FarleShadow said:
Baneat said:
Yeah it probably seemed weird to quote you, but I assumed that since you referred to WoW (SkinnerBox+SunkTime) that that's what you were angling at. Minecraft isn't a skinner box, but it's not addictive by its own merit (Like, say super meat boy where you're compelled to continue challenging yourself, which is where the addictiveness comes from), it's the inability to let go of your stuff, even when it becomes boring (Did you really enjoy collecting 9000 sand and smelting it all into glass to finish that castle off?)
Actually, I'd argue that Skinner boxes are rather simplistic representations of addiction.
Maybe OCD applies better?
I've also seen some arguments that Minecraft indulges some Autistic style behaviour and haven't seen anything against it.
WoW employs skinner boxes heavily to drag you through, and the sunk time to keep you after the "dings" are gone/lose their appeal.
I think it's the simple fact that you're rewarded for mindless shit (I do play WoW, and the fact that you have to quest to get to hard mode content(Which is genuinely rewarding to me, intrinsically) is awful). I can switch my brain off, kill 10 goblins, even maintain an illusion of skill involved if I feel like it (though it would be only a little slower just to push "1" constantly), and get the lovely "dings" every time.
The problem is, by level 82 (that's what I'm at now), these dings mean nothing, honestly, I'm just trying to reach the end, and it's in the way. I wouldn't be averse to hiring someone to level my guy for me, just so I can actually access the part I want to play, however fears for loss of my account in doing so prevent it. Now, if you wonder why I'm level 82, and cataclysm came out months and months ago, it's because I realised that time sink thing, much like you did with EVE, and stopped. All that stuff I worked to get, the epic gear etc. it all means nothing once they release a new expansion, since all the gear is rebooted. This is why this time round it's more of an experiment to see if I can avoid the timesink. Gonna use gear as a tool, not as the ends, and challenge myself with the hardest content the gear can manage.
The people that fail, in there, are the people that wanted to do ICC25HC (arguably the toughest thing on offer at the time that I played) to get the 277 gear. I asked them, but why? They had no clue.
The people who succeeded in the hardest stuff didn't give a shit about the gear you got at the end of it, their gear was only as good as it can be to even make the challenges possible. Once the challenge was gone, when they knew how to do all the fights, they stopped playing, and waited for the next challenge to come into the game.
WoW devs are gonna need to come up with something new, because even the skinner box has its limits, and it lost its appeal around level 70.
But, consider this game. It doesn't follow this model at all. You don't level up really, asides from the miniature part where you progress from wood tools and stuff, right up to diamond.