What's YOUR zombie escape plan?


New member
Jul 22, 2008
I get all the food i can and go up to my mothers room (its on the top floor with a big ass window that faces the street) I block the door. after that its just me the Zombies and the M107 .50 Caliber Long Range Sniper Rifle that old man at Veterans Affairs gave me to keep me quiet for touching me inappropriately.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
get those torches that require no batteries .. grab my swords and head to me roof

as the days pass i'll slowly kill everyone in my block and move their stuff to the roof ... then i'll seal off all the exits and entrances (i'm a VERY good climber) then get some power tools and supplies from nearby markets, after that i'll start building huts and soundproofing most of them .. the ones that will have backup generators, animals tv's and other loud electronics in them, then i'll start setting up electronics, self sustaining power systems and backups incase theres no outside power, then start installing ventilation systems for the animals like chicken, rabbits and of course my potato, mushroom and carrot crops ... after that i'll work on a huge aquarium for fish .. then give random survivors psyche evaluations .. if they fail i kill them if they pass i'll take them with me ... then i'll train my new fwends .. then .. BEER RUNS!! :D


New member
Jun 28, 2009
Well then if those are the rules, I would start protocol off with a good old...

1.) Instantaneous fortification of surroundings

2.) Obtainment of a camping backpack from the garage

3.) Stuffing the pack with food and useful medical and music items

4.) Selection of the most effective weapon from garage, either the classic nailed baseball bat or the new composite longbow and quiver. I can't decide...)

5.) Use of a ladder to obtain an eagle eye from rooftop

6.) Utilize ladder as a bridge from roof too roof to reach the near by school.

7.) Repeat Step One. Hoping for other survivors to arrive and...

8.) Killing Spree till the sun goes down.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
KapnKerfuffle said:
All right, here is my plan. In my apartment I go up to the second level and climb out the window. Out on the second floor is the roof to the long bank of connected apartments that I live in. If there are large crowds of shamblers, I probably can't get to my truck which is near the front door. So, I find an opening and jump down to street level.

Luckily I live in Idaho. It wouldn't be long before I could find some redneck asshole's POS truck with the keys in it and possibly a weapon. I would just check for the "These colors don't run!" or "Charlton Heston is my president." bumper sticker. There might also be a crappy house that people leave unlocked for weapon powerups and supplies.

It would really suck living in a place like San Francisco no guns and airtight houses because of the property values. And ramming a zombie with a Prius may not be as effective. Although one advantage of living in San Francisco - lots of gay leather shops for armor complete with leather codpieces to prevent genital mutilation.
I dont live in San Fran but only like an hour from it and I have to say that i agree with u 100%. But they wont be trying to run them over with they're prius', they will be trying to get the world to accept zombies as human beings and try to stop us from killing them.

As for the zombie plan i have my hockey equipment and a baseball bat so im set. Im a goalie so I have a full caged helmet, chest protector with arm protection, and neck guard. From my home ill gather up my family and try to make it to a gun shop sort of close by and from there trek my way to Arizona in hopes of meeting up with my uncle who has a shitload of weapons and wing it from there.

morrie man

New member
Oct 5, 2008
TopHatTim said:
being in a house.
ill grab my hunting rifle and laod it up.
bring all the bullets.
i have a van that i can use since zombies are stupid and dull they cant open the door and if they can even come close to geting on the front of the van they should not be consitered zombies (thats fuckign high off the ground) theres a bet back there and a Tv ill bring my laptop with my wireless broadband.
best plan is to hit up the baracks first.
tell them im armed and i could help with the defence. (if they're there)
if not then ill check out airports.
if that works then ill take a helicopter the fuck outa there. (if someones there)
right so my uncle owns a massive yatch...ill hit up a grocery store and take most of the canned food and all the other food i can.
i go get shit loads of petrol.
then i go to the boat and load on me and my friends + family...
then we spend a majority of our time sailing in deep waters off the shoreline.
(that who thing where they can do some pirates of the caribean walking onthe bottom of the ocean shit is kinda dumb)
if all fails ill go find an oil rig.
thats how ill stay alive
Yano your not far off a good plan there but i have to tell you now that there are so many things about that plan that are 1. Absaloutly risky 2. So many different consiquences 3. Lack of basic equipment 4. Far fetched
(Though i have no idea where you live or whats near you, this could be the best course of action for you, i dont know)

morrie man

New member
Oct 5, 2008
Demarcronus said:
Well then if those are the rules, I would start protocol off with a good old...

1.) Instantaneous fortification of surroundings

2.) Obtainment of a camping backpack from the garage

3.) Stuffing the pack with food and useful medical and music items

4.) Selection of the most effective weapon from garage, either the classic nailed baseball bat or the new composite longbow and quiver. I can't decide...)

5.) Use of a ladder to obtain an eagle eye from rooftop

6.) Utilize ladder as a bridge from roof too roof to reach the near by school.

7.) Repeat Step One. Hoping for other survivors to arrive and...

8.) Killing Spree till the sun goes down.
This is possibly the best plan ive seen so far, but im still a bit unsure on parts 6+7+8 This is personally of course but i thionk it would be more dangerous going across rooftops and hoping to pick up survivors because mainly there could be roof collapses, zombie attracting from standing on a rooftop. I certinally think that the zombies will fight all day and night so sorry. (this is entirelly from my point of view, my opinions and ideas)

morrie man

New member
Oct 5, 2008
Macksheath said:
1. Horde food inside room.
2. Bring petrol and 2 matches.
3. Obtain rifle and scope with plenty ammo.
4. Snipe zombie from my bedroom window. If that fails, torch my house before running like hell. Before I find out I'm not very well characterized and get pulled down and have the zombies start chewing on my nipples, while I look on and wonder what I ever done wrong.
Why do you need matches? why waste your house? just couldnt quiet get it.


New member
Feb 28, 2009
Holy crap, this thread is back?

Talk about zombies....

My post is in there somewhere, lol.


New member
May 30, 2009
1- I'd grab my mom, a sword my brother never took with him when he moved from the house, put as many clothes on me as possible (enough to stop a bite from piercing my skin) and try to secure the house.
2- I'd chop as many heads as I can and then try to secure the front door (the windows are barred, so it's the only way they could come in).
3- I'd call dad and my brother to see if they are ok and give them some of my awesome anti-zombie advice.
4- ??????
5- Profit.


New member
Jan 5, 2009
grab all the food in my house and a baseball bat, barricade the stairs with a wardrobe and wait for them to eventualy break down the front door, then play apocolypse whack a mole. i give them zombies 2-3 weeks till they eventualy decay enough to stop. then ill go and raid the nearest toys r us!


New member
Jun 28, 2009
1. Put on my leather trench coat to protect from bites
2. Gather up food, guns, and other gear I set aside, and pack it into my car
3. Pick up a few friends, maybe other survivors if they have any gear
4. Head out to the castle they have tours at for the Renaissance Fair, and hole up there

Devil's Due

New member
Sep 27, 2008
Get a lot of ammo, border up my home with large pits around the house with spikes in it, barbed wire fences around the pit, with the home bordered up with steel on the windows / doors. Then, planet explosives all around the house, in every area, with large quanities. So if they somehow breach all the previous defenses and are beginning to take me down, I'll send them all to hell with me.

That's my plan.

morrie man

New member
Oct 5, 2008
Macksheath said:
Because a rifle isn't the best weapon in close combat. Sure I c
morrie man said:
Macksheath said:
1. Horde food inside room.
2. Bring petrol and 2 matches.
3. Obtain rifle and scope with plenty ammo.
4. Snipe zombie from my bedroom window. If that fails, torch my house before running like hell. Before I find out I'm not very well characterized and get pulled down and have the zombies start chewing on my nipples, while I look on and wonder what I ever done wrong.
Why do you need matches? why waste your house? just couldnt quiet get it.
Matches to light the petrol which torches the house.

And if you have horde of ravenous rotting cadavers shuffling/sprinting into your home your not going to think rationally. Besides, a rifle isn't very good for close quarters. I could club them I guess, but then they swarm me, and I'd rather blast them and myself to pieces than be zombiefood.
Well ratiponally fire would attract the zombies towards the burning house which you would be able to see from quite a distance and would not be good. Plus fire dosent kill zombies it would just make them "flaming zombbies" and more dangerous.
Apr 27, 2009
get to the car and drive to the nearby military base, driving straight through to the hanger where they keep the challenger II's. those things are vveerrryyyy easy to drive - two pedals is about it. from there drive straight into the armoury and load up on weaponry. then drive out to my mates farm - if he isnt infected get him in the turret on the pintle - if he's infected shell the farm - from there drive about from the base killing zombies and then returning to the base refueling etc. those hangers are preety damn tough.

note - i know some people may say their not just gona let you drive in the base and take a tank but like it said theirs no organised military


New member
Jul 6, 2009
Round up the members of our shared zombie plan-take out a super Walmart, fortify it and build a tent fortress on the roof of mentioned Walmart.

morrie man

New member
Oct 5, 2008
Mark_motorheadbanger said:
get to the car and drive to the nearby military base, driving straight through to the hanger where they keep the challenger II's. those things are vveerrryyyy easy to drive - two pedals is about it. from there drive straight into the armoury and load up on weaponry. then drive out to my mates farm - if he isnt infected get him in the turret on the pintle - if he's infected shell the farm - from there drive about from the base killing zombies and then returning to the base refueling etc. those hangers are preety damn tough.

note - i know some people may say their not just gona let you drive in the base and take a tank but like it said theirs no organised military
Right i am going to make this clear to everyone on this forum, If you go anywhere near a militery base they will shoot you, even if your not a zombie it is more likely that they will shoot you anyway so they dont risk infection and you will not be able to get your car anywhere because everyone will be thinking like that they can get away in a car, so it will cause major clogging of roads, so you will not be able to drive anywere. Even if you go across country youll attract more zombies that way. Im not even going to even comment on the tank idea.