What's YOUR zombie escape plan?


Legendary Table User
Jul 17, 2009
well in the event of the zombie apocalypse (if the ragnarok doesnt happen first) my first plan of action would be to gather up any acceptable weapons in my house so a couple swords and a few pocket knives and a dagger then valiantly combat my way to the shed and grab the sledge hammer and pick axe if ive managed to save a few neighbors in the process hand out the swords and sledge keeping my knives and the pickaxe for my self then its down to the local armory to steal any available guns and a few convoy trucks and humvee's then a long and harrowing trek to the Q-Mart (the nearby flea market) to raid the 5 weapons shops there and then its off to the nearest wal-mart to take the guns there then we head back to the town and setup camp at the highschool (why the highschool? because it has enough room to house a few thousand people theres a metal shop and a large cafeteria plus the school bus yard is a short jog away) and as time goes on if we arent overrun we take apart the surrounding houses to construct a giant wall surrounding our compound leaving a house with supplies and stuff for wandering survivors to find us every mile

realisticly id just end up getting to tired to fight after the first 20 minutes then id just break my own neck if i had the chance


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Drive to the nearest fat camp and wait it out. By the time the zombies have actually worked their way to me, they will either be to full to eat me or dead of cholesterol poisoning.


New member
Apr 18, 2009
Get 4 friends and we hole up in a apartment building that we take over. It is near a large store (walmart target etc.) and we make food runs every 2 weeks until we die
Jun 13, 2009
I live on a hilltop in the middle of nowhere. I will have enough time to prepare pretty well as long as we are assuming that this is broadcasted on the news.

1. Gather friends and family.

2. Build a large hilltop fort. My house is situated with a view of the valley, and a good section of hill behind it where a sturdy wooden fort wall would run perfectly. Much of the planking is already available, and a builders yard within a 3 minute drive can provide the rest. There will be enough space for other people to turn up as long as they are willing to help, thus meaning that in exchange for the wood and skill of the builders they get shelter.

3.Steal some 4X4's, guns from the local farming shops (hunting shotguns etc. are available.) And empty the fuel station into as many containers as I can find.

4. Raid the local village for more food.

5. Buy lots of seeds. Since I live on a farm I have good access and knowledge for the growth of crops, as well as a supply of cattle for meat and milk, as well as ducks for eggs, ensuring good food supply. The water comes from a private spring on the nearby slope, which can be guarded. There should not be a shortage of water or food.

6. Once the basic settlement is complete and the safety of its occupants relatively ensured, begin reinforcing the situation. Get metal sheeting from builders supply yard, use it on fort walls and on stolen vehicles. Collect more ammunition, weapons etc to survive any raids.

7. Organise watches, guard patrols etc. Try to find a HAM radio for communication with the outside world.

8. Keep on working on the defences, begin looking to expand fort to allow for more survivors/farming animals etc.

9. Wait for the military to cleanse the taint, perhaps joining them in the armoured vehicles so long as we had created armoured suits. No one should go out in a zombie apocalypse in simple home clothes.

My settlement is open for all survivors who are willing to help with its expansion and guarding, and are able to get to Mid Wales :D

Anyone who purposefully threatens the occupants will be shot, no second chances. I agree with the 40k Commissars on that one. You endanger me or the people who I am responsible for, you get a bullet in your face and fed to the horde.

If I was taken totally surprise by the zombies, I have a baseball bat, 2 functional swords and a .22 rifle in my room. The rifle would not do much but I could shoot out eyes, which would slow the zombies down, and I'm upstairs which helps with slowing them down further. Once I have survived the rush of maybe 4-6 zombies (there won't be many more than that because of how small the local population is XD) carry out the above plan, but with a more ad hoc fort until it is definitely secure.