When it comes to dating how young is too young ?


New member
Aug 4, 2009
I live in a VERY small town it's so small both the high school and the middle school are one in the same, and because of that you have big guys like me ( a 5'11 senior 18 years ) walking the hallways right next to 6th graders ( on average 4'9 11-12 years). And because of that I have been able to see how the newest batch of youngsters act, and I am SHOCKED. I have seen ( note I am talking about the 6th graders here ) them making out in the hallway, have heard them talk about having had had sex the previous night, and how they were going to dumb there current boy/girlfriend to go out with someone else. I'm starting to wonder what exactly caused all this. There was NOTHING like this when I was there age. I am just dumbstruck by this....

For conversation purposes : How young do you think is too young to start dating? And if things are like this were you live?


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
Before 13 is ridiculous, and honestly before 16 doesn't mean anything, it's all just raging hormones.

The Cheezy One

Christian. Take that from me.
Dec 13, 2008
In todays society, it is hard to tell if 2 young people are actually interested in one another, or if they are just going out because thats girls and boys do. I wasn't personally interested in a girl until I was about 14, but as a rule, under 15 is too young. It can probably depend on how you grow up - for example, I didn't grow up with my dad, so my mum taught me to be kind and accepting, meaning I treat women with respect, whereas some men can impart the knowledge to their sons about "chasing tail" at a young age.

In terms of sex, that is baloney - their bodies will not be able to produce the chemicals enough to cause the elongation of the penis, so for them sex is probably kissing AND holding hands

My personal opinion, feel free to discuss it with me if you feel differently


New member
Nov 8, 2008
I would not date below 16.

And, just so everyone knows that their schools weren't really that bad: We had prostitutes and drug rings at my elementary school. We're talking 12 year olds whoring themselves out for weed.
The Cheezy One said:
In todays society, it is hard to tell if 2 young people are actually interested in one another, or if they are just going out because thats girls and boys do. I wasn't personally interested in a girl until I was about 13/14. It can probably depend on how you grow up - for example, I didn't grow up with my dad, so my mum taught me to be kind and accepting, whereas some men can imprt the knowledge to their sons about "chasing tail" at a young age.

In terms of sex, that is baloney - their bodies will not be able to produce the chemicals enough to cause the elongation of the penis, so for them sex is probably kissing AND holding hands

My personal opinion, feel free to discuss it with me if you feel differently
Well, actually puberty is beginning younger and younger these days for some inexplicable reason. We're talking 7-8 for girls, and 9-11 for boys. I'll try and dig up my source but I'm lousy at finding things...


New member
Oct 10, 2008
I'd say 13-14 for dating. Usually around here, sex begins around 14-15. While it's appaling to see 12 year olds behaving and dressing like tramps, it's not shocking to me. Kids emulate the ideals put forth by their role models. Any young girl with an older sister is likely to develop like that.

As far as things go, I have much bigger fish to be outraged by. How girls behave, act and showcase themselves, I'll leave that up to them. They're the ones who'll have to live with it later.


New member
Jul 24, 2010
Second question first. Yes, I live in a small town like this, though we separate between 6th/7th graders, meaning, that our 6th graders our in the elementary building while the 7th-12th graders are in the High School/Junior High buildings. And yes, I've witnessed seventh graders making out, (I honestly stopped in the middle of the hallway and stared, and I'm a junior) but never heard them talk about having sex. That just seems really bad...but for the first question. It all depends on how you define dating. Do you define dating as in saying you are in a relationship? That's fine at all ages above 12 I personally believe. Or do you define dating as in "dinner, movie, hot-naked and sweaty" dating? If that is the case, I don't think it should start until atleast 16 (personally I think it should be higher, but that is my personal minimum).


New member
Jun 9, 2010
Back in my day (the ultimate 'I feel old now' phrase), around 14 was the starting age for acceptable dating. But that age is going down in modern times, and I'm not sure why. Probably media sensationalism.

There are 10 and 9 year olds becoming parents nowadays. That's shockingly young and not at all standard, but it happens.

Count Igor

New member
May 5, 2010
Under 15.
That said, my village primary school, with 5 year olds, are having people dating.
FIVE year olds. I'm just confused.


New member
May 22, 2009
Under 14 is too young, under 16 is very rarely actual love. Hell, it's rarely actual love at any age.


New member
May 16, 2009
I was pretty shocked by it too.

When I was in middle school (ages 11-15), people there were, for lack of a better term, little sluts. I don't care if it was just talk or whatever, but everyone I knew or overheard would talk about all the sex they were having.

Not to mention, there were plenty of "make out" sessions going on in the hallways. These kids were 11 and 12 years old.... what the fuck? It seems that the common themes of the school levels have all gone down in recent years. What was college level behaviour is now seen in high school and what was only first seen in high school is now commonplace in middle schools.

At least, that's ho wit was here. As for dating though, I dont' know what an acceptable age is. 15 or 16, maybe? >>


New member
Oct 22, 2009
depends on what is ment by "dating". In elementary school is was who you sat at lunch with. In Middle school who you went to dances with. In Highschool who your making out with. in college well by then you're most likely boinking. After college who you looking to spend the rest of youre life with. So youre never to young to have a "boy friend/ girl friend" attachment just Sex should wait till you can drive atleast.

Boris Goodenough

New member
Jul 15, 2009
RAKtheUndead said:
As far as I'm concerned, in modern society, anything under 18 is suspect, and anything under 17 is paedophilia.
The people in your country hit puberty very late it seems.

Samurai Goomba

New member
Oct 7, 2008
Berethond said:
I would not date below 16.

And, just so everyone knows that their schools weren't really that bad: We had prostitutes and drug rings at my elementary school. We're talking 12 year olds whoring themselves out for weed.
The Cheezy One said:
In todays society, it is hard to tell if 2 young people are actually interested in one another, or if they are just going out because thats girls and boys do. I wasn't personally interested in a girl until I was about 13/14. It can probably depend on how you grow up - for example, I didn't grow up with my dad, so my mum taught me to be kind and accepting, whereas some men can imprt the knowledge to their sons about "chasing tail" at a young age.

In terms of sex, that is baloney - their bodies will not be able to produce the chemicals enough to cause the elongation of the penis, so for them sex is probably kissing AND holding hands

My personal opinion, feel free to discuss it with me if you feel differently
Well, actually puberty is beginning younger and younger these days for some inexplicable reason. We're talking 7-8 for girls, and 9-11 for boys. I'll try and dig up my source but I'm lousy at finding things...
If that's true, there could be a medical/chemical reason. I hate to shout CONSPIRACY on an internet message board, but there are aspects of the food industry which are despicable and cause me to question the effect consumption of such foodstuffs might have on this generation. Even as early as 50 years ago you didn't have nearly this kind of problem with food processing.

Of course, there were different problems, like being mauled by bears or an average lifespan of 50 years.

Oh, and at about 5th grade or so all the kids were talking about sex and having sex at my public school (I decided to go homeschool->college after that for completely unrelated reasons), so I would say young people acting like whores is very common based on my experience. I mean, the kids are just old enough to know about sex and have urges, but too young to understand how that new part of themselves fits in with their overall personality and where they want to go in life.

I wouldn't give somebody a car if I didn't think they could drive responsibly. I'd say the minimum age is somewhere in the 14-16 age range. I don't think you'll look back on your life from a hospital bed at age 86 or whatever and say, "If only I had had more sex when I was 12," and there are some crazy bad decisions sex can cause folks to make early in their lives.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
From my experience with dating, anything younger than 16 is meaningless and younger than 13 is just stupid.

As for the sex thing, I know people who lost their virginity at 12 and they GLOAT about it. I just laugh at them. I think your first time at least should be with someone who means alot to you. I think that 16 is a acceptable age for a first time.

I've noticed it too, that kids are getting into dating and sex at younger ages. I say the only person it's gonna hurt in the end is them and when they reach 30 they'll realise how stupid they were...maybe.