why do americans "dislike" europeans?


New member
Feb 23, 2009
kiwi_poo said:
I was wondering why Americans (not all of them) say Europeans are ugly and never wash.
Americans are actually Europeans anyway, right? so why do they insult Europeans?

And another thing: why do American racists say immigrants should go back to their country?
Wouldn't that mean that they should leave back to Europe and stop whining? Or are they all just massive hypocrites?
I think they mostly refer to the French, whether or not I'm out of line in saying this, perhaps its not true for modern times, I understand that french people rarely wash and instead use the hell out of deodorant, which to be frank probably means they smell better than them half the time. Also they don't see Europeans as ugly in general, infact they seem quite obsessed with the idea of a foreign romance, generally with Europeans.

For the second thing, immigrants take up jobs, contribute to crime and leach off whatever welfare system is built up, illegal immigrants that is. Now I'm not gonna say that Illegal immigrants are in the wrong, first of all, at least they're doing what they can to get the hell out of their own horrible situations and secondly, the majority of them are more honest workers than many spoiled westerners, but they do have a ground to stand on when wishing that illegal immigrants leave their country. Especially when they reject the culture.

Edit: I also just read your username and you're a Kiwi? I thought it would have been a French or British bloke.

Soviet Steve

New member
May 23, 2009

And now for something completely different:

Americans and Europeans expect eachother to be like themselves, and are then confronted with a culture that is just as alien to them as that of Indonesia.

Europeans tend to see the loud and angry right-wing whackjobs and the hippies (Atleast that's my experience).

Not sure what Americans see, which is probably an indication that they don't see much. Not in a bad sense but the subject of Europe is irrelvant to most of them to the same extent that the events of Britain would have been irrelevant to the citizens of Constantinople in the middle ages.


Clouded Leopard
Jan 24, 2009
captainfluoxetine said:
As a nation Americia is incredibly young.
Now that's an understatement. England(Monarchy) is about what? 944 years or roundabout there? Geez... In 56 years, you guys will be celebrating your millennium birthday. Think about that.

Little Duck

Diving Space Muffin
Oct 22, 2009
Actually if American media is to be believed, we're a bunch of nudist exchange students.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
i dislike america and see them as fat bible bashers who buy gory and violent games for small kids and hate evrything that has with sexual intercouse and swear words while intense violence is cool (no offence for the few okay ones*you know who you are*)


The really, quite jolly rascal
Nov 12, 2009
As always, it's a case of there's some people to whom there is real racism, and these are the people who truly hate Europeans/US/FSR/Asians/Aussies/Kiwis/everythingesle. There is also the far other end of the spectrum where there are people who are so sensitive that the word "Limey" makes them cry into their cornflakes. Then there's the middle ground where most people sit. This is the place where we'll mock other countries but not really hate them.

Where this middle ground sits, they pick out the worst features of all to mock. Nobody thinks that all Americans are fat (they watch plenty of American movies with Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt and want to be just like them.) but when you see the exceptions to the rule, it's usually a source of mocking.
EDIT: It's also worth mentioning that not all Americans are bible bashing extremsits. If you want to make a point, you'll use the best examples you can find. There's a school in the North East of England that teaches that the world is only 3000 years old. Every country has their extremists.

In my experience, one of the countries with the worst racism is England. In America you might have a lot of racism and in the rest of Europe, but my problem with England isn't the BNP's policies, it's the amount of "acceptable racism" there is. The amount of people who say "I'm not racist, but I wish these Pakis (Excuse the term, used to make a point), didn't have to live on my street." And it's not even viewed as racism by many. That's worse to me than a few denziens of a country saying they want anyone who isn't white to leave the country, because this is considered "acceptable" by far too many people.

Oh and there will always be hostilities between Americans and Brits (maybe Europeans, I don't know) when an American claims that America "bailed out Europe during the wars". Not something that happens in movies so much as the vast majroity of Americans I've spoken to have said. There will always be hostilities when Europeans claim that Americans are just Europeans "who got uppity".

If you go back far enough, we're all from Africa if you believe the most recent findings, so why does people's nationality mean so much to them? We're all from the same tree, we just live different lives. Jeez... I sound like such a hippie :)


New member
Jan 4, 2010

Can you say stereotypes?

Just because you heard Americans do a certain thing or think something doesn't necessarily mean they do.

I mean the other day, I heard somebody say Europeans eat all their cereal with water, instead of milk. That's not true, is it?

Eldritch Warlord

New member
Jun 6, 2008
Because they have strange foreignese languages and spell things funny (especially the British!).

That is a joke.

Now I feel like EDI :(


New member
Jun 20, 2009
Fetzenfisch said:
I can't tell if there is more hatred form USA->Europe than the other way around. BUT i have personally experienced that the knowledge about each other works way better EU->USA than vis-versa.
I hardly know Europeans thinking Americans are living in colonist block houses. But i met more than a few Americans wondering that were not living still in the middle ages back here.
"Wow you have Cell phones?"
Reception of history somehow stopped latest with end of ww2.
(my former english teacher told me a story where he invited a american teacher over to him to the city of Duisburg, the answer was "Duisburg? Why should i go there, its completely bombed")

It seems that the information networks of the states really do inform about the rest of the world much less than European ones do.
I guess thats where the prejudice of egocentrism originates in.
Some American exchange students asked us if we have cars in Germany. Seriously...we INVENTED cars. -.- They probably thought we ride horses or something.

Also, I've been asked by Americans if people in Europe speak English.
...England? English? English England? See the connection?

I mean the other day, I heard somebody say Europeans eat all their cereal with water, instead of milk. That's not true, is it?
No, we eat it with milk.


New member
Jan 31, 2010
Daddy issues?

Seriously though, I (would like to) think that they don't really dislike Europe; its just a super-power sense of superiority thing. We've all done it, well the Brits, French and Russians, and Japs have done it - its nothing new.


New member
Apr 27, 2009
WilliamRLBaker said:
I don't dislike people from europe..and if any thing it would be the british not europe as a whole.
But its really no different there either they dislike us it seems.
And this is why the rest of the world hates you. And I don't mean Americans. I mean you, specifically, WillianRLBaker.

Tarrok said:
Europeans tend to see the loud and angry right-wing whackjobs and the hippies (Atleast that's my experience).

Not sure what Americans see, which is probably an indication that they don't see much. Not in a bad sense but the subject of Europe is irrelvant to most of them to the same extent that the events of Britain would have been irrelevant to the citizens of Constantinople in the middle ages.
Don't you see a problem with this? Is the rest of the world really that irrelevant to Americans? Doesn't it terrify you that a nation that just doesn't care enough for this kind of statement to come up so easily believes it should police the world? God, this entire statement scares me.

Also, two last points;

1 - I don't really know how you can claim "Europeans" as a group. Germans are completely different from the Irish (both surprisingly lovely people, but I'll be damned if Irish women aren't hot and German women aren't a hair away from being men themselves :p)

2 - It's been said a few times that Americans hate the French, and that's a good thing. No. No it isn't. The English and the French have turned hating each other into an art form for almost a thousand years, we have been taking the piss and knocking the shit out of each other for most of recorded history, and this has built a complex relationship of loathing and respect between us. Noone else has any claim to anything as petty as "hating" the French - you're all doing it to be "cool". Posers.

DarkPanda XIII

New member
Nov 3, 2009
Really it's all stereotyping. Why do people hate the French? Why do people love the Irish?

Really, just look back to everything that we as a nation have done, and we would know what we've done since we have American History classes up to wazoo. We are roudy, fighter types, hence why we love the Irish because they formed that stereotype.

People look at the French and think snobbish, and we, the Americans, disapprove of the snobbish and growl angrily at them..that is to say the non-wealthy do.

I mean, really it was funny when Yahtzee posted up Assassin's Creed 2, because he started to quote a line I actually remember alot o.o

"In Heaven, the Cars are German, the Police are British, the Food is the Italians, the Romance is the French, and it's all run under the Polish.

In Hell the Cars are French, the Police are German, the Food is British, the Romance is the Polish, and its all run by the Italians."

Funny part I was going somewhere with this, but really, every nation carries that stereotype that they themselves made. Yes, The French are snobbish, yes the Italians are Chaotic, and yes, the Germans are the weird, stoic types. What are the Americans? A calmer, gung-ho cluster of people that are better than the IRish, but still not sophisticated enough to sit at the big-boys table. Is this bad? Well, we're getting glares, but as long as we keep our heads, they'll just..well..ignore us n.n;;


Dec 1, 2009
Silva said:
My short answer is: they don't.

My long answer is: it's ridiculous to generalise, and everything in the question is as big a generalisation as anything the racists have said to you.

Europeans don't say anything.

Americans don't say anything.

PEOPLE say things.
couldnt have said it better myself brother.