Why all the love for zombies?


New member
Mar 26, 2009
I'll say what has been said before in the form of a quote from the movie Sin City;

"I love hitmen. No matter what you do to them, you don't feel bad."


New member
Feb 22, 2009
It allows nerds like most of us (yes, you are) to fulfill our deep-rooted fantasies of killing everyone we know without feeling guilty about it.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
xmetatr0nx said:
shophius said:
No, thank you, I love people who try to make themselves the victim of the misunderstood bug after saying something douche-y.
lol, ok. You sure you want to play with me? I dont always play nice.
Not really, I'd rather play with myself to be honest. I joke.

I'm not trying to start some kind of slagging match with an anonymous kid on the internet.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
shophius said:
Draculafreak said:
Well, Twilight ruined vampires so on to the next cult monster...
There's a certain romantic element behind vampires though, try doing the same with zombies. Teenage girls would hate it xD Btw I dislke Twilight before people go thinking because I'm a girl and mentioned Twilight that I might like it.
Romantic... how? they kill people, not only that, they eat people. I don't know about you, but if i met a girl, then saw her take some guy by the thrat and suck his blood, i'de be searching for the closest sharp object.


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2009
The idea of getting back to our basic survival instincts is rather interesting. Not to mention many of us grew up in small towns, where a zombie invasion would be the greatest experience of our lives.


New member
Jan 11, 2009
TaborMallory said:
They're fun to kill. Need any other reason?
thats true i cant tell you how many hours ive played dead rising for exhausting every possible chance to kill the very last one with every weapon


New member
Mar 3, 2009
AkJay said:
shophius said:
Draculafreak said:
Well, Twilight ruined vampires so on to the next cult monster...
There's a certain romantic element behind vampires though, try doing the same with zombies. Teenage girls would hate it xD Btw I dislke Twilight before people go thinking because I'm a girl and mentioned Twilight that I might like it.
Romantic... how? they kill people, not only that, they eat people. I don't know about you, but if i met a girl, then saw her take some guy by the thrat and suck his blood, i'de be searching for the closest sharp object.
Ermm, I'm going to go with the fact that vampires classically live in castles... Girls like castles? Oh and vampires don't age, you could spend forever with your vampire husband without wrinkling. Look at it from a general teenage girl point of view (emphasis on GENERAL before the individuals come complaining)


New member
Mar 3, 2009
xmetatr0nx said:
shophius said:
Not really, I'd rather play with myself to be honest. I joke.

I'm not trying to start some kind of slagging match with an anonymous kid on the internet.
I know, id hate it if i was 19 too. You obviously took what i said wrong and for that i apologize madam.
Nothing personal, I call everyone kid on here. The majority are.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
1) It's in the nature of gamers to enjoy seeking and understanding patterns, and optimizing those patterns. That's what makes games enjoyable. Zombies behave in a simple, predictably way which gives rise to interesting patterns. In the same way that a game with simple rules can have a huge amount of depth, but a game with too many rules just becomes a chaotic mess, zombies make for interesting scenarios, and interesting choices.

2) Gamers naturally, and they don't really have much of a choice in the matter if they want to play games, gravitate towards power fantasies. Nazis make such a popular enemies because people don't feel bad killing Nazis. Zombies are even moreso, because they are literally not human, and literally have no feelings. They also are individually weak and slow enough that for them to be a threat, you have to mow through hundreds. They also still have the human appearance that satisfies that violent caveman in us all. There the perfect bad guy for someone gravitating towards violence, yet still compassionate at heart. Gamers.

Unstoppable Wall

New member
May 12, 2009
*sigh* Well this will be a tough one for sure...
Ok so, lemme try and explain this or at least the way that I see it through my warped point of view. Zombies, are found to be incredibly awesome or fascinating to people because of the way genetics, bioengineering, and just plain the old fear of "HOLY SHIT HE WAS DEAD 5 MINUTES AGO BUT NOW HE'S GOING TO TEAR MY FUCKING HEAD OFF!" zombies popping up out of the ground. Now why so much attention to virally caused zombies? Simple, as we make advances in medicine and bioscience there are always going to be those that use it for malicious purposes, and assuming we come across something that could turn us into any variety of "zombie" then there would be someone out there willing to use it for their own gain, personally I don't see how that would help them much but anyhow back to subject, the reason there is so much love for zombies is that there are plenty of people that see them as a real possibility or maybe its just because making plans because of hypothetical "what if" questions with friends is FUN. Just like with everything else, zombies are something that won't appeal to everyone but many people find them very fun to talk about, brutally mow down hordes of them in survival-horror games, ect, ect. Now you obviously don't find anything about them appealing and that's all well and good. Hope that answered the question efficiently enough.

Peace, War, Love, Hate, Chaos, and Greed
-Unstoppable Wall


New member
Mar 2, 2009
AkJay said:
shophius said:
Draculafreak said:
Well, Twilight ruined vampires so on to the next cult monster...
There's a certain romantic element behind vampires though, try doing the same with zombies. Teenage girls would hate it xD Btw I dislke Twilight before people go thinking because I'm a girl and mentioned Twilight that I might like it.
Romantic... how? they kill people, not only that, they eat people. I don't know about you, but if i met a girl, then saw her take some guy by the thrat and suck his blood, i'de be searching for the closest sharp object.
Or closest blunt object to render said mosquito unconscious while you searched for a sharp object or sharpened said blunt one.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
dnnydllr said:
The idea of getting back to our basic survival instincts is rather interesting. Not to mention many of us grew up in small towns, where a zombie invasion would be the greatest experience of our lives.
Fair enough, I can see the whole survival thing, I'd be interesting to see each individuals answer to an apocolypse presented before them. I'm guessing most would hide or commit suicide.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
Draculafreak said:
shophius said:
Draculafreak said:
Well, Twilight ruined vampires so on to the next cult monster...
There's a certain romantic element behind vampires though, try doing the same with zombies. Teenage girls would hate it xD Btw I dislke Twilight before people go thinking because I'm a girl and mentioned Twilight that I might like it.
What, you never heard of "Left 4 Head"?

Yeah because head is sooooo romantic for the average teenage girl xD


New member
Mar 3, 2009
Evil Jak said:
Zombies have always been my most favourite thing ever, I dont know why but I have always liked them. Not in a "Hey, we are best buddies" way, just in a zombie apocolypse way... It is so cool. :D
Yeah this is what I don't get, I just don't understand how something with such a horrible concept can be considered cool... So what do you think it is, personally or do you really not know?