What's your Skyrim Character's background?


New member
Jul 11, 2011
My Female Breton is a run away, coming to Skyrim after getting caught on a mission for the Thieves Guild. She came to Skyrim to meet a contact she once had and see about getting in with th Guild in Skyrim, however she was caught crossing the border and was conscripted into the Imperial Army (I do a lot of Retroactive story telling ^^') After getting attacked by a dragon at Ulfric's First Execution She temporarily became a free agent. After hooking up with the Thieves Guild shes working to restore them and the Guild, but after a chance encounter with Astrid she was convinced to join the Brotherhood as well, finding she enjoyed the killing she fell into a long bout with Daedric Worship and even joined the Cult of Cannibals. She finally realized what she had become upon killing the Emperor and turned her life around. She reenlisted in the Imperial Army but maintained close ties to her Guild, which welcomed her back with open arms. She vowed to return the guild to it's former glory and use it to route out the Stormcloaks.

She has yet to become involved in the Dragon Crisis.

Name: Avery
Weapons: Bow (Soul Wrench) or Dual Daggers(Fear Knife and Pyrus)
Affiliations: Daedric Cults (Ex), Theives Guild, Imperial Army, Dark Brotherhood (Listener, has since been inactive)
Jul 5, 2009
My character was a young up and coming armorer from Orsinium. However he was just a tad too fond of alcohol. One night he got in a fight with a younger brother of a wealthy and powerful merchant. Glokir killed the man when he drew a dagger against him but was hunted halfway across the empire by mercenaries hired by the older brother. After about 10 years of running he ended up on the borders of skyrim. It had been many years since he had last worked a forge and had forgotten a lot of what he knew, but still had that burning passion to create. He hopes to now become a renowned smith by combining what he learned in Orsinium and what he may learn from the nords.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
My most recent character is an Imperial fist fighter/monk who uses his fists, shouts, and healing abilities to go around and help people. He doesn't really have a motivation other than solving problems. He's an excellent speaker (Speech is almost 100) and great at sneak (100). The best technique I use is to Slow Time then beat people senseless and dodge attacks until my opponent goes down.

I find the easiest way to (force myself to) help people is to go through and perform tasks for the Jarls and become a Thane in each city. Houses are necessary due to store stuff that I can't sell.

I guess his back-story would be that he's a wanderer who got caught up in the civil war crisis and got captured inadvertently. He escapes and starts wondering, collecting goods, helping people, learning shouts, and killing dragons.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
I like to believe my argonian character is a descendant of my argonian character from Oblivion. He became the Dragonborn due to the fact that his ancestor helped Martin light the Dragon Fires. As a result, he became exposed to the Dragon Fires and it ended up causing my Skyrim character to inherit the Dragon blood that was normally restricted to the Septim line.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Name: Jobak
Race: Nord
Fighting Style: Mace and Shield, Restoration
"Class": Paladin

I was born in Bruma, when i was 20 both of my parents moved to Windhelm in Skyrim, But i stayed and became a town guard. When I heard that Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak had killed the High king Torygg i quit and started heading to the border with the intention of meeting my family. I was clad in chain-mail so i was easily mistaken for a Stormcloak, once i escaped Helgen i went strait for Windhelm only to find out that some imperial soldiers had killed my Parents, so i joined the Stormcloak rebellion so i could avenge my Parents.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Hunts-In-Shadows is a simple Argonian traveler. These rumors about him being a Shadowscale and a former scout for the Royal Court of Black Marsh are nothing but silliness. He just has a penchant for sneaking around and putting arrows in the faces of people and things that might wish to do him harm. It's a good thing for Skyrim that he's a people-lizard and would rather see the lands preserved.

The whole arrest thing? He was just caught crossing the border near some horse thief, and the racist guard decided they were probably working as a team.
Jun 7, 2010
John Boss has been reincarnated as criminal scum and he must use this dumbass's whole "Dovahkiin" thing to kick down the doors of Sovngarde and wrestle the soul of his previous body back so that he can reclaim his lost power.

My second character, Prisoner, is an Argonian murderer on the run who knows only how to run and kill in order to survive.


Neon-pink cyber-kitty
Dec 10, 2010
His name is Malcolm Campbell, born a blacksmith in 13th century Scotland, his town was incinerated by a witch ans her band of marauders. He forged himself a suit of armour and carried with him a massive hammer, and an anvil. He followed the group and picked them off one by one, until only the witch herself remained. She tried to kill him, but the spell backfired and caused a dimensional rift to appear.

The witch was disintegrated, and Malcolm was sucked into the rift, and his brain absorbed enough of the witch's knowledge about dimensional manipulation to smash his anvil to pieces and create a teleportation device out of it. He was quickly propelled from his pocket dimension and ended up in the 21st century, where superheroes battled with supervillians, and magic was everywhere. He vowed to eliminate the evils that magic would wreak upon the world, if he didn't do anything about it. So he became MC Anvil, and the rest is history... (or something like that)

*Insert everything that's happened so far in the Golden Heroes tabletop game I play sometimes, including making Power Armour, a super hi-tech Sledgehammer, gaining a Knighthood, etc*

One day, while trying to access the pocket dimension he ended up in, his armour was torn from him, his hammer was flung far out of his reach, and he landed in a strange world, populated by elves, orcs, walking lizards, and other strange creatures. He hadn't even started his magic-erasing campaign when he was arrested for tresspassing and sentenced to death...


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Generally with these games I start with a character arc that lets me access the most content in my first playthrough. In Oblivion it was a noble nord warrior who did all this good stuff and then went to the Shivering Isles cuz he hear it was cool and went batshit crazy, started randomly murdering people and joined the dark brotherhood and stuff, and then found redemption on the pilgrimage of the Nine. So in Skyrim, it was significantly easier: a high elf dual casting destruction mage who's addicted to power. He'll do anything to get more of it, whether that means becoming a werewolf AND a vampire deliberately (take THAT twilight), signing his soul to mehrunes dagon, or saving your kitty cuz you'll pay him to do it. So morality never came into it, which was nice.
Having done that, I started with a nord two-handed warrior with a noble heart and fierce national pride, but a kind of subtle racist streak when it came to nords vs. some other race. So I obviously joined the stormcloaks, and i decided midway that he actually WAS a stormcloak and got caught by chance, out of his rebel gear and with no identifiable criminal history, and as soon as the dragon got him off the hook, he went right up and rejoined the rebelion. He's not much for subtlety and doesn't have much patience for dealing with anything that you can't fix by hitting it repeatedly with a warhammer. The character arc made for some nice roleplaying but I stopped using him fairly early on though cuz his only skills were heavy armor, two handed, and smithing, so he stopped leveling up pretty quickly and that got boring.
My current character is the standard kajiit sneak thief archer assassin. She has lived in Skyrim all her life, born to a caravan trader, and has faced racism at every turn, so she doesn't trust many people. She also has been homeless all her life, so she has had to learn the skills necessary to get money or whatever she needs through thievery and sweet talking. She takes no pleasure in it, but she does it cuz she needs to live. She also doesn't kill if she can help it, but she has a serious problem with the strong beating up on the weak, since that has been her whole life. That's how I've explained her unlikely entrance into the dark brotherhood: she saw grelod abusing the kids, so she made a snap decision and got caught up in it, over her head. She ended up on the cart cuz some imperial was being a racist dick.
That's what I have so far, but im itching to try a dual-wielding orc so we'll see how that goes.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
I always figured my Nord came to be arrested at a routine border checkup whilst carrying items belonging to a nearby temple of Kynareth. Rumour also had it that it, in fact, had not been bandits who were responsible for the brutal murder of the prior a week earlier, but a blonde stranger.

Asked her once about it, but she wasn't very forthcoming - merely muttering that "he should've kept his hands to himself".

After escaping Helgen she wandered around for a while, selling the services of her swords to the highest bidder, until she by mere coincidence crossed paths with the Dark Brotherhood. They noticed her skill with a blade and latent dislike of fighting fair, and decided to take it from there.

The rest is, as they say, history.


New member
May 26, 2011
My name is Valten Ursan-Heart,a Nord grew up in Bruma but moved to the Imperial city at about 10 when the war started, it was safer in the City. less than a year later the siege began. Father was killed on the wall, and mother was eventually Killed by an Elf officer during the sacking when he entered our house. I saw some things that stuck with me.

after the war Orphaned, Damaged, angry I joined up with a Bandit clan after their Leader a fellow nord took me under his wing. I learned to fight, hunt, drink. when I was 16 I went on a raid for the first time. a small town near Kvatch. I tore through the watch, slaying several in the first moments, my brothers dealing with the rest. they kicked down doors had their share of loot and women. I was their to kill, nothing else interested me, what they did that night reminded me to much of the sacking and my mother, so I turned on them. cursing them for acting like no good elves instead of men. "Talos weeps at the sight of you!" I yelled. they where experienced in fighting. but worn out and drunk from their excess. I used their sluggishness to my advantage and slew them one by one, even at 16 my Nordic Blood made me big, these men of Cyrodiil where out matched.
The leader watched me, disappointed. we didn't fight, I would have no doubt been killed if we had. he stared me down, I left. I spent my time travelling, using my skills in violence to help my fellow man. and kill any elf I see. when I was about 25 I found myself in Hammerfell there was a fight to be had against the Elves. by now my body count was in the hundreds, I felt numb. I lived to fight by got no joy out of it. I was in a camp with some redguards, talking about Elves, and I heard his name for the first time. Althar Hyrion. Thalmor. they call him the beast of the white tower. he had been seen south, about a day as the Cliff Racer Flys. our party sallied forth.

we got to a village, the people seemed terrified. their where two Elves standing guard outside a house, they fell easily enough. kicking the door in I stopped, the Elf stood barely clothed, grasping his sword. I recognized him, he was the elf that tortured mother. I charged filled with a rage that I had not felt before. I cursed his name, his house, his mother. he fought hard and my I was wounded, my parties intervention kept me alive but my face never healed properly. the Elf Escaped.
I vowed to find him and kill him, and any other Elf I see. thats was almost 20 years ago. I recently felt drawn to Skyrim, I had heard the Thalmor had an embassy there. the trail on Althar had gone cold some months back. I believe he may have returned to that Island of theirs, but I wanted to visit this Embassy. and while there I would like to see if Clan Ursan-Heart ends with me, or if there are more, and something else Draws me to Skyrim, I have never been there in my life, but I feel that now I must. I find myself on a ship bound for Dawnstar. there is a party of Elf scholars on board also, so i will not have a boring trip.
as for being caught by the Imps, I wandered to close to an ambush, wrong place wrong time. but this time out numbered I surrendered, I wonder what they did with my gear. I had a good toughened leather cuirass from hammerfell and some bonemold bracers I earned protecting a Dumner refugee group form a Thalmor wizard. (I hate elves but I do have a soft spot for the Dumner, I don't know why)


- in Glorious Black & White!
Jun 22, 2009
My main character (that is, the one I use the most) is a female Khajiit[small]*[/small] - friendly and compassionate, despite eagerly training to become the greatest thief since the Grey Fox. She has ended up in cold Skyrim because it's pretty much the only province left in Tamriel where the guards don't recognize her on sight. Yet.

As I grew curious as to what would have happened if I played the game in a different manner, I also rolled up a Breton spellcaster with the intention of making her as stupid, evil and stupidly evil as the game would possibly allow. I base all her in-game decisions on the principle "GRR EVIL HERP DERP ARGH". I figure she has made her way to Skyrim because a freakishly evil person can gain plenty of coin, power and other advantages in such a politically unstable situation.

Fun for a while, but I couldn't resist rolling up a squeaky-clean paladin-type goodie two-shoes character just to make up for her. So I decided on a native Nord. Raised by wolves, possibly because her real parents once told her that if she didn't want to learn her alphabet, she should just go live among the wolves. Being compulsively respectful towards any and all authority figures, like any paladin should be, she would naturally have taken the statement at face value.

The tough but simple wolf lifestyle has made her as strong as an ox, and almost as intelligent. (I like to think that she is still considerably smarter than the Breton.) Her pack of wolves eventually strayed out of Skyrim, and she was captured by the Empire as she was chasing some prey back across the border. She has apparently decided to take a chance with human civilization for a while.

[small](*I always choose a female character when I can. Just BECAUSE I can.)[/small]


New member
Aug 27, 2009
My Dunmer Male, named Elias Ajvide Stark is a 34 year old Dunmer who survived living through Cyrodill by taking mercenary and assasination jobs after his home and family were destroyed after the eruption of Red Mountain in Morrowind and fled to Cyrodill. During an assingment he was caught by guards protecting his target but managed to escape and flee north across the Skyrim border, unfortunately he ran into an Imperial patrol on the way and was caught.

He merely serves the Stormcloak cause for the simple fact that he believes he will survive longer with them and because he resents the Imperial's for almost killing him and for many times they have harrassed him during his life. He is skilled in stealth and one-handed duel wielding and light armor clearly due to the way he has lived his life for awhile.


New member
Jun 29, 2011
He is a Redgaurd who was a soldier in the battle of Red Ring, and managed to kill fifty men before the battle was won. His buddy and him went to Skyrim when they heard about Torryg, so they could join up with Stormcloaks. They were captured at the border for killing a few scouts and a Thalmor. They escaped Helgen and headed straight for Windhelm. After noticing the racism of most stormcloaks, his friend decided to kill dragons instead, leaving me to free Skyrim. A couple months afterwards he decided to help a strange young Bosmer find his master, and has since then joined the Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild, and somehow managed to get into the College with his impressive library of 2 spells. He is a known Daedra worshipper.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Once an accomplished Shadowscale, the Argonian Salazar only knows the art of dealing in death. Sent on a mission to assassinate a tyrannical noble, Salazar ventured from his home in Black Marsh to Skyrim. Unfortunately, due to the racist nature of many of the inhabitants of this province, he was falsely accused of bedding a local merchants daughter, wife, and son and it was interpreted as his escape plan to cross the border - and was subsequently captured.

After escaping death (not for the first time), and with no way of returning or contacting his home or even pursuing his deader due to the lack of equipment and the current political turmoil, Salazar set off to Whiterun. Deciding for the first time in his life to live for something other than his next victims death, he tried his hand at helping people instead of killing them. He steadily hoarded his wealth, became an accomplished blacksmith, and even contemplated marrying a woman named Lydia, setting up a cosy little den within Whiterun's walls - a place he started to call home.

However, his Shadowscale past could never be forgotten, and as soon as he started to lose his wealth and lost the woman of his dreams (reports say she was seen flying off of High Hrothgar), he signed himself up for the Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood - content on restoring them both to their former glory. It is not known what else he gets up to, but there have been stories of a Dragonborn Argonian shouting innocent bystanders off of cliffs, tormenting College mages by setting them on fire (for funsies), and numerous sightings of a lizard transforming into a wolf-like beast.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
He sold a jarl's daughter to a daedric prince for bread before taking an arrow to the knee. On touching the enchanted knee it was deflected and went through the knees of a thousand adventurers before stopping at a rip in time, releasing Alduin. I was arrested for stabbing a man to death.

Edit: Oh yeah, he is also a Nord.


New member
Sep 19, 2010
Asuran is a wood elf, fleeing from her homeland of walking trees because she isn't exactly keen about the whole cannabalism thing (apparently bosmer like to eat their enemies). She's most likely in her early 30s so she was able to put up with it for a while, clearly (which makes the quest for the Daedric Prince Namira make a tad more sense for her). She theived and murdered her way through Cyrodill before crossing the border into Skyrim.

She's also more of a prude than a nun who is also a librarian and only upon seeing the fuzzy werewolfy Farkas that she stopped being such an icecold *****.
And now she's probably a whore and cheats on her husband everytime she has a male follower with her.