When it comes to dating how young is too young ?


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Its all basically a mad rush to get laid or date the most people. Most of the time they date due to physical attraction, then realise they hate said person.

Id say anything below 16 is meaningless without PROOF (like I have 2 friends that have been going out for 2 years now, and still happy, and their both 16 this year)

As for sex, well I dont think there is an age, most people do it for the sake of showing off, so 'when you finally realise that you need to stop being a twat and actually find somoene youll love to have sex with' age.

I mean, just recently, this 13 year old says its bad that Im a virgin at 16, when shes had sex 3 times. I wasnt offended, but it pissed me off to see teenages like this. Though i did smirk on how she "loves" a 16 year old boy who I KNOW and would clearly use her for sex.


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Jul 17, 2010
rpspartin said:
I live in a VERY small town it's so small both the high school and the middle school are one in the same, and because of that you have big guys like me ( a 5'11 senior 18 years ) walking the hallways right next to 6th graders ( on average 4'9 11-12 years). And because of that I have been able to see how the newest batch of youngsters act, and I am SHOCKED. I have seen ( note I am talking about the 6th graders here ) them making out in the hallway, have heard them talk about having had had sex the previous night, and how they were going to dumb there current boy/girlfriend to go out with someone else. I'm starting to wonder what exactly caused all this. There was NOTHING like this when I was there age. I am just dumbstruck by this....

For conversation purposes : How young do you think is too young to start dating? And if things are like this were you live?
Alright there Grandpa, lets just settle down. XD But no, seriously, its the changing times. I mean, I'm shocked when I see ten year olds dressed like sluts, but it happens. Its just how generations change.

Um... Serious dating, I guess under 12-13. But if you mean an age separation... well, PA state that statutory rape is when you are 4 years older then someone, or over 18 and with a minor. I dont know. I guess when if you're too young to have had your stones drop or have had that monthly visitor, you're two young to date.

and no, thats not joking, or being vulgar (or at least, not trying to be).


New member
Apr 8, 2010
Zeeky_Santos said:
captaincabbage said:
Under 18 is too young.
I had my first Girlfriend at age 16.5. No it's not. Why is under 18 too young? You need some experience with women before you get thrown out into the big wide world, if you don't have that experience things are harder to initiate.
I was under that assumption that the person asking the question is over 18, in which case I consider under 18 too young.
I also had my girlfriend at about 16/17, so I do believe it's alright as long as your in the same age bracket, obviously, but if there's a 22 year old going out with a 16 year old, then it makes me a little uneasy, and trust me, that sort of thing happens way too often.


New member
Dec 29, 2010
I guess it depends on what you mean. Your average, 'holding hands and going to the cinema' kinda stuff at about 12/13 is innocent enough and as long it ain't serious, it's all cool. Personally, I didn't start dating until I was 15, but talking about having sex aged11/12... I think that may be a small case of bullshit-itis in order to sound big, clever and more grown up to their mates.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Well it depends on the person really. Though as a general (yet not entirely fair, due to the differing maturations of individuals) rule, I'd put 15 as a minimum and 17-20 as the recommended, as at least that way you've had time to get your head on straight with all your tenage hormones while still allowing time for actual certainty in feelings with the early bloomers.

Zeeky_Santos said:
Reveras said:
Until around 20 you won't even know what love is.
Doesn't mean you shouldn't be allowed to develop critical social skills (opposite sex interaction is crucial).
But think about it. Opposite sex interaction is only crucial because the early blooming of the generation means that if you wait you're awkward and they're not. If everyone waited until they were 18 or so, that rproblem would either be minimised or removed altogether (seeing as having non-romantic relationships with members of the opposite sex during the early years would mean friendships would be easier to establish without having to think about sex or romance as the imminent future of an opposite-sex relationship).


New member
Jan 1, 2011
depends on how mature you are... i had my first gf whn i had just turned 14 i think. but as lng as you ca take things seriously and are actually capable of accepting and loving someone in every way, any age is fine... although here in germany, having sex is allowed only for people age 14+ which is bullshit. if youre ready then go for it... although i ust say 6th grade is a bit early, i doubt anyone at that age is very mature yet.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Zeeky_Santos said:
Reveras said:
Until around 20 you won't even know what love is.
Doesn't mean you shouldn't be allowed to develop critical social skills (opposite sex interaction is crucial).
Did I say you shouldn't? No, I didn't. I just stated something obvious, ofc you should date unless you're some anti-social monster that hates the sun.


New member
Jun 5, 2009
Hmm, my conscience says I should be saying there should be an age limit on serious dating, but then that begs all the questions what classifies as serious dating? How would such a limit be enforced? Besides, without such quality shows as 'underage and pregnant' and 'teen mom' what else would I watch in the early hours of the morning when I can't sleep?

I used to be under the impression that teen pregancy was rising or something, I actually stumbled across an article about it somewhere a while ago and it stated that the rate was actually going down, what with more contraceptives more easily availibe and people marrying later in life. Perhaps the problem is not so big?


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Reveras said:
Until around 20 you won't even know what love is.
How do you know? My neighbor's somewhere around 90 and she married her high school lover and they were together till he died 7 years ago. And they started dating when they were 14 and were faithful.

Samurai Goomba

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Oct 7, 2008
Biosophilogical said:
Well it depends on the person really. Though as a general (yet not entirely fair, due to the differing maturations of individuals) rule, I'd put 15 as a minimum and 17-20 as the recommended, as at least that way you've had time to get your head on straight with all your tenage hormones while still allowing time for actual certainty in feelings with the early bloomers.

Zeeky_Santos said:
Reveras said:
Until around 20 you won't even know what love is.
Doesn't mean you shouldn't be allowed to develop critical social skills (opposite sex interaction is crucial).
But think about it. Opposite sex interaction is only crucial because the early blooming of the generation means that if you wait you're awkward and they're not. If everyone waited until they were 18 or so, that rproblem would either be minimised or removed altogether (seeing as having non-romantic relationships with members of the opposite sex during the early years would mean friendships would be easier to establish without having to think about sex or romance as the imminent future of an opposite-sex relationship).
Sometimes sex and romance develop naturally out of friendships. On the most basic level, practically every sort of interaction between two people of the opposite sex (EXCEPT random hook-ups/one-night stands) starts out as more friendly and becomes romantic. You seem to be denying the possibility that people could naturally establish a friendship which could deepen into something romantic. It doesn't have to be complicated or awkward. I agree that things are less likely to be emotionally awkward and people will have a better idea what they want if they wait, but not everyone needs to wait as long and blanket rules suck.

I agree it's immature to think of sex as a goal or future of any opposite-sex relationship, but who said that people even thought that? Sure, some idiots do, but idiots are idiots. They think stupid crap regardless what the subject may be. It sounds like your real problem is with peer pressure, in which case your solution of peer pressuring people to wait to have intimate relationships seems a bit silly.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Zeeky_Santos said:
thekindofcornyoueat said:
depends on how mature you are... i had my first gf whn i had just turned 14 i think. but as lng as you ca take things seriously and are actually capable of accepting and loving someone in every way, any age is fine... although here in germany, having sex is allowed only for people age 14+ which is bullshit. if youre ready then go for it... although i ust say 6th grade is a bit early, i doubt anyone at that age is very mature yet.
That punctuation tells me that you aren't as mature as you claim. Seriously, it's not that hard to hit . to make one . and hold shift to make CAPITAL LETTERS at the starts of sentences.
<.< wtf? doesnt relly make sense to call someone immature because of how they type. you can still understand what im saying even if i dont put capital letters and correct punctuation, right? dont judge me by something as unimportant as that, man. i just said what i thought about this topic, its just my opinion, so please get your redneck OCD or whatever your problem is under control.