Which video game franchise do you think has the least pleasant fanbase?


New member
May 6, 2011
Greatjusticeman said:
Pretty much Bioware fans in general, more specifically the BSN, but that whiny behavior also complies with some people on here. Seeing how they have behaved in the past year, in reference to Dragon Age 2, TOR, and Mass Effect 3...you're all a bunch of monsters who were obviously given to much options in games to the point where you have a meltdown if something doesn't go your way, which explains your poor life situation.
You heard it here first: choices and consequences destroy lives. Just say "no" to Black Isle.

OT: I agree with you on the BSN, but for a different reason - the creepy over-investment in love interests. It has to be seen to be believed.


New member
May 29, 2011
Kahunaburger said:
Greatjusticeman said:
Pretty much Bioware fans in general, more specifically the BSN, but that whiny behavior also complies with some people on here. Seeing how they have behaved in the past year, in reference to Dragon Age 2, TOR, and Mass Effect 3...you're all a bunch of monsters who were obviously given to much options in games to the point where you have a meltdown if something doesn't go your way, which explains your poor life situation.
You heard it here first: choices and consequences destroy lives. Just say "no" to Black Isle.

OT: I agree with you on the BSN, but for a different reason - the creepy over-investment in love interests. It has to be seen to be believed.
Yeah, that too.

Look, love interests are whatever. I enjoy them,I do them, but if they weren't in the game I wouldn't care.

However, they believe games should completely revolve around their love interest. Every time a trailer shows, a snippet is aired, or voice actors are interviewed they always complain and say it would be better with their love interest in it and it's grating.

To much emphasis they put on them,essentially.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
Probably more efficient to ask instead which online fans aren't too bad.
I had good experiences with online NWN 1 games (both persistent worlds and scheduled games), back when I still played that old game.

Generally both rabid fanboys and haters are alright aslong as they stick to forums, because you can simply ignore them if you're not in the mood for an argument. That means all single player games are safe and their fanbases harmless.

It's the online game component that should be considered here.
Dota, lol and hon are very bad, which is understandable because those games depend on good teams.
RTS gamers are on average neutral, especially when you stick to 1v1 maps.
What is surprising is that the fighting community members(streetfighter, etc) are so hostile. They have got nothing to lose from a newb influx, because again it's mosty 1v1 matches. They'll win and get angry.

Eddie the head

New member
Feb 22, 2012
Most of them are bad. But I will say Blizzard game tend to attract the biggest pricks in the world. The moment you are being that big of an ass, to your fellow players no less, for picking blue instead of red you are just in insensitive douche.

Punch You

New member
Dec 12, 2010
All of them! When you become an obsessive fan, you've gone too far.

A better question to ask is "which videogame franchise has the least hateable fanbase?"


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Probably RPG fans of various sects.

CoD and Halo and such, I understand - its a competitive game with a competitive fanbase. Talking smack is part of what is to be expected and doesn't shock me when I see it. I take it with a grain of salt.

When I see people actively insulting someone else's opinion about a single player game and their single player experiences with it? Yeah, that's a little disturbing. When they tell a developer how they made their game wrong, holy shit - that is entitled.


New member
Nov 15, 2011
The fanboys who like anything from japan without a second thought, especially if the game has any manga art form.


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
CoD and Battlefield's have been the most irritating to me. TF2 in it's own way too. They don't much go out of their way to troll other games (except CoD but what fanboy doesn't do that?) but dealing with them about the game is a nightmare. As a hardcore Halo fan the overall fanbase is way better now than it was at its peak. The stereotype fanboy that people label Halo with now is no worse than most other big games.

Don Savik

New member
Aug 27, 2011
I don't think I've met a pleasant fanbase. I think that's what we should be more focused on. Give me a game that I would LIKE to play by telling me about its NICE fanbase. I mean, wouldn't that be the best way to get MORE fans?!??!?

Seems silly to me.

Also, I like mmos, fps, rts, rpgs and all those previously mentioned games (cept moba, they bore me) but I play games for fun. I don't troll and rage over the internet and scream over my mic, I don't look at people inferior to me and belittle them for it on mmos. I think we everyone just needs to all chill and remember why we play games in the first place.

and there are a lot of generalized "cod players, all of them suck" type statements which I find very hyperbolic. Not everyone who plays cod is an 11 year old idiot. Surely you're smarter than that.


New member
May 13, 2011
Dark Souls. They constantly show off with every opportunity and they will rarely admit that this game was hard. They absolutely snub those who play as spell-casters, or have big HP, or have high XP level. Myself I love very much Dark Souls and Demon's Souls, but I can't stand these people for too long.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
EA,s (except for ME those fans look pretty cool)
or COD,s 99% of them are 12 year old kids parked behind the Xbox by neglectful parents.
Twilight when it was at it,s peak last year