Why Call of Duty may possibly be the best multiplayer shooter.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
kian525 said:
i agree with you, cod is way too underrated. people hate the players, not the game.
Actually, I hate the game, its the worst shooter ever, and thats a hard record to hold. First is that they don't FIX OR BALANCE any of the things that NEED to be balanced, quick-scoping was a glitch, many of the perks are basically INSTANT WIN and you very often can not choose any gun except for the Famas.

Its only appeal is medals, which is what it is 'OH, YOU GET THIS SHINY BADGE FOR THAT KILL, GET MORE KILLS!'


New member
Feb 10, 2011
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Pretty much anyone can pick up a sausage roll and eat it.

Does that make it the best savoury food of all time?
I would put it this way:

CoD is like pizza. Everyone can eat it, even picky people. And everyone loves it... ok maybe not, but it's close enough. :p


New member
Mar 16, 2008
By your standards, the game would be classified as "most accessible". Which, I think, is different than best.

I'd argue that Team Fortress is more accessible anyway.

Mad World

Sep 18, 2009
Call of Duty may be fairly straightforward, but that isn't enough. Lots of bad games are easy to play.

If Modern Warfare 3 doesn't change that much (I don't expect it to), I definitely won't be referring to it as the "best multiplayer shooter."

Battlefield 3 is amazing... and that's on console. I don't even know what it's like on PC. Battlefield may be the best, but not CoD.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
It seems to me CoD is the next Halo, "the uber-inovative FPS that revolutionized the genre", or in non politically correct terms it's the most casual shooter we have seen sofar.
And the best part is they dressed it up in a serious tone to make everyone feel really manly... the whole thing is hilarious :D

Soviet Steve

New member
May 23, 2009
The quality of a game is subjective and therefore it cannot be determined on "I think its easy to learn to play" whether or not it is the best. If it functions better overall you can make your case based on that however.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
I just dont think multiplayer is for me..battlefeild 3 was engaging and i had an urge to play it..but it the end it just feels like Im fighting bots with usernames


New member
Aug 20, 2010
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Pretty much anyone can pick up a sausage roll and eat it.

Does that make it the best savoury food of all time?
b-B-B- But i love sausage rolls :*(


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2007
I think Call of Duty is the greatest franchise of all time because it sells more and more copies every year despite increasing amounts of people declaring it to be utter shit. The appeal of Call of Duty is so great that even people who've sworn to boycott it will still be playing it at launch.

Since so many people who hate it play it anyway, it must be truly awesome.


New member
May 26, 2010
I definitely have to agree. It has been the only game that everyone in my family has wanted to play together (Except my mum, she never plays games). The only issue is when they all stop playing because I haven't died for the entire game >_>


New member
Jul 9, 2008
Thats not alwase a good thing tho.... yes everyone can play it but that also brings in the entire reason people dislike it. See that M on the case? yea the parents dont when they buy there like 14 year old kid it.

Saika Renegade

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Accessibility merely means that anyone, from saint to spawn of Satan, can join a game where you are having fun and either complain that you're being unfair to players with less experience or reflexes than you and/or find ways to sabotage everyone's efforts for their own pleasure, never mind the experience for other players.

While unrelated to the ease of play, I also echo several comments concerning guardians purchasing the game for individuals who clearly don't have the maturity to cope with it... or alternately, individuals without that maturity in the first place purchasing the game. It's simply GIFT all over again, applied via bullets: any normal individual, freed of consequences for their actions, may turn into a jerkass, for whichever definition of jerk/ass behavior you'd care to employ.

So no... I'd say not a reason to consider it the best. Besides... you still have to pay for it, right? TF2 went free a while back, so now that game doesn't even require someone put the monetary effort into accessing it. In regards to accessibility alone, I think it probably trumps CoD by requiring only a computer that can run the game, an account, and internet access (all of which you would ostensibly have ready for CoD already).


New member
Jan 31, 2010
kman123 said:
I think CoD is...something special. I spent AGES playing MW2. NOT because it was fun. I was tearing my hair out of every other match, frustration peaking constantly. I don't know what it was that kept me coming back every bloody time. It was a weird phenomenon that has never happened to any other multiplayer game I've played. So yes, I guess it IS the best multiplayer shooter I'VE played. Which is saying very very little.
Funnily enough, I had the exact same experience with MW2. I was late coming to the PS3 party, and MW2 came with my console. I played it for about 3 or 4 months solid despite sometimes having to fight the urge to launch a control pad at my TV, before finally getting bored of it.

BlOps didn't hold the same appeal for me though. I bought it, played it and just couldn't get into it. I think I'll be giving MW3 a miss too.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
What 'the best game in Genre X' is depends on personal tastes, there is no 'best' shooter.
Sure many people will agree that CoD, BF, TF2 or >Insert Game Here< are the best for various reasons.

I myself liked Tribes 2 alot, ive dabbled in CoD, BF has given me a lot of laughs and fun, and so has TF2. This doesnt mean that CoD is shit or that BF, TF2 and T2 are superiour games, it means that I like games with some form of a class system in which you need to work together, also vehicle combat and hats and big green clouds of doom.


I think Tribes 2 is a pretty cool guy. eh kills Horde and other clan and doesn?t afraid of anything.