When it comes to dating how young is too young ?


New member
Sep 2, 2007
I lost my virginity when I was 15. I figured out a while after it happened that I was one of the few not making up fake conquests. Pretty much anyone that opened there mouth to say anything about sex before 16 was telling lies.

Yet the district I attended high school in actually built a school for teen mothers because it was enough of an issue. It's just most of the kids getting pregnant where seniors.

I hear now they have a freshman class at that school, it seems to be a huge problem now. Parents, start parenting.

Zeeky_Santos said:
As for calling me a redneck OCD?
Zeeky, redneck OCD? Haha, that's quite the laugh.

thekindofcornyoueat said:
so please get your redneck OCD or whatever your problem is under control.
Come now, even I want you to clean up your posts a bit. It's a bit like a guy running around swearing every other word. Sure you can make out what he says, but you are not going to put much stock in the merits of it.

Haha, redneck OCD is a kick through. It just makes no sense at all.


New member
Jan 30, 2008
Zeeky_Santos said:
thekindofcornyoueat said:
depends on how mature you are... i had my first gf whn i had just turned 14 i think. but as lng as you ca take things seriously and are actually capable of accepting and loving someone in every way, any age is fine... although here in germany, having sex is allowed only for people age 14+ which is bullshit. if youre ready then go for it... although i ust say 6th grade is a bit early, i doubt anyone at that age is very mature yet.
That punctuation tells me that you aren't as mature as you claim. Seriously, it's not that hard to hit . to make one . and hold shift to make CAPITAL LETTERS at the starts of sentences.
It's not poor punctuation, it's one long poorly constructed sentence.
Feb 19, 2010
yeah, i see the same things- i hate mixed schools, once i saw a 13 year old guy talking to his friend saying: i might get another blow job- yes, our school has unisex bathrooms

dating in my school starts at 11-12 yrs old. im 15 and i don't date because girls say: he talk really fast and rushes everything, and he has a weird bandages burnt hand- yes i got a badly injured hand in an airosft match after the gas powered pistol EXPLODED in my hand- hence, my spelling errors-

V TheSystem V

New member
Sep 11, 2009
2 years younger is the youngest I would go, 3 if they were REALLY great (they would have to be very mature for their age though). I'm 17 by the way.


happiness is a warm gun
Mar 18, 2010
I generally am OK with a five year gap, in theory anyway. if I see a 25 year old dating a 20 year old, no problem.

But, I'm 21, and I have some issues hitting on 16 year olds. but 18, I have no worries there.

As to when is old enough to START dating, well, I'd say, puberty, maybe 14/15 depending on the hormones in the food kids are eating. If you're old enough to know what to do with your happy bits, then you're old enough to find someone to do it with.

Amethyst Wind

New member
Apr 1, 2009
Phlakes said:
Before 13 is ridiculous, and honestly before 16 doesn't mean anything, it's all just raging hormones.
I'm with this guy, anything before 16 is pretty much worthless, both in terms of meaning and quality of outing.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
Honestly, before 16 does it even matter? If your not going out alone in a car, it's not a date.

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
Well, depends on how you look at it.

Anything before say... 10, can be risky. Anything after... 12 can be good to go.

Then again, I am kind of a biased party on this one so feel free to go and take whatever I say with a grain of salt.

Count Igor

New member
May 5, 2010
Zeeky_Santos said:
thekindofcornyoueat said:
depends on how mature you are... i had my first gf whn i had just turned 14 i think. but as lng as you ca take things seriously and are actually capable of accepting and loving someone in every way, any age is fine... although here in germany, having sex is allowed only for people age 14+ which is bullshit. if youre ready then go for it... although i ust say 6th grade is a bit early, i doubt anyone at that age is very mature yet.
That punctuation tells me that you aren't as mature as you claim. Seriously, it's not that hard to hit . to make one . and hold shift to make CAPITAL LETTERS at the starts of sentences.
And a lone I!
They have to be capital too!
IronicBeet said:
I go by the half-your-age-plus-7 rule.
That doesn't really work for youngun's though, because let's say you're five, half your age is two and a half, plus seven, meaning the YOUNGEST person you can go out with is nine and a half.
That's confusing.
Feb 13, 2008
I had my first "girlfriend" around 6 or 7. I dunno, really depends how you classify it. Sex is usually starting at 14, dependant on how early puberty has come through, but yeah...you need to be 18 to emotionally deal with it.

I still know I was kissing girls around 4 years old, and liking it. Not sure why yet but...

BTW, Romeo - 15 years old, Juliet - 14.


New member
Dec 28, 2010
i guess whenever you hit puberty. under 12 is a bit iffy. sex... sex should only happen if your truly committed to someone. im not saying marraige, but if you really love someone, sex is fine. but not under 14. thats just too young.