why do americans "dislike" europeans?


New member
Feb 15, 2010
Some Americans don't (myself included), but just like in Europe there is a large portion of the population that are idiotic, close-minded, stereotype loving, patriots.

In every country there are idiots, and those people are the ones who support the stereotypes and prejudices of people they have never met. Personally, I would love to travel Europe for a summer and enjoy the culture and sights without acting like your normal ignorant tourist. I really don't "hate" any country...

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
I do find it funny when Americans insult Europeans, I just like to go "your country didn't even exist when showers were invented, shut the fuck up".

But hey as for "why", I think it might be because you're encountering the dumb ones.
It's kinda like going to Britain and saying "why are all British people racist" after seeing a tonne of BNP members.


Fuhuhzucking hellcocks I'm good
Mar 17, 2010
I don't see what's wrong with Europeans, apart from the French but that's obvious and we hate them too. The rest of us are ok.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Baby Tea said:
kiwi_poo said:
I was wondering why Americans (not all of them) say Europeans are ugly and never wash.
Americans are actually Europeans anyway, right? so why do they insult Europeans?

And another thing: why do American racists say immigrants should go back to their country?
Wouldn't that mean that they should leave back to Europe and stop whining? Or are they all just massive hypocrites?
Why do Europeans (not all of them) say Americans are all fat, gun-toting homophobes?
It's just stupid, ignorant stereotyping. It happens everywhere, regardless of country or race.

And the American racists are saying other nationalities should go back to their own country, because they are racist, and all the ignorance that entails. I don't see this as a big head scratcher. And, no, they aren't European. Maybe in decent, but they don't see it that way. See where the ignorance plays in, here? But you can't expect someone who hates someone strictly on the color of their skin to respond to logical, reasonable thought or argument.
Whai! You say 'gun toting' like it's a bad thing! It isn't when raised with proper respect and safety, as opposed to the GUNZAREBADKILLPEOPLEZOMGLULZ culture perpetuated by the media. You're more likely to die in a car accident than in a gun-related incident, especially when you realize that full-well HALF of the gun related deaths in the United States are suicide.

OT: The same reason every other country hates every other country. People are stupid and stereotype what they don't understand (like gun ownership!), stereotypes are grown out of misunderstand and fear, and yeah.

My four cents.


Intolerable Bore
Dec 24, 2009
I wasn't aware that we didn't like Europeans.

I mean, the French are unpopular, but I got the impression they were unpopular everywhere else, too.

Otherwise, I know most Americans are fond of the Dutch, the Italians, the British countries, and Northern Europeans.

Other than that, there isn't really a frame of reference for the Germans, Slavs, Russians, and Baltic nations aside from being the bad guys in various wars, so they have sort of a stigma to them.

I don't think there's any actual wide opinion on Spain or Portugal, other than ignorantly equating them with Mexico, and we hate Mexico.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
kurupt87 said:
I don't see what's wrong with Europeans, apart from the French but that's obvious and we hate them too. The rest of us are ok.
I guess Frenchbashing is one of the beautiful things uniting the old and new world ;)

("Now on ebay: French Rifles, good as new, just dropped once...." sorry :p old and bad one, but it had to get out.)


New member
Jan 2, 2008
In America, we are taught from birth that Europeans are smelly, whiny pussies who suck at wars and prance around in silly nickers all day long.


Dec 1, 2009
kiwi_poo said:
I was wondering why Americans (not all of them) say Europeans are ugly and never wash.
Americans are actually Europeans anyway, right? so why do they insult Europeans?

And another thing: why do American racists say immigrants should go back to their country?
Wouldn't that mean that they should leave back to Europe and stop whining? Or are they all just massive hypocrites?
well for one thing not all americans are european im mexican 8P and i never moved here my family was in texas when it was mexico lol. on the other hand i think british, irish, and australian accents are the coolest and super sexy in the ladies lol.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Blatant ignorance... I tend to ignore it. Though some of the comments make me scratch me head, a lot. Also, I some times get the feeling that a good amount of Americans forget that Britain is (just barley) in Europe. Though we give Americans just as much as we get, even more so. Our stereotype of an American is some crazy fat guy in a cowboy suit with a bible in one hand and a gun in the other, jumping up and down shouting passages from the bible while stopping to go YEEEHAAWW! and firing his gun in the air... just as ignorant as what we get to be honest. Not all Americans are like that (though some of the Americans I've met certainly fit that criteria)but that's pretty much the view on them from over here.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
kiwi_poo said:
I was wondering why Americans (not all of them) say Europeans are ugly and never wash.
Americans are actually Europeans anyway, right? so why do they insult Europeans?
No one insults Europeans like this your paranoid. Also only about 60% came from Europe were most of them are from Ireland(potato famome) and Poland(GTFO before ww2) and are 3+ generations removed from the boat a study conduced that only about 30% of the previous generation customs stick with there children so .3*.3*.3=2.7% in common with Europen customs(basically no one sees themselves as Europeans anymore were Americans)

kiwi_poo said:
And another thing: why do American racists say immigrants should go back to their country?
Wouldn't that mean that they should leave back to Europe and stop whining? Or are they all just massive hypocrites?
Like everything in political scene this is a bit more complicated people have no problems with Immigrants that come here legally. However there are large amount of immigrants coming over the fence from lateno country's(Brazil,Panama,Mexeco so on and so-forth) taking jobs under the table for less then minimum wage and not paying taxes(this is the key to why people dont want them here)and sending the money back home to there family. In a struggling economy taking money out of the economy is a very bad idea. On top of that alot of them come over just to steal things so crime rates have risen with new infux into gangs in places like LA, Oakland,and Huston.

so to sum up:
We want them to go home because DEYTORJEBZ
Southpark's Gooback(A play on the racist term Wetback referring to the people who crossed over the Reo-Grand by swimming it) episode is a sum-up of the problem if you want a for dummy's version of the situation


That Guy
Jan 19, 2010
because they arent ignorant, stupid and have better healthcare. Also they dont jump into every war they can by saying "if we dont kill arabs the terrorists win"

[sub]yes living in america is getting to me. too many ignorant motherfuckers[/sub]


Dec 1, 2009
Sovvolf said:
Blatant ignorance... I tend to ignore it. Though some of the comments make me scratch me head, a lot. Also, I some times get the feeling that a good amount of Americans forget that Britain is (just barley) in Europe. Though we give Americans just as much as we get, even more so. Our stereotype of an American is some crazy fat guy in a cowboy suit with a bible in one hand and a gun in the other, jumping up and down shouting passages from the bible while stopping to go YEEEHAAWW! and firing his gun in the air... just as ignorant as what we get to be honest. Not all Americans are like that (though some of the Americans I've met certainly fit that criteria)but that's pretty much the view on them from over here.
lmao dont worry im from texas and even other americans from up north think thats how we are!!! everytime i tell someone im from texas i always have to follow with im not a cowboy 8P


Need superslick, Kupo.
Dec 7, 2009
Why do these topic keep coming up?
Stop taking things so seriously. We don't dislike Europe. If we make jokes about Europe, its all in good fun, with the exception of France, whom nobody likes.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
I don't dislike people from europe..and if any thing it would be the british not europe as a whole.
But its really no different there either they dislike us it seems.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
My short answer is: they don't.

My long answer is: it's ridiculous to generalise, and everything in the question is as big a generalisation as anything the racists have said to you.

Europeans don't say anything.

Americans don't say anything.

PEOPLE say things.


New member
May 26, 2009
kiwi_poo said:
I was wondering why Americans (not all of them) say Europeans are ugly and never wash.
Americans are actually Europeans anyway, right? so why do they insult Europeans?

And another thing: why do American racists say immigrants should go back to their country?
Wouldn't that mean that they should leave back to Europe and stop whining? Or are they all just massive hypocrites?
Someone above me said it pretty well- ignorance and stereotyping. There is a large amount of anti-Americanism within Europe. So it goes both ways. Europeans constantly bash Americans as ignorant, loud, arrogant, rude, fat, etc.

No, Americans are not Europeans. There may be a large portion of population that migrated from Europe at some point but we are most certainly not European. We have large populations of people that hailed from Africa, South and Central America, and Asia, not to mention native indigenous peoples.

Europeans ***** about immigrants too ya know. It isn't just an "American" thing. Actually if anything we are quite similar in that aspect. I especially have heard complaints in Western Europe about Eastern European immigrants and immigrants from North Africa and the Middle East.

By the way, I would suspect that people ***** about illegal immigrants no matter where you are from. It is a frustratingly complex issue that places an heavy burden on law abiding citizens and legal migrants. To simply lump people as "racists" that take issue with a vast amount of problems that occur with immigration (both legal and illegal) is naive at best, disingenuous at worst. How quickly the 2005 riots in France seem to have been forgotten.