What's the most you've ever been dissapointed by a game?

M-E-D The Poet

New member
Sep 12, 2011
WaReloaded said:
I'd have to go with W40K: Space Marine and maybe Darksiders on the PC. I pre-ordered Space Marine and it's just been so buggy, I've tried the majority of the hotfixes and it still isn't playable, and by that I mean, audio-stuttering, insane FPS drops, bizarre technical glitches etc. The first chapter of the campaign worked fine, and it was rather fun, but apart from that my experience hasn't a fantastic one, hopefully it gets patched soon.

Darksiders, mainly for the same reasons as Space Marine, that and the fact there isn't any graphics settings at all.

Funny how they're both published by THQ, just a quirky observation is all.
your pc is shite

Space marine was bugged in no way whatsoever to my experience


New member
Sep 30, 2009
Batman: Vengeance. It's voiced by everyone from the 90's cartoon that everybody and their mother loved. When I heard Mark Hammel's Joker laugh, I nostalgia'd in my pants. When I heard Mr. Freeze talking, I nostalgia'd again. Unfortunately, the gameplay is some of the most god-awful shit gameplay I've ever had the misfortune to encounter. Before half-way, I'd just put the damn game down for good.

SSX: Blur. I played Tricky for the Gamecube, and it was one of the most frustratingly addictive games I've ever gotten my hands on. I saw there was an SSX for the Wii and decided to get addicted all over again. Unfortunately, the controls were some of the most god-awful shit controls I've ever had the misfortune to encounter. Tilt the nun-chuck to steer, tilt more to turn harder. I make a 90degree tilt, my guy just kinda... leans a little. Then smacks into an object. Un-fucking-playable. Maybe there were controls for the GC controller, I never bothered to check, I was so pissed off.

No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle. Was it truly bad? Not really. Was it anywhere near as fun as the first? I didn't make it past the first boom-box boss because he was a cheap piece of shit that spammed missiles and multiple machine gun turrets with almost zero blind spots, and he was the first or second real boss in the game, so you be the judge. Either I suck, or the game wasn't worth the agony and sheer amount of time necessary to kill the bastard.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
The Force Unleashed II

I hate you George Lucas, you have ruined my childhood


New member
Nov 21, 2007
I could list many games here. Some I had, at least partially, hoped would be spectacular. Some I had thought would be just fun. All disappointed in some regard. Here's a small sampling off the top of my head as I'd find it hard to pick just one:

* Morrowind/Oblivion - Everything I was told about the ES series sounded amazing. Tried both games, was bored to tears at the lack of ANY kind of structure or depth. And I love sandbox, open world games.

* Brink - Pretty sure I don't need to describe this one.

* Halo 2, 3, and Reach - Each of them just felt so...generic. The story was lackluster, the pacing and level structure were terrible, and the writing was just sub-par.

* Bioshock - The themes, setting, story, and atmospheric feeling of the game were fantastic. Unfortunately, the gameplay was so poor and unbalanced it made playing it almost a chore.

* Spore - I was told I'd be receiving an epic, grand-scale galaxy simulator that had me starting off as an amoeba and working my way up to controlling a grand, technologically advanced species who traveled the universe over, all the while battling a vast array of creatures, monsters, and opposing civilizations in an attempt to survive and achieve dominance. Yeah...not quite what I got.

* Mass Effect - This is one I should have loved. No really. Everything I had heard of it sounded exactly like the kind of game I'd drool over. After playing it, however, I was almost disgusted. It was NOTHING like how I had envisioned it. The controls and combat were clunky. The dialog, writing, and voice-acting just terrible. And, the story and characters were just not engaging at all. I just could not get myself to enjoy it, and believe me, I tried.

windlenot said:
I reaaaaally like Borderlands. Like, I love it. BUT, I just hate the ending. Well, I won't spoil it, but I hated that for all the others who have experienced it. Oh, and I felt like all the rocket launchers were garbage.
I hated the ending too. Though I strain to use the word "ending" there without putting "non-" in front of it. Felt almost like a cop-out. Still loved the hell out of the game though. And, the DCL helped to alleviate some of the sting the ending left me with.

The rocket launchers really were garbage, unless you played as Brick and used them extensively early on in the game to quickly increase your proficiency level with them.