Which video game franchise do you think has the least pleasant fanbase?

Josh Diaz

New member
Oct 23, 2010
call of duty world of warcraft warhammer starcraft 1&2 dungeons and dragons gears of war star wars(yeah they suck HARD)elder scrolls and batman. i have yet to meet someone that is a fan of those games that i dont want to mutilate for being an obnoxious story and mythos fan boy


New member
Feb 18, 2011
Of all the games I played, I'd say that League of Legends has the least pleasant fan base to play with. They are rude, they rage at every little mistake, and they generally act like babies. I used to play all the time, till I got sick of playing with all of the morons who also play.

Honorable mention goes to WoW fans, especially raiders.

THIS is why I don't play multiplayer games with people I don't know!

Demonio Penguino

New member
Oct 11, 2009
Stubee said:
Demonio Penguino said:
Stubee said:

You have to be pretty fanboyish to be still playing a game that old and the fans come off a bit creepy as well.
As a TF2 fan, I have to disagree. The thing is that the updates make the experience completely different each time, so it's not like you're doing the exact same thing for days and days. There's always something to do.
Also, how does that make us unpleasant? Sure we seem fanboyish(Which I don't agree with, but I don't want to get into that), but at least we're not annoying or downright mean. We just like hats.
I appreciate the salient response compared to some of the others i just had to read through, and you make a good point about the updates

What makes the community unpleasant to me is coming home to 8 messages on here where people have quoted my opinion (READ: OPINION) and responded with somewhat hostile and overly protective comments.

I guess my overall point would be I am able to find the community unpleasant despite the fact i don't play it. You have all helped prove my point to be honest. I like Halo but I don't get all uppity when people criticize it
Well, that's what people usually do. They get defensive when you criticize something they like very much. A few people, such as you, don't do that, but most of the time people defend the things they like most. You don't criticize us, and we don't get overly defensive and instead we just go back to collecting hats.


New member
Jul 30, 2010
The witcher franchise has easily the most zealous and defensive fanbase I've ever encountered - made worse by the fact that the games do nothing to warrant the tiniest bit of praise - but say that out loud, and bam - torches and pitchforks.

David Bjur

Hazy sucks, Daystar Moreso
Nov 21, 2011
Supertask said:
Shadow-Phoenix said:
I'd say Elder Scrolls because of the non stop in my face hype and a mentally challenged fanbase.
Seems like everyone who has a problem with the TES fanbase is simply infuriated by the hype. I don't get this, if you've actually played CoD or Halo multiplayer, there are some real douchebags. Yet people hate on Elder Scrolls fans for no other real reason than that they love the franchise, and this creates hype. If you don't like the hype, ignore it. It isn't directed at you.
So, if people type "Skyrim has dragons, thus, a better game" in unrelated game articles comment sections, I'm supposed to smile and say "Aaaaww, he loves his gaming franchise." even though they posted it twice? With a smile? F-no I say.


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
Jazoni89 said:
Call of Duty, Minecraft, Sonic the Hedgehog, Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts, Portal, World of Warcraft, Dota/LOL/HON, and Fallout.

Those are the main culprits in my opinion.
Pretty much this. Fuckin' crazy fan boys/girls giving the rest of us a bad name...


New member
Jan 11, 2008
[If it counts]AntiFPS fans. Yes, I understand you don't like CoD or Battlefield, but I don't like your games either yet I put up with your fanboy ranting.

Maleval said:
The more popular the game, the worst the fanbase.
I'm not sure. Take neogeo/ SNK fans. There aren't that many of them, but the ones who are, are very vocal, and very unlikeable and unhelpful to newbies (from what I've heard, and the limited things I've seen).


New member
Feb 25, 2011
No Mutants Allowed

I'm amazed that some of those morons are actually able to function at a high enough cognitive level to tie their shoes, let alone play a classic RPG like Fallout. And I say this as someone who loves the first two Fallouts and was very ho-hum about Fallout 3.


New member
Feb 2, 2011
Terramax said:
I'm not sure. Take neogeo/ SNK fans. There aren't that many of them, but the ones who are, are very vocal, and very unlikeable and unhelpful to newbies (from what I've heard, and the limited things I've seen).
I admit, I've never actually encountered any neogeo/SNK fans. My original post was more about more numerous fanbases having more individual douchebags than less numerous ones, hence being generally less pleasant in my opinion. Then again there is, as far as I know, no universal definition for an unpleasant fanbase, so everything in this thread is a matter of opinion.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
mega48man said:
CleverCover said:
mega48man said:
CleverCover said:
mega48man said:
snip infinity
That's usually true. At least on the internet, they congregate with like. It's mostly the trolls that go looking for arguments.

I wish they weren't so volatile with their opinions IRL. I could care less about what they were saying, but it would be easier to manage if I wasn't going to be attacked for a differing opinion.

Angry fanatics are scary.

Should just let them all at each other in a locked room, and never ever open the door.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
I will rank my least favorite fan bases

5. The Sega Dreamcast Fanbase - I get that sonic adventure 1 + 2 ans soul calibur were good games. But that is it. The general shittyness of most of the games sunk the console. I has been over a decade since its failure, get over it.

4. Call of Duty - Foul Mouthed Children, annoying man children, and lastly the games are not all that good.

3. Grand Theft Auto - Irritating White Boys who try talk like every rapper and their dog. I understand that the game might be fun but for fucks sake it does not give you the excuse to act like a moron.

2. Nintendo Wii - Before i bash on nintendo fanboys, i feel obligated to say i am a proud owner of a 3ds and a not so proud owner of a wii. Wii fanboys would defend nazi's if they were associated with the wii. I understand skyward sword is a great game but that is all it has. There are barely any other gamer games on it. A lot of games on it are ports with badly done motion controls. Well there is xenoblade chronicles which nintendo of america have hilariously withheld from you guys. Also i fail to understand how the motion sensor not working properly for me while playing zelda makes me an uncoordinated douchebag.

and finally...

1. Console and PC elitists - Both sides need to calm the fuck down. It shouldn't matter what medium you or the people around you are gaming as long as you personally are having fun. I do not understand why gaming forums crucified my friend for admitting that he was playing the pc version of skyrim on a 360 controller

Now i joyfully await angry fanboys quoting what i have said here out of context


New member
May 26, 2010
Anyone doing one or more of these:

Not having a consistent view. "This game has many flaws and other games do what it does right better. ...Oh but I'm not saying it's bad! No! You should still buy it!"

Reviewing reviewers. I think you have a wrong mindset in the first place if you're watching a video game review for the person doing it. Hey guy, we watched the same video. If I don't like the person my mind is already made up. I don't need a five paragraph essay to convince me otherwise.

Clearly skipping posts in a short topic. "Where is this secret?" "I found it. Here is its location." and then the next several posts are people asking where the secret is.


New member
Aug 3, 2010
I'd say it really depends on what grinds your gears. I'd say a tie with the younger population of Minecraft and the younger population, or rather, the less mature side, of popular FPS games. The thing with minecraft is you have people who can't type a sentence without complaining. I try to remain considerate, but it seems a good minority of the community act like they need to be pampered. You send them out in the wilderness for a week in the game, and they'll be dead the first day. then they'll go "this sever is gai!!1!"

With FPS games, it seems the worst of people are those who are very...alpha. I don't need to say much, as I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. just defies logic that such people are acting all "holier-than-thou" over a video game...


New member
Sep 10, 2008
MOBA Games. Defense of the Ancients, Heroes of Newerth, and League of Legends. These games make monsters out of people.


New member
Feb 21, 2010
From my experiences it would be CoD and left 4 dead 2 for me. CoD is quite obvious and left 4 dead players just piss me off. Your winning, you get kicked, your losing, you get kicked, your carrying a team, you get kicked. It's only fun if you have some mates with you, just so you don't get kicked every 5 minutes.

I've also heard a lot of stuff about league of legends players but I've never played it so...


New member
Dec 24, 2008
jackpackage200 said:
I will rank my least favorite fan bases

5. The Sega Dreamcast Fanbase - I get that sonic adventure 1 + 2 ans soul calibur were good games. But that is it. The general shittyness of most of the games sunk the console. I has been over a decade since its failure, get over it.

Now i joyfully await angry fanboys quoting what i have said here out of context
Guess what, your wish has been granted...somewhat.

The Dreamcast was one of the most underutilised consoles in history, and to me It will always have a place in my heart. It's still very desirable for retro gaming collectors as well, and due to it's modest library (of 200 unique titles most of which regardless of popular belief are actually good) so it's easy to collect for. I still find myself playing the Dreamcast even now, especially Jet Set Radio.

I do agree with you though, but it's is very hard for us fanboys to let go of something so good and criminally underrated. You would have to be a owner, and a collector of the system to clearly understand why.

Legion IV

New member
Mar 30, 2010
hotsauceman said:
Wow Raiders, The most elitist nutjobs ever, And only because they want Shinies and nothing more.
Why else would you raid? Am in pretty chill guild but of course when raid time comes you gotta be serious.

OT: Half Life, mass effect. THose are just wow.


Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
Halo, I received so much abuse and hate when I used to play that game, most of it not even because of things I did in a match.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
League of legends/dota/hon

Seriously if anyone has actually played these games you know what i mean.