lacktheknack said:
Azaraxzealot said:
Master of the Skies said:
Azaraxzealot said:
Well it's just lazy to make fun of white people. It's easy because of all the horrible things associated with them, but it's just plain lazy and a real cop-out in terms of writing.
I think it's rather insulting to white people to say they're the target. Those groups being mocked seem to be mostly white people, doesn't mean making fun of those groups is about making fun of white people. White people get mentioned because the sorts being mocked you will often see spouting "White males are the most discriminated against people ever". And I've seen several people speak to that effect with perfect seriousness. And if you question it they scream about how you must think there is never any discrimination against white people or males.
Well the name of the comic is straight-up "White Guy Defense Force", and it specifically has those guys defending "White Heterosexual Males". So... that's where I draw the conclusion that white people are the target, maybe more specifically white heterosexual males who are also running nerd culture, but it still boils down to just another "white people are stupid" joke. Like millions of other white people jokes before it.
Pssssst... he's mocking the defenders.
Did... did you think that the defenders were somehow the good guys? I don't understand.
Are you going to tell me that a comic lampooning the KKK is now mocking all white people? ;__;
Oh it had nothing to do with mocking the KKK, otherwise there would have been an overt physical reference in at least one of the characters.
It had all to do with mocking stereotypical white nerds who want everything to cater to their wants and needs and genuinely believe themselves to be discriminated for their race. And here's the thing, while they are deserving of mockery, it's just too easy a target, and at this point it's beating a dead horse. Contributors to the entertainment industry should focus on positive change, not low-brow mockery, because literally EVERYONE can and does do it on a regular basis.
No, I didn't think that the white guy defenders were at all meant to be portrayed as good and I don't know how that conclusion could ever be drawn logically. I just think it's lazy mockery on par with "dumb husband" commercial and Scary Movie levels of low-brow comedy.