What would the plotline of your very own FPS be?


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Mine would be a proper Ghost Recon style game. You have, lets say, a platoon of individual soldiers with distinct personalities and voices as a character roster, with personality conflicts and discipline problems. A smaller squad dynamic in mission where you can take control of each of the soldiers, and a dynamic orders system to have some control of the AI states. I'd introduce a cover system that works, make suppression fire work and make wounds impare the characters. No health packs, no regenerating health, and after a mission wounded characters have to heal before they can be used again. Death is permanent. I like the idea of it being a Twilight 2000 style game where you are part of an UN multilateral force enforcing martial law in a nuclear war devastated country, Twilight 2000 had Russia, but China, the U.S, or even Africa could work. It doesn't have to be a post nuke collapse either, social and economic collapse would work as well.

The plot is to escape to the coast/extraction point and you would have a couple of options. You would have a battle map where you can decide which sector to move through next, each offering a different challenge, you can also send small scouting parties in to gather intelligence and map a route for your convoy. You have no support, and have to scavenge ammunition, weapons, medical supplies, vehicle parts, and vehicles to get your platoon through hostile country. All plot comes from character interactions, you don't have to engage the enemy you can just try and avoid them.

To set it up in first mission your platoon is doing some UN style law enforcement and comes under fire in their APCs, the rules of engagement forbid you from engaging enemy forces and you are ordered to withdraw. That would end the first in-game cutscene. You then have a choice to either head for the UN compound or engage your attackers. Basically this will set your reputation for the rest of the game. Make your way to the compound and find it mostly destroyed and your air support wiped out. Then you move to the battle map and start plotting your escape to one of the safety zones.

There is no Multiplay.


New member
Feb 23, 2009
TingaWinga said:
lets say Activision come to you to write the next BIG FPS title
what would the plotline be?

I would have it in the modern day and on an international man hunt trying to find some funny looking leader of some fun nation who starts off as a ghost then you chase him for abit etc but in the final boss fight he commanderes a jet pack and a balistics sheild from DARPA or some lab like that and theres the boss fight
I think my plot would pretty much be:

You enter Activisions headquarters... KGO!


New member
Oct 20, 2009
I'd either go with a S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-style game that took place in a post-apocalyptic Tokyo, or a balls-to-the-wall fast-paced Devil May Cry/Bayonetta-meets-the-Matrix-in-first-person style sci-fi FPS with a basic storyline involving secret agencies and huge corporations and other such crap.

Either way, though, I wouldn't do it under Activision's supervision for sure.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
This kind of thing has been stuck in my head for several months. To save space, I'll put my thoughts on spoiler....things... I forget what they're called.

The plot...

(Keep in mind that this will be half of the overall story. The second half will have a diverging point early in the plot. The two timelines will cross over very briefly, for a few instances)

You, the main character, are a recently-turned-18-year old orphan who has somehow been able to go to high school. One day, when walking to the orphanage, you bump into someone who you "had past troubles with". The two of you end up fighting, and both of you are taken to the police station to settle the whole ordeal...

The whole process took about six hours, and you finally leave, your time wasted.

Walking back to the orphanage, the ground rumbles beneath your feet. The rumblings are explosions, which come from your orphanage. As you run back, the whole building becomes engulfed in flames. You do not reach the orphanage in time to see what became of anyone else there.

You are forced to stay at the police station, while an investigation occurs on the scene. A group of investigators want you to join their group, as you were the only surviving member of the orphanage, and need your knowledge of the place.

At the orphanage, you find the whole building has been burned, but not to the ground. At the scene, you find out that the explosions came from appliances created by the Dufront Corporation, a well known corporations specializing in everything, from household appliances, to military applications. Amidst all the rubble, several things survived. One of them being a safe.

The Dufront Corporation is now being investigated by the detective group, with the exception of you. You are taken out of the case because you are no longer needed in the group. Gathering your things at the police station, an officer tells you to go to his office...

The safe was opened, and it included many notes and articles about you. As it turns out, you are the child of the founders of SyGrow Inc., a company dedicated to scientific studies. One of the documents in the safe was your parent's will... One section stood out over the rest.

"In the event that we are ever to pass away, our child must be taken in by the Riverside Orphanage. Do not tell him of our professions, nor give him his heritage until he reaches the age of 18. Under no circumstances must he be adopted by a member of the Dufront Corporation...."

The explosions at the orphanage were not accidental. This was an assassination attempt....

The investigative team need you more than they know. Armed with this knowledge, you reach them before they leave to the Dufront HQ at New York. When you show them your evidence, they decide to head back. This is not an investigative operation anymore. Someone at the corp. wanted you dead.

Three days after, you head over to the SyGrow building right in your hometown. Upon entering, the attendance clerk glances at you, then does a double take. She knows who you are, and takes you to Division 7, a team working on a secret project...

You meet up with D7, and are heartily welcome. This group was the group your parents trusted, and befriended. Some of the members know you from years ago. As the inheritor of the company, you are now the supervisor of this group.

The project the group was working on is the one they have been working on since your parents died. As it turns out, it is a trans-timeline connection device. In simple terms, this device can connect two timelines together through a portal of sorts. This requires tremendous energy, from both sides of the portal. The amount of energy is split in half between both timelines, requiring the constant energy equivelent to a nuclear explosion. Its secondary function is to allow groups of people to travel to the past for "recording purposes". The explain that they can travel back in time, but only as a viewer, as what happened in the past cannot be changed at all. It is essentially set in stone.

The D7 leader explains that your parents wanted the company to survive as long as a living member of the founding family was still alive. The founding family does have the option to transfer ownership to other employees or scientists, if they so wanted.

He also said that the trans-time machine was the reason your parents died. Apparently, they were assassinated by a member of the Dufront Corp. They believe that the same man is the one responsible for the destruction of your orphanage. With no founding family member left, and with no ownership transfer, SyGrow would crumble, and Dufront would pick up the projects.

Heading back to the police station, you see a classmate getting ready to move. She mentioned that she was moving to Oregon, to be closer to the rest of her family. Her mother pack the final box in the moving van, and they both get in. With a final wave, they leave.

At the police station, you also see a group of men and women organizing themselves. As you approach, you are told that, since you were the target of the assassination, you too must be assigned to a group. The groups turn out to be specialized teams for assaulting the Dufront company, and must train to prepare, in case of any shootouts or such.

You are organized into Squad 7-C, led by a woman that you recognize. The woman came to the orphanage to adopt a four-year-old. She also went to the high school to talk to the students about joining the armed forces. She saw you when she adopted the young child, and you talked to her after the assembly. You were never interested in joining the forces. And you still aren't. But this wasn't the forces. And you were looking for some answers.

She recognized you, and the two of you became friends after the assembly meeting. But that didn't mean that she was going to go easy on your training. Not even close. The next few weeks were grueling, with very little breaks.

At the end of training, you were exhausted. But you were ready. Still, it was four days until the assault on Dufront. You head back to the SyGrow building.

The D7 group again welcomes you. Greetings are cut short, however, when the trans-time machine recieves contact. Your half of the portal starts warming up, and successfully connects with the other half. One person walks through the portal. A female figure. When you focus on her, you see that it is the classmate that left for Oregon right before you started training for the Dufront assault. It's her time-alternate, and she's looking for you...

The story will continue...
[sub]...when I have more time to type the rest of the story.[/sub]

The mechanics.

If you read that far, then congratulations. Essentially, the game, being first person, will be a mixture of Half-Life 2 and Mirror's Edge. That is, it's like Half-Life 2 in the way of storytelling. Control is very rarely taken from you, but aside from those moments, you have complete control during those long set piece dialogue moments. Perspective, however, will be like Mirror's Edge in the way that your body can be seen, your head bobs when you run, and actions you take will be replicated in first person (like rolling, ducking, jumping, etc.)

Quick time events will be present, but they will take the shape of button sequences (that you do not have to hold down the buttons) that must be pressed in under a time limit. The button sequence will appear at the top of the screen, while the time limit bar will appear at the bottom, much like the WarioWare games, but with more time. If buttons are correctly pressed, they dissappear steadily to the right, with no more appearing to take their place. The time bar will slowly shrink to the left.

If the game spans more than three games (which probably will, if I want to tell the whole story), then the newest game will continue off of the previous game's save, so the story will continue off of your choices in the previous ones. Depending on how you do, what you do, and how you react in the game, you may get one of several different endings.

If I want my game to be published, then I do not want it to be published by Activision. Also, this took a long time to write, partially because I had to organize my thoughts.

Please do not steal my ideas. I thought of these for a long time. If someone takes these ideas, please credit me...

[sub]I dont know why I just tried to protect my thoughts against video game developers or something. I spent too much time on deviantArt... :D[/sub]


New member
Jun 4, 2009
HT_Black said:
The time: Now.
The place: Somewhere on the internet.

In short:

The internet is an actual physical dimension, shaped by all the run-off from our internet. You play as a young hacker (Whom we'll pretend is W_o_W) who one day decides to play havoc with Wikicorp(tm). Before the operation is carried out though, you get busted by the guards; however, before they shoot you, you're rescued by a group of anarchists called "Teh E1337s". The El337s are, in no particular order:

A twitching psychotic
and AE-tan

The E1337s are a very thinly veiled anthropomorphized versions of Something Awful, /V/, /RULE ONE, LOL/, and ED. Seeing as you had the balls and the skills to get into Wikicorp (TM), the E1337s decide you induct you into the group. You then spend the rest of the game working to overthrow the brutal moderation (the cops, as it were), topple the monopoly of the RIAA (big business), stamp out the ever-growing furry population (because it's the internet), and generally make life miserable for anyone who ever looked at you funny.

Things are well and good for a while: before too long goes by, you assassinate several heads of moderation, cripple the RIAA and expose their practices as corrupt, and keep the furries down. Then, in the last act of the game, it is revealed that all three of them have been working in tandem to smuggle an ISB-class warhead into the heart of the city, the detonation of which will kill everyone in a mile and furri-fy everyone within ten. You and The E1337s valiently storm the building, but one by one you fall to the enemy. By the end of the game, two of your team have been killed, one has been badly injured, and the third stays behind to help him. After battling your way through a small army and defeating the final boss, you move to disarm the bomb--

Only to find out that there's only one second on the timer. Fade out to a massive explosion, and roll credits.
This seems like a good concept. If anything, it would be hilarious to play.

Although, doesn't the plot seem like the one from Saint's Row?

Edit: Dammit, double post.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
I would be kidnapped by aliens, turned into a supersoldier and then forced to slaughter humanity. But then my comrades would go on an epic quest to save me and prevent my destruction of the planet and I would see signs of their progress throughout the campaign until finally they are about to succeed and save myself and the earth along with me until... I burst in and shoot the heroic good guy in the face with a shotgun. That was a joke but now that I think about it it isn't all that bad.


New member
May 1, 2009
that1guy said:
HT_Black said:
This seems like a good concept. If anything, it would be hilarious to play.

Although, doesn't the plot seem like the one from Saint's Row?

Edit: Dammit, double post.
Is it? I never played Saint's Row, so I have no idea. It's good to know that somebody who isn't me likes it, though.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
HT_Black said:
that1guy said:
HT_Black said:
This seems like a good concept. If anything, it would be hilarious to play.

Although, doesn't the plot seem like the one from Saint's Row?

Edit: Dammit, double post.
Is it? I never played Saint's Row, so I have no idea. It's good to know that somebody who isn't me likes it, though.
Seriously, I would pre-order that game in a heartbeat. Kinda how I pre-ordered Dead Rising 2 and GoldenEye.

I suggest you Wiki the Saints Row series. Its like GTA, but ridiculously over-the-top. Its fun.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
You are in a time in which much advanced gadgetry is distributed and regulated by the government. This includes things like time travel, invisibility, and lots of high-tech weapons. As a member of an elite national police force (like S.W.A.T. only better), you are authorized to use this technology, but one day, when using time travel, your time machine malfunctions, which causes you and your equipment (invisibility stuff, advanced weapons etc.) to go to several periods in history.

The most interesting part is that with your ability to time travel, you get to decide whether all you want to do is go on a rampage of ancient civilization with all your advanced weaponry, or kill some evil historical figures, or change history to make it so you are one of those evil historical figures, or change time to make it so you're a heroic figure, or just participate in some of histories most epic battles. Any thoughts?

Billion Backs

New member
Apr 20, 2010
Shoot Guy 2: Shoot Harder.

Shoot Guy the Second is opposed by a variety of brown-and-gray suited Guys with Guns in an expansive brown-and-gray environment featuring abandoned warehouses, abandoned factories, private estates and empty fields with a few small buildings here in there, all with the trademarked brown and gray palette. The Bad Shoot Guy is trying to do something through extremely stupid and convoluted plot, Shoot Guy the Second has to fight through a horde of Guys with Guns who are all really the same in order to stop said convoluted plot.

OHMAHGAWD, I'm going to make so much money.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
World War One. The plot involves a typical soldier being made to follow insane orders - charging machine gun nests, going into bombardments, literally walking across No-Man's Land. Somehow, he survives, provided he follows the orders. Eventually, he is captured by the enemy, and can no longer rely on his orders for help.

This is assuming a rather typical war FPS, although it would be unusual for some elements of the gameplay and for being set in World War One. If I made a war game, it would more likely relate to being a combat medic. There are plenty of World War II games, plenty of Trauma Center games, but nothing has properly combined these elements.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
But I just got done reading an article on why I should never under any circumstances enter into any business agreement with Activision...

Anyways, I've always been more partial to third person perspectives in my games because if you can't see your character, they may as well be a dirty, nonthreatening colored mercenary as a colorful and truly interesting character, however, visual preferences aside...

It'd be interesting playing as a god on a follower-drive. Give an explanation for a leveling up system, more worshipers = more nifty powers. It'd be interesting to also hit on what types of worshipers one got too, ones that pray to placate a destroyer god(or at the least delay their horrific deaths), ones that pray hungrily to a philanthropist god, ones that don't pray to so much as toast a god that keeps the world turning. It'd be interesting walking among your people and picking out prophets... Might be a little like a Sim City knockoff at first until a rival god tries to move in on your territory and you have to kick holy ass.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Billion Backs said:
Shoot Guy 2: Shoot Harder.

Shoot Guy the Second is opposed by a variety of brown-and-gray suited Guys with Guns in an expansive brown-and-gray environment featuring abandoned warehouses, abandoned factories, private estates and empty fields with a few small buildings here in there, all with the trademarked brown and gray palette. The Bad Shoot Guy is trying to do something through extremely stupid and convoluted plot, Shoot Guy the Second has to fight through a horde of Guys with Guns who are all really the same in order to stop said convoluted plot.

OHMAHGAWD, I'm going to make so much money.
It sounds like you may like Dudebro - My Shit Is Fucked Up So I Got to Shoot/Slice You II: It's Straight-Up Dawg Time [http://www.grimoireassemblyforge.com/dudebro2/site/].
Although it is a top down shooter unfortunately.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
A drunk space marine/refrigerator man stumbled into an oblivion type game and happens to drop in all the guns and ammo from his game into the fantasy RPG. He lands on the RPG hero killing him/her, he must know battle his way to the end so he can go back to his game. He could get magic upgrades for his guns and armor when he fights the bosses. He would also get XP but since he is not an RPG character he wouldn?t know what to do with it. Can't wait to see the necromancers meet my BFG9000.

Dangerious P. Cats

New member
Dec 21, 2008
My premiss (which I'm calling The Hunting Club) is that your character wakes up in the back of a locked cattle truck with a group of scared or unconcious people traveling through the English countryside (incidentally everyine has English, Scottish or Welsh Accents). Then comes the slow building immersion bit, where you are led through cattle pens from the truck. From here you are given a series of tutorial puzzles to navigate your way out with a posh English accent declaring things like "that's a livly one" and "magnifcent beast", the purpose of these is to learn the games movement and stealth mechanics. Once you get to the end of the pen you're told "let's be sporting" and gates open to let you run free, as you dart for the trees gun shots are heard and people around you die. From here you navigate terrain with people lying dead around it until you happen across someone hiding outside a clearing who points to a branch and says "that looks like a good club" introducing the game's improvised weapon mechanics, the person then points to a clearing where two men dressed like English fox hunters are standing, one is holding up the body of a woman whose been shot and the other taking a photo. Here you are introduced to the group stealth mechanics as you direct your friend to take out one while you hit the other and take their guns. From here the game is several hours of tense stealth, viseral close quarter combat, fast fasted shooting, paulse pounding horseback chases and intriket puzzles involving hunting traps. After a while you encounter a women who grew up in the area before leaving for London and knows how to reach a town in the area, but won't leave but herself out of a combination of fear and compassion. With her you gather together as many people as you can (leading a sort of squad based section like the later bits of half life 2) and fight your way out. You reach the town to discover that the only open and lit (this will be in the everning) is the lodge of a hunting club, and after a boss fight in the street you enter to hear the voice of the chap whose been narrating since beggining who upon seeing you says "oh blast". THE END
Apr 29, 2010
Jark212 said:
It's 1939 in Poland, your kidnapped by the SS when your 2 years old and they try to make you into a supersolider, you escape their compound in Northern Germany in 1948 (the war's still going on) and link up with resistance forces, they gladly recruit you, but your no ordinary solider, your a goddamn super bear.

I'll be waiting for the royalties to flow in...
When can I preorder it?

OT: See those bad guys over there? You see them? OK good. See that pile of bullets on the table? Your mission is really easy. Introduce those bullets to their brains. With your fist. Good luck, son. Oh, and you can shoot them too.


New member
Aug 17, 2010
and you need a storyline to go with the gameplay you need a balance between the two
The Amazing Tea Alligator said:
I would cut to the chase, admit that the plot would be shit anyway, and focus on the gameplay.


New member
May 19, 2010
Probably something like the world is in ruin, (not nuclear apocalypse or stuff like that, but government destabilisation) and you're part of a small military group trying to maintain order. I have no idea what I would do plot wise after this.