Why do people dislike RE6?


New member
Nov 15, 2008
Because it's a shit game trying to cater to everyone. And then they say it's "RE going back to survival horror roots".

NO. I was fine with RE4 and even 5 to an extent so it isn't the change in direction, the game is just balls.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
1) Your partner is invincible and never runs out of bullets. Scare factor plummets.

2) In RE4, you can pick up an herb and use it immediately. In RE5, you had to pick it up, select it in the inventory (in real time), then use it. Now in RE6, you have to pick it up, find it in the menu (again, in real time), PUT IT IN AN HERB CASE, then use it.

3) You can't simply press the aim button to aim out of cover. You have to use the left analog stick, the sensitivity of which is very buggy.

4) The camera no longer hangs behind you like it did in RE4 and 5. Instead, it decides to swing around you.

5) The melee moves in RE5 and 4 felt rewarding because they were context sensitive. You felt like you accomplished something when you pulled one off. In RE6, there's literally a Melee Button, which takes the satisfaction out of it.

Hope that clears some things up.


New member
Jun 3, 2011
oplinger said:
Casual Shinji said:
I only played the demo, and it was one of the most shitty game experiences I've ever had.

It's not that it wasn't scary enough or Resident Evil-y enough, that's bad, sure, but it could still be a decent action game. RE6 however was just an awful game on its own merrit.
I just feel weird reading that.

That's kind of the same criticism I've been seeing since RE2, which was not scary either (Ammo everywhere, healing items galore, lots of action etc)

Did we just...not catch on to this trend in this long?

I mean I'm not defending RE6, I haven't played it. At this point though, isn't it kind of stupid to say "OH THIS RESIDENT EVIL GAME IS NOT SCARY" when they haven't been scary in, at the very least, 8 years? (RE4)

...Anyway >.> keep the rest of your points, that's the only one that's getting on my nerves lately.
you know, you and I must be the only two people that believe RE2 isn't scary, it seems. RE1, however, feels scary.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
shadyh8er said:
1) Your partner is invincible and never runs out of bullets. Scare factor plummets.

2) In RE4, you can pick up an herb and use it immediately. In RE5, you had to pick it up, select it in the inventory (in real time), then use it. Now in RE6, you have to pick it up, find it in the menu (again, in real time), PUT IT IN AN HERB CASE, then use it.

3) You can't simply press the aim button to aim out of cover. You have to use the left analog stick, the sensitivity of which is very buggy.

4) The camera no longer hangs behind you like it did in RE4 and 5. Instead, it decides to swing around you.

5) The melee moves in RE5 and 4 felt rewarding because they were context sensitive. You felt like you accomplished something when you pulled one off. In RE6, there's literally a Melee Button, which takes the satisfaction out of it.

Hope that clears some things up.
I hated the context sensitive melee attacks in 4. Leon had a horrible penchant for going "Yeah, killing that guy is cool and all, but you know what's cooler? PICKING UP THIS GOLD SO I EAT AN AXE TO THE FACE INSTEAD."

Good work champ!


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
Because it wasn't 4. Capcom doesn't realize it was the golden goose.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Shelley Gelschus said:
I think Capcom really tried with this game.
That's the sad thing, so do I. The result was a generic shooter game with zombies in it. I have no goodwill left for Capcom.