Who are your favorite YouTube LPers?


New member
Jul 10, 2012
I like Peanut Butter Gamer's gameplay channel although its not entirely lets play content. I also just started watching Jesse Cox for certain games. (Finished Valiant Hearts and South Park) Old Game Grumps was easily my favorite I used to watch it every single day; not so much after the switch although I did watch Super Mario Sunshine; I don't watch it anymore but keep subbed to them as a sort of remembrance. Lastly, I quite enjoy the RunAwayGuys.


I'm just a Smeg Head
Jun 30, 2010
TwilitWolfAmaterasu said:
I love love LOVE Markiplier.

Other than him, I don't really watch LPers but I've been through a couple with HarshlyCritical and I found this dude named Penguinz0 and his underwhelming reaction to horror is HILARIOUS
Yeah I have to agree with this one. And I only found him because I was looking for a Let's Play of Five Nights at Freddy's that wasn't just the demo of the game.

Since then I've watched nearly all his LPs except for his ones for Skyrim and Dishonored and even go back to them again and again. Also helps that he uploads nearly every day and he's just a hilarious man.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Jim Sterling is my main one, but I also go for TotalBiscuit, Yahtzee & Gabe's Let's Drown Out and Retsuprae. I also have a couple of individual series I'm quite fond of, like Giant Bomb's terrific Persona 4 Let's Play.

Trinket to Ride

New member
Jul 13, 2014
I'm not a huge LP fan, but I give my support to Game Grumps. BUT, only the first six-or-so months of each co-host. I feel like the spark leaves after that and they kind of settle into a routine.

Mega Man 7 and Out of this World are my favorite series from each era.


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
DSP cuz it is fascinating to see a truly incompetent person play games and never learn from them

And Dasurpoop(spelled name wrong) cuz he has a smooth voice and is a good player in shooting games


New member
Mar 2, 2009
I don't really consider them to be Lets Players, but I enjoy Game Grumps, ProJared, JonTron (sometimes) those guys...

and I enjoy Markiplier 'cause he plays the horror games I'm too scurred to play :p


New member
Apr 2, 2008
I tend to gravitate more towards smaller LP'ers with a focus on particular themes or genres. Some of my favorites are Tailmange [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVWYbKCbgtwABeUTu9itrSw] (sub and flight sims).

One of the nice things about small LP'ers is a greater sense of community. People who comment on their videos tend to be far more polite and supportive than your run-of-the-mill Youtube shitstain, and the uploader will often take the time to reply to comments.

Robot Number V

New member
May 15, 2012
Man, there is a criminal lack of support for Lads and Gents of Achievement Hunter. Here is some of what you guys are missing out on:

(This was done basically by accident)

NOTE: It's important to note they don't just play GTA. They play a ton of different games, but GTA and Minecraft are their most successful series. I will admit their Let's Plays are a bit long (usually range from 25 to 40 minutes on average) but totally worth it.

If you can't bring yourself to watch their full Let's Plays (though I heartily recommend it) you might try their "Things To Do In..." series, which range anywhere from 3 minutes to twenty minutes, and literally anywhere in between.

Seriously, check 'em out.

James Rednok

New member
Apr 16, 2009
I love AlChestBreach and SSoHPKC, and just recently got into Markiplier and Laurensidezz because of there Five Nights at Freddy's coverage. I like to watch The Creatures as a group, but have only seen a few of their individual videos besides Seamus'.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Tetra Ninja. He's softspoken, plays blind, tries to go 100% and generally doesn't edit out fuck ups.
Supagogoman or however you phrase that is also a dependable LPer.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Cry needs a mention, the amount of time and effort he puts into all of his videos is clearly on display and he's really entertaining. I need to get on his Okami LP since i'm never going to finish the game myself now. It's not the kind of game you can leave on a 3 month hiatus then expect to know what the fuck you were doing and where you need to go. Oops :S

Ten Foot Bunny

I'm more of a dishwasher girl
Mar 19, 2014
Mikeybb said:

Does a lot of fun stuff, has a propensity for playing some really terrible simulators and has some damn good playthroughs.
Has a good eye for decent indy games.
YES!!! Dan is one of my three favorites. The simulator LPs he does COULD be some of the dullest LPs on YouTube, but his brilliance turns them into some of the funniest videos out there.

My other two favorites turn their LPs into pseudo-reviews, and I've loved every video they've made. First, there's Ian, a.k.a. Brutalmoose.

Then there's James, a.k.a. Caddicarus -

And what happens when Ian and James do videos together...?


Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Two Best Friends are the only ones I really watch most of the time. Both their Resident Evil 2 and The Last of Us playthroughs are series I occasionally dip into every year or so.

Sometimes I might check out Game Grumps if they're playing something I'm actually interested in, like Shadow of the Colossus or Heart of Darkness, but those are rare.


Socialist Justice Warrior
Jul 17, 2014
Jim is my fave. We're like best buddies except he's never met me, spoken to me or realised I exist. Actually now that I think about it, Jim is a bit of a chungus, really. I might be a dick for saying this, but I hope he has more dental surgery soon. The videos he produced in that fever dream were so entertaining. Jim, you need to put your health on the line for us.

I watch a bit of Previously Recorded, the LP channel from Red Letter Media (star wars reviews, half in the bag). Those guys aren't great at LPing, but I like to listen to them anyway.


New member
Feb 9, 2013
Most of mine are very small, obscure channels I stumbled upon randomly and subscribed to. A few are bigger though, such as Reformist (if you like Mount & Blade: Warband, he's your man), Gopher (anything Bethesda and other PC RPGs, heavily roleplays in his LP's), veriax (mostly RPGs, a lot of blind stuff) and that's about it for biggers let's players. Some of the obscure ones I watch are Vidya Box/Chebmeh (mostly his Wizardry 8/Gothic 3 Forsaken Gods LP's), morgannin03 (lot's of Piranha Bytes games and some other RPGs, including blind plays of Dark Souls. His older stuff with bad recording equipment leaves much to be desired though) and Alonzorion's Blind Let's Plays (mostly Tomb Raider and Resident Evil, but there's some other stuff).

I'm more into serious LP'ers with insightful or appropriate dialogue. Not really into any humour/comedic LP's at all.

Edit: DSPGaming, though it's not that I like his work. More, it's like a trainwreck you can't look away from. He can't play games to save his life, always blames them, is a prick of a person and is an overall shitbag, yet his videos are just too damn unintentionally entertaining because of it.

Lazy Kitty

May 1, 2009
Yogscast (I watch most of their channels, I think) and direwolf20.
Dire is definitely my favorite.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Of out of the Lpers I've watched (which is only a couple) I guess it was Teamfourstar back to their LP on Left4Dead.


New member
Jun 28, 2014
Well, TheRunawayGuys [https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRunawayGuys] are always one of my top picks. Together, chuggaaconroy, NintendoCaprisun and ProtonJon have this wonderful chemistry. Chugga and Jon always find some way to irritate the other, but you can tell that it's all in good fun, and CapriSun never fails to bring a smile to my face. I like all of them individually, too.

I also like versus [https://www.youtube.com/user/versus]. For those who don't know, it's a collaboration channel between JoshJepson and AttackingTucans where they play games and try to 100% complete it first. I like both of these guys, but a word of advice; While he's gotten better, Tucans has a tendency to have moments of loudness and some off-color commentary. So if you find that stuff irritating, off-putting and unfunny, I wouldn't recommend his solo LPs. (I don't mind, though)

I can never go wrong with PeanutButterGamer [https://www.youtube.com/user/PBGGameplay]. I actually like him more than JonTron. (Heresy, I know) His Collection series is just enjoyable overall and leaves me in stiches, as well as making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. His videos are so comforting. And his Hardcore series? One of the best series in Youtube, in my opinion.

Let's see...someone who might not be as well-known? KoopaKungFu [https://www.youtube.com/user/KoopaKungFu]. Like PBG, his Let's Plays are also very comforting, and I think he's quite funny. I find him very underrated.


Feb 9, 2010
Spoiler Warning - A group LP that includes Escapist contributor Shamus Young.They play single player story driven games where one person plays while the rest discuss what's happening.Can be quite insightful as well as genuinely funny at times

The Sw1tcher - Home to Mat and Pat aka Two Best Friends Play.They play single and MP games and are always amusing

Let's Play - The LP channel for Achievement Hunter/Rooster Teeth.Tends to focus on MP games but they are hilarious to watch at times.I always look forward to when they do a Worms video especially

The Runaway Guys - A collab between ProtonJon,ChuggaConroy and NintendoCapriSun(who are all pretty good on their own too).Mostly local MP games a lot of which are Nintendo games.Again just fun to watch


New member
Mar 13, 2014
I'm a big fan of a little(-ish) known guy called Chronogear. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRaZ0oXz4IbVH_56IRjsHDw] He does a few challenge runs (he's currently in the middle of a Soul level 1 & no healing playthrough of Dark Souls II) but his regular walkthroughs are good too as he usually goes for interesting "alternative" games like Deadly Premonition, Catherine, etc.

What I really like about him is that he's a very chill personality. He tends to laugh off frustrating moments in games where others would be flipping tables. I respect that. The only problem is that he had a few playthroughs that he never finished, notably Chrono Trigger (even though he maintains that he does intend to complete it).