What's the story behind your username?


New member
Feb 9, 2011
Keeping true to my name, I am bored yet again. This time I started to think back to how my username came to fruition and how other people came up with theirs. Here's the story behind mine:

It really comes from 2 different places really. The "Bored" part comes from the original username I used for everything, which was "I Am Bored". That was originated when I got bored of trying to think of a username for Runescape back in the day when it was cool :p

The "Dragon" part comes from my days as a trumpet player in my high-school's band. One day, when I wasn't doing my best, I made a pretty bad sound when practicing a song. Upon hearing said sound, two of my fellow trumpet players looked at each other and turned back to me to exclaim, "DRAGON!!!". After that day, any trumpet who made a bad sound in our band became known as a dragon and, since I was the first, I became known as the original Trumpet Dragon.

One day, I decided I wanted to make my username a little more creative and more of a representation of me, so I decided to mash the two together to create "BoredDragon"

So escapists, how did you come up with your username?


New member
Oct 26, 2009
My whole username refers to my Chinese Zodiac sign. Born in the year of the dragon, 1988. I've got kind of a dragon fascination anyway, so it works on multiple counts.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
The days I signed up for my Escapist account, I went with my Dad to a small family owned waffle shack. I ordered the 'Bacon Waffles', waffles with bacon baked inside, a was shocked how simple and yet delicious the concept was. Later in the day I actually checked Escapist, 'Bacon Waffles' still on the brain, and attempted to make an account. I went 'WafflesandBacon593', the numbers being random of course, and the rest was history.


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
Mine was my RuneScape username. I've grown quite fond of it by now, and use it for pretty much every online forum I frequent.

Korak the Mad

New member
Nov 19, 2010
I planned on using this name for my character of a club I was planning to create in high school but I never got around to creating it. I just couldn't think of a name for the club. Too Late now I graduated last year.

Macgyvercas said:
Mine was my RuneScape username. I've grown quite fond of it by now, and use it for pretty much every online forum I frequent.
Mine is my username from adventurequest worlds. I find the name does suit me somewhat well.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
Mine got forged playing Age of Empires 2 with some friend after school on a Lan Cafe. At some point we all started using nicknames like "King this" and "Emperor that". Since my (real) nickname was Marka (as for my last name, Marcarian) I used "Emperor Marcador" (Marcador being spanish for Marker). Somehow (I still can't remember how) that became Wild Marker (I think I used it first for a Gamespot Login).

All of that was in 2003, and I'm still Wild Marker today. I really sticked to it...


New member
Mar 23, 2011
I was sitting home alone and thinking of an account name for a Warhammer Online fan forum. I sat there maybe 20 seconds before the idea of Warmaster came into my mind. "Warmaster what" I pondered. I thought a bit more about it later and Tibs just came to my mind. I had never heard anyone say the name nor did I knew it existed at all. I thought it was entirely original. Warmaster Tibs, which a few months later I shortened to Tibs.

I found out probably 8 months ago that there was a character named Tibbs in a movie named "In the heat of the night". I also remember his famous line from the movie "They call me Mr. Tibbs!" and I commonly use that today. Only one person I have met has gotten the reference or recognized my name from said movie.


The Stormbringer
Dec 1, 2009
Years and years ago, there was a website that was an unofficial WarCraft III fansite. This was before the release of the game, and I followed it with great fervor. This website had a forum, which I eventually joined. I took part of the name from a screenshot that had a Troll Shadowhunter in it, and I changed it to better match my personality (adding in the 'Stormbringer'), which is a story in and of itself.

I've pretty much used it and variations of it ever since.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
When I was a kid I wanted a really unique name that I could use anywhere for videogames but was also really easy and fast to put in and well arcade machenes only accept 3 letters and AAA is dumb and overdone so I went aba and by the time I relized how dumb it was I had used it to many places and so here I am about 13 years later still using it though it has upgraded to aba1 because of newgrounds


New member
Jun 10, 2011
Mine came when I was making my PSN account. I didn't want to make another one with just my name and numbers, so I'm looking around my room when I saw my Duke University sign that says Duke Blue Devils. So I went with Blue_Devil13, 13 is a family lucky number


Dec 22, 2007
United Kingdom
I used to play a lot of Adventure quest, then one day when I needed a username I added my name and zard together and hey presto.

Jeremy Springfield

New member
Mar 16, 2011
Well my escapist login is my own identity, which is kinda bland... What I go by in games, FPS specifically, is more interesting. It evolved over time. Playing LAN games of Team Fortress 1, and other FPS's in college around 2001.

My name is Jeremy. My first FPS handle was Jerm. As that is not very creative, it changed to 'Germ' for a bit. As I was pretty sucky at playing PVP back in the day I latched onto the Demo Man from Team Fortress 1. The Detpack was really powerful back then. You could run around placing detpacks and then blowing them up for huge explosions. I could wrack up a few hundred kills a match by having people chase me around and dropping detpacks at the right moments. The only problem was it generally killed you as well as everyone around you. I died so many times my friends started calling me "The Germ Killer". So jokingly I started playing as 'Lyesol' (lye being soap, and a play on the commercial product lysol).

I still use Lyesol to this day on FPS games.


He who speaks words from mouth!
Dec 6, 2010
I was working at universal studios at the time. One day I was carrying some props back to the locker when my manager asked me to break down a set. Since it was on my way I went to the shoot room and found a cardboard model of a city. Sky scrapers were about knee height. So holding a large prop axe in my hands and stomping a city flat my buddy snaps a picture of me. Having been an avid diablo 2 player I was dubbed barbzilla barbarian + godzilla


New member
May 13, 2010
Just made up a name to use when I don't want to give away my real name.
Now I use it all over the internet.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
The name just stuck from when I was still a pretty big anime fan. And eventhough I couldn't care less about most anime today, I never felt like changing my username.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
My skills at Megaman X and Zero were often described as "machine like".

With the exception of my XBox live account (Meta0X, "Meta" for the RvB antagonist, "0" for well, Zero", and "X" for Megaman X) I'm always either ZeroMachine or XMachine.