
New member
Feb 21, 2011
Dansrage said:
Oroboros said:
Really great comic-it really hit the nail on the head and got a good chuckle out of me. Somewhat less entertaining was reading the comments and seeing the parodied subject matter come out of the woodwork and prove, once again, that they can be even more reprehensible than any parody of themselves.
Making fun of black people = racist.
Making fun of white people - not racist.
Making fun of men = good.
Making fun of women = bad.

Funny how you 'social justice' types never actually want equality, isn't it?
Parody =/= racism.

Equality is about equality. That entails raising the amount of rights and respect that the subaltern receive to the same level as white heterosexual males of the dominant religion receive. That much is common sense and it saddens me that anyone can conceivably not desire that as a goal.

Most disturbing of all is the strange persistence in which the WMDF in equating all white males with the WMDF. This comic is parodying the WMDF, a subset of white males. It is not 'making fun of' white males, but this particular radical group. That much should be clear to anyone here, as much as the WMDF tries to conflate the two.

Xan Krieger

Completely insane
Feb 11, 2009
I laughed at the Zimmerman mode but then wondered why a bunch of white guys were doing something a hispanic guy did. Doesn't really make any sense.


New member
Mar 24, 2008
BiH-Kira said:
I know I'm painting a huge red target on myself for za Flammenwerfer, but you can technically play the game the other way around.
If race truly doesn't matter, why should we make the character black?

Now, I don't really have anything against racial diversity. If the designer want black or yellow people in their games, by all means, do it. If they want a game that consists only of white, black, yellow, rainbow people, I honestly don't care as long as their character is developed and the game is good.
But I have a lot against people who use such flawed arguments and try to make others paint the others as bad. Honestly, there is quite a bit of racism towards white people, whether you like to admit it or not. Even tho you tried to spin the arguments against those who use it doesn't make them any less valid.

But this comic is just shitposting and baiting for views.
Asking the question "Well if race(Y) doesn't matter, then why not make the character black(X)?" isn't demanding there be a change it's asking a question. It's basically asking the same thing as: "Why was it decided that they should go with a white guy for the character?" asking for a justification on the decision there are a million valid reasons to do that but one typically considered as a bad is because marketing says that character will be more user friendly to more people than someone of a different skin tone.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
Oroboros said:
Dansrage said:
Oroboros said:
Really great comic-it really hit the nail on the head and got a good chuckle out of me. Somewhat less entertaining was reading the comments and seeing the parodied subject matter come out of the woodwork and prove, once again, that they can be even more reprehensible than any parody of themselves.
Making fun of black people = racist.
Making fun of white people - not racist.
Making fun of men = good.
Making fun of women = bad.

Funny how you 'social justice' types never actually want equality, isn't it?
Parody =/= racism.

Equality is about equality. That entails raising the amount of rights and respect that the subaltern receive to the same level as white heterosexual males of the dominant religion receive. That much is common sense and it saddens me that anyone can conceivably not desire that as a goal.

Most disturbing of all is the strange persistence in which the WMDF in equating all white males with the WMDF. This comic is parodying the WMDF, a subset of white males. It is not 'making fun of' white males, but this particular radical group. That much should be clear to anyone here, as much as the WMDF tries to conflate the two.
Equality is not about elevating groups into privileged positions, affirmative action is not equality, child custody is not equality, there are a million programs and policies that marginalize and exclude other groups.
Feminists and other social justice activists work to undermine and attack other groups, they're not interested in equality.


New member
Sep 14, 2013
Lucane said:
if Zimmerman never had a gun in the first place they both would of likely been alive by the time the police arrived
Trayvon's first response to Zimmerman approaching him was to run, and then come back later to tackle him and slam his head against the pavement.
He was violent, belligerent, and a thug. Had he lived through the ordeal, Trayvon would have been charged with battery, assault, and attempted murder.

Trayvon was NOT a good person.
Apr 24, 2008
J_Russell said:
I feel physically ill reading this thread, the amount of sheer bigotry by hateful straight white males is unacceptable, seriously when are people going to band together and say "enough is enough", and take steps to get these whites off the internet completely as a start, and further on begin to contain and remove these evil hate filled monsters.
If they're all gone, who will you claim is victimising you? You have to think these things through.

"Cory Rydell and Grey Carter are going to break you down to tiny, tiny parts".

I think I just had my first douche-chill.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Oroboros said:
Most disturbing of all is the strange persistence in which the WMDF in equating all white males with the WMDF. This comic is parodying the WMDF, a subset of white males. It is not 'making fun of' white males, but this particular radical group. That much should be clear to anyone here, as much as the WMDF tries to conflate the two.
There is a problem though. If you look at the three WMDF guys what is the only characteristic they share? Being white males. For the rest they are clearly different. One is a Brony fat dude, the other a ladies man and than you have a hipster. Three different types of white dudes all being WMDF members... Doesn't really send the right message (mainly since no white men are on the "right" side of the equation). If all three WMDF members shared an other characteristic than just being white and male i'd agree (or there being a white male on the other side) but it isn't the case.
Mar 9, 2012
madwarper said:
Zimmerman stalked Martin, and b) initiated the confrontation?
There is the fact that Zimmerman admits to follow Martin to the police and continues to do so, despite being told not to by them. Of course, the matter of who started the confrontation is a little more unclear, but the fact that Martin tells Zimmerman to "get off" points towards Zimmerman grabbing him.

BTW: Several dictionaries says that "to pursue a person" is a valid definition of "stalked".

What do you call it when someone is straddling their victim, "raining down blows" on them? Seems pretty aggressive to me.
Your wording indicates that you are not really arguing in good faith here, but I'll humor you: Again, Zimmerman was the one who was armed, followed Martin, despite being told not to, and ultimately killed him, so it is really hard to see him as a "victim" by any stretch of the word. And let me be clear here; I don't believe Martin was attempting to kill Zimmerman, nor that Zimmerman was out to kill Martin. Zimmerman was in all probability just trying to pull some dumb wannabe-super-cop stunt to show that "suspicious" punk who was boss, but he lost control of the situation and shot Martin in a fit of panic.

And Martin, well, a reasonable guess would be that he fought Zimmerman because he feared for his life. Maybe he saw Zimmerman was armed, maybe he didn't. Maybe he got caught up in the heat of the moment when he straddled Zimmerman, he was just a teenager after all. We can't hear his side of the story since he was killed, so we can really only speculate on that.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
Master of the Skies said:
Dansrage said:
Master of the Skies said:
Dansrage said:
Oroboros said:
Really great comic-it really hit the nail on the head and got a good chuckle out of me. Somewhat less entertaining was reading the comments and seeing the parodied subject matter come out of the woodwork and prove, once again, that they can be even more reprehensible than any parody of themselves.
Making fun of black people = racist.
Making fun of white people - not racist.
Making fun of men = good.
Making fun of women = bad.

Funny how you 'social justice' types never actually want equality, isn't it?
Stop slandering white men already, most of them are better than the people he's making fun of.

How about:

Defending a group because it's mostly made of white males = racist
The comic is clearly directed at white men as a group, not at any small offset.
No, it was clearly directed at people who respond a certain way to a particular argument. I'm somehow doubting that anyone thinks most white people think they're the most discriminated against people ever, and the ones who do are kind of the target.

What if I made a comic about Muslims blowing up buildings and stoning women, then said "well not all Muslims are like that!" You'd certainly be offended.
I wouldn't be offended.

I'd suggest its difference since there's a stereotype of that running around. Last I checked people don't usually go around suspecting white people of being like those WGDF guys.

You slander white men by being the whipping boy and taking the racial and sexual abuse because you think you should.
Wtf? And you know, again, stop slandering white men. I'm sure most are more well adjusted than those who think whites are the most discriminated against people eveeeeeer.

Meanwhile every other petty group explodes in outrage when you so much as look at them funny.

.... I think I'm starting to see why you take it so personally. Well just a hint: Just because you're a white guy and it seems to be targeting you doesn't mean it's about white guys in general. It's targeting you for a more specific reason.

Well some people are getting sick of the shit, as this thread clearly demonstrates, don't dish it out if you can't take it in. I don't give two shits if you're a woman, disabled, black or Muslim, I'll speak my mind because I actually believe in real equality, where everyone is treated the same and has the same rights.
That kind of feels like code for "I'll say racist stuff because it's on my mind!" I don't know why else you'd feel the need to say you don't give two shits about those groups in regards to saying your mind.

So you lot can pound your fists in impotent rage when I express an opinion you find offensive, what you gonna do about it?
I'm sorry, but aren't you the one who was pounding your fists in impotent rage about a comic while I pointed out that it wasn't about all white guys so you were the one slandering them?
So this 'well adjusted white man', what is he exactly? Lets have a look.
-He takes abuse without complaint.
-He doesn't respond to insults.
-He never defends himself or his race under any circumstances.
-He's happy to be walked all over if society tells him that's what he should do.
-He feels no need to preserve his culture or traditions.
-He prostrates himself before anyone who claims victimhood.
-He takes sole responsibility for all evils in the world.
-His sexuality and masculinity are things to be repressed for fear of offending.
-He stands by and nods quietly while people insult him and advocate his destruction.
-He works his hardest to ensure his own kin are marginalized.
-He works quietly without complaint to fund whatever group his taxes are funding, from his ex-wife who filed a no-fault divorce, took his money and stopped him seeing his kids, to the organizations campaigning to end his way of life.

He doesn't sound well-adjusted to me, he sounds like a castrated, weak person.
Of course I take it personally, as it's directly targeting my gender and race. If I called a black person the N word they would take it personally too.

Whites are not the most discriminated against group ever, quite the opposite, but oppression is not the sole guilt of the white male, and as the makeup of our world and our countries changes, I have no desire to see my race become the whipping boy for anyone with a grudge. Look at South Africa, look at Sweden.

Oh no don't call me racist, it compels me to forget every argument I have and then I shrivel up like a witch in the rain!
I don't own a Fedora, I don't watch My Little Pony and I'm certainly not a body builder, so I don't know where I would fit in to the WGDF.

Maybe I could be the angry racist, can my suit have a KKK hood?


New member
Jan 8, 2010
No, no haven't you been listening? They would all be "Alpha". It's those pathetic whipped and repressed guys who actually care about groups other than the one they belong and don't put their wimminz in their place that beta and omega.


New member
Mar 24, 2008
Sarcasmed said:
Lucane said:
if Zimmerman never had a gun in the first place they both would of likely been alive by the time the police arrived
Trayvon's first response to Zimmerman approaching him was to run, and then come back later to tackle him and slam his head against the pavement.
He was violent, belligerent, and a thug. Had he lived through the ordeal, Trayvon would have been charged with battery, assault, and attempted murder.

Trayvon was NOT a good person.
I don't recall the exact details but I believe the police arrived within minutes (less than 3?) if not seconds(less than a minute) of the gun being fired if Trayvon didn't cause anything more than several cuts and bruises onto Zimmerman then that much longer wouldn't of likely been long enough to kill him. Zimmerman has had a negative history interacting with police on record I've never actually heard of a violent crime Trayvon ever actually committed (prior to that night since the only clear witness alive wouldn't be wanting to defend Trayvon.)

On a side note, I guess you haven't heard that George Zimmerman is in the news again? this time for getting in a domestic depute with his wife? http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/shellie-zimmerman-divorce-whimper-lawyer-article-1.1452944


New member
Nov 2, 2010
Dansrage said:
madwarper said:
Blachman201 said:
Why is it that Tayvon is framed as the aggressor,
What do you call it when someone is straddling their victim, "raining down blows" on them? Seems pretty aggressive to me.
when it was Zimmerman who stalked, confronted,
Out of curiosity, do you have any proof to back up the claim that a) Zimmerman stalked[footnote]*Hint* You might want to look up the definition of the word[/footnote] Martin, and b) initiated the confrontation?
Don't bother mate, when a live televised trial with all relevant information and evidence available to anyone who cares enough to look sees a man acquitted of all wrongdoing and they still stick to their guns, then there's no convincing them.
They don't care about logic or evidence, they are emotionally invested in the idea of black people being perpetual victims regardless of reality. They even went as far as to make out a Hispanic man was white and lighten his skin in his mugshot to reinforce this idea of 'white oppressors'. They live in a false reality that doesn't answer to any kind of real-life logic, they even think doctoring and withholding evidence is completely fine because "he's white so he's evil anyway and slavery and apartheid happened or something".
Then they call YOU a racist.

Truth is a black person who happened to be a thug attacked a Hispanic person who happened to be armed.
Now his life is ruined A: because he had to shoot a guy, and B: because the media decided they would make money if they played the race card, which has also caused countless 'revenge' attacks by mobs of black people against whites, which the media is neglectful to mention.
He had a drink called lean in his backpack which is a combination of:promethazine w/Codeine VC <- Sizzurp (active ingredient)
-Original Sprite Soda <- Mixing ingredient (although different flavors of sprite are now used, such as sprite remix)
-Jolly rancher candy <- Flavor additive

This drink is known to cause anger and paranoia. He was also a very violent mma fighter who said once that he wished a fight would have lasted because the other guy "didnt bleed enough" He was also on top of zim beating him up and alot taller than people care to admit. also look at the photos of zim after that. the bruises on the back and front of his head suggest that he was being punched into the concrete. also blood.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
LifeCharacter said:
Oroboros said:
Most disturbing of all is the strange persistence in which the WMDF in equating all white males with the WMDF. This comic is parodying the WMDF, a subset of white males. It is not 'making fun of' white males, but this particular radical group. That much should be clear to anyone here, as much as the WMDF tries to conflate the two.
It is pretty weird that, just because the group consists exclusively of white males, the group apparently represents all white males everywhere and an attack on the former is an inherent attack on the latter. Do people get this upset when the KKK, or skinheads are ridiculed by the rest of intelligent society? They're both exclusively white and tend to be males; I'm not sure if women can even join the KKK or if they can really be considered skinheads, but that's not really the issue.
Is it no different than when people say that ico and shadow of the collossus poorly represent all females? cant have your cake and eat it too ya know.

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
Shingro said:
Grey Carter said:
My problem isn't with a position, it's with an attitude. The WGDF quite obviously represent a small, but vocal, subset of largely white males who respond to any perceived threat to their cultural dominance with hyperbole and hostility. They also tend to interpret criticism of one sub group as criticism of an entire culture. In that respect, yes, you have proved my point.
Oh no, none of that now. At no point did you start restricting yourself to 'a small, but vocal minority.' You started at 'why can't this character be black' a question which draws all sorts of question about narrative, art and artistic licence and then you just kept expanding the net. You threw a MLP plus in there, you threw the stereotypical 'fat dude' in there, you brought a little hipster in you brought a little 'hittin on the ladies bro' in there. You even brought the whole frikken Zimmerman thing in there. All your actions expanded your net, not restricted it.

Creators can make what they want, they can insult who they want. This is your prerogative as the artist.

But for god sakes. DO NOT politician this, don't 'walk it back 'honest guys I just ment to make fun of the super mega assholes really truly.

Stand up for your work or apologize for letting it get out of hand because of your other opinions but jesus don't pretend you didn't cast a pretty wide ass net.
It's an obvious parody of a certain type of behavior. If you don't engage in it, then it doesn't apply to you. If you do, well...


Fixed by "Monday"
Mar 28, 2010
rbstewart7263 said:
LifeCharacter said:
Oroboros said:
Most disturbing of all is the strange persistence in which the WMDF in equating all white males with the WMDF. This comic is parodying the WMDF, a subset of white males. It is not 'making fun of' white males, but this particular radical group. That much should be clear to anyone here, as much as the WMDF tries to conflate the two.
It is pretty weird that, just because the group consists exclusively of white males, the group apparently represents all white males everywhere and an attack on the former is an inherent attack on the latter. Do people get this upset when the KKK, or skinheads are ridiculed by the rest of intelligent society? They're both exclusively white and tend to be males; I'm not sure if women can even join the KKK or if they can really be considered skinheads, but that's not really the issue.
Is it no different than when people say that ico and shadow of the collossus poorly represent all females? cant have your cake and eat it too ya know.
Yes I can. I can like those games but still recognize their flaws, just like I can have cake and I can eat it.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
I'll admit that I laughed. But it's getting a little tiring to see Critical Miss go from creating shallow, indefensible caricatures of issues to mock to wallowing in stereotypes (women taking men shopping, amirite?) without even apparently noticing the whiplash. I recognize that a comic isn't the easiest podium from which to address serious issues, but it sometimes seems like that's being used as an excuse for shallow, heavy-handed work rather than a hurdle to be overcome to make better work.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
LifeCharacter said:
Oroboros said:
Most disturbing of all is the strange persistence in which the WMDF in equating all white males with the WMDF. This comic is parodying the WMDF, a subset of white males. It is not 'making fun of' white males, but this particular radical group. That much should be clear to anyone here, as much as the WMDF tries to conflate the two.
It is pretty weird that, just because the group consists exclusively of white males, the group apparently represents all white males everywhere and an attack on the former is an inherent attack on the latter. Do people get this upset when the KKK, or skinheads are ridiculed by the rest of intelligent society? They're both exclusively white and tend to be males; I'm not sure if women can even join the KKK or if they can really be considered skinheads, but that's not really the issue.
They're all wearing costumes so their race and gender need never be mentioned, they could have been anything the reader decided and just represent sub-cultures.

Instead the author chose to single them out as white males, "white guy beta, white guy alpha' and chose to call them the White Guy Defense Force. Thus what could have been a funny comic poking fun at hipsters and neckbeards and narcissistic gym rats, instead becomes a direct attack on white men.