What's the most you've ever been dissapointed by a game?


New member
Aug 27, 2010
FFXIII, I was expecting corridors, then I got the the field (the only field) on Disc3. It was so beautiful and well designed and I knew if the whole game had been design in fields like that one then it would had been one of my favorite games.

The real disappointment came when I left the field and had to go back to corridor after corridor boring boring boring. I didn't have the heart to finish, and still haven't finished the game.

Spore was also a big let down, I was so invested in the development journals and the vision/goal of the game. just to be let down. I think it biggest flaw was going from controlling a single unit to controlling all of your units then having to back to one unit for Space mode. A fleet of ships would had saved space mode for me, not just a team of you and 4 allies.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Sixcess said:
honestdiscussioner said:
Sixcess said:
Fallout 3. It's the last game I ever bought 'blind' (i.e. knowing virtually nothing about it except what was on the box) and in a shop. It sounded good, it looked great... and the awful character animations, slow and unintuitive shooting and constant crashing just killed it for me.

In some other reality there's a Fallout 3 that was made with a good FPS engine, and that game is probably in my all time top 10.
You did use VATS, didn't you? I almost gave up on Fallout 3 after a few hours or so. Once I started getting into it and wasn't coming out barely alive of every encounter, it became one of my greatest gaming experiences.
I did, but I really dislike VATS. I know it's intended as a nod to the original games' turn based roots but it for me it just made the combat halting and disjointed, not to mention being utterly anti-immersive since every time I pulled the trigger I had to essentially pause the game and bring a menu up to shoot something.

I wouldn't have minded so much if VATS had been optional, but trying to shoot without VATS was far more difficult than any decent FPS I've ever played, so unless I was will to waste ridiculous amounts of ammo on most kills it just wasn't viable.
Maybe give New Vegas a try then. The iron sights make it a lot easier to shoot without VATS.


New member
Jul 18, 2011
Rift. My opinion might not be entirely fair on it because I didn't even finish the starting area, but I just couldn't do it. I thought it looked awful, and the questing was so very, very boring and generic. It burned, so much...and I was all excited about it, too.

Legion IV

New member
Mar 30, 2010
Final Fantasy 6. I've never been so upset so angrey and so sad.

actually wait, theres one game i hate more. One game i hate SO MUCH that i rage thinking about it.

PERSONA 4 Oh my god i ate this fucking game. One of the worst poorly written games I've ever played the story was a complete lie the whole time and have completely unrealistically written characters and yet they expected you to think that.

Oh my god this game.

Am serious am not trolling if anyone thinks i am I'll tell you in great detail why this game is horrible.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
Come on.... DNF, easily the worst 60 bucks that I ever shelled out. In hind site, I had no idea why I followed the hype. But surely I'm not the only victim here.

Existential Banana

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Jan 7, 2010
Bad Company 2. I'm not lying. I played it and, while it was fun, I thought the ending was disappointing and the multiplayer kind of boring. Most of it was probably just because all my friends drooled all over it and hyped it to me.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Metroid Other: M I knew it wasn't going to be the best by far and I wasn't going to buy it. Yet all my friends urged me as I'm a bit of a Metroid fan and they 'knew' it was going to be good despite my figuring it was going to be awful, I got it anyway.

So not only was it bad in terms of gameplay, the voice they bragged about on the box was awful, Samus became a boring robot of a voice actor, the story was a poor copy of Metroid Fusion.

I get they needed a way to get her power ups but they had to have realized that the part where she runs in an area for like 5 minutes and is getting cooked and because she is listening to orders and isn't putting on her Varia suit is just mind numbingly stupid. The RIDLEY SCENE where she 'turns into a baby' and from fear yet she's roasted this guy FIVE TIMES not including minor encounters.

They just wanted to make Samus seem a rookie or something but the problem is this is after Super Metroid which currently is like her 6th game and DOESN'T MAKE SENSE.

It was absolute shit from start to finish. I've seen people try and defend it and say it's because she thought Ridley was dead and Adam really influenced her decisions. I'm sorry you're wrong, we're talking about a woman who's blown up planets, killed an entire species and wipes out space pirates bases on a constant basis. All the 'defense' put up for this game is just poor excuses especially when she HAS taken orders and shown emotion in other games just fine without drilling home she's a woman and is weak unless Adam is there to polish her helmet and say how good a job she did (thanks Team Ninja)

TL:DR: Metroid Other M was the biggest pile of crap put out by Team Ninja and if you liked it, I respect your opinion however I stand by my statement.

The best part about Metroid Other: M was that I got 34 bucks back when I sold it.


New member
Oct 18, 2010
Love is a game.. Does that count?
Else i have to go with Max Payne 2. Though it was kinda nice it was not even close on what i expected it to be.

Simeon Ivanov

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Jun 2, 2011
generalvash said:
Simeon Ivanov said:
Half Life 2 ... it's hyped as shit, I was expecting to be blown away ... and then I played it ... you can hate me now

Too many people make it out to be the best damn thing since sliced bread. Yeah, I got through the whole thing, it's not as compelling or enjoyable to play as other fps' I've played, and dear god those vehicle sections were dragged out far too much.

Look player! ANOTHER teeter tooter puzzle, we have a physics engine! Be amazed!
Yeah, I recall the vehicle section being pretty terrible ... I had to play them in short bursts to not get bored


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Richard Keohane said:
floppylobster said:
Command & Conquer 4. Death of a series. $80 for the 25 minutes I played it. No seconds of fun. It now props up my hard drive.
All my friends hated C&C4, but they just took one look at the different mechanics and gave up. Once you learned how to play, the multiplayer was a BLAST. CoH with C&C units? Balanced sub-races with various roles? Objective based play that didn't revolve around unsymmetrical maps? EXCELLENT

Too bad everyone cried about it. It was good times online.
I did hear that but I don't live in America and I didn't have a fast broadband connection let alone a persistent Internet connection. I also had to pay for the data I used whenever I played (had to be constantly connected) so the game became pretty much unplayable for me.

It was my fault for avoiding pre-publicity, (as I do with all films and games I want to see or play), because I didn't want any of the story elements or game surprises ruined. Won't happen again. I was most annoyed I could not sell it afterward. Had I known that I would have waited for a price drop.


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May 21, 2009
LiberalSquirrel said:
One second. Let me prepare for my fellow Escapists to be very, very angry at me.


...Okay, I think I'm ready.

I was really disappointed by Oblivion. I heard a lot of hype for it, both on this site and elsewhere. I'm a huge RPG fan. And so I went into Oblivion with happy feelings, hoping to find a new addiction.

I just couldn't get into it. The game sat on my shelf for 3 years (with the constant justification that "I'll get back to it," despite the fact that I quickly abandoned it every time I popped it back in) until I finally just sold it.

So... yeah. That.
Some people just cant get into the big games, nothin wrong with that. Two questions though, did you play any of the previous titles and like them? Most of the people hyped for oblivion had played morrowind, and how far did you get in, cuz the first hour or so is boring as hell >.<

OT: Id say supreme commander for the Xbox, got the game was really looking forward to it, thousands of units onscreen! Utter mayhem! but any time i got more then 50 units it would slow down so bad my xbox crashed (Got it later for PC and loved it)


New member
Sep 9, 2009
Prototype. Who in their right mind thought it would be a good idea to take away the players powers for a few missions in a game where all you freaking do is fly around and kill stuff?


New member
May 18, 2011
Catherine. I thought Vincent would be smarter than that..... Oh and pokemon Black. Waaay too easy.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
Wuggy said:
Bioshock 2. And the thing is that I don't know what it did wrong. It just felt... really boring.

No no! Wait! I have a better one:
When I was a child. Some time back in it's conceptual days or somesuch. I heard of this wonderful game. This wonderful game that boasted the ability to travel planets and meet MILLIONS of unique creatures that inhabit all these accessible planets, and be able to make your own race and expand it through the galaxy. It was an article claiming that technology will soon be able to handle such a game.

6 or something years later, we have Spore.



New member
Feb 6, 2010
Battlefield:bad company 2. The first one was like a game version of a particularly good buddy comedy. The sequel took itself as seriously as Call of duty does and that really ticked me off.

Resistance 2 for REMOVING CO-OP. I have never been as dissapointed with a game as when I popped that baby in and saw that they had removed it.

Half Life 2.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
LiberalSquirrel said:
One second. Let me prepare for my fellow Escapists to be very, very angry at me.


...Okay, I think I'm ready.

I was really disappointed by Oblivion. I heard a lot of hype for it, both on this site and elsewhere. I'm a huge RPG fan. And so I went into Oblivion with happy feelings, hoping to find a new addiction.

I just couldn't get into it. The game sat on my shelf for 3 years (with the constant justification that "I'll get back to it," despite the fact that I quickly abandoned it every time I popped it back in) until I finally just sold it.

So... yeah. That.
Me too a bit, but after hearing what a great thing Oblivion was, and hearing all these good things bout it... (and me personally having 300+ games installed on my computer...) I didn't really get the big deal...

the only thing(s) that disappointed me more were...
Halo (I was expecting the best game ever, and being that I played Tribes and Unreal before hand, it was a HUGE let-down... plus I really really hate the health system)
and (this will sound random) Sim City Creator... I liked sim city, but what I got was a "My Sims" game too childishly done to even include the prices of buildings... T^T


New member
Sep 14, 2011
Two Wolrds. After looking at the box cover it seemed like it would be just down my ally. Unfortunately it's not at all what I had hoped for.


New member
Apr 4, 2011
Raika said:
remnant_phoenix said:
I guess you really, really hate layered, well-written characters that masterfully display the heavy burden of being a benevolent person.
Are you serious? Layered and well-written? Vanille? Really?!

Vanille is the "big-hearted, cheerful girl with a sketchy past" archetype that we've been seeing JRPGs for the past two decades. She's just a cliche designed and factory-assembled to appeal to the "we heart underage girls" demographic in Japanese culture.

And you may disagree with my above assessments, but as I have a college degree in Creative Writing, I can assure you that Vanille, along with the vast majority of FFXIII is NOT well-written. In fact, the writing is that game's biggest weakness.