Which video game franchise do you think has the least pleasant fanbase?

Olivia Faraday

New member
Mar 30, 2011
I hate both fanboys and people who single out entire franchises and rag on their fanboys.

Basically, when trying to decide which is the "worst": I can't. I hate them all. I especially hate the ones who are especially devoted or butthurt, but I just tried to specify than and then realized, hey, that doesn't in any way cut it down at all.

I have a theory that people choose "least favourite franchise fanbase" based on "franchise that I personally don't understand the appeal of that has a lot of people that understand the appeal of it." That combined with the fact that some fanbases have more specific sorts of fanboys than others -- CoD has frat boys and 13 year olds, Final Fantasy has japanophile weeaboos, and Nintendo mascots have nostalgia-loving neckbeards. Note I am not calling the entire fanbase of these things those names, just that those particular fanbases have a higher concentration of that exact sort of poison. Others have their own variations. So I suppose that has some relation to which fanbase you hate the most, too.

Personally, I think all the poison in the centre of a "dedicated following" is equally distasteful. I am allergic to fanboyism. I don't even have anything 100% nice to say about my very favourite games/series/systems in the entire world.

But yeah they're all horrible. Every single devoted fanbase makes me roll my eyes. Likewise, every single person who associates a game with its fanbase and says douchey things online about it in some weird attempt to get revenge on their fanbase for being a fanbase -- I hate those people, too. I swear I want to like CoD just to spite the CoD haters, who are even more annoying than CoD fans, but I can't get into shooters.

Sigh. Pettiness foiled.


New member
Nov 16, 2011
I'm going to say that World of Warcraft is, in my experience and opinion, THE absolute worst video game franchise fandom. And I do mean that sincerely.


Worse than Call of Duty
Worse than Halo
Worse than Final Fantasy
Worse than League of Legends/DoTa/Heroes of Newarth (The overlap from these franchises is where it STARTED)
Worse than Legend of Zelda or the depths which any of the Nintendo fandoms can sink to.
Worse than Fallout
EVEN Worse than Console and PC fanboys

EVEN worse than Sonic the Hedgehog!!

I don't think there is ANY contest; combine all the worst aspects of all the aforemented fandoms in this post

Case in point... this post; contains overreactions to just one player acting like a dick in the game.



New member
Sep 1, 2011
jackpackage200 said:
1. Console and PC elitists - Both sides need to calm the fuck down. It shouldn't matter what medium you or the people around you are gaming as long as you personally are having fun. I do not understand why gaming forums crucified my friend for admitting that he was playing the pc version of skyrim on a 360 controller
I agree with this.

Not so much the stuff about the Dreamcast and the Wii.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
After spending alot of time playing League of Legends i can defiantly say that game has a crippled fanbase.

Unless you play with a group, solo queuing can often lead to alot of stress when your stuck with a team of twats -_- ranging from AFK/Dc, feeders, trolls and straight up arseholes. Though when with a good group it can make for a fun time...its just a shame that today it's becoming more rare.


New member
Mar 13, 2011
This might shock many of you but ZELDA FANS.

Seriously, they're so uppity about how amazing "Ocarina of Time" was, or how amazing "Twilight Princess" was, every new game released you hear one Zelda fan scream at the top of his lungs, "Well it's good, but it's not Ocarina of Time!".

Yes Zelda fans, we understand Ocarina of Time WAS good, but today there are many, in my opinion, much better games offering much more than Ocarina of Time can today, I'm sorry, but it's a by-gone relic of a former time, it is no longer amazing, sure it's still fun and was a masterpiece, but not anymore.

So in conclusion Zelda fans, we do not CARE about how amazing Ocarina of Time was, we don't CARE every time someone releases a new game that Wind Waker had a much better sound-track, we don't CARE, now keep it to yourself and have a nice day.

For online communities, I always find Australian servers to have many polite and mature players, sure we get our bad eggs but mostly it's a great experience.


New member
Sep 4, 2008
Call of Duty, WoW, DotA and all associated games in that genre.

Fun CoD related story: re-installed CoD4 recently, got banned from the first hardcore server I joined for "hacking." Apparently a lvl 5 player running a 5-1 kill/death ratio is frowned upon. Because four years of playing the game definitely doesn't make you play better than some folks.


Lvl 20 Hedgehog Wizard
Jan 25, 2010
w9496 said:
Supertask said:
w9496 said:
I have a problem with them because most of the Elder Scrolls fans I know talk down to me like I'm some dirty peasant just because we don't share the same interest in games.


On the hype issue, I can ignore the hype in small doses, but when literally 1/2 of the threads in the gaming discussion section are Skyrim threads, I just can't. Doesn't Bethesda care enough about their fans to have a dedicated forum for that kind of crap?
Yes the hype may annoy you, but I don't see how it makes the fanbase unpleasant, like I said, it's not directed at you - it's the fans talking amongst themselves. And don't you think it's a little hypocritical to complain about being talked down to for not sharing the same interest in games one moment, and then two paragraphs later to call forum threads "crap" simply because you're not personally interested in the game?
The hype makes people unpleasant to be around because not everybody is shitting their pants over Skyrim, and those who are tend to talk about it nonstop. I've had to alienate a couple of friends for a little while because Skyrim is the only thing they talked about.

Perhaps I should clarify on the "crap" thing. I understand that it's a new game, and that people are excited, but we don't need threads about every little tiny detail like quirks, your characters appearance, backstory, or family chain.

I'm not interested in the game very much myself, and I can see how others would be. It's just annoying having everything about it thrown in your face.
To add to this, for months before its release and only until about the last week or so, you really could not escape the incessant Skyrim fanboyism, because not only would they eat up at least 50% of topics on the Gaming Discussion forum, but they would also keep popping up in completely unrelated topics just to simply say "Can't/Won't be worrying about that/playing that/whatever: too busy doing (compeletely unrelated thing) in Skyrim." It was ALL OVER the damn place! Skyrim honestly seems like a game that would be right up my alley, something I would be really enjoying. But honestly, despite it being a single-player game, its fanbase turned me off the game COMPLETELY with the amount they go on and on about it. They did the same thing for me with Mass Effect 2 when it was released: the sheer volume of people who would talk about nothing but that game just turned me the other way to it. I do not want to touch Skyrim at all, much less play it, because I have just had enough of it. I could go and read the backlog of threads relating to Skyrim and I would know every single nook and cranny of the game's world and all the game's mechanics without having played a single second of it. And this is a HUGE game, apparently.


Saviour In the Clockwork
Feb 2, 2010
Lately i've been thinking Elder Scrolls fans.

Reason for this is that there's nowhere on the internet you can go without the Skyrim fans being all up in your face about something. I think the fanbase that can't shut up is the least pleasant one because everyone who doesn't care will still have to sit through their shit.

The CoD fans will at least just be unpleasant amongst themselves rather than around everyone else.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
Lately, I'm thinking Elder Scrolls apologists. Every time I read some cute variant of "the pros outweigh the bugs" in a Skyrim review my blood boils.

No amount of HURR DURR DRAGONS will ever make it okay that my shit froze MID-SAVE. You know, as in "PLEASE DON'T RESET OR TURN OFF THE CONSOLE WHILE SAVING" lest your shit becomes corrupted and unplayable, mid-save? It's lucky it was an autosave, but it was busted after that; whenever I loaded that autosave and tried walking into any building, it'd freeze mid-load. Had it been my main file I'd have been fucked out of 10 hours because CHARMING AND ENDEARING HALLMARK OF SEMINAL FRANCHISE.

Fuck you apologists.

Of all fans I can think of, these are the ones that I actively feel are harming their franchise. They'd forgive a machine-wiping virus if an open-world with some fetch and kill quests came attached to it. Seriously, those who think it's endearing to ship a busted product after the company has had 3 games to perfect their engine are the reason these otherwise fantastic games are still broken at launch and not all that fixed later on.

inb4some variant of "get the PC version." I don't want the PC version because weak Toshiba netbook. These are console games now too; the rigid nature of the platform should ESPECIALLY spur you to make a sound product from the beginning for that particular audience. That it didn't is ridiculous.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
I am, sadly, as I adore the flippin' game, inclined towards mentioning the more fanatic parts of the Elder Scrolls fandom as well. It's apparently ment to be everywhere and it's perfect in every way. No buts. And then there are the Morrowind-fanatics, who seems to live in an alternative reality where the world itself is in a drawn-out, declining twilight, and the likes of Morrowind and the deeds of the past will never be seen again...

But of course, they are nowhere near as fanatic as the No Mutants Allowed-crowd. I said I was sorry for enjoying Fallout 3, a'ight?! D:

And there are the MMO turfwars. SWtOR does this, WoW does that... Whatever you choose and whatever you do, you are a little scrubnub kiddie, apparently. It's like they all fervently believe that "There can be only ooooonee!!"

Nigh Invulnerable

New member
Jan 5, 2009
Valve fans who think Gabe Newell and company can do no wrong. The half-Life series hasn't done anything truly new in ages and most of their other games wear out quickly, probably due to idiotic repeating of memetic bits.

Also, pretty much anyone yelling at others for not liking "their" game. Differing opinions do not mean you can't continue to enjoy the game the way you have been.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
DoTa-like communities are by far worst due to how the games are constructed. One person actually can loose You whole game because They fail at teamwork so they are really sensitive on that matter. This however makes it very hard for new people to get into playing the game because they get yelled at constantly. Plus the fact that those games tend to have specific and very dynamic metagame and simply picking wrong hero can make it so much harder for Your team.

Generally if You can't stand being called [insert long list of swear words here] for quite a while don't play without full team of friends.

Second worst is any fanboi that fail to see flaws in game They currently worship while calling all other similar games crap. Those people happen with every game however so it's hard to pin them down.

Demonio Penguino

New member
Oct 11, 2009
jackpackage200 said:
I will rank my least favorite fan bases

5. The Sega Dreamcast Fanbase - I get that sonic adventure 1 + 2 ans soul calibur were good games. But that is it.
Sorry, what? I had a terrible cough.


New member
May 29, 2011
Pretty much Bioware fans in general, more specifically the BSN, but that whiny behavior also complies with some people on here. Seeing how they have behaved in the past year, in reference to Dragon Age 2, TOR, and Mass Effect 3...you're all a bunch of monsters who were obviously given to much options in games to the point where you have a meltdown if something doesn't go your way, which explains your poor life situation.

Nintendo and Zelda fans; Stop with the whole elitist attitude that Nintendo made the best games, still makes the best games, and will always make the best games - and not everyone likes the idea of playing a kid who wears yellow tights, so stop putting Zelda up on a goddamn bar above everyone else and put it at the level with other great games, because that's what mutual agreement and civility is.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
The Halo series seems to have some of the more unpleasant people I've had to interact with.