Why are kids such brats


New member
Aug 8, 2009
im 15 and i have good manners around adult and people that i feel deserve them but when im around my friends i have a bit of manners

now i wasnt beaten or anything when i was a kid but i was always in sports or something along those lines and if i acted out my parents would just tell my wrestling coach or my karate instructor and they would deal with me

if i have kids i plan on instead of hitting then i would just have them do push ups or workout with me as a punishment

and according to my friends working out with me is hell


New member
Aug 8, 2009
innocentEX said:
One day i aspire to create a nation similar to that of the mandalorians, a war bred people who live to die, and their discipline is off the scale, with all the killing and epic fight scenes, people won't have time to screw over their kids, and instead they will be separated at birth and sent to the academy, where they will be raised into ruthless killing machines :D

now this idea i like


Gloria ex machina
Sep 21, 2009
Its just the parenting nowadays, kids have very little discipline.
However when you have a father with a temper, a 60 year old ex-mineworker grandfather who retains the muscles from his job, and a mother raised by said grandfather you learn humility extremely fast.
I once tried to act tough around my grandfather, only to be pinned to the ground by a hand that may as well have been made of steel and had both my arms held in his other hand. It was all a fun joke but I still remember thinking at the time, "Holy crap, I seriously can't move!"

Sutter Cane

New member
Jun 27, 2010
Criquefreak said:
MystryMeet said:
Criquefreak said:
As far as spankings/beatings go, it seems more likely to promote rebellion at the same time as allowing parents to abuse a child rather than discipline them. The fact that public acts of this sort would get the parents into legal trouble, thus reinforcing the idea that the child can do anything they want and their parents can't do anything to stop them.
There is a difference between beating and spanking. I do not promote beating. I just had another convo where a person developed issues because of spanking. Spanking is not supposed to dramatically hurt the child. It is to get their attention and make them listen. It's not even supposed to hurt all that much. The rare times I got in trouble my mother would stop me, give me a swift spank with my pants on so it didn't really hurt and make me look her in the eyes. Then she would tell me "You see those people looking at you? They don't appreciate the way you are acting and I don't either." The fact that I was bothering other people and the humiliation it brought made me want to stop. Of course this would not work on everybody, and I want to get it across I do not condone beating/abuse. If it hurts the child to the point it makes them cry or bruises them, its too hard. Also I agree with the rest of your post.
It's rare when I hear about parents with such a degree of self control. It's equally uncommon to have a child who doesn't interpret even mild pain inflicted by parents as acceptable regular behavior to be used any time someone's acting in a manner deemed unacceptable on a personal level. It's a common point in many medical professions that no two persons are equal and that it's best to learn to diagnose and apply 'treatment' to a problem to the best of one's knowledge and adjust when necessary. I'd imagine a similar point could be easily made of raising a child, especially in what will work as a disciplining method. In any case, lack of education in how to raise and discipline one's children is likely to lead to problems and misinterpretation of popular trends (as spanking once was).
DING DING DING DING DING! I think we have a winner. I guess i got lucky, as we just talked about this in my psych class a couple weeks ago. It's not really about the lack of spanking, it's just about general bad parenting. the point is to find a punishment that works, and knowing when to apply it.


New member
May 18, 2009
Because punishment is now considered abuse, we are supposed to give them timeouts or ground them now, wow grounded? You mean I did all this and all I can't do is play videogames or watch tv for x amount of time?

I'm only 19 and I think we need to go back to the time when punishment was actually punishment and those little bastards learned their lesson by associating pain with the bad deed.


New member
Aug 28, 2010
tommyopera said:
MystryMeet said:
tommyopera said:
MystryMeet said:
I think its just the newer generation of children that are too lazy, or ignorant.
I think you and I are the exception that proves the rule.
Not even your mates? All of mine are respectful when it comes to adults and not acting like a complete loon.
I am a man of many acquaintances but few true friends. Those happy few also share my philosophical tendencies toward social behavior. If you were referring to any friends when I was a child, I would have to say that not many were as well-mannered as myself save for a few who would be civil outwardly, yet turn on you the moment you left their presence.
Ah I see. The friends I had as a child are still with me a year out of highschool. We are all Hispanic and thus we are all respectful towards anyone older and anyone we did not really know. They might not like certain people and its true they talk about people they don't like behind their back but I still think there is still some level of decency when you act civil in a public setting.


New member
Aug 28, 2010
Criquefreak said:
MystryMeet said:
Criquefreak said:
As far as spankings/beatings go, it seems more likely to promote rebellion at the same time as allowing parents to abuse a child rather than discipline them. The fact that public acts of this sort would get the parents into legal trouble, thus reinforcing the idea that the child can do anything they want and their parents can't do anything to stop them.
There is a difference between beating and spanking. I do not promote beating. I just had another convo where a person developed issues because of spanking. Spanking is not supposed to dramatically hurt the child. It is to get their attention and make them listen. It's not even supposed to hurt all that much. The rare times I got in trouble my mother would stop me, give me a swift spank with my pants on so it didn't really hurt and make me look her in the eyes. Then she would tell me "You see those people looking at you? They don't appreciate the way you are acting and I don't either." The fact that I was bothering other people and the humiliation it brought made me want to stop. Of course this would not work on everybody, and I want to get it across I do not condone beating/abuse. If it hurts the child to the point it makes them cry or bruises them, its too hard. Also I agree with the rest of your post.
It's rare when I hear about parents with such a degree of self control. It's equally uncommon to have a child who doesn't interpret even mild pain inflicted by parents as acceptable regular behavior to be used any time someone's acting in a manner deemed unacceptable on a personal level. It's a common point in many medical professions that no two persons are equal and that it's best to learn to diagnose and apply 'treatment' to a problem to the best of one's knowledge and adjust when necessary. I'd imagine a similar point could be easily made of raising a child, especially in what will work as a disciplining method. In any case, lack of education in how to raise and discipline one's children is likely to lead to problems and misinterpretation of popular trends (as spanking once was).
Really? Many Hispanic women around my town don't beat their children, and the reason is: when their child acts out the reprimand them every time, they don't "count to three" or tell them to stop only to have their children keep doing what ever they are doing. Sometimes when the child continues to behave badly the parents get angry and they finally snap, I have seen this a few times. The parents snap and their children hate them. I'm not saying its only spanking that helps but anything most people would find abusive. Once at the mall a little girl wasn't listening to her mother and ran off. Her mom caught her and was trying to talk to her, but the girl didn't listen so the mom grabbed her cheeks and made her look at her. Other mom's across the way called security because they believed the mom was abusing her child. I had to step in because the security was trying to call the police or some other officials.

I do not find that abusive, and while most children do not think their parents hitting them is just sometimes it works. I do see what you are saying about no two people are alike and 'diagnosing and treating' and all that.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Total lack of respect for parents/other adults.

Because the parents don't even try to command respect.

Jay Cee

New member
Nov 27, 2008
I think this purely boils down to subjective opinion, which kind of voids the validity of saying that 'all kids' can be categorized.

I hate most children with the sizzling passion of a thousand burning suns, but occasionally you'll see an internet video that gives you faith in humanity, like 'Charlie Bit Me'.

Kids over here in the UK have a curious habit of all being IDENTICAL.


New member
Aug 28, 2010
ChicagoTed said:
Why are they like that you say because parents never give their kids a good smack across the rear these days. Picture this during the 60's and 70's in the UK if you were a kid and insulted somebody for no good reason that person would have full permision to pick you up by both ears and drag you home and tell your parents. Once your parents found out then they would give you a good smack around and anybody else who happend to be in your house at the time and then you would pray that your grandparents didn't find out. Ask any adult born in Britain born during those times and they will tell you the exact same thing. My parents would give me a smack across the rear or hand in public if I fucked up and the humiliation of it all hurt alot more then one of my parents striking me and you know what I turned out just fine as an adult.
Thanks for that. I posted up saying the exact same thing. I was given a spank with clothes on and it didn't hurt but I was so humiliated I stopped. Everyone replied to me saying that "they don't condone beating" or "children will rebel and grow up resenting their parents."


New member
May 27, 2009
Unfortunately its happening younger and younger too..

They just dont know how to act in society, where there's consequences and no instant "lol" for them


Elite Member
Dec 27, 2008
Parents are on a constant mission to be cooler than their parents. This eventually leads to parents doing sod all to maintain their child's attitudes.


Faerie girl in hiding
Mar 17, 2009
"Our earth is degenerate in these latter days; bribery and corruption are common; children no longer obey their parents; and the end of the world is evidently approaching" --Assyrian clay tablet 2800 B.C.

"Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers." - Socrates.

I've heard this all before. children are children are children - no better or worse than they have been for millenia.
Sep 9, 2010
legion431 said:
That's very unfortunate. I'm 14 but still have manners, and I hope you didn't encounter anyone my age with a bad attitude, although you almost certainly did.

I think this is just because of bad parenting. Bad home lives and encouraged swearing can lead to this. I only swear rarely, hardly ever to offend, and sometimes to add emphasis to my speech, but never like your circumstances.
I agree. I only swear around my friends and never to adults. Im 14 too and i hate kids like that. It is prehaps the most effective form of birth control

R Man

New member
Dec 19, 2007
50 years later ...

Alexander: Well those Athenians were piss easy to beat. Do you think Persia will put up a better fight?
Hephaestion: Well Alex, there's only one way to find out...

Just because it happened before doesn't mean that it happening again isn't a problem.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
becuase parents have to both work nowadays to be able to afford kids, you used to have kids that would always have someone looking after them but now because of the monetary requirements, children are having to be left to their own devices and kids are inherently assholes, more so with not enough guidance


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Im 17, personally I think most parents suck nowadays, I was beaten for simply being annoying, these kids could call me some racial bullcrap, right in front of the mom, and somehow not get in trouble