Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Isn't the Zimmerman thing moot in this scenario? He's Hispanic, not the cis hetero white fanboy/jock/hipster types you're parodying.

Super Not Cosmo said:
Monxeroth said:
Too perfect. The second to last panel from the miscarriage that was the Penny Arcade miscarriage story arc was an especially nice touch. Although I'd really like to see this redone with actual white knights armed with Wacom tablets. I'd find that a little more fitting.
It's Ctrl+Alt+Del, Penny Arcade's mirthless close.


New member
Apr 1, 2012
Johnny Novgorod said:
Isn't the Zimmerman thing moot in this scenario? He's Hispanic, not the cis-hetero white fanboy/jock/hipster types you're parodying.
George Zimmerman is only partially Hispanic. Without bothering to look it up, I believe he's also got some Polish in him.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
JimB said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
Isn't the Zimmerman thing moot in this scenario? He's Hispanic, not the cis-hetero white fanboy/jock/hipster types you're parodying.
George Zimmerman is only partially Hispanic. Without bothering to look it up, I believe he's also got some Polish in him.
Whatever he is he's hardly the model of what they're supposed to be deriding.



New member
Sep 14, 2013
"Zimmermanmode activate!"
The heck? Zimmerman was hispanic.
And Trayvon attacked him, not the other way around. It was the textbook example of shooting in self-defense.
The fact that you brought the case up at all in this comic and used it as the punchline just makes you seem ignorant.

But I guess pointing that out automatically makes me a racist.
Feel free to ban me now, I guess.


New member
Oct 4, 2007
Grey Carter said:
My problem isn't with a position, it's with an attitude. The WGDF quite obviously represent a small, but vocal, subset of largely white males who respond to any perceived threat to their cultural dominance with hyperbole and hostility. They also tend to interpret criticism of one sub group as criticism of an entire culture. In that respect, yes, you have proved my point.
Oh no, none of that now. At no point did you start restricting yourself to 'a small, but vocal minority.' You started at 'why can't this character be black' a question which draws all sorts of question about narrative, art and artistic licence and then you just kept expanding the net. You threw a MLP plus in there, you threw the stereotypical 'fat dude' in there, you brought a little hipster in you brought a little 'hittin on the ladies bro' in there. You even brought the whole frikken Zimmerman thing in there. All your actions expanded your net, not restricted it.

Creators can make what they want, they can insult who they want. This is your prerogative as the artist.

But for god sakes. DO NOT politician this, don't 'walk it back 'honest guys I just ment to make fun of the super mega assholes really truly.

Stand up for your work or apologize for letting it get out of hand because of your other opinions but jesus don't pretend you didn't cast a pretty wide ass net.

Hover Hand Mode

New member
Sep 14, 2013
JimB said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
Isn't the Zimmerman thing moot in this scenario? He's Hispanic, not the cis-hetero white fanboy/jock/hipster types you're parodying.
George Zimmerman is only partially Hispanic. Without bothering to look it up, I believe he's also got some Polish in him.
That's not really the point anyway. He's a hero to white supremacists everywhere because he killed a black kid and got away with it. It's also a commentary on Stand Your Ground laws, which disproportionately protect white shooters and those who shoot black victims. It also creates very flimsy justification for use of deadly force, which the comic is lampooning.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
Oh that's nice, so the man who was acquitted of all wrongdoing in a court case broadcast live on TV is still getting shit for defending himself, just because the person who attacked him was black?

Oh and it's nice you hypocrites protest any negative portrayal of everything from women to transexed genderqueer pan-sexual non-binary vegans to the point of personal attacks, but feel it's totally acceptable to make shit like this.


New member
Jan 3, 2013
Grey Carter said:
Some people are asking for WGDF wallpapers, but fuck them, I'm not their dancing monkey. Here's a very high res pic of the title shot so people can their own wallpapers.

Thanks Grey!
I am putting this up in the locker room of my job.
Cuz the stuff that goes on around there.....


New member
Mar 24, 2008
Super Not Cosmo said:
Grey Carter said:
My problem isn't with a position, it's with an attitude. The WGDF quite obviously represent a small, but vocal, subset of largely white males who respond to any perceived threat to their cultural dominance with hyperbole and hostility. They also tend to interpret criticism of one sub group as criticism of an entire culture. In that respect, yes, you have proved my point.
Well I'd like to invite you to take this same idea and make a comics poking fun at Muslim terrorists or cheap Jewish people or maybe lazy blacks on welfare. That wouldn't be offensive in the least because you wouldn't be making fun of the entire culture just a small subset of Muslims that happen to be terrorists or a small subset of Jews that happen to be cheap or a small subset of blacks that happen to be lazy and on welfare. It's their problem if they take your criticism of one sub group as criticism of an entire culture after all. Right?
Isn't the inclusion of Erin Stout showing that not ever white person thinks like that? (besides the fact the creators of the comic are both also white?)
Mar 9, 2012
Dansrage said:
Oh that's nice, so the man who was acquitted of all wrongdoing in a court case broadcast live on TV is still getting shit for defending himself, just because the person who attacked him was black?
Why is it that Tayvon is framed as the aggressor, when it was Zimmerman who stalked, confronted, and ultimately shot and killed him, a kid who had only minded his own business and done nothing wrong, doing the first two actions based on a "suspension" (ie: Tayvon was black). It is because he dared to put up resistance against some weird stranger, who obviously wasn't a cop, who had followed him around in a car before suddenly physically confronting him on the street?


New member
Nov 9, 2010
Blachman201 said:
Dansrage said:
Oh that's nice, so the man who was acquitted of all wrongdoing in a court case broadcast live on TV is still getting shit for defending himself, just because the person who attacked him was black?
Why is it that Tayvon is framed as the aggressor, when it was Zimmerman who stalked, confronted, and ultimately shot and killed him, a kid who had only minded his own business and done nothing wrong, doing the first two actions based on a "suspension" (ie: Tayvon was black). It is because he dared to put up resistance against some weird stranger, who obviously wasn't a cop, who had followed him around in a car before suddenly physically confronting him on the street?
Because that's not true and if you had followed the case at all rather than just watching the sensationalist media appeal to emotion, you would know the facts.

Steve Waltz

New member
May 16, 2012
Johnny Novgorod said:
Isn't the Zimmerman thing moot in this scenario? He's Hispanic, not the cis hetero white fanboy/jock/hipster types you're parodying.
Whether he's hispanic or not is moot. Zimmerman killed a black kid and when Zimmerman mode was activated they killed a black man. The Zimmerman joke is about them killing a black person, not the murderers' race.

I'm actually worried about the comments where kids are idolizing the "Zimmerman mode" joke. One Facebook user even said "I want a Zimmerman mode." Zimmerman killed a kid; it's not something that should be idolized in a joke.
Mar 9, 2012
Dansrage said:
Because that's not true and if you had followed the case at all rather than just watching the sensationalist media appeal to emotion, you would know the facts.
Because Fox News isn't sensationalist media, amirite?