What's your age, and what are you currently most concerned about?


New member
Dec 19, 2009
My biggest concern is that I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life and that when if I'm ever gonna get a job.
I'm currenty unemployed (after leaving from compulsive military service, of which I changed to civil service) with cook's papers which doesn't get me anywhere because I don't have enough history in the business.
I'm living with my girlfriend who has to pay everything from rent to food and bills, and she is working in a kindergarten so her wage is pretty low, and because of that I feel awful, I feel like I'm just a useless bag of meat.

While I am actively looking for a job, it wreches me because I don't even like working in a kitchen all that much. I hate evening shifts, and it's work that creates stress. In the previus place I was working in, I had 50 - 65h weeks with near constant stress, after couple months I got quite badly depressed. And I don't ever want that to happend again!

I would love to start studying something else but I just don't know that which field I should start with.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
24 and resisting the urge to burn every company that doesn't reply to my applications to the ground. It seems as if just because they don't reply none of my opinions are properly respected by most people because they're so far up their own arses thinking that they're better than me when in reality they were just lucky.

You spend any length of time unemployed and people just assume that you don't want to work. I hope those people get hit by something heavy. Anything. Honestly.


Dec 1, 2011
I'm 21 and I'm concerned about finding a job and trying to pay bills. A lot has happened in the last month for me and it's put a lot of pressure on me.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
I'm 21 and concerned partly about college, but the more pressing thing is how I've been having what amounts to (fairly mild) panic attacks about the inevitability of death and the fact that we don't know what comes after. It makes me afraid and sick to my stomach, and it doesn't seem to go away no matter how many people I talk to about it.


Note to self: Prooof reed posts
Sep 4, 2013
I don't know what I want to do with my life after college.
At least after looking through this thread I know I'm not the only one.

More specifically, I'm concerned about my current GPA, which isn't as high as I like nor is it very low either. Let's just say I will have a hard time getting into graduate school if I decide to go. I'm also not happy with the current degree I'm going to get, which I am willing to bet is going to bite me in the butt later. However, I'm so close to finishing it, I see no point in changing my major now. I also don't have a job nor do I have a diver's license, both things that are honestly hurting me more than I would have first thought two or three years ago. I also live with my father, which I'm fine with but I really hope to live in another city than I do right now, problem is I have no connections (friends or family) outside of my home city.


New member
Sep 4, 2011
Almost Twenty, trying to deal with the crushing dread of entering a work/sleep/eat routine which everyone seems thoroughly miserable about. Current plan is to study for as long as possible and maybe do a working holiday to put off everyday life for a bit longer.


New member
Feb 15, 2010
I'm 23.

I graduated last May from a great university with a degree in engineering. My grades were solid, I had a ton of research experience, and I was all lined up to either get a job at a government lab or work on my Master's. A month before graduation, the US government sequestration started and all of my funding dropped out from under me. I graduated with no prospects and spent the next 10 months job searching while taking a few part-time graduate school classes.

In early February I was offered a job that was almost perfect for me. I'm scheduled to start in two weeks, so I've spent the last month trying to secure an apartment and get ready for my move. I hope I'm prepared, I hope I haven't forgotten anything, and I hope everything goes well. That being said, my brain has spent the last month fixated on every way I could possibly screw this up...

Part of me is excited about finally starting my career, while the rest of me is terrified that I'm going to fuck it up in ways I can't even imagine. A "worst case scenario" has already happened to me once, I hope it doesn't happen again.

Shamanic Rhythm

New member
Dec 6, 2009
I'm 26 and most concerned about the fact that my country is casting aside civilised debate in favour of a grand poo-slinging competition, respect for people who are experts in their field in favour of pandering to loudmouths with short attention spans, and quality journalism for clickbait.

Oh, and the fact that our government thinks bringing back Knighthoods is a gainful employment of time.


New member
Jul 16, 2013
Nineteen, and like the rest o' y'all, college stress, uncertainty about the future, not being entirely sure if I know what to do with my life, worrying about where I'm gonna live/work/continue existing, etc. That, and some gender related stuff that I am not about to detail in a public forum, is probably what's most bothering me at the moment.

Kinda makes ya wonder why I even bothered posting in the first place...


New member
Jun 20, 2012
I'm 23. My greatest concern right now is never getting a girlfriend, never losing my virginity, and thus never being able to raise a family.


Poisoned by Pomegranates
May 2, 2012
I'm 26, and I'm worried about my health. My health is so poor that I haven't been able to work in years, but I don't want to just grow old and die having accomplished nothing. I'm working on building a tabletop RPG system and setting, but the work is slow, partially cause of my health, and partially cause what energy I do have is often drained off by other (necessary) things.

I want to lose weight, get my cholesterol down, and get healthy enough to go on walks again. But right now I'm struggling just to tread water. And the setting I build may never sell a single copy (but I love it anyway and I'm gonna build it anyway).


New member
Sep 15, 2013

I'm afraid that with the toxic, selfish, and shortsighted social, and political in the world today that the world is going to burn done before I can get my seemingly improbable dream (going into animation if your wondering) off the ground.

L. Declis

New member
Apr 19, 2012
teqrevisited said:
24 and resisting the urge to burn every company that doesn't reply to my applications to the ground. It seems as if just because they don't reply none of my opinions are properly respected by most people because they're so far up their own arses thinking that they're better than me when in reality they were just lucky.

You spend any length of time unemployed and people just assume that you don't want to work. I hope those people get hit by something heavy. Anything. Honestly.
God, I know that. I've just started doing all those things I wanted to do as a job as an amateur for now; writing that film blog, doing interviews (got one with the Compulsion Games crew, yay!), doing more research into Chinese history, doing Chinese translation for scanlation groups and so on so I don't drive myself insane doing nothing everyday, and so I have things to put onto my CV (what have you been up to since uni?).

Maybe I'll get a job out of it. HA!

But seriously, I'd just set like a 5 per day limit, and then focus on stuff you want to do which is CV worthy. If you haven't already, start a blog on some area you're interested; if you're a specialist of some kind, I'd recommend this doubly as it shows you're up to date, and it keeps you up to date. Try grabbing some interviews with people, make friends, maybe they can point you towards a job, etc.

Good luck.


New member
Jan 5, 2009
Doublegee said:
30 and I'm concerned about the USA's transformation into a police state, the impending dollar collapse, and the end of Western civilization in general.
Well, and this too...


Elite Member
Sep 19, 2008
I am 32...

I am concerned about aging and dying. (No i am not sick or something... just feeling it going downhill and like everybody up to 25 i was planning on living forever. MAN)

Secondary: Money. I fucking hate money... but i need it to buy myself freedom (which i like)


New member
Oct 16, 2011

I have never had a job or paid bills of any kind. I'm worried as hell because I know I will need to become an "adult" soon and I have no idea how to do any of it. I don't know how to create a resume or apply for a job, I don't even know how to write a check. I am very concerned I wont be able to learn all of it and wont be able to survive once my supporting family, who are getting on in years, all pass on.