When it comes to dating how young is too young ?


New member
May 25, 2009
My 12 year old sister let a 15 year old feel her up. If I find that fellow, his hands will be his no longer. If my sister starts acting like a whore, I will beat the whore out of her (I pick on her like any other older brother, but a serious beating would occur in that scenario).

Yes violence can solve your problems if you know how.

Dark Knifer

New member
May 12, 2009
For what, proper relationships or just for the sake of it. If it's the former, then 16-17. If it's for the sake of it 13-14 although it seems to be even younger then that these days. It's changing at an alarming rate looking at some of these post...
Berethond said:
Puberty is beginning younger and younger these days for some inexplicable reason. We're talking 7-8 for girls, and 9-11 for boys. I'll try and dig up my source but I'm lousy at finding things...
Wait what? How is that happening so rapidly now? I'm only 17 and I hit puberty at around 13 and I was fast in that regard compared to my peers. How can it change that dramatically so quickly?


New member
Nov 9, 2009
HG131 said:
demoman_chaos said:
My 12 year old sister let a 15 year old feel her up. If I find that fellow, his hands will be his no longer. If my sister starts acting like a whore, I will beat the whore out of her (I pick on her like any other older brother, but a serious beating would occur in that scenario).

Yes violence can solve your problems if you know how.
So, you're a closeminded person who acts like women are to do as he says? Nnnnnniiiiiccccceeee.
Sure beating is wrong and he should find some other solution but are we to undestand you'd feel up a 12 year old? You sir are sick.

Anti Nudist Cupcake

New member
Mar 23, 2010
Bleh, it was like that when I was in the sixth grade, kids going on and on about dating and kissing, I blame high school musical as it was released around that time.

Damn musicals...

And wannabe fan girls, those were the carriers of this disease.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
HG131 said:
boingo boingo whoopsy knickers
True but still, I find it wrong before 16, like totally wrong to feel up a girl, closest thing you can say you're doing is taking advantage of a little girl.

Edit: Also no one says a thing about 20 and 23 because at that age they perfectly understand what they're doing.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
HG131 said:
Reveras said:
HG131 said:
boingo boingo whoopsy knickers
True but still, I find it wrong before 16, like totally wrong to feel up a girl, closest thing you can say you're doing is taking advantage of a little girl.

Edit: Also no one says a thing about 20 and 23 because at that age they perfectly understand what they're doing.
You'd be surprised at what 12 year olds know.
No I wouldn't, I was once at that age and the only thing you know is that you're horny as hell and there's a reason little kids shouldn't start feeling each other up, it's about the level of emotional maturity, which they lack entirely, high school's when u start developing that.


New member
Nov 18, 2010
I graduated from high school in May '10 & I knew girls who had already had babies. I've never had a boyfriend or anything. My family said I couldn't date until I was 18. But here I am, 3 days from 19 & no boyfriend. Bummer.

Lost In The Void

When in doubt, curl up and cry
Aug 27, 2008
Ultratwinkie said:
Zeeky_Santos said:
RAKtheUndead said:
Zeeky_Santos said:
captaincabbage said:
Under 18 is too young.
I had my first Girlfriend at age 16.5. No it's not. Why is under 18 too young? You need some experience with women before you get thrown out into the big wide world, if you don't have that experience things are harder to initiate.
Overpopulation is one reason; people routinely living into their seventies is another. With lifespans of forty or fifty years, people having relationships earlier made biological sense. As we gain the capacity to grow substantially older, though, I don't think that we should be engaging in that sort of behaviour.
Hey, RAK. Note that this is a relationship thread. I'm vetoing you from any more relationship threads. You give horrible advice and dispense rage at all manner of relationships, you're just not a productive member when it comes to this topic, I suggest you stay out of them.

Just now you suggested that the only reason for a relationship was biological imperatives for reproduction. That is a very shallow and cynical idea of relationships. There are many other reasons to enter serious relationships with people, reproduction is rarely a factor in our modern times, it's about companionship. Finding that special someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. We may as well start early so we don't fuck up and be lonely all our lives (like my brothers seem to be so far).

That and protected sex, seriously, did I even mention that I wanted kids in my post? Where did you get that from?
cynical is the only way to go. I seen how "modern relationships" are and they are useless. They only end badly. Why bother putting resources into something that only end badly and require more resources?
Yes because every highschool romance ends badly and then everyone gets to be emo about it for a couple weeks before they're jumping the next tail they see and the cycle starts again. Am I hitting close to what you're saying?

Either way, the intention of these "wasteful relationships" may be to 'get laid' or even just something nice for the couple to enjoy for a while. Both of those are important in their own right. Another benefit of these earlier relationships, as Santos mentioned above, is that they develop important, social, behavioural and cognitive skills needed in the modern, adult world.

While I may think that 12, even up to 14-15 is too young for sexual intercourse in particular, a emotional, even slightly sexual relationship at the ages of 14-15, if handled correctly, can mature a child and teach them the basics to successful maneuvering in adult relationships.

So in short, dating is okay in my books as long as it remains fairly low key sexually as low as 14, sexually active at 16+.
Feb 13, 2008
RAKtheUndead said:
The_root_of_all_evil said:
BTW, Romeo - 15 years old, Juliet - 14.
Yes, at a time when you were lucky to hit 50 years old. We've added thirty or so years to our lifespans. Enforcing later thresholds of sexual intimacy makes sense.
When has sense had anything to do with sex?


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
Dating is an evolutionary thing throughout youth and adolescence, or at least it was when I was growing up, because I was a child before hypersexualized childhood was invented. I swear MTV is run by pedophiles.

But anyway, I had my first "girlfriend" in sixth grade (and we were "together" through middle school), but only if you use the term very loosely. Basically me and this girl were inseparable and always doing things together---it was generally assumed that if you invited one of us out, the other was coming along. But it was all puppy love---I can't imagine having had sex with her that young. Not that I wasn't ragingly hormonal---what 12 or 13-year-old boy isn't?---but at that age sex was something that guys did to "conquer" girls, at least according to my uncles who took up the mantle of trying to make a man out of me after my dad died. I couldn't "conquer" Elinor---I liked her too much (and indeed, she's still one of my best friends 20 years later.)

Now, the kind of dating I did in high school, from age 16 onward, and losing my virginity at 17? I didn't think I was too young then, and considering that the cheap sex made sure I wouldn't be a bumbling fool when real love came along in adulthood, I think I'll take it as a "rite of passage".


New member
Oct 20, 2009
I don't feel like there's really a specific age for it, so it can be tricky. I don't like the idea of how young kids are jumping into things, but I suppose if you think you really need to be dating, then I'm not going to stop you. Realistically though, yo shouldn't be dating unless you can actually, you know, GO ON DATES. If you can't go pick your girl up and be able to pay for dinner and such, then you really aren't dating so much as making out in the halls out school. Which nobody wants to see.


New member
Mar 12, 2010
Lalalarzi said:
Hmm, my conscience says I should be saying there should be an age limit on serious dating, but then that begs all the questions what classifies as serious dating? How would such a limit be enforced? Besides, without such quality shows as 'underage and pregnant' and 'teen mom' what else would I watch in the early hours of the morning when I can't sleep?

I used to be under the impression that teen pregancy was rising or something, I actually stumbled across an article about it somewhere a while ago and it stated that the rate was actually going down, what with more contraceptives more easily availibe and people marrying later in life. Perhaps the problem is not so big?
I think it's pretty obvious what classifies as serious dating.
A couple 10 year olds holdings in the schoolyard? That sorta thing aint it.

Teen pregnancy is actually going down? To be honest I think that's a little hard to believe, but interesting.
Of course there's a lot more issues with early full on relationships than just teen pregnancy.