What's the most you've ever been dissapointed by a game?


New member
Aug 18, 2009
COD 4, but only at first.
I was initially really disappointed by it because I was absolutely garbage at the multiplayer.
It was the first proper online FPS I ever bought, and getting 1 kill 15 deaths a game was the exact opposite of fun.
But I stuck with it, and started to enjoy it more the better I got (I'm still pretty terrible at it though).
I guess I'm one of the few people that prefers MW2, mainly because there's so many more things to exploit.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Has anyone mentioned X-men destiny for the Wii yet?

I was also let down by Fable 2, actually the ending was the thing that let me down.


New member
Jun 23, 2010
I remember this one pre-release video where they promised the most sophisticated AI ever, that would allow you to have a conversation with an NPC far beyond "Hello/goodbye" level, where they promised "living" flora, that would change over the time, trees would grow out of randomly placed seeds, everything would age as the time passed by, where they promised tons of physics-driven traps, complex fighting system, things, that are when put into a game, usually make a goty out of it.And after all the anticipation, what we got was what looked like an early beta build with a shitload of bugs, and none of the stuff mentioned above.Despite all that, i still can't say that Oblivion is a bad game, it's just not "god-like awesome".

Dragon Age 2
All everybody wanted was an improved version of Dragon Age with a number 2 at the end, and a possible subtitle, and what we got was rushed, console-targeted hack'n'slash.

I can't say that i am dissapointed in the game itself though.I got what i expected.The thing that saddens me is that i couldn't "get into it".I've barely made it to the space stage.

Splinter Cell: Conviction
That one was kind of huge.Why was it so hard to make a splinter cell game, without remaking the whole gameplay mechanic?I mean, you might as well remove "splinter cell" from the title, because this game has as much resemblance with a splinter cell game as any other third person shooter.


New member
Jul 31, 2011
remnant_phoenix said:
I have a piece of paper that says I know everything!
'Kay, have fun with that. I'll just be here, continuing to reap the benefits of being able to look past a first impression when I see a story that's largely character-driven.


New member
Apr 4, 2011
Raika said:
remnant_phoenix said:
I have a piece of paper that says I know everything!
'Kay, have fun with that. I'll just be here, continuing to reap the benefits of being able to look past a first impression when I see a story that's largely character-driven.
Yes, because I claimed to know everything and I only judged it based on a first impression. You know me so well!

I played Final Fantasy XIII from start to finish. I gave it FAR more than just a first impression. In fact, I wrote a detailed in-depth review on the game. I recognize that the game has some good qualities, but it is my opinion that, as a whole, the game just isn't very good, and as a long-time fan of the series, I was very disappointed.

I'm not angry that you like it and I didn't claim that you shouldn't like it. I simply expressed my opinion on Final Fantasy XIII's quality. YOU were the one who attacked my opinion and then claimed that the game was "well-written." I retorted with the most effective ammunition at my disposal, namely my education background. And now you want to make it sound like I'M the prick? Real classy of you.

Based on my studies and my education I can assure that Final Fantasy XIII is NOT well-written. If, in your eyes, my making a claim like that is tantamount to claiming that I know everything, I can't help but wonder, "Is your perspective so defensive and narrow-minded that the only retort you can come up with is to accuse me of elitist posturing?"

May I suggest that if you're going to make claims about how "well-written" something is, you should be prepared to defend those claims when those of us who devote themselves to the discipline of writing step up to challenge those claims.

And if you're going to attack someone's opinion, don't be surprised at the counter-attack. If you can't take the heat, don't start the fire.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Biggest disappointment? Assassins creed. Some good ideas but bad execution and it just really wasn?t what I thought it would be. I suppose should pick up the 2nd at some point because that supposedly dose it allot better.


Senior Member
May 25, 2009
I generally read a lot about the games I buy so I've been relatively free of big disappointments. I think the most I've ever been disappointed was with Force Unleashed. I knew right away that it would be nowhere near the quality of the old Jedi Knight series, but I was baffled by how repetitive, boring and short this game was. I also loathe what it did with the storyline, it's a bigger insult to Star Wars than anything that happened in the prequels.

Apart from that I've had a few minor let downs. World of Goo was way overhyped, Dragon Age 2 was a big step backwards and Starcraft II didn't really feel new to me.


New member
Jul 23, 2011
Zone of Enders followed closely by Dark Messiah. We started ZoE and then 4 hours later it was finished. It was actually 3 hours and 50 some odd minutes, and both my husband and I were shocked. Where was the rest of the game, we wondered? Speaking of 'where was the rest of the game?', DM felt like it started and ended in the middle of the story. That and the emo poetry at the beginning didn't help it's case at all.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Dungeon Lords. Definitely Dungeon Lords. Prior to release, it was promised to have so many great features and be pretty much everything I could possibly want in a WRPG. I was so entranced by it that I actually pre-ordered it (I usually don't pre-order games). After several delays in release date, it finally came out and what we got was buggy and broken and didn't even have a third of the features that were promised. It was only after several patches that the game became even finishable, and only after a few more did we even get a bloody mini-map. Navigating a 3D game world without the benefit of a map, of any kind, is a lot harder than you'd think.
On top of all that, the enemy respawn rate was insane. Thankfully that could be adjusted in the options, but it took me forever and many deaths to figure that out.

Vicarious Reality

New member
Jul 10, 2011
I guess that would be Crysis 2, though i do not recall buying any outright bad games recently.
Jumping across rooftops smacking robot squids in the face is indeed fun, but not quite what i expected from crytek
Sometimes i thought i was playing Mass Effect with all the light coloured bony humanoid aliens with spiky hair

Also, here's a list of things that shouldn't have been in the game:
Cutscenes with nonsensical quicktime events (press mouse 1&2 to crawl!)
Naked aliens
A need to manually turn on your armour mode
Tacticool display bullshit (don't you just love when the screen flickers with lines, hexagons and DNA code for no reason)
Lucius DeBeers's cousin

And here is a list of what should have been in the game:
The ability to turn up game difficulty
Flying aliens
The entire fucking concept of what makes the aliens special

Thus concludes mine major grievances.


New member
Mar 19, 2010
Dungeon Seige 3 - Completly changed from the first two in too many ways

Red faction Armaggedon - Not as fun as I expected


New member
Aug 17, 2011
Metal Gear Solid 4 was an over-the-top clusterfuck with interminable dialogue. That was pretty disappointing, but not completely unexpected in retrospect.

When Team Fortress 2 started to become... what it is now, that disappointed me too. But eh, it's still okay.

Pokemon Black/White disappointed me in how quickly I got bored with it. I liked the story, though.

Portal 2. Ohhhh boy, Portal 2. I created a whole thread [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/9.307461-Am-I-the-only-person-who-doesnt-like-Portal-2#12386975] about how deeply it disappointed me. It still pains me to this day.


New member
Mar 9, 2010
I just finished LA Noire.

I really wish it had been the game I was hoping for. All other things would have been forgiven if not for the fact that its central mechanic, the interrogations, were as broken a feature as I've ever encountered on a console game.

The only way you could make the dialog system more broken is to replace the options "truth, doubt, lie" with "1,2,3" and shuffle the resulting behavior. I can't believe the game got all the way to GM without someone realizing that it would be good to give the player some idea of what their character would actually say.

The one-chance stand-alone evidence choices for exposing lies is ridiculous, especially in a genre that, in other media, is built on connecting traces of information that, together, constitute a firm case.

Another thing that just seemed odd to me was that no one, not even the nominally helpful witnesses or people who had every reason to do whatever they could to help, ever tells the truth. Even when your old character sends someone to get your new character on a case, the messenger (who, by the way, has a personal interest in ensuring the case is resolved) withholds information from you on every single question you ask. It's maddening.

It's so frustrating to see games like this, which have such potential, end up this badly. Team Bondi's legacy is a great mass of disgraces spawned from every aspect of its existence, and LA Noire is one of many, many things and people that endured abuse from it.

Joshua Tax

New member
Jul 29, 2010
Dead Island - The first act was amazing! The second act was. . . glitchy and rushed. The third and fourth Acts were just filler. . . If the whole game was just an extended Act 1 i would be happy! Sand, beaches and zombies! There's a reason they never show Acts 2-4 in the trailers!


New member
Aug 17, 2011
spore. nuff said
FF 1crap3
Dragon Age: Origins. not the game per say but the fact my mom got into it and now every freakin time she sees anything remotely fantasy she says that they took it from DA:O same thing with borderlands


New member
Feb 2, 2009
Supreme Commander 2.
The first one had awesome waypoint controls and formations and base templates.
The second one trimmed out the cool features and just loaded up on PC-choking graphics.