What would the plotline of your very own FPS be?

electric discordian

New member
Apr 27, 2008
Dirty Harry the Game. A blend of first person combat, detection and investigation.

Of course being me it would be Dirty Harry versus the cult of Cuthulu! Now that my friend would be amazing!


New member
Jan 25, 2010
I've got an idea for an open-world Stealth FPS, but I'm not sure if the AI technology of this generation would be able to support it convincingly.

You're an average Joe out on a shopping trip with your girlfriend (let's just call her Cindy). The first thing you do is go with her to a laser tag place near the mall, and the two of you team up against some teenagers for a couple of rounds. This is both a setup for the relationship between you and a tutorial for the shooter mechanics.

So anyway, after the laser tag, you go with Cindy to a store in the middle of the mall for some shopping. It's the middle of a saturday and the mall is really crowded. Then suddenly BAM! Explosions and gunfire, people running around, confusion!

There's a large force of about a hundred terrorists assaulting the mall. Some of them are roaming through the mall shooting anyone they come across, and some of them are blocking the exits off. From this point on the game becomes entirely open. No mission objectives or anything, you just need to survive. You can just find a way out (Cindy follows you, but if she gets killed she's gone forever) or try to rescue as many people as you can, or go all John McClane on the terrorists.

There would be events that would happen on a timer, and the whole game would be only about two hours long, at the end of which a SWAT team charges into the mall and sweeps up the remaining terrorists. If you found a way to escape early, then you would effectively save your own ass and end the game. Or you could find the escape, and tell Cindy to run for it while you go and find other survivors or shoot the bad guys. Or you could give her a gun and she'll help you out. The AI that she has would be similar to the AI of the survivors in the mall, except some would be more or less willing to help you. Some just want to escape, some want to help fight, some are intentionally programmed to freak out and screw things up for you.

The enemies, though limited in number, would all be very smart, and they'd all have cell phones so they can communicate with each other so you'd have to extremely careful when you try to take any of them on. Since it's just a mall, ammo would be limited to whatever the terrorists and security guards were carrying on them. You would also benefit greatly from taking out the terrorist that's posted in the security room watching the security cameras. Or just shoot out security cameras whenever you see them, or find the circuit breaker to disable power to the security room and shoot any terrorist who tries to restore the power.

If you manage to get rid of terrorists who were guarding a certain exit, you could then tell survivors to run out that exit.

The game would have two hours of video and radio news coverage that you could listen to any time you pass by a TV or radio (like, in an electronics store or something).

About 30 minutes into the game the terrorists would switch from killing people to taking hostages and making demands on the news.

If you killed a significant number of terrorists, then the remaining terrorists would know about you specifically. The leader would go on the mall intercom and threaten you. A few more terrorists killed and he'd start giving ultimatums like give yourself in or he'll execute a hostage every minute. If at any point Cindy got taken by the terrorists, they'd use her as bait in an extremely difficult ambush situation.

Instead of taking out the terrorists directly, you could use your cell phone to give the police intel on the situation so their SWAT attack would go more smoothly and less hostages would get killed in the crossfire than otherwise.

It would probably take several runs through the game to get a "perfect" ending (rescue Cindy, rescue as many survivors as possible, and kill all the terrorists)

I'm sure there's all sorts of ways this idea could be expanded on.


New member
Aug 14, 2010
I'm not inventive enough to come up with an original story. I'd be full of moments stolen from existing games and films. I reckon I could come up with a pretty kick ass list of weapons though.
Sep 14, 2009
well mine would be batshit crazy, unthinkable guns doing the most unrealistic physics possible to obliterate enemies with massive amounts of points and awards popping up for doing awesome shit (which you would be constantly doing)

the whole game would be colorful and have cheesy macho lines, it'd be a party based shooter (so your friends can co op, SPLITSCREEN/MULTISCREEN/ONLINE to please everyone and anyone, and the plotline would be very simple, your the hottest upcoming mercenary crew to walk the universe, and your kickin ass one planet at a time.(you'd obviously be able to pick your character, customize the look, choose a couple all star talents, everything else is mediocre, and as the game went on you'd pick up attachments or if you got hit really hard, you'd have that part of your body be replaced with a robotic part (eventually you'd be a fucking cyborg))

it wouldn't be too linear, you'd be able to choose which planet and which missions to do, and they'd be label a category (ex: blast to hell, extraction, capture,etc..) to give you an idea on if you want to take up that mission or not

there were be awesome driving missions with huge fucking guns so you could literally blow the planet your rolling (or hovering) around on in half

that'd be a quick sketch of it.


New member
Aug 20, 2010
Alright, so you're Tony the Tiger with a gun that shoots sugar... and you also have a flamethrower. You begin your tale in the town of cornflakeville where the death of your mother (who is a giraffe) causes you to lose your mind and attack the entire village of cornflakes.

You attack the helpless cornflakes by coating them with sugar (which also blinds them) and brulee-ing them till their dead and frosted flakes. You then find out from the grandmaster of the Wheaties clan that there are other cereal-based towns out there that may or may not have had to do with the death your mother.

So then begins the torturous journey of a crazy Tony the Tiger(you) which culminates in the epic battle against lucky the leprechaun. Once victorious, it then dawns on you that the grandmaster Wheatie is actually your father. Tony returns home and is welcomed with open arms by his father, the grandmaster Wheatie, who then murders you (Tony) and now never has to regret that one wild night he had with a giraffe.

The End

Or is it?


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Aliens invade, and every person is conscripted to fight them. You are an officer, and must take you rag-tag team across the country to the last safe zone.

This would explain why the AI has such crummy shooting, and you're relied on to do everything for them.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
I'd make it a musical where enemies break out into song while hiding behind crates shooting at you.

"You may shoot me! But my dreeeaaaammmm will live oooooon! I've minions and people who'll die for my name. You've got no one but you for yourself to blame!" (Sung to the tune of anything ever)

etc etc etc.

Pretty sure if a villain sang to me as I fought him I'd be in love. Maybe some dance routines too. Fuck that would be awesome.


New member
May 30, 2010
I would make this very epic game about WW2... Did I mention nazi zombies?

Oh wait... :<

OT: I have no idea of the plotline, but it would be a epic game! and I would use this really inapropriate music in my action sceens (Think Morning Mood by Edward Greig).


New member
Jun 27, 2010
TingaWinga said:
lets say Activision come to you to write the next BIG FPS title
what would the plotline be?
The Columbine Massacre from the point of view of the gunners would be a rather original game. To avoid upsetting people with family who died, make it a generic one about a psychopath, since if you're going around shooting that many people the way you are in RDR (for example), you are a psychopath.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
You are a pacifist who has been cursed with an eternal life that he no longer wants. To end his suffering, he must kill all who stand in his way, slowly tearing away at himself as he must go against his beliefs so he can end his life. Along the way he meets people who don't want him to go further because he would discover and reveal to the world something that shouldn't be before he destroyed himself, so to stop him, they plan to cut off his arms and legs and leave him in agony for the rest of eternity.

Dark, no?


New member
Jan 9, 2010
I would make a "real" cop game. Featuring elements from Heavy Rain (the detective aspect), and the SWAT series- but made as much into the FPS format as possible.

The plot? Keep your precinct safe and stable. Setting? NOT the bloody american south.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Well, im just cutting out the bullshit...

There is this magnificent city, a real utopia, but a terrorist organization manages to takje it over, and soon the whole population is either dead, criminals, or have managed to flee the city. There are 1 million enemies in this city, you are some random guy that is choosen to go in and kill them all, and when you ask why, they answer, "why not, you dont want to go?"

The game is basically kill every mother fucker in the game, there are no civilians to avoid, no teammates to save, no love interest, just you, 1 million bad guys, and a metric fuck-ton of guns at your disposal. I call it...

[HEADING=1]Shoot-em Up[/HEADING]

and the main character will look like Clive Owen.


New member
Feb 9, 2008
Something along the lines of playing two characters on opposite sides of the conflict (ie Army Ranger and Taliban) so you can experience the different fighting styles and weaponry of both sides. Missions as each character will intertwine with the other characters missions etc and at the end of the game both characters will end up in a stand off with each other.

Can either make a choice system out of that or pan away dramatically with gunshots then only one pair of footsteps walking away.


New member
Jan 3, 2010
You're a civillian who is suddenly drafted into a super-soldier program to face against an unknown race of super-powered parallel universe beings that seems like an alternate reality of earth. The head scientist finds out something bad about the truth of the program and the actual goals of the 4 heads of the project, known as the Four Horseman, mysterious individuals of influence and power, so mysterious they haven't even met each other in person. During your augmentation the scientist sends a load of encoded images to teach you what you need to know and imprint their plans inside your head and the imprint ends with the instruction "Search for [Insert codename for information dealer because I can't be bothered to make one up right now]". The other subjects are killed during augmentation by the organization but you wake up just as they get to your room (before this you get to choose what power you got from a preset selection).

In confusion you kill the soldiers but you don't know its the organization and don't remember a lot of the things from the images but remember to search for the information broker and not to trust the organization this leads you on a hunt for the identitys of the 4 heads.

You find out the organization is harvesting people from the alternate world and researching them to see what gives them their abilities, the disappearances make the government of the other world get suspicious and since they have known about us before we knew about them they start getting angry at humans and tension brews. You find the information broker who is actually 1 of the heads but you don't know and has been manipulating your entire life the moment you got drafted for the project and leads you on a series of missions to test your mental stability and to help you build a small army to take down the heads.

Your missions range from assassinations, disguises, going between the two worlds and researching, infiltration, firefights, information gathering, stealing, sabotage. All of which you need to use your own wits to complete successfully no objective is completely obvious and has different ways to complete them. You meet and interact with a variety of NPCs some of who will be your partners on missions, you have a dialogue tree thats kind of like mass effect and plays a massive role in how successful you are in missions, also different ways to complete each mission.

Its not so much the story and more the execution when it comes to FPSs but this one is also an RPG and hack-and-slash and you can improve your characters skills and purchase/steal/find schematics and build new or different weapons all with their advantages and disadvantages.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
.. something like

You are the bad guy. A Smart bad guy.

The game will take fun fooling around with cliches, and break/subvert them. (like shooting the heroes in the face when they are making their morality speech, or bombing them when they rest at the Inn)

The story (whatever it will be) will make sense. Character's motivations will be beleivable.

No big-bad-boss at the end neither. Just shoot the ennemy boss in the face (after all, hes a buraucrat, not a soldier) and he dies. Might happpen at the tutorial level.

You will stay bad, defeat the opposition, and win. YOu take over (whaever the goal is) and you arent a stupid tyrant. You solve problems. People like you (thanks to the power of the medias), and you rule reasonably well and you are fair...

The game will get a proper ending, so there wont be a sequel/prequel.