What's with all the LoL hate?

Spectral Dragon

New member
Jun 14, 2011
JaceArveduin said:
Actually, since someone mentioned him, does DOTA have anyone like Singed? I really do love me some Singed.
If so, I might try it. I'm surprised I see him in so few games (battled him about 3 times, and seen someone other than me take him on my team ONCE.) Since he's ridiculously fun to play. Especially if you bind laugh to just one button...

Anyway, back on topic: League of Legends is the most popular game right now, as far as I know. I've yet to see any hate at all. Seems like, apart from a minority, we keep to ourselves. So it can't be THAT bad... I blame the megaphone that is internet forums.

Mr Binary

New member
Jan 24, 2011
I play both DotA 2 and LoL on and off, and I personally dislike LoL simply for its community.

I just hate all the 'smufs' and people insulting me for an even K/D when playing a certain champion. DotA is better in that regard because most people just keep their mouth shut. Gameplay wise, there is not really much of a difference to a casual viewer like myself, though I do prefer some of the characters in LoL... like Ahri.


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Mar 14, 2011
SecretNegative said:
Devoneaux said:
Bub, I mained Tristana. You know that song "Can't Touch This"? Well Akali...Can't touch this.

At any rate I like ghost, ignite and exhaust, but none of them take priority over flash unless there is a very specific champion that calls for a certain mandatory summoner setup They honestly might as well just give everyone flash as an automatic third summoner since 80% of the time you'll almost never not take it.
With junglers like Mundo, Lee Sin, Shaco or Nocturne, Exhaust is much preferable to flash. Top laners such as Singed, Poppy and Olaf works a lot better with ghost than flash.

But yeah, I don't imagine not picking flash on anyone else, really. Thing is, removal of flash means a really boring fucking game, since then no one would take any risks whatsoever because they can't flash out, it'd be a game of people only playing characters that has amazing escape tools and can farm from a range. The number of viable champions would drop to the ground.
I'd go flash on Poppy, other than her MS buff she has no other escape, and it's also good for setting up a surprise wall smash.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
JaceArveduin said:
NightHawk21 said:
Your right on them mixing up kits, I was just trying to show that RIOT isn't some creative powerhouse where abilities are concerned. I can't think of anyone with an identical kit, but ashe and drow play pretty much the same (carry), so she might be familiar. Honestly though a lot of times getting used to the heroes isn't so bad, its just getting used to the different mechanics.
Actually, since someone mentioned him, does DOTA have anyone like Singed? I really do love me some Singed.

Anyway, I tried some HoN at some point and it just felt... off. Or maybe it was just that I'm just spoiled to being able to only having to worry about harassing and farming, not having to deny and all that other stuff too. That, and I bloody hate the terrain on HoN's map, I kept trying to create a lil jungle path through the trees and I kept running into cliff things >.<" That, and I had a hard time telling what was what, and I'm not used to a single stun lasting 3+ seconds. Pretty sure they have those, right?

Though Blacksmith is fun as hell :D
I can't think of any sorry man, but then again maybe someone else can help you or you can ask in the Dota 2 group because I'm pretty new to the game (relatively speaking).


New member
Sep 26, 2010
I think both communities are trolling each other, and attracting angry fanboys. You see the same shit on DotA forums. The two games are different so it's easy to troll from a different perspective. I'll throw some examples.

What I tend to see most from the LoL hate posts is about how LoL is a babymode dota.
What I tend to see most from the DotA hate posts is about how DotA is stupid imbalanced.

From my understanding of LoL, it's designed to give off a different feel from DotA; a feel that is more fast pased. Clashing is a core element and so LoL has to design the game around a balance of power and as a result, the items are mostly build power and the map is smaller and simpler. This from the DotA community looks like an immensely dumbed down version of dota.

From my understanding of DotA, it's designed to be chess-like. Forcing the flow of the game to obey your strategy and not your opponents is how the game is played. This means teamclashes are only one of many methods of winning. To LoL players, it may look brokenly imbalanced because they only see and only calculate the teamclashing part of it, oblivious to all the other possible options available.

Now since DotA 2 has begun, tension has risen. DotA is trying to spread and LoL community is reacting negatively to this. I'm not sure the amount, but I assume some vets and some new players migrated to DotA 2 and as a result, the LoL community has lost friends to que with. Anger arises and spreads. As you already know, the most vocal of the two groups are either children or trolls.

I prefer DotA. I see LoL as a shallow game in comparison, but I don't hate it. I like many others, from BOTH communities only respond to aggression. It's just that there are some that instigate aggression. :/

Edit : I hear a lot about how imbalanced DotA is. Let's pit some DotA hate comments from the LoL community together.

1. DotA's skills are over powered. Too much damage and super long stun.
2. DotA's skills cost too much mana! They don't even scale!

So far the best I've ever heard is, and I paraphrase.
DotA snowballs are unstoppable because there is gold loss upon death
*facepalm* This man, has explained how to stop snowballs as proof that snowballs are unstoppable.

Yea... This is the type of garbage the DotA community gets so don't think you're getting special hate attention ok? I mean if you're not convinced, I have more... All I have to do is go to the LoL/DotA forums and copy pasta. ^_~

Edit 2:
DotA is a collection of DotA-type games and heroes, hence it's WC3 name "DotA Allstars".
LoL was a DotA clone. That was years ago. It's been changing since and from what I can see... 1. The two playstyles differ. 2. The core mechanics differ. 3. The intended purpose differ. I think it's time to acknowledged that the game graduated and should no longer be simply considered a clone, don't you think?

DotA2 bonus clip! YAY! \o/


New member
Aug 16, 2010
I played both games and i chose dota (1000 games played) (lol - 600 normal games 150ish ranked games). In dota when i play i'm mostly on the first page of the live tab so that's like the top 1% of the community. In lol i got to 1700 and was hovering around 1600 most of the time while i played which i read in some post is the top 3% of the community and i can tell u if u think lol is more complex then that's just being delusional. I've watched competitive games and lol is just so stale and boring there are no real big plays in lol that's why u can hear Phreak fucking yelling about "OMG WHAT A FLASH" srsly it's just point and click... the meta is stale putting lee sin mid is something that's different? how is that inovation? People playing lol just can't grasp all the strategy that dota requires since they haven't even tried it...


New member
Jul 29, 2011
lucky_sharm said:
Rawne1980 said:
I see someone has already used the "they hate it because it's popular" bullshit excuse.

You'll find that a lot of people that dislike LoL do so because it has one of the worst documented online communities of any game.
...implying that Dota 2's community isn't equally shitty.

Try visiting the official dota forums at playdota.com. The very act of speaking your mind will get you flamed like no other.
Did I imply that, did I really?

No, no I didn't.

What I said was LoL has the worst documented online community.

I didn't "imply" anything about any other online community. LoL is well known for having the worst community in online games. What other gaming communities are like is irrelevant in this discussion. He asked why people hate LoL and that is one of the reasons.

Dota 2's community may well be shit but it hasn't been flung all over the internet like LoL's has.


New member
May 13, 2010
Ghaleon640 said:
DSK- said:
I can't say the same for DOTA 2 as I haven't played it, and truthfully nor do I want to (so this post is probably null and void), however....

My dislike for LoL is that it really isn't my cup of tea, despite giving a good go of it only to be flamed constantly for "being a troll" and "a bad player" when I am trying to learn the game and have no idea about what people are talking about in their LoL terminology.

Truth be told, pissing people off without knowing as to why was probably the most enjoyable aspect of my entire gaming experience with LoL.
I never would have gotten into it without the help of my friends. Its a very rough entry, but it can be fun once you start to get the hang of it... and actually, playing with friends in pre-made is much better than playing with random people.
Well, my first forays with a party of friends, but to be honest from the very first game I found it such a waste of 45 minutes of my life :/

I think the main reason I played it for as lojng (or as little?) as I did was to buy runes and stuff :S

Doesn't matter now, I still have my main game love :D


New member
Aug 18, 2010
A Smooth Criminal said:
I feel like I'd be wasting my time (plus I'm really sick right now T_T) if I responded to each and every part of that, but I will note the part that caught my eye. That you doubt any of us have gone to tournaments. I personally have ^^ (...this is followed by a saddened "but it wasn't a LoL tournament...") Been to quite a few actually, might not be able to this year because I have LOTS of college work to finish (...I made the mistake trying to get an AA, an AS, and a transfer application all at once).


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Devoneaux said:
Turned into? It started out that way thinly disguised in the form of the question in case anyone called the OP on it. "I was just asking a question, gee how insecure!"
Well it really did start as just a question, but at the same time I was secretly wondering to myself how quickly the DotA fanbase would lash out like cornered animals using emotion instead of logic or reasoning because of a harmless question they took personally because there's a niggling doubt in the back of their mind that their game isn't as good as they say it is and- oh god now I sound like Yahtzee again.

...Anyway I find it funny how there's only about two or three Dota2 fans replying to every statement made by everyone else. I also think they're getting desperate, what with how they keep bringing up Flash and calling it OP for being a SHORT range teleport with a 300 second cooldown. But completely ignore Blink Dagger, that Dota item that has a MEDIUM range teleport with a 14 second cooldown.

teebeeohh said:
Love the icon, but why ED? UCS is so much better! ;P

Side Note: If LoL is so "casual" then why do all my friends who play CoD/Minecraft/Halo call it "way too hard and confusing" ;P

Fun Quote of the day: I have a good friend that plays a LOT of DotA and I asked him this same question (more or less) and he replied...
"We don't play DotA2 because it's fun, we play it to say we're more hardcore than LoL players."

Cpatcha = Bath Towel
...I just got out of the shower... stalker captcha >_>


New member
Dec 3, 2008
Played LoL for a good few months this year before quitting because I got sick of it. Got sent a copy of DOTA 2 and I already like it a lot more than LoL, simply because of the characters. I hate Riot's lazy design, and the stupid sub-humans like Annie and Rumble. DOTA 2 actually has champs that fly, are lizards and dragons and things, not just the same copy and pasted 2 legged human over and over (I know there are exceptions like Hecarim, but almost all of LoL's recent champions have just been people).

Also the prices on LoL for skins are absurd and the community is pretty terrible. Lower levels are just swarming with smurfs and people who leave the game as soon as they die, higher levels are all angsty teens full of rage and willing the express it.

For me DOTA 2 seems to be the way to go. I tried HoN but the menu layout was confusing and the graphics weren't appealing, also there were no bots to practice against which threw me right off.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
Ive played em both. I prefer LoL more but both have their merits. I have a freind who thinks DOTA is better but literally cant give a reason why (the reason is when we started playing LoL he was better than all of us, and now he is the worse, so he switched to DOTA to brag about how good he is at that)

Honestly they arent really comparable.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
WOPR said:
Love the icon, but why ED? UCS is so much better! ;P
i have a thing for factions with lasers in RTS ever since the original c&c. i did actually have the LC logo till a few month ago since they have guns that shoot shuriken and lightning. while all factions in earth are really cool i always liked the UCS least for some reason, probably because they don't have lasers.


New member
Nov 29, 2011
Well, in my eyes LoL is inferior game compared to DotA.
There I said it, now hear me out.

I play league since the beta (before Udyr came out), i played it allot (1100+ victories and 7~800 defeats) and sadly the longer it went the more stale the game became. The game started to get boring for me during half of season 2, I just had to pick Singed or Ziggs and it was an guaranteed victory 90% of the time. Even silly troll builds like AD Morgana would work well and with some friends we tried a 3 1 1 comp and even that worked kinda well but sadly it was not as good as the classic 1 1 2 jungle.
That is the main problem i have with LoL is that the game does not allow any variation from the standard 1 1 2 jungle, and it is like that since pre season 1.
LoL does not allow you to experiment and be successful against any decent team with the classic strat. Also Riot got fat and greedy, they pump out a champ every two weeks which has to be a power house or else it won't sell, you need to grind the game or be ready to pay allot if you want to keep up to the speed of the releases and not get behind the power creep.
Sadly Riots economic systems simply doesn't allow very specific character design which counters certain play styles/champs because for that to work you need to have access to the whole roster but that is not possible with LoL's design and i think they will run themselves in wall in a year or two.
Last thing, Riot should have the balls to delete flash when they had the chance since now it is pretty much a mandatory spell and makes the game stale (free out of fail card YAY -_-" ).

The best example is my last game. I tried out a new support (fish thing Nami i think), sadly i forgot how boring it is to play support in LoL, the laning is phase you just harass as much as you can and place a ward once in a while. Next team fights started to happen but damn, the enemy team would just never engage us with a crazy team fight comp (Amumu, MF, Katarina, Sona and teemo), so the game was a snore fest it took them 55mins to finish the game, damn how fun is that?

So compared to DotA it kinda pales in comparison (just look at some tournament replays, LoL first 15/20min pretty much just farm with 2/3 ganks, DotA/2 allot of different strats in place with only a few where they just farm for 15min), there is allot more stuff in DotA (not necessarily better) but the game does reward you for innovation and gives you allot more tools to do so.

The biggest difference in my eyes is how DotA treats the support role, as a support even if you only have boots you can still contribute tons to the team (look at Dazzle, Omni Knight or Witch Doctor), it is still preferable to have some utility items but hey can't always get them. You also do alloy more than harassing, you control your lane: You can control the flow of the creep wave by:
1) Denying creeps avoids you going out too far on the lane, you avoid getting ganked hard with no retreat.
2) Stacking neutral creeps and then pulling them to your lane to avoid pushing out too far.
+Doing those things decreases the XP gain of your opponents

Also the skill cap is indeed much higher in DotA and if you master certain heroes you can do some amazing stuff, but the main thing is that the most important part is the team play compared to LoL where the flavor of the month pretty much wins the game.
I found this article which resumes kinda well the situation (but he doesn't talk about all the points)
[URL="http://www.team-dignitas.net/articles/blogs/DotA/1116/The-difference-between-LoL-and-DotA-2-from-a-DotA-player-Point-of-View" ]{Clic right here}[/URL] or on the spoiler

Editor's note: this article is written by a player making the switch from LoL to DotA 2 and focuses mainly on the DotA 2 aspect. This article is his own opinion.

First off, this post is not about how one game is superior to another. In all honesty they are both their own game, and they both have their own strengths and weaknesses. What this post is about, is how to make the transition from LoL over to DotA. Or to decide for the first time which game you are going to dedicate your time to learning / Playing.

How DotA and LoL are similar

Both DotA and LoL share the same objectives. That is to say they are both MoBA games. The goal of the game is to destroy the enemies' base. Both games have items to purchase to increase the strength of the champion you play, and both games have levels; the more levels you gain the more skills you can have.

Both games have monsters called creeps that spawn at one of the two bases on the map, these creeps charge headfirst into the enemy base attempting to soak turret damage to buy you time so you can complete your mission of destroying the enemy base. That is about all that is the same between the two games, now lets get into the differences.

How DotA and LoL differ

Difference in the beginning:
I'm going to straight out say that DotA 2 is more difficult to learn and play than LoL is. There is not much of an arguement against this fact, and while some people say that this is why DotA is superior to LoL, others say it is why LoL is superior to DotA. Like it or not LoL is a more casual MoBA with a stronger emphasis on farming, and late game teamwork.

This means that you will oftentimes spend upwards of 20 to 25 minutes of each game you play in LoL farming for items, and doing nothing else. If you do not like farming, and feel that a game should be based more on skill of micro, rather than skill of timing hits on creeps I suggest you play DotA. I suggest DotA because a fight is more likely to take place in the beginning and people are less inclined to farm without harrassing you, because the designers of DotA made it worthwhile to get early kills.

When a champion dies in DotA the owner of the champion loses a percentage of the gold he is currently carrying, while in LoL you lose no gold for dying. This means that players will work harder early on in DotA to shut down their enemies by killing them. In DotA players can also deny creeps, denying a creep means that you kill your own creep so that the enemy cannot get the gold for killing it.

The DotA overview

Different overview so far
DotA has more risks and rewards than LoL, if your risks pay off the game feels much more satisfying than a game of LoL. However if you are no good at DotA your risks often dont pay off, and you dont get past early game items. This is usually why people quit playing DotA, and switch to LoL.

The League of Legends overview

Difference in Mid Game
Teamplay is still huge, a DotA mid game can start extremely early or extremely late. It all depends on how active the Early Game was. the problem with DotA is if one team gets decimated in the beginning it is very difficult to come back (difficult not impossible. In fact the comeback is sometimes the most enjoyable part of the game).

In LoL nothing important happens until laning phase ends. At the 20 - 25 minute mark each team eventually decides to group and push. Teamfights are the only way to make a team comeback for LoL teams that are behind, and often times the only way to secure victory from a disastrous game is if you catch an enemy team split. DotA can vary in the mid game. If a carry becomes fed when mid game comes around it is still possible to achieve victory (with much effort and teamwork). In fact it is possible to still win teamfights with a twenty to twenty five kill deficit worth of gold. It all depends on how well your team counter picks the enemy team.

Difference Late Game
In LoL it is rare to ever get to late game. Most of the time one team surrenders either after laning phase, or during mid game (which is just as the game is getting good.) It is for this reason that I personally stopped playing LoL, and switched to DotA. There is currently no surrender button in DotA (This could change as the game is in beta and the original dota had a surrender button, though it was often used only when the teams were unbalanced).

Late game in LoL consists of whichever team has the better items. That is essentially the only way to win a game of LoL, having better items. In DotA there is a much larger emphasis on skills. A good team in DotA has a lot of CC (most champions in DotA have CC, some champions have more than one skill that will stun or silence) With this CC teamfights become contests of how well each team can meld their champions skills together.

Combos are made pre game, or during the game and you execute these combos in teamfights to win. Granted Items are a part of DotA but you can still beat a carry that has 20 kills if you have enough CC, and micro ability.

Difference in Skills and Items
DotA is absolutely full of skills with CC's attached to them. There are at least three times as many CC abilities in DotA than there are in LoL. This changes the game from focussing on nuking via AP scaling (LoL) and Auto attack Carries (LoL) to chaining your abilities in the right way, and finding ways to meld your chain in with one of your allies chains. Not only is DotA reliant upon ability to successfully chain abilities, but it has several Activasional Items.

Activatable items are items that have a special effect that must be activated (like using a health potion will activate a healing effect on your champion). You use these items to add different combos to your abilities. It is in this way that a mage can still be usefull late game without a scaling AP ratio. LoL is more about buffing already existing skills instead of forcing the player to adapt to other players choices.

All in all DotA forces players to adapt and make more specific choices. This can be daunting for new players, but if you stick with the game sooner or later you will understand how to play the game. So if you like a game that rewards customization, and personalized choices, DotA will likely be the game you will enjoy more.

LoL is for people who like the idea of optimizing a single strategy. There is almost no creativity in item builds, or Skill combos. But there are HUGE differences in how a player utilizes game time to farm. If you like utilizing time to kill waves of minions, and relying on other players to do the same. LoL is the game for you.

TL;DR : LoL is for the CASUAL players and is balanced around them (whining and yelling pubs are the one that are listened to) while DotA is for more competitive crowd and is balanced around the PRO scene. DotA has more info to take in from the start but rewards you more for taking some risk while LoL has less info and is easy to pick up, but LoL doesn't reward skill much and almost punishes taking risk.
Best example is risk taken for a kill, it is extremely interesting to kill the enemy carry in DotA because he will lose gold on his death and will delay his build and if you die in the process it is some what ok, in LoL there is no consequence for dying except the re-spawn time so if 1 guy dies to kill the enemy carry it is not really worth it, so you play extremely safe and only go in when thee enemy does a stupid mistake


New member
Aug 18, 2010
A Smooth Criminal said:
WOPR said:
A Smooth Criminal said:
I feel like I'd be wasting my time (plus I'm really sick right now T_T) if I responded to each and every part of that, but I will note the part that caught my eye. That you doubt any of us have gone to tournaments. I personally have ^^ (...this is followed by a saddened "but it wasn't a LoL tournament...") Been to quite a few actually, might not be able to this year because I have LOTS of college work to finish (...I made the mistake trying to get an AA, an AS, and a transfer application all at once).
Those weren't MLG tournaments. Which are the ones used for tournament statistics.
Ugh, I hate MLG for the most part... But no, the tournament(s) I've been in were "The Tournament of Champions" (Castle Crashers) and Revalations (tons of games, I mostly went there for the UMvC3 tourny.)