Whats One of the Worst Games You've Ever Played?

Don Savik

New member
Aug 27, 2011
Everyone knows that Half Life 2 was made in 2004 right? Google games that came out at that time and you can see why its one of the best games ever. *rolls eyes* Kids these days.

Anyways I would say the worst game ever I have ever played is Final Fantasy 10. I just wanted to play the game Q_Q is that so hard? After 10 minutes of watching some douche play no gravity soccer, it let me walk forward for 5 seconds then NOPE MORE CUTSCENE. Finally get to some gameplay, then its linear corridors with obvious chests right in my fucking view. I don't care if its on a squiggly path off my map its in my plain sight. This is horribly linear. This is not an RPG, its a rail-turn based-brawler. This is the best game ever that I've been missing out on? Good thing I never grew up on this Final Fantasy trash.

Doc Gnosis

Elite Member
Sep 16, 2010
United States
Enchanted Arms, Baroque, and Damnation stand out among the number of games that I didn't enjoy. The first because of unlikable characters and dropping the ball on a good concept. The second because of a degree of misrepresentation and how unintuitive the game is. And the third for unlikable characters.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
Eventidal said:
Hating a game because of changes they made to earlier games you liked =/= it being the worst game you've ever played.
Sure it can! Shattered expectations can totally influence how one enjoys a game, making the experience of playing it awful. In this case, the game was your "worst" experience in gaming.

I mean, you can also interpret "worst" as in technically worst, but then we'd all list E.T. for the Atari or something, which is not a very exciting thread.

I will admit I get the distinct feeling that some people are just bagging on popular series to seem "edgy", though.


New member
Jun 1, 2009
Dungeon lords.

It has framerate issues, broken maps and absolutely no direction. Sometimes, even key characters glitch out of the world.

I have no idea why I love it so.

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
Mr.Pandah said:
Err....didn't say popular meant good, but to say they're the worst games you've ever played? I just can't see saying Halo, which is the advent of Console shooting as we know it for the most part to this day, is the "WORST GAME EVERRRRR". People just like to get a thrill out of typing this stuff in my opinion. Also, you're comparing apples to oranges. (Sure, Goldeneye was really the console shooter, but for "modern" gaming or whatever it's called nowadays, it's pretty much on Halo's shoulders).
I can absolutely see why someone could say that Halo is the worst game "everrrrr." Because it's their opinion. An overly dramatic opinion maybe, but an opinion nonetheless. I may not agree with it, but I can respect it. Maybe that person doesn't like shooters and got Halo as a gift or something. Maybe that person loved (past tense there intended) shooters, but hates the direction in which Halo has taken modern shooters. Maybe that person just couldn't get into the game's universe, or story, or characters, or maybe the weaponry just didn't have enough 'umph' for them, or maybe they couldn't take the enemy serious because of all the "comedy" lines that Grunts spout. Maybe that person had the PC port and it was always incredibly buggy for them. Maybe someone from Bungie kicked their dog or something, I dunno. There are plenty of reasons why someone, even someone who likes shooters, could put Halo at the bottom of their list.

At the end of the day, just because something has astronomical production values and an equally large fan base doesn't mean that it's completely free from criticism.

Hypothetically speaking, if I've played ten video games and one of them is Halo, and Halo is the one that I got the least enjoyment out of... if I were to make a 1 to 10 list of my ten games, one being the best game I've played and ten being the worst, that would put Halo as the worst game I've played ranked by enjoyment. That doesn't necessarily make it a bad game, just not one I particularly liked.


New member
Apr 11, 2010
Unlimited Saga. Concept art for a non-interactive world, file cabinet menus, a battle system that relies on slot machine reels, and a story like a giant shitcake topped with diarrhea frosting. And here's the total kick to the balls: it was published by RPG heavyweight Square-Enix. Back when Square was still Square, they made Frontier Saga and Frontier Saga 2, games that actually got me interested in RPGs in the first place. Talk about running a franchise into the ground.

Warren Osborn

New member
Feb 3, 2011
The worst gameIi ever played was Forsaken on the 64. Bad controlls, blocky 3-D enviroments that you had to manuver through on a ship, bosses that don't actually die when defeated, and headache inducing tunnels throught the game.


New member
Mar 23, 2011
Eventidal said:
AtheistAndProud said:
Smash Bros Brawl.
I went from fanboy to hater in about a week.
It was as bad as being born, with the added disadvantage being that my mother wasn't there.

EDIT: Hey, I like Half-Life 2!
Admittedly, I just got it a week ago.
And it's the first FPS I've ever seriously played.
So...yeah, maybe I'm not the best judge. But I'm having fun. That's what counts, right?
Hating a game because of changes they made to earlier games you liked =/= it being the worst game you've ever played.

Or you really need to get out there and play more games. Because if BRAWL is honestly the one of the worst games you've ever played, and you're not just saying that because you hate them for taking out "wavedashing" (see: abusable glitches) and slowing things down, then you haven't even dipped your toes in the pool that is gaming.
Considering that "the worst game *I'VE* ever played" is entirely subjective, who are you to tell him/her that it isn't? Just because you liked something doesn't mean it isn't a festering pile to someone else.


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Feb 8, 2008
hooksashands said:
Unlimited Saga. Concept art for a non-interactive world, file cabinet menus, a battle system that relies on slot machine reels, and a story like a giant shitcake topped with diarrhea frosting. And here's the total kick to the balls: it was published by RPG heavyweight Square-Enix. Back when Square was still Square, they made Frontier Saga and Frontier Saga 2, games that actually got me interested in RPGs in the first place. Talk about running a franchise into the ground.
In all fairness to that series, it was always about experimenting with things. Some experiments went well and this one felt the way a cat getting run over by a lawnmower sounds.

Agente L

New member
Apr 4, 2010
I would say Digimon World 2. While I give two or three chances to every game I play, and I hardly ever dislike ANY game, I jsut couldn't get into digimon world 2. I finished DW1 and DW3, but 2 was just too confusing for me.


New member
Oct 13, 2010
Frontlines: Fuel of War

I bought it on Steam for under 5 bucks and I STILL felt ripped off. I really tried to play the game, I really did, but the advertising felt like a lie, the game's framerate was always shit (and this lappy can play Crysis Warhead at a decent framerate on the higher settings), and overall, I just couldn't find any fun in it (not to mention the controls somehow felt unresponsive).


New member
Feb 22, 2009
You know, I find it in my heart to enjoy every game I play. I can't say I really hate any games, but the Wolfenstein remake is the first thing that comes to mind. It actually had some cool features, though they were a little generic, and the core gameplay was good but... everything was just so bland. Bland main character, check. Bland setting, check. Bland story, check. Bland maps, check. Christ, even the superpowers were bland. IT MADE STOPPING TIME BLAND. Glad it only cost me £10.

jack the werewolf said:
halo I mean making a FPS is not that hard but halo was really bad and they keep making em
ninjapenguin1414 said:
L.A. Noire was so boring it made me stop playing the first game to ever to do so.
Rationalization said:
I'm afraid ocarina was a really bad game for me.
I'm not usually a guy to point out how opinions are wrong, considering opinions can't be wrong, but what the hell. Are games a million times better in 2075 where you all clearly come from? I just... mind can't operate... blargh...


New member
Oct 3, 2011
Venetica, always froze, terrible voice acting, things floating in air, and I had to hike up the brightness and I still couldn't see.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
I don't know. I have played some pretty god-awful games.

Sonic '06 or Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom or Fuzion Frenzy 2 or Star Ocean: The Last Hope as my top contenders.

With these games, I had to force myself to get past a couple of hours, and even then it was frustrating at best.

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
Halo - Library part made me actually quit playing the game.
Dragon Age - Most bland and boring game I ever finished.
Mass Effect - Was too bland and boring to even get into (seems to be the trend with BioWare games I guess)
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Play 6 hours to get a tad over half way through the game, then you get to do it all over again in a slightly shorter way. Second game I ever quit due to it being stupid.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Resident Evil 4. That game gets so repetitive, boring and easy that made me strugle to finish it.


New member
Aug 20, 2010
I'd say xenosaga, but I'm not even sure it qualified as "playing" really. I managed to get a few hours into the game, but it seriously went nowhere fast. It seemed like there was this whole deep mythology I was already expected to know.
I'm actually a fan of JRPGs, but xenosaga didn't work for me at all.