Why do people dislike RE6?


New member
Nov 20, 2010
It's not a bad game by any means yet when I look on metacritic, it has a user score of 0.8 which, I'm sorry, I don't care how butthurt you are, no game deserves a 0 as a score. I think Capcom really tried with this game. I like it for one and I've played other RE games. Sure it might not be what you expected and it might not be scary enough for you but the RE games were never completely about the horror anyway. I mean, look at RE2. That wasn't scary at all. So why do you dislike it so much that you wont even give it a 4 or maybe a 6 that it deserves?


New member
Nov 29, 2011
Not to be a dick, but couldn't you have read the 10 other threads on why people hate the game?


New member
May 27, 2010
ET, Superman 64, and Big Rigs all deserve a 0 score. But they're scored higher than RE6 on Metacritic, so that's how you know MC is completely fucked.

Anyway, RE6 is a lot like Uncharted except human-looking enemies occasionally mutate horribly when you shoot them. If you like cinematic games like Uncharted, you'll like RE6. If you're looking for something else, then you won't.

Personally, I liked it a lot, but I also liked Uncharted a lot. Especially 2. 2 was amazing.


New member
Nov 20, 2010
Meh I just wanted to know why the metacritic score was waaaay unbalanced. I guess I got my answer. Only look at the reviewer score. The user score means nothing because of trolls and butthurts.


Tiger Robocop
Aug 29, 2010
Ever played Darkman on the NES?

Now that I got that out of the way...

People hate on it because it's not "Resident Evil", it became just another generic shooter with big grey monsters instead of big grey soldiers.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I only played the demo, and it was one of the most shitty game experiences I've ever had.

It's not that it wasn't scary enough or Resident Evil-y enough, that's bad, sure, but it could still be a decent action game. RE6 however was just an awful game on its own merrit.


New member
Feb 15, 2011
Shelley Gelschus said:
Meh I just wanted to know why the metacritic score was waaaay unbalanced. I guess I got my answer. Only look at the reviewer score. The user score means nothing because of trolls and butthurts.
Actually, don't look at any metacritic score. There's no way combining the scores of hundreds of different reviewers with hundreds of different views on how to score games will ever give you a useful answer. What you should do is find a reviewer that you tend to agree with, read the review, and completely ignore any score. If the review makes it sound like you would like the game, get it. If it doesn't, don't. And if you read a review that disagrees with your opinion on a game, ignore it.

Then, you sit back and relax, being far happier because you don't need your opinions validated by somebody else (this isn't directed at you, but the internet in general).


New member
Jul 29, 2011
I didn't like it because it was a sub par action game.

Other games have done exactly the same but far better. Luckily I didn't pay for it, a friend of mine got it for me, so i'm not out of pocket on something I played once and will never touch again/

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
I haven't played it so I can't say I 'dislike' it. I do, however, resent it heavily for not being survival horror.

I'm sure it's a decent game in itself (maybe) but calling itself resident evil makes me glare evilly at it until it goes away.

It's like Dragon Age 2 calling itself Baldur's Gate 3.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Let me try to do this as briefly as I can.

Because it represents everything that's wrong with the gaming industry today. And it represents everything that a Resident Evil game shouldn't be. It's a shitty game that does the same shit most AAA shooters are doing these days. And frankly, some of us are sick and tired of it.


New member
Aug 26, 2010
Adam Jensen said:
Let me try to do this as briefly as I can.

Because it represents everything that's wrong with the gaming industry today. And it represents everything that a Resident Evil game shouldn't be. It's a shitty game that does the same shit most AAA shooters are doing these days. And frankly, some of us are sick and tired of it.

There are enough games that let you run around the Eastern Bloc shooting terrorists.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Casual Shinji said:
I only played the demo, and it was one of the most shitty game experiences I've ever had.

It's not that it wasn't scary enough or Resident Evil-y enough, that's bad, sure, but it could still be a decent action game. RE6 however was just an awful game on its own merrit.
I just feel weird reading that.

That's kind of the same criticism I've been seeing since RE2, which was not scary either (Ammo everywhere, healing items galore, lots of action etc)

Did we just...not catch on to this trend in this long?

I mean I'm not defending RE6, I haven't played it. At this point though, isn't it kind of stupid to say "OH THIS RESIDENT EVIL GAME IS NOT SCARY" when they haven't been scary in, at the very least, 8 years? (RE4)

...Anyway >.> keep the rest of your points, that's the only one that's getting on my nerves lately.

King of Asgaard

Vae Victis, Woe to the Conquered
Oct 31, 2011
You're going by Metacritic? Well, there's your first mistake.
But aside from that, RE6 is an awful game because it does NOTHING right.
It's not survival horror, but neither is it particularly competent in the action department.
It's just a travesty on every level.


New member
Jan 7, 2012
I personally love it!

Kopikatsu said:
Anyway, RE6 is a lot like Uncharted except human-looking enemies occasionally mutate horribly when you shoot them. If you like cinematic games like Uncharted, you'll like RE6. If you're looking for something else, then you won't.
I'm right there with you. It does have a very cinematic feel to it and that really helps make the game compelling for me.

Having played every RE (unfortunately including Survivor and Dead Aim), I found this game, while not being "scary," it really was tense. It is without a doubt a game that deserves at least a 7/10.

On an odd side note; a lot of people complained about RE5 having too much ammo and health, and haow they needed to back to low ammo and health. Now, with RE6, a number of people are complaining about the lack of ammo and health! I just find that funny.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
oplinger said:
Casual Shinji said:
I only played the demo, and it was one of the most shitty game experiences I've ever had.

It's not that it wasn't scary enough or Resident Evil-y enough, that's bad, sure, but it could still be a decent action game. RE6 however was just an awful game on its own merrit.
I just feel weird reading that.

That's kind of the same criticism I've been seeing since RE2, which was not scary either (Ammo everywhere, healing items galore, lots of action etc)

Did we just...not catch on to this trend in this long?

I mean I'm not defending RE6, I haven't played it. At this point though, isn't it kind of stupid to say "OH THIS RESIDENT EVIL GAME IS NOT SCARY" when they haven't been scary in, at the very least, 8 years? (RE4)

...Anyway >.> keep the rest of your points, that's the only one that's getting on my nerves lately.
"It's not that it wasn't scary"
I'm with Shinji here. It's just shitty.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Kopikatsu said:
ET, Superman 64, and Big Rigs all deserve a 0 score. But they're scored higher than RE6 on Metacritic, so that's how you know MC is completely fucked.
Mass Effect 3 is .2 points away from being scored lower than Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing.
Mass Effect 3 is .6 points away from being scored lower than Daikatana.
That's how you know MC is fucked.

OT: I imagine because it feels more like an amalgam of every AAA game released in the last six years, rather than another conducive title within its own franchise. But I don't particularly care about the Resident Evil franchise and have never played any of the games, so what do I know?

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
oplinger said:
Casual Shinji said:
I only played the demo, and it was one of the most shitty game experiences I've ever had.

It's not that it wasn't scary enough or Resident Evil-y enough, that's bad, sure, but it could still be a decent action game. RE6 however was just an awful game on its own merrit.
I just feel weird reading that.

That's kind of the same criticism I've been seeing since RE2, which was not scary either (Ammo everywhere, healing items galore, lots of action etc)

Did we just...not catch on to this trend in this long?

I mean I'm not defending RE6, I haven't played it. At this point though, isn't it kind of stupid to say "OH THIS RESIDENT EVIL GAME IS NOT SCARY" when they haven't been scary in, at the very least, 8 years? (RE4)

...Anyway >.> keep the rest of your points, that's the only one that's getting on my nerves lately.
I've noticed ever since the RE6 criticism that the "it's never been scary" argument/defense is being thrown around a lot.

Now whether or not you actually found the games scary is besides the point. What matters is that they tried to create an atmosphere of discomfort and anxiety. Yes, even RE4 did this, and did this pretty well in my opinion. Whether this was effective depends entirely from person to person. In a nutshell, Resident Evil was a survival horror game even if many people out there didn't think them that scary at all.

The whole survival horror went away with RE5. Not just because you had a partner with you, but because you could New+ the game without even having finished it simply by co-oping. You could be 2/3 of the way through the singleplayer and then join a friend at the very start of the game and keep all your weapons and upgrades. There was no more fear of being caught with your pants down, sorta speak, when encountering a Boss or large enemy force.

But even with RE5 the controls were still solid. Your character still felt like it had mass and weight, there was an impact and heft behind the weapons and melee attacks. All that is gone from what I played of the RE6 demo. Your character feels like it's made out of paper mache or just straight up paper, and the camera is too close to the character, and the action too frantic to see where attacks are coming from.

It's not bad because it's not scary, it's bad because it's bad.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
It's not really a Metacritic only thing and while, in the case of RE6, it has led to a laughably low score, the opposite happens nearly as often. You get a title that critics largely dismiss and the fanboys then lump heaps of praise on at any site that allows user reviews.

It's a pretty uncommon situation to have the critics and user reviews both come out anywhere close to even, especially if what you're talking about is a big name well known title.

Personally, I don't see any real issue with a site like Metacritic or gamerankings if what you're looking for is an aggregate of critical view on a game. While it's never a good idea to definitely say a game is good just because it averaged above 80 or is terrible because it averaged below 40, it's pretty safe bet to assume that if something averages high enough it's probably worth taking a closer look at. User reviews, however, can die in a fire.


New member
Aug 22, 2011
Moonlight Butterfly said:
I haven't played it so I can't say I 'dislike' it. I do, however, resent it heavily for not being survival horror.

I'm sure it's a decent game in itself (maybe) but calling itself resident evil makes me glare evilly at it until it goes away.

It's like Dragon Age 2 calling itself Baldur's Gate 3.
I'm with you on this one.

Where do I sign up?

Honestly, the first Bio Hazard/Resident Evil was some nasty shit, luring you in and giving you nightmares just because it could.

This one here... got spoilered with the Dragon's Dogma preview goodie, and it didn't get any better, quite on the contrary.

Does it deserve the Metacritic trolling? No.
Does it deserve to be part of the Resident Evil series?

-Well, only if it considers the Resident Milla movies to be any good.


New member
Apr 10, 2009
Name 1 element of this game that is good. One thing that can be really enjoyed. There lies the problem. The shooting is sloppy, the animations are glitchy, the pacing is way off... Now, it may not be an absolute disaster, but normally mediocre games have something that carries them on. Like really interesting story, or impressive gore, or particularly fun to use weapons. RE6 has nothing. Story is not interesting, combat is not entertaining. Not scary either.