Which 40K race do you side with?


New member
May 1, 2009
Chaos, more often than not. Madness is such a glorious constant for such relative term, don't you think?

I used to be a fan of the Necrons as well, but then Soulstorm came out, and that was the end of that.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Righto. A 40K MMO = ~Awesome. However, holding off on gameplay/mechanisms etc, it's true value will depend on fleshing out the playable races. This is paramount. The races have well established lores/backgrounds and various traits that set them apart from each other; realising them will offer players the most fun.

Personally I'm a soldier of the Imperium, and a seer of the Eldar.

The Imperium, as corrupt, stagnant and decayed as it is by it's bloody history and hindered by it's superstition and misled religion, still possesses some of the choicest characters and factions. The Emporer also constanltly stops the Warp from overflowing into the realm of Reality, so by default all races barring Chaos are kinda in his debt. That can't rub off too well.
Space Marines: While there has been a testorone buildup, in the last few years of gaming especially, of over-armored, stone jawed, Schwarzenegger cut-outs, the Adeptus Astartes are wicked. Blood Angels first and foremost (personally), with other chapters earning well deserved recognition. Being able to choose which Chapter you belong to is important. Very much so.
The Guard have some cool chaps too, but what gets me are characters like Ciaphis Cain, and Gaunt. If you haven't read the novels about these two, I recommend them.
Lastly, what about the [Spanish] Inquisition? How awesome would it be to create your character like Eisenhorn of Ravenor? That should lead to some mean quests.

But the Eldar are just cool. Excuse my fondness of elegance and pointy ears for all elf-haters out there, but coming from the Asrai in Warhammer Fantasy, Eldar are choice. Plus they invented the Webway, and their near-accidental racial suicide led to the creation of one of the four Ruinous Powers. Cool background/character motivation.

For every other race, it'd be shit-sticks cool to be a Necron, Kroot or Tau, Ork, Tyrnaid (esp. fun, if they had similar abilities/gameplay to what the latest version of AvP had to offer) etc. Racial diversity is good. But if they can take that further with factions, classes, belief systems (potentially cool: the Puritan vs Radicals of the Inquisition) etc, that's an enormous boon. And we're always on the lookout for enormous boons, aren't we.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Well, I started the tabletop as Chaos, because I liked the way they looked (And then I tried assembling them. POINTY!) but I soon moved on to Daemons for their awesome melee ability. I had a squad of Bloodletters wipe out a squad of Tactical Marines the turn we assaulted which was awesome. We had killed off half their army and my allies hadn't made it halfway across the table. Love deepstrike.

So for me, It's gotta be Daemons. Immense CQC power.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Space marines! But also the Tanith First and Only, Imperial Guard. They are just great. :)

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Tau because their the only ones that aren't being dicks... Oh fuck it FOR THE GREATER GOOD!


New member
Jul 12, 2009
Orks all the way.
I have a 2000 point army and my clan is the RatBiteClan!! ^^
Not playing too much anymore thou :(

I started reading Dembski-Bowdens novels about the Astartes and so far it's been enjoyable and a good read.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
The Wykydtron said:
Tau because their the only ones that aren't being dicks... Oh fuck it FOR THE GREATER GOOD!
I was at my local Games Workshop the other day and had a fun discussion about this with a Dark Eldar player, specifically the first Tau run-ins with the Necrons/Dark Eldar where they got all excited after receiving 'help' against the Tyranids from them and tried to be friendly, only to get slaughtered. I <3 Tau.


New member
Oct 13, 2010
table-top i play chaos, have quite an army of them (2200+ points).
in DoW i loved the eldar


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Despite playing both spacre marines and their chaositc counterparts, I always find myself to be a secret Tau fan. Can't decide whether its the mechs or the fact that they are conspicuously less evil than most of the original 'order' races. probably the mechs.

On the subject of not oft played space marine chapters, what about the Raptors? Not the chaos kind, the space marine chapter involved in the Taros Campaign. Not only did they make planetary landings possible, they held the evac sites long enough for the guard to make their retreat when they buggered up the siege. And no one even knows their name... well my boys in green keep the name alive.
Sep 9, 2010
Soul Drinkers. Sure they're all dead (right?) but still, they're badasses. If not them then the Space Wolves, the fiercest of all the Imperium's warriors. Also since when is Space Marine an MMO?


New member
Nov 13, 2010
Been an Eldar player for years. I love how they fight, their aesthetic and their fluff.

I do have a soft spot for the Ordo Hereticus though; they're belligerent, self-righteous, hypocritical and generally hilarious.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Iron Within, Iron Without. No competition. Though after reading Soul Hunter, Night Lords do get a close second spot for me.


J. Jonah Jameson
Aug 3, 2010
Although I field one of two Space Marine armies in both tabletop and Dawn of War, I believe it would be more fitting of my character to side with the Tau.