What's your 'I love it, but it drives me up the f&$king wall!' game?


New member
Aug 17, 2011
Basically any game i try for 100% completion in.
Right now it's Psychonauts. Especially getting all of those figments.
Oh. and also all those really hard retro games, you know, the "only have five lives no save no continue" types

Xan Krieger

Completely insane
Feb 11, 2009
The X series, a learning curve so steep it bends over backwards. I love the idea behind them but every time I start a game I just can't figure out what to do besides fight in the ship I start with.

Also Shogun 2 Total War (not Fall of the Samurai or Rise of the Samurai). I love it till one point where every single remaining clan declares war on you. If you thought it was bad in Rome Total War facing the other 3 roman factions here you can be at war with 7+ clans at once. To add to the total bullshit if you attack Kyoto the shogun spawns a second huge army in addition to his already huge army in the citadel. I know the creative assembly likes realism so why the hell does this second army form highly experienced? It's bad enough that they spawn at all but to complicate it it's an army of professional troops with plenty of combat experience. That said I do love the campaigns (thankfully in Fall of the Samurai this crap doesn't happen) and am in the middle of a campaign as the Date.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Sword of the Stars: The Pitt

Brilliant Roguelike, but I get so goddamn pee'd off when i think i'm doing well, and some asshole enemy shoots at me out from nowhere, and takes out half my life in one hit. Cue me trying to fire blank shots around the place, and then eventually dying.


Mwee bwee bwee.
Feb 4, 2009
The new Mortal Kombat. I play it everyday, and I get mad almost inevitably. Just today, a guy sent me this message.

Yeah, it gets pretty frustrating. But it's probably my favorite fighting game in recent years.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
*hides in a corner and whispers*

[sub]Infestation: Survivor Stories[/sub]

I get killed all the time, and I lose most of my stuff, but I always keep crawling back, because at least I've never seen a zombie walk through a wall in this game, and I can stomach the inventory screen.

Alfredo Jones

New member
Jul 1, 2013
For me it would have to be Tales of Vesperia. I love the story and the characters, especially the male lead Yuri Lowell. And yet there are some aspects of it that almost leads to me breaking my controller. Sidequests that give you no hints as to where they are and can lock you out if you go too far in the story, early bosses that can kick your ass forcing you to either grind your butt off or lower the difficulty down to Easy, and boss related achievements that are a pain to pull off (YEAGER!!!!).

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
I'm gonna have to say "Resonance of Fate".

I honestly think it wouldn't nearly drive me mad if they just had a basic opening mission that would show you how to do the combat properly. It's great once you get it but god, I rage quit once or twice because I couldn't figure out how it all works till I waltzed into the "Arena" area and found it they have the whole "How to play the game" thing set up there...

It's fun as hell after that but honestly, couldn't they just say like in game wise "Maybe we should go to the arena, feeling a little rusty today" and you can skip it after playing the game the first time.

Also, bring a mining crew because the plot is dense... I mean like the core of a dead star dense.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
Binding of Isaac and Legend of Grimrock for me.
Both are great fun, but at least a handful of times every time I sit down and play either, I will be cursing the devs dog for some really bad controls/control ideas.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
FTL: Faster Than Light. Brilliantly addictive, but I've yet to beat it on the easier difficulty. The furthest I've gotten is the second Rebel Flagship battle, at which point I get ANNIHILATED.


New member
May 17, 2010
Denamic said:
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.
I love the shit out of this game and the Fire Emblem series in general, but fuck me if it isn't relentless. Play on easy. Seriously, just fucking do it.
Normal Mode is kicking my ass. I've read about hard mode and it sounds terrifying. I love the story though.

Also, Legend of Legaia - awesome sound, music, and cinematic gameplay, story is surprisingly interesting, but it's slooooooooooow. It's one of the few games I've ever played where I couldn't be bothered about the side quests because of the insane amount of grinding it would all take.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
I once screamed at Etrian Odyssey 3, started to throw the 3DS, then just set it down and stormed away. This also happened with Etrian 4. I'm wondering it's gonna happen with Etrian Untold tomorrow. The same thing happened with FF:T: War of the Lions and Tactics Ogre: LUCT.

SMT: Nocturne once made me whimper and walk away from it.


Black Rose Knight
Jan 19, 2008
There's kind of more than one, the biggest though is Legend of Dragoon. Want to know why? two words: Dragon Souls.

The others are all kind of action games that have moments that just drive all of us up the walls, like Jak 3, inFamous 1 and 2 (and the DLC quest)

oh wait, another huge one Saints Row 1 . . . you didn't have any kind of level up of abilities or health so you took exactly the same damage from everything start to finish, including sniper rifles being like a one hit kill, FUCK those missions . . .

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Kid Icarus Uprising. I LOVE the game to death, but for fuck's sake, 9.0 difficulty is so incredibly brutal >.< I have a very hard time with most of the chapters in the latter half of the game


New member
Sep 30, 2013
TheMigrantSoldier said:
And any Fire Emblem game. To reward me for my hard efforts, some baddie gets a critical and permakills a character. Not the boss, just some grunt with an axe.
Or when your character gets a critical that kills an enemy who wouldn't otherwise have died while guarding a choke point, allowing a second enemy to get a melee hit, which kills them -- Lyn is usually the culprit...

Fire Emblem has such amazing frustration potential that even what is technically good luck can be annoying.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
Shadow Madness on PS1

Everything about the gameplay is just bad, not terrible per-se but it just is so lackluster and unimaginative, it's an obvious rip-off of other RPGs of it's time with it's Active Battle System that pales in comparison to the games it rips off. Your level cap is the most arbitrary thing I've ever seen outside a D&D game... 14... really? The itemization is awful with literally dozens and dozens of useless items that do nothing, and another dozens and dozens of restorative items that heal between 1 and 5 HP.

So why do I love it? It has in my mind one of the absolute best and most interesting stories and settings of any RPG of it's type (meaning console RPGs) The setting is dark and moody and creates a wonderful atmosphere that is very tongue in cheek while combining facets of westerns, steampunk, urban and dark fantasy, and gothic horror. The story writing is top-notch thanks mostly due to it being an actual American company that made the game with more western sensibilities (I love you Japan but you can't give me this level of personally identifiable culture).

So yeah, I still love Shadow Madness as one of my favorite RPGs on the PS1 (and this coming from someone who played the Final Fantasys, the Wild ARMs, the Legend of Dragoon, Suikodens, and Legacy of Legaia.


New member
May 25, 2010
Recently? I would say The Binding of Isaac goes by that description. I would like to say I am good at the game(I have beaten blue baby semi regularly), but lately I have just been absolute crap at the game. I make all sorts of little errors with dodging and have been getting pretty crap items the last couple runs. I figure I am just rusty(I took a bit of a break from it for a while), but man does it annoy me quite a lot.


New member
Aug 28, 2009
Bayonetta, one slip up and I lose out on my platinum trophy for that level and need to start all over again. I hate it so good!

EDIT: A few posts have mentioned it. Fire emblem, especially on harder difficulties. Doesn't matter how sound your strategy is some fucker will always score a critical when you've spent ages setting everyone up and building a relationship to S rank. All destroyed by one little enemy.
The amount of times I've reset my 3DS after near party wipes after a shit storm chain reaction caused by one kill is unbelievable.

Persona 4 gets a mention for the boss fights, those fights hardly ever make sense in terms of enemy weakness and you'll spend half a day trying to figure out a solid technique for taking them out and still get killed an embarrassing number of times. But when you do win, you feel like you've earned it.


Feb 9, 2010
Call of Duty(take your pick of which one)

CoD is my go to game when I have an hour to kill and just want some mindless shooty fun but holy hell is there a lot of bullshit to deal with

Runner up - Mario Kart series

One of the only games series I can think of where the better you're doing the more the game fucks you.Still can't wait for the next one though