll to instata kill someone". Focus would be on minor elements of cover based shooting to avoid it becoming gears of war. Some minor RPG elements based on the history you chose for him (Ex-army, grew up in the streets etc) and these would influence weapon skills and special skills like lock picking and so on.
Oh I'd also borrow that one element from the punisher game where you wail on guys in torture minigames to extract info.

There would also be side Bounties to earn extra cash tp upgrade your gear and buy new outfits etc.

Chose South African lead character because I am one and South Africans in movies are usually seen as quite rough.

This is just a quick and rough hewing of an idea of being pondering for a little while ^_^


New member
May 1, 2009
The time: Now.
The place: Somewhere on the internet.

In short:

The internet is an actual physical dimension, shaped by all the run-off from our internet. You play as a young hacker (Whom we'll pretend is W_o_W) who one day decides to play havoc with Wikicorp(tm). Before the operation is carried out though, you get busted by the guards; however, before they shoot you, you're rescued by a group of anarchists called "Teh E1337s". The El337s are, in no particular order:

A twitching psychotic
and AE-tan

The E1337s are a very thinly veiled anthropomorphized versions of Something Awful, /V/, /RULE ONE, LOL/, and ED. Seeing as you had the balls and the skills to get into Wikicorp (TM), the E1337s decide you induct you into the group. You then spend the rest of the game working to overthrow the brutal moderation (the cops, as it were), topple the monopoly of the RIAA (big business), stamp out the ever-growing furry population (because it's the internet), and generally make life miserable for anyone who ever looked at you funny.

Things are well and good for a while: before too long goes by, you assassinate several heads of moderation, cripple the RIAA and expose their practices as corrupt, and keep the furries down. Then, in the last act of the game, it is revealed that all three of them have been working in tandem to smuggle an ISB-class warhead into the heart of the city, the detonation of which will kill everyone in a mile and furri-fy everyone within ten. You and The E1337s valiently storm the building, but one by one you fall to the enemy. By the end of the game, two of your team have been killed, one has been badly injured, and the third stays behind to help him. After battling your way through a small army and defeating the final boss, you move to disarm the bomb--

Only to find out that there's only one second on the timer. Fade out to a massive explosion, and roll credits.


New member
Aug 17, 2010
the year is *release year+70* the world is now a totalitarian dictatorship, with the cities being extremely fortress-like, and the slums all gang-ridden sh*tholes, and you get to choose to join the rebels(the main terrorist-gang), the Genii(the private military core hired by the government to keep the peace), or make your own gang, so it'd be like a fpsrpg, except done well

(or you could just be a normal citizen, but who wants to do that?)

no oneder

New member
Jul 11, 2010
No guns, just psychic powers and the occasional mini game. The story would be about a lovely girl trying to come up with an idea for a FPS.
Mar 9, 2010
Mine would be a Cold War revamp where the Russians did inv... oh wait, I forgot that had been overused to the point where I prefer to grate my own ear lobes than think about it.

Nah, I'd say screw it, lets make an RPG. You're a PI, former cop, working on cases for cash to survive and buy weapons all the while looking into his former partners dealings with Al Capone. You travel all over Illinois getting cases and finding stuff out, interrogating anyone and everyone you can for the info, bribing people, having shoot outs and such and such.


New member
Mar 6, 2009
First, I would NOT work with Activision to produce an FPS. That would be career suicide.

I have always had the idea for a wargame, but it is simply too ambitious to ever be pulled off correctly. I will post my plot (possibly with some concept art) a little later. I don't have time to write it all down now.

Enemy Of The State

New member
May 31, 2010
Mine would be a parody of generic FPS games, with a man-bear space marine who can't shoot from cover for more than 5 seconds before he starts humping a chest-high wall.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
mine would basically be a cover based tps but with an organic theme
so in the future humanity and all other life on earth has merged with an alien symbiote/mineral called substance, to the point where everyone is born with little tumors of it in their bodies, which grow out to cover their skin and replace their organs as they age. with substance, people live an average of 120 years in near perfect health, clothes, tools, weapons and buildings can be grown from raw substance. then a virus starts spreading through the world, mutating substance and anything it is bonded to into a monstrous decaying darkform, and you have to find a cure

the stories generic but it would be more than made up for with the visuals (gears of war meets osmosis jones meets 3d renderings of cells and microscopic organisms everything from cities to forests to bunkers and oceans is squirming, pulsing and growing with color, light and movement. the only grays and browns you would be the part metallic-part rotting flesh textures of the infected substance. the character's armor would "breathe" and regenerate when damaged, and their helmets would grow over their faces in battle. the other cool feature would be the interaction with the enviorment
basically every weapon could be used to "infect" the neutral organic enviorment, which would support you and hinder enemies. For instance, in addition to perforating infected enemies, the basic assualt rifle be shot at the ground to create a field of spines that would weaken and slow enemies when the moved across it. the shotgun equivalent would plant a tumor mine in the ground, or use the chaingun to grow walls. their would also be nodes throughout the enviorment that would convert the enviorment much faster. but the infected could do this as well.

thats just the basic concept, and it needs refinement, but in my mind it looks and plays awesome


New member
Apr 6, 2009

my game wouldnt be a straight shooter. it would be more along the lines of a shooter mixed with Last Stand and UrbanDead. If you have no idea what Last Stand is then go play it right now. now play Last Stand 2. now go get a free account at urbandead.com. Ok. well it wouldnt be side scrolling, it would be first person. and mabye with a little bit of a cover mechanic. (i have some good ideas on that point.) basically in the beginning you choose what your character was. lets say barebones classes are soldier, civilian, and doctor. you start by yourself with a randomly chosen weapon that fits with your background. soldier gets some type of firearm, civilian can probably get an axe or something of that nature, and a doctor might get a mixture of the two. mabye a pistol. you are all alone after a zombie outbreak. you must survive as long as you can. the military has retreated west beyond the rockies leaving thousands of people to fend for themselves in a sea of undead. you can join a group of survivors, create your own band, or go it alone. watch out for other humans though, some may be bands of raiders traversing the landscape, seeking to loot and pillage all they can. also, there are feral animals looking for easy prey and insane humans who are pretty much animals themselves. will you survive World War Z?


New member
Jan 21, 2010
I'm thinking something "cyberpunk" since the closest mainstream thing we've got is Halo. No aliens, just humans. Very diverse futuristic culture from anti-grav sports, to 5-sense immersion MMOs (God help us all), to electronic gambling (oh wait, we have that already). The singleplayer will play a little bit like the GTA series, with you hunting down hackers for "The Man," having a blast doing random, crazy stuff with hackers, fighting "The Man" with a resistance faction or whatever you feel like, Chav/Playa genocides not excluded. The multiplayer being a city-wide brawl with all the tech therein available: cars, tanks, buses, and techno-gadgets galore.

You start off as a software programmer for GeneriTech. You start with a normal day of going to work, seeing how much of a jerk your boss is, picking up some snacks at the store, and then going home to your modest techno apartment. There'll be some gizmos to play with: your entertainment station (includes tv, internet, gaming, stereo, and holocommunicator), your GeneriTech puppy and Grav-ball set (you remote control a hovering ball through a gauntlet of moving parts to reach a hoop). Later that evening you have the option of going with your buddies to see a hoverbike race.

On day two you go to your work grind again to find out from the boss's secretary (whom you've had a crush on but doesn't take the least interest in a troglodyte like you) that your boss took the day off for all the debauchery and schmoozing that a mid-level branch administrator can afford. So guess who gets to use his/her lunch break to drive to their company's sister company VanillaCorp to deliver the list of servers to be upgraded this month? Wow, first try. Good job! As you're driving, cybercriminals hit the block you're in. So street lights are flashing, loud speakers are belting out electorap (trust me, it's not AAA material) and tv monitors/billboards are going crazy. You see some young'ns run into a corner store and run out with bagfuls of loot. At this point you have a variety of options: go tell the police and get offered a job there, skip work and go home (which gets you fired), wait a bit for the situation to calm down and deliver the package (to get fired later for being late), or you can run after the hoodlums (which work for cyberpunks called Teh Haxorz) and either ask to join up (which gets you a modest share of loot) or you can beat their faces in with a nearby crowbar and steal their loot (or return it).

If you join up with the punks or go vigilante on them you later get approached by the resistance faction (1337 Fighters) to ask you if you're ready for "The Big Time." If you don't do this you can join up with the police at the station or the hackers/looters at the cyberpunk cafe at any time. The 1337 Fighters will only approach you if you fight cops or commit cyber crimes. Once you agree to sign up you are given the location of their local cell's HQ which you can return to at any time if you want work or need to reapply if you get on their blacklist (though you'll need to prove your loyalty again with missions). If you join the cops you have to quit (unless it's for a mission) before the other factions will talk to you. Each faction but the cops (which only give you lockers at the station which get restocked with ammo and weapons) gives you access to a new room somewhere to hang out at/operate out of.

Light Assault Vehicles (futuristic looking humvees. Did I mention they're amphibious and have heavy duty grappling hooks?)
Hoverfighters (small, light, maneuverable fighter jets)
Everyday electric autos

Personnel weapons:
Assault rifles
Rocket launchers
Riot shields
Tazers (sp?)
Deployable EMP modules (all vehicles are electronic)
Arc pistols (discharges a heavy electrical charge at foes)
Lasers (fairly low-tech; are rifle size and must be held on the target, doing damage over time, but can burn through just about anything and may catch it on fire)
Hacking module (requires 30 seconds to work, used to hack vehicles, has a recharge time of 1 minute, in single player can steal credits)


New member
Sep 30, 2009
Duke nukem forever.

No seriously, sick and tired of this realistic garbage. I need something that is just fun to play.

Also I could just wait for bulletstorm. Seems to just drop its pants and show what its got.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
You are playing part in the ultimate game, an alien race with technoligies beyond our dreams have gathered soldiers from hundreds of planets armies. You, a human, called carbon bag by your captors, are forced to fight off creatures from beyond space and time with the various weapons of your planet. You are forced to loot the complicated weaponry off yoru fallen foes In a vain attempt to win the fight, along with your own freedom.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
Do oblivion and wow mix... tha- oh FPS, hmmm.
You are aducted as a child then trained to- wait halo.
Your plane crashes in the ocean and- bioshock.
Why are all cool beginings taken.
You are travelling and some people mug you and shoot you- new vegas.
You're in a room and there is a giant moster talking to you telepathicly and making you relive you're horrific past.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
Duke nukem with current-gen graphics, TF2-style cartoony deaths, some puzzles, and maybe a couple of stealth sections.