Why all the love for zombies?


New member
Apr 10, 2009
shophius said:
Evil Jak said:
Zombies have always been my most favourite thing ever, I dont know why but I have always liked them. Not in a "Hey, we are best buddies" way, just in a zombie apocolypse way... It is so cool. :D
Yeah this is what I don't get, I just don't understand how something with such a horrible concept can be considered cool... So what do you think it is, personally or do you really not know?
Oh many people in The Escapist could tell you that my thoughts are in no way even nearly the same as most peoples... It could be a lot things, but probably just the classic horror that they represent... there isnt really anything threatening about them but yet they are fearsome, that and the horde will never stop. :D

Oh man, zombies are great.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
shophius said:
AkJay said:
shophius said:
Draculafreak said:
Well, Twilight ruined vampires so on to the next cult monster...
There's a certain romantic element behind vampires though, try doing the same with zombies. Teenage girls would hate it xD Btw I dislke Twilight before people go thinking because I'm a girl and mentioned Twilight that I might like it.
Romantic... how? they kill people, not only that, they eat people. I don't know about you, but if i met a girl, then saw her take some guy by the thrat and suck his blood, i'de be searching for the closest sharp object.
Ermm, I'm going to go with the fact that vampires classically live in castles... Girls like castles? Oh and vampires don't age, you could spend forever with your vampire husband without wrinkling. Look at it from a general teenage girl point of view (emphasis on GENERAL before the individuals come complaining)
OK, well that's another issue of mine, "Edward" is a vampire, yes, so he is, and i am estimating here, over 100 years old, would that make him a pedophile? i mean, jsut because he *looks* young, does not mean he *is* young, you know?


New member
Mar 3, 2009
avykins said:
shophius said:
yet on here there must be more than twenty zombie related threads a day.
Twenty one now...

Anyway who does not like the thought of most of the population being eaten and torn apart by corpses?
Things like RE 2/3 (the games. Not the movies. The movies sucked ass) show us these big nice cities left to ruin which is always awesome. Plus it lets people live out their fantasies of killing people as we all want to do but without the stupid morality of actually killing the real person.
Or of the strange among us you get zombie sex. (Dead Girl, weird movie)
But mainly its just the whole thinking they could be bad ass when in reality all us lazy cheeto eating bastards would be in the first wave to go. We would not believe its really happening, would not really check the news or radio, would be sitting at our PCs with music blaring as a Z stumbles up behinds us and takes a nice big chunk out of our necks.

Edit: Side note. Triple posting? The fucking EDIT button is there for a reason you lazy wretch.
Oh gold star for stating the obvious. I love people like you, I really do. Go make your own thread and anally moderate it thank you very much. You can get a kick from demeaning people before miserably slinking on with whatever it is you pretentious people get up to in your lovely, welcomed existances.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
Draculafreak said:
shophius said:
Draculafreak said:
Well, Twilight ruined vampires so on to the next cult monster...
There's a certain romantic element behind vampires though, try doing the same with zombies. *snip*
What, you never heard of "Left 4 Head"?
The "Shiunji and the Suicide Girl" strips from SexyLosers are better.



New member
Mar 3, 2009
AkJay said:
shophius said:
AkJay said:
shophius said:
Draculafreak said:
Well, Twilight ruined vampires so on to the next cult monster...
There's a certain romantic element behind vampires though, try doing the same with zombies. Teenage girls would hate it xD Btw I dislke Twilight before people go thinking because I'm a girl and mentioned Twilight that I might like it.
Romantic... how? they kill people, not only that, they eat people. I don't know about you, but if i met a girl, then saw her take some guy by the thrat and suck his blood, i'de be searching for the closest sharp object.
Ermm, I'm going to go with the fact that vampires classically live in castles... Girls like castles? Oh and vampires don't age, you could spend forever with your vampire husband without wrinkling. Look at it from a general teenage girl point of view (emphasis on GENERAL before the individuals come complaining)
OK, well that's another issue of mine, "Edward" is a vampire, yes, so he is, and i am estimating here, over 100 years old, would that make him a pedophile? i mean, jsut because he *looks* young, does not mean he *is* young, you know?
I think, if you took away the vampire element from the book and added anything else (apart from zombies) it would still be as appealing as it is to its target audience. Girl meets good looking guy, guy seems cold on the outside but becomes more open as the story progresses, complications, girl and guy live happily ever after. It's the format of most novels aimed at women.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
Jaythulhu said:
Draculafreak said:
shophius said:
Draculafreak said:
Well, Twilight ruined vampires so on to the next cult monster...
There's a certain romantic element behind vampires though, try doing the same with zombies. *snip*
What, you never heard of "Left 4 Head"?
The "Shiunji and the Suicide Girl" strips from SexyLosers are better.
Can you link me via pm? I'm sure I've seen worse things on the internet...


New member
Feb 22, 2009
shophius said:
AkJay said:
shophius said:
AkJay said:
shophius said:
Draculafreak said:
Well, Twilight ruined vampires so on to the next cult monster...
There's a certain romantic element behind vampires though, try doing the same with zombies. Teenage girls would hate it xD Btw I dislke Twilight before people go thinking because I'm a girl and mentioned Twilight that I might like it.
Romantic... how? they kill people, not only that, they eat people. I don't know about you, but if i met a girl, then saw her take some guy by the thrat and suck his blood, i'de be searching for the closest sharp object.
Ermm, I'm going to go with the fact that vampires classically live in castles... Girls like castles? Oh and vampires don't age, you could spend forever with your vampire husband without wrinkling. Look at it from a general teenage girl point of view (emphasis on GENERAL before the individuals come complaining)
OK, well that's another issue of mine, "Edward" is a vampire, yes, so he is, and i am estimating here, over 100 years old, would that make him a pedophile? i mean, jsut because he *looks* young, does not mean he *is* young, you know?
I think, if you took away the vampire element from the book and added anything else (apart from zombies) it would still be as appealing as it is to its target audience. Girl meets good looking guy, guy seems cold on the outside but becomes more open as the story progresses, complications, girl and guy live happily ever after. It's the format of most novels aimed at women.
In my biased eyes, and from the feedback i get from the Twilight fangirls in my school, Twilight is pretty much a masturbatory aid to 13 year old girls, just putting that out there.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
I know I somewhat would like a zombie apocalypse simply just to see how the world would react. To see how long I could survive. Its not really easy to explain why. Its just something someone likes. Im not saying It would be fun and awesome just that it would be interesting to see. I imagine it would be very depressing especially if all your friends and family were zombies.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
Well, as zombies are clearly not human and want to eat us, we can justify killing thousands of them. It's that simple to me. They're not misunderstood or anything, so there is no moral dilemma when it comes to committing zombie genocide (if that actually existed).


New member
Jul 2, 2008
For me, it all goes back to my childhood and my fear of zombie movies. I was terrified and would only watch them if I switched back between the movie and a game show or something. Over time, I got over the fear and just enjoyed the movies with my friends.

See, I don't think it's the concept for me. I just think it's cool watching people survive in a situation like that. It's the few people who say "Fuck this dying shit!" and grab a shotgun (or lawnmower) that I find awesome.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
avykins said:
shophius said:
Oh gold star for stating the obvious. I love people like you, I really do. Go make your own thread and anally moderate it thank you very much. You can get a kick from demeaning people before miserably slinking on with whatever it is you pretentious people get up to in your lovely, welcomed existances.
For stating the obvious? As in why people like zombies (because if its soo fucking obvious then why did you make a thread about it?) or you being a lazy wretch who floods the forums with repeat after repeat of your own inane comments?
Its called netiquette. It is why people hate said repeat topics like what you have made, hate stacks of quotes and utterly despise people who clutter threads with post after post of their own not even giving the general public room to comment.
So I am going to let you slide on your overreaction and just put it down to being on the rag. In future just try to use common sense yes. I know people with common sense are rarer and scarier than the Z plague but it won't hurt you. I promise.
Well someone's personally trying to provoke a female response but don't worry, after my rag is soaked I'll go down to the kitchen and cook you a meal. I think it's funny how you shit on about 'netiquette' after being a first class wanker. Oooo I went there. Now I could respond to your every bitter response but where would that get us? To an even more annoying place called an 'internet flamewar'.

Toaster Hunter

New member
Jun 10, 2009
For me zombies are an apocalyptic scenario that an average person can have a stake in. If a meteor were to crash into Earth, there would be little an average person could do. If zombies rise, anyone can take matters into their own hands and survive.

They also satisfy the need for danger, but are so predictable that they wouldn't outsmart us/shoot back and are different enough from humans that killing them in droves isn't a moral problem.

Also, they are pretty simple choices. You cannot negotiate or barter with them, so it really is the epitome of good vs. evil. THey must be eliminated without any blurry gray areas to confuse things.


New member
May 24, 2008
Easy. People love killing things in some part of their brain, and zombies are plentiful, relatively easy to kill, stupid, and a completely guilt-free kill. Seriously, no one feels any empathy for zombies. They preclude any moral decisions. Thus, you are free to unleash your inner psycho on them and it won't make you any worse of a person.


New member
Jun 14, 2008
Because the zombie apocalypse is one of the only doomsday scenarios where the average joe can do something besides die.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Zombie have always just seemed cool. It's the whole 'blockade yourself into a Wal-Mart and kill anything that moves' scenario. Especially when you and the only woman in the city are inside a small building for months on end. (eyebrows up and down)


New member
Jun 24, 2009
its not the zombies, it the apocalypse that we look forward to. We all secretly hope for the ability to find a world were we can deliver justice by our definitions. We all fall in line, and if we fall out of line, we are labeled crazy. take this for example: say you saw a kid walking down the street with a gun. normaly, we'd think they were crazy, but during a zombie apocalypse, we'd think they would be defending themselves.