why do americans "dislike" europeans?


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I was wondering why Americans (not all of them) say Europeans are ugly and never wash.
Americans are actually Europeans anyway, right? so why do they insult Europeans?

And another thing: why do American racists say immigrants should go back to their country?
Wouldn't that mean that they should leave back to Europe and stop whining? Or are they all just massive hypocrites?


New member
Feb 1, 2009
Same reason any other country dislikes any other country: blatant ignorance and/or stereotyping.


New member
May 16, 2009
They do?

I haven't noticed.

About the European thing not the immigrant thing.

I hear people ***** about immigrants all the time.


Elite Member
Sep 20, 2009
Mainly because of the Revolution and the World Wars. we don't really hate them, but they mainly hate us. And I think European women are hot.

Outright Villainy

New member
Jan 19, 2010
Every country complains about Immigrants. It's especially grating to hear it in Ireland all the time, because we've done immigration to a fine art. So, this is hardly an american thing, every country has it massive share of xenophobes.


Money to burn
Nov 18, 2009
That's like asking why Europeans hate other Europeans. Americans aren't really Europeans, they're more like Americans.


New member
Nov 13, 2008
Europeans(and other countries) ***** about Americans etc. because of how Americans are portrayed in many international TV programs (incorrectly i might add) as fat, ignorant, annoying people who believe they are the centre of the world. To name a few, such as Family Guy, South Park, The Simpsons, American Dad. That's not to mention the people on Xbox live, (the few young incredibly annoying americans have given you a bad name) and other sites such as 4chan where the'LOLFAG' thing originated from.

That's just my opnion anyway.

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
kiwi_poo said:
I was wondering why Americans (not all of them) say Europeans are ugly and never wash.
Americans are actually Europeans anyway, right? so why do they insult Europeans?

And another thing: why do American racists say immigrants should go back to their country?
Wouldn't that mean that they should leave back to Europe and stop whining? Or are they all just massive hypocrites?
Why do Europeans (not all of them) say Americans are all fat, gun-toting homophobes?
It's just stupid, ignorant stereotyping. It happens everywhere, regardless of country or race.

And the American racists are saying other nationalities should go back to their own country, because they are racist, and all the ignorance that entails. I don't see this as a big head scratcher. And, no, they aren't European. Maybe in decent, but they don't see it that way. See where the ignorance plays in, here? But you can't expect someone who hates someone strictly on the color of their skin to respond to logical, reasonable thought or argument.

Zorg Machine

New member
Jul 28, 2008
I've just noticed that they make fun of Poland and France. As a swede, americans usually ask me if all Swedish girls are big-breasted, blonde and blue-eyed.
In the end I'm pretty sure that it's just like every other country having someone to rip on. We have the norwegians, The danish have the swedish and everyone else has the italians. (joke)

Edit: now that I think of it, I just failed as I said that swedes don't make fun of italians XD


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
It's a genetic thing I think. You see Americans mated with the natives and inherited an illness that means they are the only country in the world capable of racism, xenophobia, prejudice and stupidity.

Or you are taking a few extreme examples and using it to ask a very general question. The British National Party believe that anyone who is not Caucasian and British are immigrants, regardless of whether or not they were born there or even if their ancestors were; Americans are not unique in this kind of attitude.

The Undoer

New member
Sep 13, 2009
OutcastBOS said:
Mainly because of the Revolution and the World Wars. we don't really hate them, but they mainly hate us. And I think European women are hot.
Do you think I'm hot :D? <- Guy btw.

The term is general ignorance, doesn't apply to all Americans though.

It's not our fault they don't realise we're better :D (JOKE. seriously, that's a joke, don't take me seriously.)


New member
Mar 17, 2009
Yeah, most of the world hates America, so maybe its a you-hate-me-so-I-hate-you thing. But more likely for most people its left over from the World Wars. Damn ungrateful so-and-sos. >_>


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Coming from an American, Its not that we dislike Europeans, we just don't want to be Europeans. If you've ever heard of American Exceptionalism, that's what I'm talking about. Americans just enjoy being different. We call football soccer, and we don't really enjoy the game, we use or own measurement system, etc...

As for us, "mostly being European" that argument hasn't been valid since the 1800s. Yes, many Americans are descended from Europeans. Does that make them European? I think not, since they have no knowledge of European culture, history, etc. Hell, the vast majority have never even been to Europe, myself included.

The reason Americans tell immigrants to go back to their countries is actually far more specific than you think. Its usually targetted at the illegal Mexican immigrants. America has had two huge waves of immigration in the past, I believe the 1st was in like the mid 1800s,and the 2nd was in the early 1900s. Now, some say we are experiancing our third wave. The only difference is, they aren't coming across the Atlantic this time.

During the first two waves of immigration, people were telling those immigrants to leave too. During the 1900s, you'd be hard pressed to find any American who had sympathy for an Irishman, or any one from Poland. Now, the b hate has shifted towards the Mexicans, but it will pass.

As for the reason, well, people have to now compete for blue collar jobs, and many Americans don't want that. My personal opinions on that matter are kinda detailed, but I think this post is long enough, so I'll leave it at that.

Vampire cat

Apocalypse Meow
Apr 21, 2010
Julianking93 said:
They do?

I haven't noticed.
Are you saying you've never heard seen an american talking down on a frenchman? Come on!

Personally I would never offend the people of a country. I do, however, have no problem with saying my opinion spesific people or the government of said country. I love the french, many of my friends are american and I have german relatives (those damn Italians tho...=3)


New member
Oct 29, 2009
I've lived in the states, across the pond, and dowun undah. Here's the simplified version:

U.S. veiws Europe as being elitist, naiive, hypocritical, and self-righteous.

Europe (there's A LOT more flexibility here since every country has its own little variant and I haven't lived in anywhere NEAR all of them): Veiws America as thuggish, stupid, and profligate.

Both have a degree of credibility:
U.S. Public Education sucks balls and everyone knows it, private education is some of the best in the world though.

Europe's naiive stereotype: Anyone who's ever been away from the netherlands for a couple years and come back will wonder if they boarded the wrong flight. Coming into Amsterdam, essentially the first thing you see is this massive fucking gold mosque. But any whispers about that are pretty much an automatic invitation of racism accusations.

America's profligacy. More or less true thanks to a bloated beraucracy that's only getting worse, but my fine euro friends should be no strangers to government idiocy.

At the end of the day, though, it's just stuff we say in passing. There aren't many people who honestly and truly believe the stereotypes, and if they do you can gauge their IQ pretty accurately from how much of it.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Baby Tea said:
And the American racists are saying other nationalities should go back to their own country, because they are racist
So ...THEY personally would have to go back to England/Germany/Skandinavia/Ireland ? No thanks, got enough of them right here ;)

I can't tell if there is more hatred form USA->Europe than the other way around. BUT i have personally experienced that the knowledge about each other works way better EU->USA than vis-versa.
I hardly know Europeans thinking Americans are living in colonist block houses. But i met more than a few Americans wondering that were not living still in the middle ages back here.
"Wow you have Cell phones?"
Reception of history somehow stopped latest with end of ww2.
(my former english teacher told me a story where he invited a american teacher over to him to the city of Duisburg, the answer was "Duisburg? Why should i go there, its completely bombed")

It seems that the information networks of the states really do inform about the rest of the world much less than European ones do.
I guess thats where the prejudice of egocentrism originates in.
Aug 25, 2009
Because America and England at least are two countries separated by a common language.

The differences in people's outlooks from America to the rest of Europe (and also, this does apply within the multiple countries in Europe, just saying), is actually along the same lines as the difference in outlook between, say, America and Japan, or America and Russia, or Anywhere and Anywhere.

It's just easier to assume that Americans and Europeans will be the same because we all have trade relations and a dominant international language, and so when the differences arise, they tend to cause more problems because it's harder to reconcile the idea of 'allies' with 'people totally different from me.'