
New member
Nov 9, 2010
My turn, now watch me get banned because it's fine to demean and attack one group but it's a hate crime to attack another.



New member
May 7, 2009
That comic was so incredibly racist, and filled with stereotyping. Yeah you show people with your hypocrisy. Yeah the comic should be more like this.

"If race doesn't matter, why isn't he a black guy?"

"Because race doesn't matter"

Problem solved, race doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if he is black or white, and you are stirring up race baiting, good job.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
thenoblitt said:
That comic was so incredibly racist, and filled with stereotyping. Yeah you show people with your hypocrisy. Yeah the comic should be more like this.

"If race doesn't matter, why isn't he a black guy?"

"Because race doesn't matter"

Problem solved, race doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if he is black or white, and you are stirring up race baiting, good job.
How is it racist when the voice of reason is a black immigrant?
Mar 9, 2012
"Well, you see, I, a white person, had a fictional black person expressing my view-point, therefore there is no possible way it could be racist!"


New member
Nov 9, 2010
Chaosritter said:
Dansrage said:
thenoblitt said:
That comic was so incredibly racist, and filled with stereotyping. Yeah you show people with your hypocrisy. Yeah the comic should be more like this.

"If race doesn't matter, why isn't he a black guy?"

"Because race doesn't matter"

Problem solved, race doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if he is black or white, and you are stirring up race baiting, good job.
How is it racist when the voice of reason is a black immigrant?
Ever got the idea that racism isn't exclusive to white people?
So who am I being racist against? Is it just a knee-jerk reaction to yell 'racist' at anything you don't like?


New member
Sep 14, 2013

Johnathan Grey Carter posted on 9 Sep 2011 9:00 am
Critical Miss

Making out on top of a copy of Skyrim. In Minecraft
Comments [112] Read More

^Sums up the article and the apparent direction Grey is taking this series. Quite disappointing.

Edit: Well technically, since the popular search terms are in the article itself it's not as bad as what was being mocked. I guess?


New member
Mar 17, 2011
Blachman201 said:
Why is it that Tayvon is framed as the aggressor,
What do you call it when someone is straddling their victim, "raining down blows" on them? Seems pretty aggressive to me.
when it was Zimmerman who stalked, confronted,
Out of curiosity, do you have any proof to back up the claim that a) Zimmerman stalked[footnote]*Hint* You might want to look up the definition of the word[/footnote] Martin, and b) initiated the confrontation?


New member
Mar 2, 2011
I know I'm painting a huge red target on myself for za Flammenwerfer, but you can technically play the game the other way around.
If race truly doesn't matter, why should we make the character black?

Now, I don't really have anything against racial diversity. If the designer want black or yellow people in their games, by all means, do it. If they want a game that consists only of white, black, yellow, rainbow people, I honestly don't care as long as their character is developed and the game is good.
But I have a lot against people who use such flawed arguments and try to make others paint the others as bad. Honestly, there is quite a bit of racism towards white people, whether you like to admit it or not. Even tho you tried to spin the arguments against those who use it doesn't make them any less valid.

But this comic is just shitposting and baiting for views.


New member
Aug 22, 2013
I feel physically ill reading this thread, the amount of sheer bigotry by hateful straight white males is unacceptable, seriously when are people going to band together and say "enough is enough", and take steps to get these whites off the internet completely as a start, and further on begin to contain and remove these evil hate filled monsters.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
madwarper said:
Blachman201 said:
Why is it that Tayvon is framed as the aggressor,
What do you call it when someone is straddling their victim, "raining down blows" on them? Seems pretty aggressive to me.
when it was Zimmerman who stalked, confronted,
Out of curiosity, do you have any proof to back up the claim that a) Zimmerman stalked[footnote]*Hint* You might want to look up the definition of the word[/footnote] Martin, and b) initiated the confrontation?
Don't bother mate, when a live televised trial with all relevant information and evidence available to anyone who cares enough to look sees a man acquitted of all wrongdoing and they still stick to their guns, then there's no convincing them.
They don't care about logic or evidence, they are emotionally invested in the idea of black people being perpetual victims regardless of reality. They even went as far as to make out a Hispanic man was white and lighten his skin in his mugshot to reinforce this idea of 'white oppressors'. They live in a false reality that doesn't answer to any kind of real-life logic, they even think doctoring and withholding evidence is completely fine because "he's white so he's evil anyway and slavery and apartheid happened or something".
Then they call YOU a racist.

Truth is a black person who happened to be a thug attacked a Hispanic person who happened to be armed.
Now his life is ruined A: because he had to shoot a guy, and B: because the media decided they would make money if they played the race card, which has also caused countless 'revenge' attacks by mobs of black people against whites, which the media is neglectful to mention.


New member
Feb 21, 2011
Really great comic-it really hit the nail on the head and got a good chuckle out of me. Somewhat less entertaining was reading the comments and seeing the parodied subject matter come out of the woodwork and prove, once again, that they can be even more reprehensible than any parody of themselves.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
Oroboros said:
Really great comic-it really hit the nail on the head and got a good chuckle out of me. Somewhat less entertaining was reading the comments and seeing the parodied subject matter come out of the woodwork and prove, once again, that they can be even more reprehensible than any parody of themselves.
Making fun of black people = racist.
Making fun of white people - not racist.
Making fun of men = good.
Making fun of women = bad.

Funny how you 'social justice' types never actually want equality, isn't it?


New member
Mar 24, 2008
Dansrage said:
Oh that's nice, so the man who was acquitted of all wrongdoing in a court case broadcast live on TV is still getting shit for defending himself, just because the person who attacked him was black?

Oh and it's nice you hypocrites protest any negative portrayal of everything from women to transexed genderqueer pan-sexual non-binary vegans to the point of personal attacks, but feel it's totally acceptable to make shit like this.

Well lets put it this way, if Zimmerman never had a gun in the first place they both would of likely been alive by the time the police arrived if not today if every other event occurred the same way but then would Zimmerman of gotten out of his vehicle without a gun in the first place?

Also court decisions have and can be reversed in light of new evidence. Say for being framed for a crime someone else committed.(clearly that won't apply to the Zimmerman/Martin trial.)


New member
Nov 9, 2010
Lucane said:
Dansrage said:
Oh that's nice, so the man who was acquitted of all wrongdoing in a court case broadcast live on TV is still getting shit for defending himself, just because the person who attacked him was black?

Oh and it's nice you hypocrites protest any negative portrayal of everything from women to transexed genderqueer pan-sexual non-binary vegans to the point of personal attacks, but feel it's totally acceptable to make shit like this.

Well lets put it this way, if Zimmerman never had a gun in the first place they both would of likely been alive by the time the police arrived if not today if every other event occurred the same way but then would Zimmerman of gotten out of his vehicle without a gun in the first place?

Also court decisions have and can be reversed in light of new evidence. Say for being framed for a crime someone else committed.(clearly that won't apply to the Zimmerman/Martin trial.)
Ok, your argument is a fair one.

However it's an opinion, and you are of course entitled to your opinion.

My argument is backed by the conclusion of a court case, however.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Grey Carter said:
I see a lot of developers defaulting to the white, 30-something, handsome-yet-grizzled dude, these days and, frankly, it's boring. I suspect many would agree with me. I don't think these characters are designed to mesh with some great artistic vision. In fact; I think their presence quite often signifies the opposite; a complete lack of vision on the creator's part.
Agreed, though I'm just going to expand a bit.
Because, reasons.

I think the 30 something grizzled badass is overdone simply because it is easy for (mainly male) players to project themselves onto without having to give him much of an actual character.

The Dirty Harries, Han Solos, Jack Ryans, etc...the appeal of being able to do what you want to attain your goals.
In a way, this mimics the necessity of player agency in gameplay; a blank slate that's enough of a "badass" to justify the player's actions in the logic of the game while still retaining a serious tone.

Which then leads to an interesting problem; is the game telling the character's story, or the player's story?
If Gravel McGrizzled is just a vessel, why give him a story and motivations? Does the story even matter? It must matter to someone for the myriad of games that feature Gravel McGrizzled.

Honestly, I don't have an answer to that because I've seen it work both ways.

So...why are they all white guys? It's probably market demographics and the usual "it has worked before, keep doing it" mentality that dominates the biggest producers in gaming.

So yeah. Once again, it's the fear of the unknown stymieing creative freedom in what is supposed to be a creative medium.
You've already covered my general thoughts on the matter: Gravel McGrizzled is boring and very overdone.


New member
Sep 14, 2013
Steve Waltz said:
The Zimmerman joke is about them killing a black person, not the murderers' race.
Oh, okay. So only the race of the person murdered matters.

This makes PERFECT sense. Never mind the fact that Trayvon tackled and tried to kill Zimmerman. Nooo, the only reason Zimmerman killed Trayvon was because Zimmerman was racist. Anyone who claims self-defense is racist. After all, it's impossible to be prejudice against whites and hispanics, right?


New member
Nov 9, 2010
Master of the Skies said:
Dansrage said:
Oroboros said:
Really great comic-it really hit the nail on the head and got a good chuckle out of me. Somewhat less entertaining was reading the comments and seeing the parodied subject matter come out of the woodwork and prove, once again, that they can be even more reprehensible than any parody of themselves.
Making fun of black people = racist.
Making fun of white people - not racist.
Making fun of men = good.
Making fun of women = bad.

Funny how you 'social justice' types never actually want equality, isn't it?
Stop slandering white men already, most of them are better than the people he's making fun of.

How about:

Defending a group because it's mostly made of white males = racist
The comic is clearly directed at white men as a group, not at any small offset.
What if I made a comic about Muslims blowing up buildings and stoning women, then said "well not all Muslims are like that!" You'd certainly be offended.
You slander white men by being the whipping boy and taking the racial and sexual abuse because you think you should. Meanwhile every other petty group explodes in outrage when you so much as look at them funny.
Well some people are getting sick of the shit, as this thread clearly demonstrates, don't dish it out if you can't take it in. I don't give two shits if you're a woman, disabled, black or Muslim, I'll speak my mind because I actually believe in real equality, where everyone is treated the same and has the same rights.
So you lot can pound your fists in impotent rage when I express an opinion you find offensive, what you gonna do about it?