What's the biggest thing you ever had spoiled?


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Is this only for gaming, or spoilers in general? If it's in general really ought to be in the off-topic discussion.

This is my non-gaming one:
I ruined the Half-blood Prince for my sister. I told her that Snape was the Half-blood prince before she even started reading. She didn't talk to me for days. She rubs it in my face until now.

My gaming one is:
I accidentally let slip that Cortana died in Halo 4. I assumed that no one even played Halo in my class, as I live in Asia, where Xboxs are more rare than unicorns. Not the biggest spoiler, but it's really the only gaming thing I have ever spoiled.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
I was hit by "SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE!" pretty hard when that book came out since that was the most important thing to do on the internet around that time, is spoil that book for kids.

Michael Tabbut

New member
May 22, 2013
I'm one of the rare few who could give less of a damn about spoilers, I like knowing what happens in a game/movie/tv show etc. before I even try to get into it. However there are times where I didn't appreciate a spoiler. One that comes to mind was the ending of the John Carpenter film "In The Mouth of Madness."
Throughout the film, the protagonist (played by Sam Neil) is telling a psychologist (played by the great David Warner) the reason he ended up in the asylum. To sum it up he was hired by a book publisher (played by the late Charlton Heston) to find the recently disappeared Sutter Cane, author of the eponymous book (see movie title), after some searching in a supposed fictitious town based off of the location of one of Cane's books, he finds out that whatever Sutter Cane writes becomes reality, and Sam Neil is nothing but a character Sutter wrote up. Cane sets free some eldritch abominations and basically becomes god...or something. Sam Neil kills a guy after seeing his eyes were...off and was reading the latest Sutter Cane novel and is sent to the nuthouse. After an unknown period of time, the world ends and Sam Neil leaves the ruined asylum. He goes to a movie theater playing the movie adaptation of the Sutter Cane novel. The movie based off of the novel is THE MOVIE YOU WATCHED.
It's worth noting that In The Mouth of Madness is a tribute to the works of HP Lovecraft, so if you've read almost anything by the guy you'll have a good idea what's gonna happen in the film.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Interestingly, it was this freakin' website that spoiled something for me worst of all.

For whatever reason, someone posted an article on the main Escapist page for the TV show "Arrow", that flat-out announced IN THE HEADLINE OF THE ARTICLE that

Sara Lance dies in season 3

I don't have cable and just watch the show through Netflix, which hadn't added season 3 yet, and I just remember being floored that someone hadn't bothered to think before they put that headline up that maybe not everyone who is a fan of the show was that caught up yet.


Elite Member
Jun 30, 2010
Last year I made a dozen fake episode spoilers before even watching the show on Facebook. I said last season a dragon died before it even aired. People got so mad. I'm going to do it again.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
Zhukov said:
Tolstoy's Anna Karenina.

Old classic books are usually published with an introduction in the front, explaining the context of the book, maybe a bit about the author's life, detailing any quirks with the translation, that sort of thing.

Well, the introduction to my copy of Anna Karenina straight up fucking mentioned that...

... it ends with the main character committing suicide.

Like... why? Why would you do that? Write something telling the reader how the story ends, and then put it at in very front of the actual book.

It would be like republishing Game of Thrones with an intro that lists who dies.
I've noticed that with classic books. Because if a books old then that must mean that we don't care about the story, right? I had that happen with Lord of the Flies.

Hey, ass holes? If you want to analyze and dissect the book from a literary standpoint, do it at the end of the book. That's not what the forward is for. I don't need a tally of every dead character in the book, and the order they die in.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
I've spoilered myself so many times in books, games and movies, not by reading ahead or looking things up but by deducing swerves and shit ahead of time that it really doesn't affect me anymore when people do it to me by accident or on purpose.
Its not like me being egotistical or anything, I just have a habit of seeing consequences or picking up clues/details in literature or movies.
Especially after watching things like Wild Things or growing up reading Sherlock Holmes and such...


New member
Dec 5, 2012
Pretty safe to assume i won't need spoilers for this but Australia's next top model season 6 finale http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australia%27s_Next_Top_Model_%28cycle_6%29

I used to be a bit of a fan of the show and was enjoying that season and it's final contestants feeling pretty safe that i could record it and watch it the next day after work if i avoided the odd radio announcement but there was a major mix up in the final votes and it was such big news that i spent the whole day blocking my ears and running from errant radio stations only to have it fail in the last couple hours before i knocked off.


New member
Apr 3, 2015
Pyrian said:
someguy1231 said:
I'm probably going to sound like I'm bragging for saying this, but the one big thing that's been "spoiled" for me in a game is one that I figured out all by myself.
That's kind of awesome. Man, it almost makes me feel nostalgic for a time when that was considered clever. Now when games pull stunts like that, I usually find it obvious from the intro.
Thanks. Games have definitely gotten way to predictable nowadays. It's so damn easy to see who's going to betray you, who's going to become the love interest, etc.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
Pirate Warriors 1 spoiled all of One Piece up until Marineford. So all those people that died didn't really effect me as much as they should have.

I also know everything that happens in The Walking Dead, due to Facebook and my Mom not being able to keep quiet about it.

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
I had the ending of Your Lie in April spoiled for me. Still a great show, but it loses some of its tension when you know what happens.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Corey Schaff said:
Harry Potter got spoiled for me, the part where
Snape kills Dumbledore
My asshole cousin spoiled the previous book, ie:

Sirius Black dies

As for things that I've spoiled...I can't think of too many. I generally tell people that I can spoil things for them if they want me to but I try not to. I've told people about the Darth Revan thing and I've told people about the Order of the Pheonix, Half-Blood Prince and, Deathly Hallows things...but I don't recall a time when I've ever just blurted out;

"Oh man, I can't believe that Cloud was living out his approximation of Zack's life for the first two thirds of Final Fantasy VII! That was such a neat twist!" or, "That Spec-Ops the Line plot sure was messed up...did you end up killing yourself in the end or did you do the final shoot-out? I surrendered at first then tried again and shot my way out."


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
Buzz Killington said:
I was amazingly pissed when I read spoilers for the episode of Breaking Bad where

Mike died.

It was right before I watched the episode in question, too. Bastards.
Yeah, I saw a pic as I was queuing up the episode. For some reason I wasn't as attached to him as most people so it wasn't as bad.

My worst spoiler is something I'm still a bit angry at myself for. I was...14 or 15 when Bioshock came out. I watched tons of trailers and was super hyped, but my mom wouldn't let me have it due to the M rating, and the fact I didn't actually own the right console. Since $250 for a 360 Core seemed like such a huge amount of money at the time, and three years seemed like an eternity, I just read the synopsis on the wiki. WORST. MISTAKE. EVER.


New member
Apr 14, 2013
Would you kindly shut up about the twist in System Shock 2?

I also ended up running into some spoilers about Misha in Katawa Shoujo. If you played down the Shizune route, you know what I'm talking about. If not, there's no way in hell you know what I'm talking about unless you've looked it up.

Other than those three instances, I've actually done a good job at avoiding spoilers in most games. Even in Xenoblade Chronicles, I somehow managed to get through it all without running into any major spoilers, despite reading about the game constantly while playing through it (that said, I figured out most twists long before they happened). The same thing happened with Mass Effect. Yeah, I maybe got some minor spoilers, but nothing major.


New member
Jul 2, 2012
I was busy watching a youtube vid on one of those funny animal bugs you can find in Red Dead Redemption and right there, right freaking there as in the first goddamn comment, some asshole decide to spoil the whole ending with three simple words.

The ending itself was still intense as hell but damn, I wanted to go in blind into that one. I hope that person is currently spending his days with the permanent sensation of a thousand lost sneezes


New member
Jul 15, 2010
The big one for me was the ending to Mass Effect 3. I've never been able to play more than an hour or two of that game because of it.... :(


Hat Man
Jul 8, 2011
San Diego, CA
someguy1231 said:
Games have definitely gotten way to predictable nowadays. It's so damn easy to see who's going to betray you, who's going to become the love interest, etc.
Hey, y'know what was a good identity twist, looking back? Deus Ex: Invisible War. I know, I know, but listen:
In Deus Ex and Deus Ex:Human Revolution your uncovered backstory is that you're some genetically engineered organism created specifically to tolerate augmentations that normal people can't usually take. In Invisible War, your ultra-secret backstory is that you're just some random person on which they were testing the new augmentation technology that can work on anyone.