What would the plotline of your very own FPS be?

Midnight Crossroads

New member
Jul 17, 2010
You are a super powered soldier trying to kill an army of made up of cyborg zombies, bear cavalry, and spetsnaz who want to take over the world.

You're side arm is a GAU-8/A Avenger that fires explosive shells coated in depleted uranium. Your main weapon can be anything from a M-29 Davy Crockett to the cannon of a tank you ripped out of a tank after using the tank as a club to beat a giant mecha to death. There will be RPG elements such as learning to talk to speak bear so you can use aforementioned bear cavalry to eat the zombie cyborgs. An asteroid you pulled out of space with a gravity gun is fine too.


New member
Jul 2, 2010
I've actually sorta been thinking about what I would do if I were given the resources to make my own game for quite a while now, so this might get kinda long-winded.
So you work as sort of a security/private military for this biomed company. You're an ex-soldier with a dishonorable discharge or whatever. Your job is basically to go to developing countries with the resources this company needs and cause all hell to rain down and then seize the assets the company needs in the resulting chaos.
Except, at some point, you decide you want out, but (of course) you know too much. So they kidnap you and take you to their secure testing facility where they are running genetic experiments on people to make them create the chemicals they need for their drugs (kinda like what they do with assorted bacteria and such nowadays). You escape, but only by releasing these muntant...things that used to be people and are the result of the failed experiments. But, uh-oh, you get caught by the government and you say "I have no loyalty to the pricks who ran all these tests" and they basically say "we don't wanna waste and soldiers cleaning this up, so you get to take care of it or we'll lock you in a very tiny box and throw away the key"
Now, despite the somewhat cliched (ok very cliched) story, the mechanics would be...different.
Basically, it would switch between the present (i.e. post-releasing the mutants) and the past (i.e. working for this company). So one of the mutant things is basically a dude who creates these massive amounts of cells similar to stem cells. The company uses these cells in specialized suits to heal their soldiers. In the missions in the past where you're working for this company, you have access to this suit, which basically makes it an MW2 health system. However, nowadays you're working against this company, so you don't have access to the cells and therefore have a very limited amount of health of the bar variety and have to resort to sneaky guerrilla warfare and logic to sneak past your enemies and take out the muties. So basically, half of the story happens now and the other half is flashbacks. Also, the very first flashbacks would be the main character's days in basic training and the military, serving as a combat tutorial.
Also, it would feature my take on QTE's, which I think would make them more interesting and less annoying.
Every now and again you would end up in a staged fight with an enemy, which would pull in to a kind of 2D fighter game sort of thing. Basically, the game would tell you all the buttons in the beginning to use in a fight (i.e. x=punch, b=kick, whatever). What would happen is when an enemy goes to hit you, it goes all slo-mo like in a normal QTE, but doesn't tell you a button to press. Instead, you could choose which button you want to hit, and whichever attack/block/counter/dodge/whatever you wanted to use would either work or not work, depending upon the attack the enemy did. Also, a successful hit or evasion would open the enemy's defenses, allowing you to strike back or combo hits. If you're still reading this, my middle name is Andrew. The more you know! It would allow for some really cool looking combat without it being entirely scripted or entirely unscripted. All in all, it would kinda work like Alpha Protocol's dialogue system, giving you ample time to make a decision so you don't have to worry about dying 700 times in a cutscene.
Jesus Christ that was a lot of writing that nobody's going to read.


Elite Member
Feb 19, 2009
No plot line here. I'd make an FPS game that is self aware of it being an FPS game. Hasn't been done yet. I'd also make it an MMOFPS... the likes of which the world has never seen. The persistent world would incorporate the community aspect of regular FPS games into the game itself.

It's brilliant.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
screw the story i would focus on making the biggest action balls to the wall explosive crazy game play with awesome action set piece. i would want the reviewers to say "that game didn't really have a story but screw me if it wasn't fucken awesome!!"


In brightest day...
Nov 18, 2009
FargoDog said:
I would say 'Activision, please go away. I'd rather be independent than have you behind me.'

In all seriousness, it would be about a tactical recon team who has to murder Bobby Kotick. I'd like to see how they take it.
...Your avatar has changed. Within the last few hours. I noticed!

OT: Um... In the future, the internet is yet more a part of our lives, to the point where people can access it directly through a port into their brains. Naturally, over time, this is upgraded to become a wireless system.
A virus of some kind, consisting of both physical and virtual components, allows remote control of people whilst they're within range of a wireless router. Unfortunately, pretty much the whole world is now within signal range. The group who unleashed the virus quickly assume political control over the entire planet's population, with a police force/army made up of anyone and everyone - whoever they deem it necessary to take total control of to suppress an uprising.
For reasons I'm not entirely sure of just yet, some people don't have the implant/are immune to the control thing. They destroy a few of the devices broadcasting the wireless signal in the area in which you live, and recruit the now free populace (you included) to fight back against the new government.
Expect twists, betrayals, and possibly a choice at the end where you have to decide for yourself whether or not this new government is a bad thing for the people.
And occasional sections where you can control other people - maybe you take over some kind of government complex?
The public will be both your cover and your enemy. And you may want to find non-lethal takedowns, because they're not in control of their own actions - they're just normal people. So some kind of running away ability may be needed, which I might have to shamelessly steal from Mirror's Edge.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Two parts Perfect Dark and one part Syndicate due to having humanoid robots serving as 99% percent of the 22nd century's covert agents and assassins.

Your character, however, is the latest in a long family of such agents and becomes the only professional human agent still employed by your organization. This becomes crucial when one of the disguised replicants shoots the governor while you are pulling another job in the same building, even though the replicant was never ordered by its owners to. This blows into a media war between pro-replicant and anti-replicant factions while you are ordered to learn the truth behind the shooting. Naturally, enemy replicants are a lot tougher and faster than humans and you are required to deal with them a lot more late game.

Controllable hovercars among other vehicles.
A few missions where the two factions are fighting each other and you can help whichever side you like.
A 'Tomato in the Mirror' scenario when you learn that Replicants can be pre-programmed to think that they are a certain person, and begin to wonder why it is your health and ammo are showing up as little bars in the corner of your eye... and why you've never said no to a mission.

Cliched I know, but I've always wanted to see another good game in the Perfect Dark-verse.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
You're a dissident Egyptian priest secretly worshiping the likes of Set. On an unlucky day you have been discovered by the Pharaoh sacrificing a renown priestess and end up conjuring a curse which instantly kills the god king at the expense of your corporeal form. Now, trapped in between the border between life and death you must venture on to either reassemble your very body back and take the rule of the empire, venture further into the afterlife battling shades of the past to confront the very god that has granted you the curse to begin with or even attempt to become a god yourself.

The gameplay starts off fairly simple with magic taking the place of conventional modern weaponry and depending on how the game is progressed it will start playing differently, such as gaining physical body parts with different abilities (like firing your fist at an opponent), phasing through obstacles, flight, astral travel, shapeshifting and even summoning ancient creatures to battle for you.


New member
Feb 2, 2008
The plot of my own FPS...hmmm ok.

You play Cyril, a Mars Bar addicted duck billed platypus. Someone stole your last mars bar, go get it back. Whats standing in your way? Other than a fuck-tonne of monsters all intent from stopping you. Yeah...you're not liked that much. Oh, also you're from Bognor Regis. Don't ask why you just are, ok? You're Cyril the Mars Bar eating duck billed platypus from Bognor Regis, you shouldn't have to ask why.

How can you shoot? well thats easy, you have something attached to your back that does it for you, you can pick up stuff that'll change what it does...shotgun, machine gun, flamethrower, grenade launcher, minigun, hammer, drill and so on.

Just think Serious Sam


New member
Jun 29, 2009
Exposition: Guy sits at home looking at gun collection.

Initial Incident: Guy picks up gun.

Rising Action: Guy goes on shooting rampage in a country afflicted with a military occupation.


Falling Action: See above.

Conclusion: Goto Rising Action.
Aug 26, 2008
Mine would have a tense atmosphere where fights normally involved you and one or two other guys. Bullet wounds would be fatal. You know, properly fatal. There'd be knife and fist fights more often than shootouts. A little bit like condemmed but without the LOLCULTSMAGIC or crack heads attacking you in hordes for no good reason. The settings would be everyday places like trains, pubs, houses or the work place. So you could relate to it. Glassing and brutally murdering a single enemy in a crowded bar is probably gonna resonate better with the player base than epic gun battles on a fucking oil rig.

Throw in a storyline something akin to "taken" where your character has to violently resolve a conflict alone as he can't go to the police for help. You know make him a sex offender or something, I dunno. Chuck in a bit of mystery, a bit of fingernail popping interrogation and make the main character and unreliable narrator who's seriously unhinged.

Now who here can honestly say they don't want to see that game made?


New member
Apr 13, 2009
Honestly I would just make a sequel to Star Wars: Republic Commandos and follow the books with the same title simply because they are that awesome.

It might also be about a kid who is an apprentice to a manufacturer of steam mechs (steampunk setting) who gets caught up in a rebellion against a corrupt king with some twists in it (i.e. neither the rebels nor the king being very good people, a third party coming into the war and the choice of siding with one of the 3 for different benefits and storylines).


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Mine would be a western, you play as Clint Eastwood.

You go around from saloon to saloon, just being awesome and killing anyone who dares disrespect you. Then one day you discover a group of people who are being oppressed, or maybe fall in love, or befriend some people.

Your friends, love interest, oppressed people; get in trouble and you go on a quest to save them. Which you of course succeed in because your a badass gunslinger.

The game ends with you riding off into the sunset.


New member
Jul 18, 2010
In the near future, Canada has ambushed the U.S.. You fight for either the Mounties or the Marines. And then France gets involved somehow.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
It starts out like Harvest Moon: you're a farmer, you pick a partner, you woo that partner with baked goods, then you give them a feather to symbolize your love...

...then murder happens.

It's now a murder mystery, and someone just killed the love of your life. Instead of a top down farming/dating simulator, it's not a first person horror/mystery game. You go around looking for clues, all the while characters are killed off one by one, every other day.