What's YOUR zombie escape plan?


New member
Feb 5, 2008
My baseball bat under my bed, and when i get my sword, that. Decapitating the zombies are the best way to go! ^_^


New member
Jul 11, 2009
Basically, I dont really have any useful melee weapons nearby, but I would see them through the window in front of me, so I would have a couple of minutes to prepare. The best stuff I could use as weapons would be my guitar and a frying pan. I would go with the frying pan, since the guitar would just get stuck into the zombies. I would also grab a thick coat to protect me from zombie bites, maybe something to cover my head too.

Then I would make a run for my bike and just use it to get away. The zombies are slow, so I could get away from them. Besides, most major roads would probably be blocked by the undead, so using the bike offroad would seem like a good idea. I actually live near a bunker. Its pretty firm + it has food and supplies for a really, really long time, since the supplies are meant to aid people in different sort of disasters around the world and since they cant really send any crap moving, anyone inside would probably get the whole motherload.


New member
May 6, 2009
This is completely serious, and in all actuality something my friends and I actually planned for and acted out the preparation for on a stupidly drunken bender.

1. Get the ringleaders house. He has a store cupboard full of tinned food and assorted melee weapons.

2. Go over the fence and get to the shed in the disused allotment where the projectile weapons are stored.

3. Going via the side streets and back alleys, get to the sea with the island and lifeboat station. Hole up there for a while, use the lifeboats esablish colonies on the 3 other islands. Set up watch towers in the lighthouses.

4. Send raiding parties to the town for general retaliatory extermination, weapons and food gathering purposes. Repeat step 4 until help arrives or the zombie apocalypse subsides.

Hell yeah. That was one great night. I just wonder what happened to all those crossbows and katanas in the end.

morrie man

New member
Oct 5, 2008
Well i dont have many weapons at my place but there is a gun store down the road from were i live which i will probably raid or something but im interrested to hear what everyone elses weapons are if they have any? Just interested in what weapons of mass destruction i could be looking for.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
I'd get to a gun shop, collect what me and my party could, and then move to an airport. It's like a mall, but there are planes.


New member
Jul 18, 2009
Head west with a group of my friends while lightly raiding, taking only what you need before establishing a secure base of operations and work on farming and eventually retaking small towns. Hopefully were going with the slow-moving thick type of zombies

Harold Donchee

New member
Jul 6, 2009
Id grab my Guitar Hero controller. Sure itd break after the first zombie but ive always wanted to crack someone in the head with it. Then id get the chainsaw out of the garage. Difficult to use yes, but im just going for dramatics and showmanship now. Theres millions of zombies so escape is pretty much impossible. Might as well have fun


New member
Jul 18, 2009
It all depends on the type of zombies I'm up against. If were talking Goerge Romemero slow and decrepit zombies then my plans are to simply camp out on my roof for a while with the shotgun ready in case of an emergency. If were talking L4D zombies I'll be on the first plane to Antarctica lol.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
i would try to outrun them if they are with few, if not END
1 grab a long knive
2 barricade me in house (along with family and other surivers)
3 if day/zombies dead grab bike and bike to school and barricade there too
4 try to hold out as long as possible surviving of snacks and cola out of vending machines
5 when food is eaten go to pumpstation and grab more food
6 trigger alarm.
7 hope police will come
8 if police comes go with them. if not errr... ehm.. END
9 hope the zombies are dead
10 go back to school with supplies
11 hold out again
12 make sure no zombies around
13 steal a car
14 go back to house
15 check if family/survivors survived
16 if so build town END
17 if not make the best out of the situation
18 build town anyway and name it :... ehm... new-emmen
19 send out emergency broadcast if succeeds go with survivors END
20 if fails lure zombies to town
21 fight zombies
22 go on a search party and seek other settlements if succeeds stay there END
23 if fails try rebuild world
24 become king of netherlands if royal family is dead if not take over
25 start taking over other lands in europe and become king of that too
26 assign other guy to du king-stuff
27 start campain to kill all zombies
28 if succeeds go back to being king
29 if fails try harder
30 if succeeds go to step 28

PHEW long tekst
*edit if END is typed it means i live happily after after or not*

shotgun ko

New member
Feb 18, 2009
I'd grab my brothers gold clubs, make my way through the zombies using stealth and aggressive head bashing, gather up a few of my friends (so that there were 4 of us, obviously), make a dash for the countryside in a vehicle of some sort, beat up some farmer and nick his shotgun, and from there on do whatever it takes to survive.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
I'll come back when I've read The Zombie Survival Guide. All I know so far is that I'll need a machete and an M1 Carbine.


New member
Jun 2, 2009
1. Verify that no help or military assistance is inbound.

2. Board up all windows and doors with pieces of wall from the inside, leaving only the main supports if needed.

3. Find and read survival manual for creating spring spear traps, and put at least 2 on every door.

[For those unaware, a spring spear trap connects a crosswire to a very strained string. When something touches the string, an improvised spear is sent driving into about chest/head height at killing velocity. I will put up signs warning rescuers/other survivors, since I highly doubt zombies can read.]

4. Since I was currently building a barbed wire fence, Open an about foot and a half in diameter hole in the roof where I can shoot from, and string barbed wire around the hole to make it much harder for zombies to get in.

5. Spray paint sign on roof that says "Survivors here in need of rescue"

6. Steal all the food I can from neighbors and such.

7. Enclose myself in, and hope for the best.

8. ????????

9. Find a female survivor and rapidly reproduce.

10. Start a survivor cult.

11. Once again, ????????

12. Rescue/Profit/Death.


Certified Deviant
Jul 17, 2008
Griff's Zombie plan: Alaska, I have some friends there...

Just fight your way North, if you come across me I'll take good care of you: feed you, protect you, and train you...

morrie man

New member
Oct 5, 2008
I dont want to sound odd or anything but has anyone decided to ditch there family if this happens cause im not entirly sure if i would or not.